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Dec aor 6 QUESTION 3 redox reaction. a) Define redox Ga Redox reaction ig a reaction which electron are trangferred from aMede +e catnode. b) Balance the following redox reaction equations by the ion-electron method in acidic ‘solution. A OU ® a4 CN- + MnO. > CNO-+ MnOz @maka) © cue —— eno” GB weg fone to " maou" — + M003 Col is sing from tl it +h ® (ace ¢ ho ceo. ae + er) ¥3 Condy” 4 Be” + at — ma Os + HO) *2 © Den + Bho —> »cno- d G0 8 eat 2 MnOq” Ble) eu een imac! an Ano) Scam ta maOqy + a at —> 3 CNO” + aMndi + H20 © BIC“ el cs)y ae aich)) y+ 200) + «Coy ©) Given the following concentration cell Mg(s)/Mg?*(0.24M) // Mg?*(0.53M) /Mg(s) i) Write half cell reaction at the anode and cathode of the concentration cell, (2 marks) Anode mg — mg au te ec! Cathode | elqeiit ae aa “mg Grasse) ii) Calculate the reduction potential cell, Ezer of the concentration cell. ° (2 marks) wie a sro a6. Se ue 7 alae - 6-23-98) oe d) Determine the equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 25°C. oA ee Mg(s) + Zn**(aq) = Mg*(aq) + Zn(s) (3 marks) Siw 006 - Chea cf St) G eatcwg] or ClSI OW (eater nm apc Oh clisg aaa loath > leg K 2 7 3S #2 ©.S42 G8 8&:608 91 ae as e) Explain the product that will be produced at the anode and cathode in electrolysis of aqueous solution potassium nitrate (KNOs) using platinum electrodes. (4 marks) Cation Anion ee ae 8 Knode Cathode On cg) presence at anode and 424? Qh cathode. June aoig QUESTION 3 a) The following reaction occurs spontaneously in a voltaic cell: 4 + OS 42 4H*(aq) +MnOx(aq) + Fe(s) ->'Fe*(aq) +Mn®(aq) + 2H20(aq) i) Write the half-reaction that occurs in the cathode and anode compartment. < (2 marks) Anode ? Fe —— Fe eee Cathode + mnOs 4 de ——y Mn*t ii) Explain how a salt bridge containing KNOs works in the voltaic cell. (2 marks) _ The eat eoace maintaing elec trical Reateality &y allow ing once ss e™ ions +o enter eo eno de and Crcess negative Tons to enter from cathode. re b) Determine the time taken (in hours) to produce 85.0 g of metallic chromium by the electrolytic reduction of Cr** with a current of 2.50 A (2 marks) ce) § Be ——* te mol of cr = 65 52 5 1: 63H mol | Frem the reaction 5 ‘ mot of crt ——+ 3 mot ef ek 83H ool of CH —. Ae 403 mel Oo <7 ee 1 met © Q65 R10" G 4 mod “mol or sis noron co) Current * charge fime > 184 a7 Seu bD a(S) a) ahs oan Lime 14 alt sec x * 1 hour 60 min = Ba. 56 hours # c) The following cell reaction has standard reduction potential of 2.48 V. +4 s +2 \NiOx{s) + 4H"(aq) +2Ag(s) -> Ni®*(aq) + 2H20(¢) + 2Ag"(aq) Calculate the cell potential, Ecen at pH 3.56 when the concentrations of Ni?* and Ag’ are each 0.025 M. (2 marks) £ cen = Een] me Chop ala log @ 5 2 AN - 0.0842 log 9.005 Ss ee yro ss) = ah oy July 2Lolt QUESTION 3 a) Differentiate between voltaic cell and electrolytic cell (2 marks) An electrolytic cell converts electrical energy into chemical energy whereas a voltaie cell convert chemical energy inte electrical energy . b) A voltaic cell is constructed from two half-cells. The first contains a Cd(s) electrode immersed in 1 M Cd?*(aq) solution. The other contains an Rh(s) electrode in 1M Rh**(aq) solution. The overall standard cell potential is +1.20 V, and as the cell operates under standard condition, the concentration of the Rh**(aq) solution decreases and the mass of the Rh electrode increases. i) Identify the anode and cathode for this voltaic cell. (1 mark) Anode : Ca Cathode = Rh ji) Write the half-reaction equation that occurs at the anode and the cathode. (2 marks) ee ee: C2 t te tae ae iii) Calculate the standard reduction potential for the Rh°*/Rh half-reaction. (2 marks) Sco Ae ocala Elec tea + Ered - C-o-41) Eced= tel iv) Determine the value of standard Gibbs free energy change (AG’) for the cell reaction. (2 marks) BG? 2-nFE" ba ies acisco) Clo) a © G9G COW # ¢) Consider the following Zn—H’ cell reaction: Zn(s) — Zn?*(aq) + 2e° —e-16 2H*(aq) + 2e — HA(g) o i) Calculate the standard cell potential (E*) for the Zn-H’ cell (1 mark) oe i © cen ? Evea - Ge. 6 20 © O ~ 0.76 ii) Find the concentration of H’* if the cell potential of Zn—H’ cell is 0.45 V at 25 °C when [Zn**] = 1.0 Mand Px. = 1 atm. Suggest its pH value (4 marks) itierws 1 Cicer) | CL OSS2 leg (0) n Clee cia) Ok TChVs ea) Ch OBL 2e log Cat Caiita tm) . ie a asd a ee Seer ( cH] 3\ bepage, er com ee [el] = 6.8e1 pl = - fog Cw 2 Sab +t Cathede i) Fae ——ant Recto ce ye ae Ee We ee ain Been Poeatet Ceriy cere caqa)! te (i cecbc), a) 8 Bae e008 : tar |) ° LeTTD . ‘In : co.) Cals tay” aan 0-08 *S = on ah =(09 ‘Coad F 0.64 iii) Determine the equilibrium constant for the Zn—H* cell at 25 °C. (1 mark) © = Elen — log K n O98 Goon) ° OOsb hh : = 4 leg kK = b-o Te) ral °-0642 oe sat Ke atl ae Tune 201g QUESTION 4 Anode / Cathode A = look at standard potential table A standard half-cell consists of an inert/Pt\electrode in contact with a solution containing MnO." (aq), H"(aq) and Mn**(aq) ions is connected to a standard Zn*"/Zn half cell. aa0 a) Calculate the standard potential of the cell at 25 °C. (3 marks) ‘To** / 20 GY Gceosgn © | ma0y” 1 ton? peur Eecen er =o “TD a. Hy b) Write a balanced equation for the overall reaction and write its cell notation. (3 ra) oe : ae gop 8 & Ga0G cagy + 16 AF cagd 5 teed + Bats amo ©) The same cell consisting of [H'] = 0.010 M, [MnO«] = 0.12 M, [Mn*] = 0.001 M and [Zn?*] = 0.015 M. Calculate the cell potential. (4 marks) ches : o re “tg Cont? Oe eat Emory Cae oer eek aa) ¢ a9) (09 ceeot te no coo) Ce." « Contay*(o 0159" sedges ade d) Identify the anode and cathode. (2 marks) Sf (Cathede ) (C00. Une, mn0* graph te Anode - e) Sketch the electrochemical cell diagram. (3 marks) Platinum electrode. Seon mae Ceca) nnn Bota agp 2 ® MaDe” cag + 16H ean 7 BI cer 4 amn** 4 ahead Dec ole QUESTION 3 a) The following — Namie spontaneously in a galvanic cell: 42 a2 4H*(aq) + Mitow(aq) + Fe(s) > Fe**(aq) + Mn2(aq) + 2H2O(aq) i) Write cell symbol for the galvanic cell (3 marks) Fe cs7 | Fe caq ll M02 cag7, Mn cogy | araphite ii) Identify the substance that is reduced in the cell. (1 mark) mo 0 b) By referring the galvanic cell in a), explain briefly how the electrons flow in the redox reaction. (4 mark) eo Fee Trem Feo which it Snede to graphite at “eat hoae - c) Determine the current that will produce 25.3 g of Fe in four hours by reduction of Fe**(aq) in an aqueous solution. (4 marks) neato 4) sloliming a a COlireic) f=) UNIuCO) cect Ce heure n em ee ee Cc coral a motel (ce Gta Nemeth fe el atice t= colic! Eschess) 3/48 SEA oi mothe ts a naq a 2 0.458 /mol a = Cureent © charge From the ‘reaction oe : Vo mot Fe = o-tisa mol Fe = 890% mop d) Differentiate between galvanic and electrolytic cells. (3 marks) An electrolytic cell converts electrical energy into chemical energy whereas og voltaig cell convert chemical energy into electrical energy. _. Pontaneity _ Corivame spentaneeu s) = the sign anode cathode Canode galvanic ¢-3) ~ value of Ecea and AG B4V anic 1) aaa? gate a2 fos) “ cathode label clearly a nickel concentration cell which consists of 4. 0 x x 104 Mjof NiSO, electrolytes. _¥ anode ‘( diluted) (3 marks) ait) h eto™t A Gi 8Oq tt ot Mm Hicog Tune LOlA QUESTION 3 a) When chlorine gas is bubbled through a sodium bromide solution, a spontaneous redox reaction occurs as following ° = -I ° Clog) +2Br-(g) > 2CI(aq) + Bra(é) For this galvanic cell Write an equation for the reactions occuring at the anode and cathode. (2 marks) i) . § ivet: Anode : 2-7 —— &@ tle” totnedé + Cla +2¢€ —r ici cee ii) Give the cell notation. (2 marks) araphite | 2 Be7 cay [Bre car ll Cla egy |acr” cagy | graphite iii) Calculate the standard electrode potential of the cell (2 marks) Een = cea - foo zoe “36 2 be. e171, se aA iy b) Differentiate the products obtained at the anode and cathode during electrolysis of nd aqueous sodium chloride. no water / salt ion aaa Nac (2 marks) At cathod 4 Rice rise) Na term hi meh Motten. Or anede a pale green gas Koem ve Mt cathode On gas produced While at cade TL aan tous Cla cg) froduce - cathoae ; tat 4 @7 ——a N40) Se e ao) hrode : a ce — Clay, ae” Te OC ame UN ae SC oe Determine concentration of Pb” ions when chloride ions are added to the Pb/Pb** half-cell. The potential measured is +0.210 V. Given [H*] = 1.0 M and P,,, = 1.0 atm. (4 marks) Cem eeo- et QY a Leptt] faa af engl e.ays 813 - B.att C248) In Q ey soe o.ny = ona ioe 1 @ ao peOOmmO = O13 otal 0/ Q = [Pet] te cuty? Aaa = Cop] cu Ets © ~b- O18) ' fem > 0 .00lqT M d) Briefly explain how the concentration of product and reactant could affect the value of cell potential (3 marks) OTC te tenes ea) nace ay ~ Increasing the concentration ot ceactonte will increase #8 cel petentrah of - A higher cOncenteawon of Ceactant allows more reactions in the Forward direction 60 it react faster and the ‘esult is observed ac a higher VOloge- Oec 2019 QUESTION 3 /a) A galvanic cell consists of a zinc electrode immersed in 1.00 M Zn(NOs)(aq) and a platinum electrode immersed in an unknown concentration of [H*](aq),X . The voltage of the cell is 0.473 V at 298 K with the following cell notation: Zn(s) / Zn®*(aq, 1 M)// H*(aq, X M/ He (g,1 atm) / Pt (s) i) Write the overall equation for the reaction taking place in the galvanic cell. (2 marks) Tee eo Cathode :aHt + ae — i" a Ose ret eA ett eer 7% a ii) Calculate the reaction quotient,Q. (3 marks) © = Lae 1G@da) 7 88 pt atm Catl* Efce a big le trl 0) nF feet) city orca ee OLS INiCoge ye Q oe -o-aST = - 0.018% Ing oo S wt Q:2=5-049 *¥ 10 ili) Calculate the unknown concentration X for [H*] (aq). (3 marks) (Oe aut cuty? Sroa icon te) CONIC ete) he carl = ido x 187 te b) The electrolysis of copper(I!) sulfate solution is performed using graphite electrodes. i) State the observations at the anode and cathode. 2 pans) Bavbie gas ef O25 are Sormed at anode while ‘reddish rowan corey "form “anat Float? 9m athe top at ent hede . ii) Write the half equations at the anode and cathode. (2 marks) Catnode + Curt i ode a lA 2 (Gx 80007 —95 On agp o Oho O be ili) Explain the selection of ions to be discharged at each electrode. (3 marks) Cation” bein? | eae Hee a oe oniaet GD GD © © eh Y aN ayG2 VO Log Il bes en gn Oe Eon Te ? 3 . Aisa GE merece) oc tetas © (MMU © 7 Ag) > 16° ee oe Pb tIAgT cma UPI OAlq

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