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San Roque, Sogod, Southern Leyte

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Florie Ann Aplicador

December 23, 2022




The LTO (Land Transportation Office) is an agency of the Philippine government

under the Department of Transportation responsible for land transportation of the

Philippines. The Land Transportation Office is one of the agencies in the Philippines that

fields in traffic enforcement. That deals mostly on the implementation and enforcement of

traffic laws and rules and regulations. The functions of the LTO include the inspection and

registration of motor vehicle, issuance of licenses and permits, enforcement of land

transportation rules and regulations and adjudication of traffic cases.

Comprehensive Driving Education is a new platform offered by the LTO, this a new

compliance for all who wants to renew their licenses. Holders of Professional Drivers’s

License (PDL) and Non-Professional Driver’s License (NPDL) are required to undergo the

mandatory Comprehensive Driver’s Education (CDE). According to RA 10930 an act

rationalizing and strengthening the policy regarding driver’s licenses by extending the

validity period of driver’s licenses, and penalizing acts in violation of its issuance and

application which significantly amended Section 23 of RA No. 4138, as amended the validity

period of driver’s license to five (5) years from three (3) years and its renewal to ten (10)

years from five (5) years, subject to certain conditions and restrictions. Comprehensive

Driving Education Course and examination are designed to ensure that only qualified

applicants with adequate driving skills, knowledge of road safety, and proper road

etiquette have their licenses renewed. It is a traffic education that refreshes their

knowledge and imparting or acquiring again the general knowledge on traffic safety, traffic

laws and traffic rules and regulation in using the trafficway or roadways. This platform is a

refresher course for drivers, both non-professional and professional drivers. This deals

with road safety, traffic laws, driver’s responsibilities, traffic rules, and penalties among


The CDE Examination is free for those who wanted to renew their license, the

examination can be taken through online in LTO portal and in LTO Offices and LTO
accredited schools. The examination has 25 questions and just requires a passing rate of

50% or 13 correct answer and it applies to both professional and non-professional license



This study aims to explore the efficiency of comprehensive driving education

course towards individual renewing license.

Specifically, the study answers the following sub-problems:

1. What are the problems encountered by the individuals upon taking comprehensive

driving education?

2. How the individual give solution to the problems they encountered upon taking the

comprehensive driving education?

3. What are the impacts of comprehensive driving education course towards

individual renewing license?


This study is anchored in the theory and practice education in driver education by

Marko, et al., (2018)

A driver requires a wide range of skills. It is easy to think that the ability to drives

vehicle is all about the control of the vehicle and the ability to cope with various traffic

situations that one encounters. However, this is far from the truth: human behaviors is far

from more complex than a set of responses that we have learned to use in specific

situations. This chapter explores the concept of skill and how skills are learned as well as

the concept of responsible driver and what skills and competences are required from such

a driver.

On the other hand, once again the concept of responsible driver includes the

knowledge and skills necessary for driving with consideration of other road users and

environment, knowledge of risk factors and the possibilities of reducing those risks

through one’s own behavior and awareness of the strengths and weaknesses associated

with one’s own driving (Heli, 2018).


Formal driver education/training programs exists in almost all jurisdictions around

the world. They are generally accepted as an efficient and effective means for learning

to drive, and more importantly for learning to drive safely. Although empirical evidence

for safety benefits is lacking. Recently, there has been a heightened interest in driver

education/training, largely as a result of the adoption of graduated licensing in a few

jurisdictions in North America and elsewhere. These jurisdictions have effectively

elevated the status of driver education/training by integrating it into the licensing

system. Implicitly, this suggests that driver education provides safety benefits. This

article provides contemporary review of the value of driver education/training

particularly in relation to new licensing systems such as graduated ones. The article

examines the safety benefits of driver education/training and considers the merits of

integrating driver education/training programs with new approaches to the licensing of

young drivers (Mayhew, et al., 1998).


Comprehensive driving education course is implemented by the LTO (Land

Transportation Office) as a new platform for compliance before renewing driver licenses.

Most of the population are now using cars and motor-vehicles it is a must that every user

has a license. Based on the law, the new period of validity of driver ’s license is ten (10)

years to those who have no traffic violation record while the validity of those who have

traffic violations will remain five (5) years validity. Back then, that is only the focus on

renewing licenses but as for the new platform which is the Comprehensive Driving

Education course everyone must take first the exam online, all individuals who wants to

renew licenses must pass the exam. It is a refresher for drivers, this will test also the skills

and knowledge of the drivers about road safety and traffic laws, rules and regulations.

As this study go along, one of the informants emphasizes that this kind of platform

is not convenient to those people much older, they are not used to take online exam and

most importantly they are not into gadgets. They use cellphones for call and texting

purposes but when in terms to logging in to such sites for examination they find it

somehow difficult. To younger generation this driving education course is very easy for

them they have the all means to access easily and answering the exam.


Mayhew, D. et al., (1998). Effectiveness and role of driver education and training in a
graduated licensing system. Journal of Public Health Policy. 19 (1).

Lonero, L. (2008). Trends in driving education and training. American Journal of Preventive

Internet Sources

Susimetsa, M. et al., (2018). Theory and practice in driver education. Retrieved December
9, 2022 from https://www.tlu.ee/sites/default/files/Haapsalu%20kolled%C5%

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