Electric Potential and Electric Field Mapping - Villanueva

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Class Section

JUNE 30, 2022

Date Submitted


Electricity is heavily used in modern technology. Electricity powers

everyday devices such as smartphones, air conditioners, refrigerators, and other
automatic household appliances. It has provided convenience and comfort in life.
The knowledge of electric forces that we have now is the result of humanity's
mastery of the concepts and laws that regulate them. The electric force is the
force that exists between two charges that have electric fields. Physical fields
found surrounding charges that exert force on other charges are known as
electric fields. Because the impacts of electric fields from appliances are
infinitesimally small, humans do not experience the indirect and negligible
effects of electric fields from appliances. Sharks, on the other hand, are extremely
sensitive to electric fields due to electroreceptor cells in their skulls. The
saltwater around saltwater sharks also contributes to their electric sensitivity.

Electric fields are measured by first estimating the charge's electric

potential with the use of an electrometer. After that, the electric field is
determined and plotted by dividing or differentiating the electric potential by the
distance r. The electric charge parameters are measured using a multimeter in
this laboratory experiment. Obtaining electric field measurements is necessary
for calculating the electrical force of charges, and its map aids in determining
the size of electric forces in specific places.

The force FE between two-point charges is expressed by Coulomb’s law as,

𝑞1 𝑞2
𝐹𝐸 = 𝑘 (1.1)

Both charges would need to use energy in the form of work to get closer to
each other. According to the work-energy theorem, when components in a closed
system push or pull each other, the latter component experiences an energy
change. This theorem's use in our model can be summarized as follows:

𝐹 = FΔ𝑠 (1.2)
The amount of work done W equals the force F multiplied by the change
in distance s. When we use this equation to find the potential energy U in terms
of point charges q1 and q2, as well as distance r, we get

𝑈 = 𝐹𝑟

𝑞1 𝑞2
𝑈=𝑘 𝑟
𝑞1 𝑞2
𝑈=𝑘 (1.3)

The electric potential energy of a charge is the energy it has in relation to

its position and the electric charges in its vicinity. The electric potential V, also
known as voltage, is computed entirely on the basis of the charge q1; so, the
electric potential energy is divided by q2 to give the electric potential. This is
demonstrated by,


𝑞1 𝑞2 1
𝑟 𝑞2
𝑉= 𝑘 (1.4)

Mapping the values of the electric potential aids in identifying the

equipotential lines, these are lines that connects points sharing the same
potential or voltage. The electric field E can be observed by placing a charge in
the electric potential field due to the change in electric potential over the change
in displacement. This is supplied by,

|𝐸 | = (1.5)

A. Materials

• DC power supply Digital multimeter (figure 1.1)

• Conducting paper with charge distributions (figure 1.2)
• 2 grid sheets (graph paper) with 1 cm squares
• 3 banana-to-banana wires (“banana” is the term for a kind of plug on the
end of a wire)

• 1 banana-to-probe wire (the probe is a plastic handle with a sharp metal

point sticking out of it)

B. Diagram of the Laboratory Setup

Figure 1.3: setup for the parallel plate (a) and point charge (b) experiment
Figure 1.4: Full set up for the parallel plate experiment

Figure 1.5: Full diagram for the point charge experiment

C. Steps Taken

As the experiments we conducted, safety was always in mind, some safety

tips were followed such as: As the experiment involves the handling of electrical
hazards, observe the following safety tips:
• Prior to the insertion and removal of wires, turn off all electronic
appliances connected or to be connected to the circuit.
• While utilizing the potential probe of the multimeter, avoid pressing too
hard on the surface to avoid creating dents or holes.

Before the experiment can begin, the required materials are first gathered.
The bananato-banana wires was connected first to the plates that will be placed
parallel to one another so that it will be easier to connect the plates to the DC
power supply. The electric potential probe was connected to the “V” port. The
third banana-to-banana wire was used to connect the “COM” port of the
voltmeter to the negative terminal of the power supply. After all the wires has
been connected properly according to the intended set up, the power supply
output is adjusted to 7 V. Before measure the electric potential, the multimeter
is first set to measure direct current (DC) electric potential and the set the meter
to read the electric potential to the nearest tenth of a volt.

After the setup, the experiment began by choosing a specific voltage and
finding 6 point that has the same specific voltage within the region between the
plates and 4 points beyond the region of the plates. The points were recorded on
the grid sheet and an equipotential lien is drawn by connecting the 10 points
drawn that has the same electric potential. After that 2 more specific voltage is
chosen and 10 points, 6 on the region and 4 outside the region of the plates,
where plotted in the grid sheet to have 2 more equipotential line.

For the 2nd experiment, the ring and point is placed properly as intended
on the manual. The banana-to-banana wire is used to easily connect the ring
and point to the power supply, the ring is connected to the negative terminal of
the power supply and the center point is connected to the positive terminal of
the power supply. Then just like the setup of the experiment one, the negative
terminal of the power supply is connected the “COM” port of the voltmeter and
the electric potential probe is connected to the “V” port. Lastly, the power supply
is adjusted to output 10 Volts and the multimeter is set to read DC electric
potential(voltage) with the meter reading electric potential to the nearest tenth of
a volt.


Parallel Plates

Figure 1.6: for coordinates in the parallel plates set up.

The table below shows the electric potential values of the parallel points at
each grid point from (0,1) to (10,8). The distance between each x-component on
the grid is ten millimeters. Since the plates are horizontally parallel, points with
the same x-coordinate have equal electric potential.

8 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
7 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
6 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
5 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
4 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
3 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
2 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
1 0V 0.7V 1.4V 2.1V 2.8V 3.5V 4.2V 4.9V 5.6V 6.3V 7.0V
X/Y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Table 1.1: Table of Electric Potential Values

Figure 1.7 Equipotential lines for the parallel plate

Figure 1.8 Electric Field lines for the parallel plate

Point charge

Figure 1.9 Plot of electric potential over distance

The graph figure 1.9 shows that the electric potential is a function of
distance r, where the smaller the distance, the greater the electric potential and
vice versa.

Table 1.2 Table of Distance and Electric Potential

Figure 2.1 Equipotential Lines (Ring and Point)

Figure 2.2 Electric Field Lines (Ring and Point)


Parallel Plates

In the parallel plate set up in can be seen that the point that had the same
x-coordinate had the same magnitude of electric potential. This is because the
electric field is parallel and is changing only in the x axis. This is further observed
when we draw the equipotential lines in figure 1.7. Since the change of electric
field is uniform and linear in the x direction, it can be seen that the equipotential
lines are vertical lines. The change of electric potential is also linear and constant
throughout the field. This can also be seen by using equation 1.5.

Electric field between the parallel plates:

|∆𝑉| 7.0 V − 0.0 V 𝑁

|𝐸 | = = = 70 𝐶
∆𝑠 100×10−3 m − 0.0 V

Electric Field between the equipotential lines of 10 mm and 90 mm:

|∆𝑉| 6.3 V – 0.7 𝑉 𝑁

|𝐸 | = = = 70 𝐶
∆𝑠 90×10−3 m −10×10−3 m

From the coulombs law, it can be inferred that the electric field is a
function of the magnitude of the point charges and the distance from the charge.


Since, electric potential is electric field multiplied by the distance,

𝑉=𝑘 𝑟
It can be seen that the electrical potential is proportional to the charge and
inversely proportional to the distance from the charge. As in can be observed
during the experiment, the change in voltage is linear to the change in distance.

The source of possible error would be the surface used in the experiment,
if the resistance of the surface is not uniform, the measurement between the two
plates or the point charge would not be accurately drawn.


Equipotential lines (in two dimensions) or equipotential surfaces can be

used to graphically display the scalar function of the electric potential (in three
dimensions). You may be surprised to learn that you already built these three-
dimensional equipotential surfaces in the previous unit which is Gaussian
surfaces. Keep in mind that the Gaussian surfaces were created with a
differential area vector d𝐴⃑ that was aligned with the electric field (i.e., the surface
was perpendicular to the field's direction). The electrical potential difference
between two places is defined as

∆𝑉 = 𝑉𝑏 − 𝑉𝑎 = ∫ 𝐸⃑⃑ ⋅ 𝑑ℓ

The electric potential energy of a charge is the energy it has in relation to

its position and the electric charges in its vicinity. The electric potential V, also
known as voltage, is computed entirely on the basis of the charge q1; so, the
electric potential energy is divided by q2 to give the electric potential. This is
demonstrated by,


𝑞1 𝑞2 1
𝑟 𝑞2
𝑉= 𝑘 (1.7)

A. Materials

Apparatus used for this experiment:

PhET Interactive Simulation – Virtual Setup (Fig. 2.4) The simulation can
be found at: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/charges-and-fields

If the site is accessed with the link below, navigate the PhET Interactive
Simulations webpage, locate and select Charges and Fields.

B. Diagram of the Laboratory Setup

Figure 2.3 diagram set up for Charge Arrangement II

Figure 2.3 diagram set up for Charge Arrangement II

Figure 2.5 diagram set up for Charge Arrangement III

C. Steps Taken

The experiment took place in a simulation environment on


The first step was running the environment and navigating the user
interface and learning the function of each tool. After some experimenting and
getting to know the function of the tools and learning the user interface, the
experiment began. Before placing the charges, the Grid and values was enabled.

For the charge arrangement I, positive charges were used. 4 positive

charges were place at the same point, where they are stacked on each other. On
the other point about 8 grid boxes away 2 positive charges were placed at the
same point where they are stacked on each other. After placing the charges
according to the experiment setup, the equipotential finder tool was used to
measure the electric potential at any point between the charges. The pencil tool
was used so equipotential lines can be drawn at a specific potential. The potential
between the charges was divided equally and equipotential lines were drawn
using the equipotential finder tool.

For the charge arrangement II, like the charge arrangement I there were
two point that was used to put the charges. In this set up, the charges used was
+2nC and -2nC. Therefore, two positive charges were placed at the same point
and another two negative charges were placed at a different point from the
positive charges. After placing the charges, the same was done just like in charge
arrangement I experiment where the electrical potential was divided equally and
equipotential lines were drawn based on the division.

For the charge arrangement III, the set up was different compared to
arrangement I and II. The charges were not stacked together instead, they were
lined in a straight line. Positive charges were placed on a vertical straight line on
the left side and negative charges were placed on a vertical straight line on the
right side. After creating two lines of charge of positives and negatives, the
potential was measured between the lines. All the potential was divided equally
and equipotential lines were drawn based on the equal division of electrical


Figure 2.6 Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surface I

11.2 14.4 21.7 37.6 233.9 389.2
Distance 380 cm
cm cm cm cm cm cm
Voltage 325 V 250 V 175 V 100 V 25 V 100 V 175 V
Table 1.3 Electric potential vs. Charge Location I

Figure 2.7 Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surface I

Charge Arrangement II

Figure 2.8 Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surface II

Figure 2.9 Electric Potential vs. Charge Location II

Voltage Distance
120 V 13.6 cm
60 V 25.6 cm
0V 100.2 cm
-60 V 174.9 cm
-120 V 186.6 cm
Table 1.4 Electric Potential vs. Charge Location II
Charge Arrangement III

Figure 3.1 Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surface III

104.6 152.5 180.4

Distance 23.2 cm 55.1 cm
cm cm cm
Voltage 180 V 90 V 0V -90 V -180 V
Table 1.5 Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surface III
Figure 3.2 Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surface III


The virtual simulation from the website was able to show us with ease
what the electric field would look like and the measurement of the electrical
potential between the two charges. This enabled the students to experiment with
different positions of the electric charges and immediately see the electric field
and the electric potential caused by the charges. In charge arrangement one, the
two charges had the same sign (both positive) but the other point charge had
twice the amount of charge than the other. As described by the formula

𝑉= 𝑘 (1.7)

Because the other charge had twice the amount, it is expected that the distance
r from the bigger charge will have to be twice compared to the other charge for
them to have equal potential. This can be observed in the simulation where the
equipotential lines were drawn further from the bigger charge compared to the
smaller charge.

In charge arrangement two, the two charges had the opposite sign but
have the same magnitude of charge. It can be seen in figure 2.8 that because
they have the same amount of charge, their equipotential lines will be the same
distance apart from the point charge but their electric field direction is different.
It can also be observed at the middle of the point charges have zero electrical

Lastly, in charge arrangement three, the arrangement was able to simulate

what the electrical potential and the electrical field between two parallel plates.
In this case, it shows the electrical potential and the electrical field between two
opposite-sign line of charge. It can be seen that the electrical field is parallel as
expected when a plane or line of charge that has the opposite sign is parallel to
each other. It can also be observed at the middle of the parallel line of charge or
even two charged plates, there are no or zero electrical potential.

In summary, the parallel plate set up in can be seen that the point that
had the same x-coordinate had the same magnitude of electric potential. The
change of electric potential is also linear and constant throughout the field. The
result for Electric field between the parallel plates and the Electric Field between
the equipotential lines of 10 mm and 90 mm is 70 𝐶 . Since electric potential is

electric field multiplied by the distance hence, the electrical potential is

proportional to the charge and inversely proportional to the distance from the

As from the Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surfaces, the charge
arrangement one, the two charges had the same sign (both positive) but the other
point charge had twice the amount of charge than the other. In charge
arrangement two, the two charges had the opposite sign but have the same
magnitude of charge. It is because they have the same amount of charge, their
equipotential lines will be the same distance apart from the point charge but
their electric field direction is different. Lastly, in charge arrangement three, the
arrangement was able to simulate what the electrical potential and the electrical
field between two parallel plates. The electrical field is parallel as expected when
a plane or line of charge that has the opposite sign is parallel to each other.

Experiment No. 4: Electric Potential and Electric Field Mapping (google.com)

ENS 140.1 Expt 4 Part 1.pdf - Google Drive

Experiment No. 4: Electric Potential and Electric Field Mapping (google.com)

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