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May 30, 2022

Dear Mr. xxx:

We are writing for and on behalf of our client, xxx, your former partner and the
mother of your child, xxx, regarding your financial support.

We are aware that you previously entered into a Compromise Agreement with
our client last xxx wherein you obliged yourself to give a monthly financial support in
the amount of Five Thousand Pesos (PhP 5,000.00). However, the situation is different
now especially considering that your daughter is already turning xxx years old this July,
not to mention the increase in the price of goods, transportation, tuition fee, and all
other basic necessities. Literally, the amount of PhP5,000 is no longer enough to cover
all her needs. Hence, our client would like to propose and request for the following:

1. An increase in monthly financial support from PhP5,000.00 to PhP8,000.00 to

cover for the dwelling, vitamins, clothing, food, transportation, etc.

2. To pay for half of the child’s tuition fee and expenses for school books,
supplies, activities, projects, transportation to and from school, etc. For this,
our client will need an open communication via email or mobile phone in
order to be informed of the needed amount. Only half is being requested as
the other half will be shouldered by our client. It is requested that you will
pay your share together with the monthly financial support. This is in
accordance with the provisions of the Family code.

3. To pay for half of what is needed in case of urgent needs or emergencies.

4. An increase in monthly financial support, annually, if needed.

Our client told us that she requested from you for an increase in financial
support as she cannot shoulder these increases but you refused to heed her plea.
Despite repeated demands from our client, you failed and continue to fail to provide
them with the increase in financial support requested. Thus, our client has decided to
refer this matter to us for the filing of the proper case/s in court. However, we have
prevailed upon our client to give you the final chance to settle this case amicably.

Please be aware that Article 202 of the Family Code provides that the support
shall be reduced or increased proportionately, according to the reduction or increase of
the necessities of the recipient and the resources or means of the person obliged to furnish
the same.

Therefore, FINAL and FORMAL DEMAND is hereby made upon you to make
good/settle the aforementioned obligation within five (5) days from receipt of this
letter. Your refusal or failure to do so will leave us with no recourse but to advise our
client to avail of all the remedies sanctioned by law for the protection and enforcement
of their rights.
We trust that you will give this letter your preferential attention to prevent
further inconvenience upon both parties. For this purpose, kindly directly contact our
client at xxx so you can discuss this matter in detail.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,


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