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180 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 10, No.

1/January 1993 Richard Barakat

Analytic proofs of the Arago-Fresnel laws for the

interference of polarized light

Richard Barakat*
Aiken Computation Laboratory, Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Received February 3, 1992; accepted July 2, 1992; revised manuscript received July 27, 1992
The four laws of Arago-Fresnel governing the interference of polarized light were determined experimentally.
Analytical proofs are derived directly from first principles. The technique used for the proofs is that of the
spectral representation of stationary stochastic processes in conjunction with the Jones matrix description of
a polarizer.

1. INTRODUCTION Such are the laws of interference of polarized pencils, as

stated by Messrs. Arago and Fresnel." Thus writes Sir
"In repeating the experiments of Dr. Young on the law of
John Herschel in his article "Light" in the Encyclopaedia
interference it occurred to M. Arago, that it would be
Metropolitana,' the first critical review of the transverse-
worthwhile to examine whether the state of polarization of
wave theory of light. The importance of these experi-
the interfering rays would cause any modification in the
ments is that they demonstrate conclusively the transverse
phenomena. The experiment was easy in the case where
nature of light waves.
both rays had the same polarization, being, in fact, the or-
The work to which Herschel refers is a joint paper
dinary case; but when the interfering rays were required
by Arago and Fresnel2 that is reprinted in the collected
to have different states of polarization, it will easily be
works of both men. 34 An English translation is avail-
conceived that it must be a matter of great delicacy and
able.5 Both Mach6 and Buchwald7 should be consulted for
difficulty to superadd this condition to the others called for
more of the historical details. Also see Cantor8 for a dis-
by the nature of the case, which requires that the interfer-
cussion of the early history of the wave theory of light in
ing rays should emanate at the same instant from a com-
Great Britain, with its protagonists at Cambridge Univer-
mon origin, and should have executed the same precise
sity (e.g., Airy, Herschel) and its antagonists at Edinburgh
number of undulations or periods (within a very few units)
University (e.g., Brewster). The Arago-Fresnel experi-
between their origin and the point where their interfer-
ments played a major role in these polemics.
ence is observed. For it is not possible to change the state
In modern terminology these laws are usually stated in
of polarization of a ray without either altering its course,
the somewhat weaker form9 :
or transmitting it through some medium in which more or
fewer undulations are executed in the same space. The
joint ingenuity of himself and M. Fresnel, who was associ- 1. Two waves, linearly polarized in the same plane,
ated with him in this interesting inquiry, however, soon can interfere.
found means of obviating the difficulties and delicacies of 2. Two waves, linearly polarized with perpendicular
the subject, and the results of their experiments have been polarizations, cannot interfere.
embodied by them in the following laws: 3. Two waves, linearly polarized with perpendicular
polarizations, if derived from perpendicular components
of unpolarized light and subsequently brought into the
"1. That two rays polarized in one and the same plane same plane, cannot interfere.
act on or interfere with each other just as natural rays, so 4. Two waves, linearly polarized with perpendicular
that the phenomena of interference in the two species of polarizations, if derived from the same linearly polarized
light are absolutely the same. wave and subsequently brought into the same plane, can
"2. That two rays polarized in opposite planes (i.e., at interfere.
right angles to each other) have no appreciable action on
each other, in the very same circumstances where rays of Although these laws were quoted in most texts and trea-
natural light would interfere so as to destroy each other. tises on physical optics until the 1930's they have passed
"3. That two rays primitively polarized in opposite into almost complete oblivion; with a few exceptions such
planes may be afterwards reduced to the same plane of as Ditchburn, 0 Francon," Mathieu,12 and Partington,3
polarization, without acquiring thereby the power of inter- they are unmentioned in modern writing.
fering with each other. Arago and Fresnel were unable to develop analytic
"4. That two rays polarized in opposite planes and then proofs of their laws; small wonder, since it was not until
reduced to similar states of polarization, interfere like 1852 that Stokes' 4 was able to develop an analytical appa-
natural rays, provided they belong to a pencil the whole of ratus (the temporal Stokes parameters) to quantify the
which was primitively polarized in one and the same plane. concept of partially polarized light with its extremes of
0740-3232/93/010180-06$05.00 C 1993 Optical Society of America
Richard Barakat Vol. 10, No. 1/January 1993/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 181

complete polarization and complete unpolarization. The We require interaction of two beams characterized by
first person to grasp the importance of Stokes's research dZa((o) and Zb(wO)- It can be shown that if dZii((o) =
was Verdet,' 5 who made a significant simplification and dUji(w) + idVj (co), where I = a,b andj = 1,2, then
reinterpretation of his research. In fact, Verdet's version
is the one that is now commonly attributed to Stokes. As (dUja( )dVkb(&)) = (dja(co')dUkb()t))
usual, Lord Rayleigh 6 was quick to understand and ap-
preciate their research. However, we will use not the
= '1/2qjk(o)8(c' - )dw,
temporal Stokes parameters but rather their cousins, the (dUja(W)dUkb(t)) = (dVja(d)dVkb()) = 0,
spectral Stokes parameters of Wiener 7 in the interpreta-
tion of Barakat, 8" 9 who used the theory of stationary (dUji(o)') dVii (ok = 0 - (2.5)
stochastic processes in the context of the spectral- Here jk(co), withj $ k, is the cross-power spectral-density
representation theorem, rather than generalized harmonic function; it is generally complex valued.
analysis, for orthogonal increments. Technical reasons For thermal light, such as we are concerned with in this
for using the spectral-representation theorem rather than paper, then sj(t) is Gaussian, implying that dZj(&) is also
generalized harmonic analysis are discussed in Ref. 20. Gaussian. Thus dUj(c) and dV(co) not only are uncorre-
There are several ancillary issues, mainly of a mathe- lated but are also statistically independent.
matical character, that must be addressed before we can When E(t) is subjected to a linear operation, the input
prove the laws. Section 2 is devoted to such a discussion. and output dZ's are related through a 2 2 complex-valued
Inasmuch as we are going to be propagating various matrix J(w) that characterizes the optical system; thus
waves through polarizing devices, we must work in the
spectral domain rather than in the time domain in order dZ, 0(w&) dZi(,W)
to use multiplication operations rather than convolution 0 (2.6)
dZ2 (co) = J( ) dZ2 (W)
operations. This point has been emphasized in Ref. 18
and more recently (and in greater detail) in Ref. 21. or
dZ(Q) = J(Q)dZ(co). (2.7)
Every zero-mean, stationary stochastic process that is Note that we are working in the spectral domain, not in
mean-square continuous [such as the electromagnetic the time domain. If we were to work in the time domain,
field components ej(t) generated by thermal (Gaussian) then E(t) and E(t) would be related by a convolution op-
light] possesses the spectral representation 2 0 22 eration, not by a multiplication operation as connects dZ'
and dZi. Additionally, Eq. (2.7) holds on a sample realiza-
tion basis only; we must eventually deal with the observ-
E (t) = )(t = I exp(itwo)dZ(co) able power spectral density and cross-power spectral
density of the output.
The only matrix Jo) that we require is obviously that
= exp(it,) dZi(w) (2.1)
dZ 2(wO) of a polarizer as given by Ref. 23:

where dZ(w) is a zero-mean, complex-valued stochastic cos O(W)sin 0((o)

process of orthogonal increments: J[4 Go)1 = cosc os2 p(&))
4(wQsin 4)(c)
sin' 0 |
(dZ(&w)) 0, where the angle 0(o)) specifies how the pass plane of
(dZj(cd)dZj*(W)) =0jj()8(a - )dwo, j = 1,2, (2.2) the polarizer is oriented with respect to the x axis in
the source plane. Note that is a function of o. When
where cjj(wo) is the power spectral density of sj(t), and ( ... ) 0((o) = 0, r/2, respectively, then:>
represents ensemble averaging. The spectral representa-
tion expresses the stochastic process E(t) as a superposi- 1 0 2 0
tion of exponential functions exp(itco), with a stochastic
weighting factor dZ(Q). These expressions are valid only (2.9)
for stationary stochastic processes but are independent of
whether the underlying process is Gaussian. yielding a horizontally polarized wave for the first case
It is often convenient to decompose dZj(&)) thus: and a vertically polarized wave for the second case.
For typographic convenience, we omit the explicit depen-
dZj(co) = dUj(co) + idVj(c), (2.3) dence on c for all relevant functions whenever possible.
The third tool required is the set of four spectral Stokes
where dUj(Q) and dj(co) are real-valued stochastic pro- parameters S,, (c). They are defined in the following
cesses, which obey manner.' 8 Consider the spectral-density matrix that rep-
resents the second-order interactions between the two
(dUj(')dUj(co)) = (dV(W')dVj(c)) '/2jj(Q)6( - )do, components of the plane wave:
(dU(c')dV(Q) 3 0. (2.4)
b(D)= 11(0) 412() I,
Equations (2.4) are especially important because they k,2*(&) k22 (0)
state that the real and imaginary components of dZj(w)
are uncorrelated. where
182 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 10, No. 1/January 1993 Richard Barakat

intrinsic importance is a vis the Arago-Fresnel experi-

SLIT ments and partly because it serves as a useful vehicle
to exhibit the technique of the spectral-representation
.~~~~~~~ theorem.
THERMAL: A C Consider the experimental arrangement shown in Fig. 1,
SOURCE L with a thermal source emitting quasi-monochromatic light
(i.e., light with a narrow-power spectral density that is
:SOURCE N peaked about a central frequency w). This light (L, and
PLANE PLANE L2) then propagates to slits A and B (diffraction effects are
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I neglected), and the resultant waves combine at point C, on
Fig. 1. Experimental configuration for Young's experiment. the receiving plane.
The spectral decomposition of the light emitted by the
thermal source is
((,w) is the spectral densities at frequency co
of the two components, E =(t)
=f exp(it&))dZ.(w). (3.1)
Ojk(cu)is the cross-spectral density at frequency w
of the two components. Now, since E,(t) is a zero-mean, stationary random pro-
cess, we have, from Section 2,
2 N (dZj,(o))= 0, j = 1,2,
CO(X) = 2 I S(&)) 0., (2.11)
(dZj,(W)dZj*()) =
2n -o -/2
where o'n are the Pauli matrices. The Sn(co) are the spec- (dZ1,(Cd)dZ2*((w))) = 0, (3.2)
tral Stokes parameters given by
where 0,(w) is the power spectral density of the emitted
Sn(w) = tr1n(Dw))], (2.12) radiation at frequency w. When translated into the lan-
with guage of Stokes parameters, these expressions become

So(eO) = kb11(uO)
+ 22(0o) - 0, So = S51 = S2 = S3 = 0; (3.3)
S1(0) = 011(0) - 022(00), i.e., the light is unpolarized.
The optical path length of beams (AC) and (BC) are
S2((o) = 012 (() + ck 22 *(0J),
given by eOAC = kL, and ecTBC = kL 2, respectively, where k
S3((O) = i 2 (w) - j42*(0)- (2.13) is the mean wave number of the radiation at frequency o.
Since only the relative phases are important, we set
They are real because F(co) is Hermitian, positive semi-
definite. Consequently, e = eIBC - Ac = k(L2 - L,). (3.4)
1 So(w) + Si(c) S2 (0w) - iS3(Q) Note that e is also a function of ao.
4>Z = 2 S2 (0w) + iS3(wO) So(Z) - S,() The relation between the instantaneous field at the re-
ceiving plane that is due to beams (AC) and (BC) and
These parameters should not be confused with the aver-
the instantaneous field at the thermal source is
age values of the temporal Stokes parameters that are dis-
cussed in most texts (e.g., Born and Wolf 24). dZAc = dZe,
Although we are going to propagate light through vari-
ous polarizers, we cannot use the relation 8 dZBc = exp(ie)dZ,. (3.5)

'Do(cu) J(Q))i(&)J*(w) (2.15) However,

between the input and output spectral-density matrices dZ.c = dZcAc + dZaBC, (3.6)
[which by Eq. (2.14) will yield the input and output Stokes
parameters]. The reason that Eq. (2.15) is inapplicable is because the two beams are uncorrelated. Taking the ab-
that we must trace the sample realizations of the incident solute square of this expression and then ensemble averag-
spectral components (at frequency co through the entire ing yields
system from source plane to receiving plane) and then
(IdZ.cI 2 ) = 2(IdZ.y2)
carry out the ensemble averaging to obtain the spectral
and cross-spectral densities of s(t) and 2(t), from which + exp(ie)(dZ,*dZ,) + exp(-ie)(dZ,dZ*).
we can evaluate the spectral Stokes parameters governing (3.7)
the various interference laws. The various polarizers are
not independent instruments. Thus
Oec = 2(1 + cos e)o,, (3.8)
3. YOUNG'S EXPERIMENT relating the power spectral density at point C on the re-
We first examine Young's classic two-slit experiment 2 5 by ceiving plane to the power spectral density of the thermal
using the spectral-decomposition approach partly for its source at frequency w).
Richard Barakat Vol. 10, No. 1/January 1993/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 183

(IdZe.j2) = (JdZ 2 aI2) = /240as (4.6)

PLANE where 0, is the power spectral density of the thermal
source, we have
SOURCE 0Puac = 1/2 COS
tp,(l + sin 2 4a cos e)4o, (4.7)
4,Bc = 1/2 sin 2 fr(1 + sin 24p cos 00, (4.8)

Fig. 2. Experimental configuration of polarizers for proof of the +PaC 8=|za~2

first and second laws: /i,, = 0, and qi., ip are arbitrary. epc a (IdZ,13cI2 ), (4.9)

The factor (1 + cos e) represents the interference be- for the spectral densities of the beams at point C on the
tween the two beams that results in fringes, in spite of receiving plane.
the fact that the incident radiation from the thermal The cross-spectral-density function of the two beams
source is unpolarized. The corresponding Stokes parame- 0,ac,epc is obtainable from the product (dZac and dZqBc*).
ters (at point C) are However, this product vanishes with ensemble averaging
SO = (1 + cos e)0,
(dZ1(0o)dZ 2 *(0w)) a 0, (4.10)
sIc = S2 c = S3 c = 0, (3.9)
as discussed in Section 2. Consequently,
so that the light is still unpolarized.
The really important point of Young's experiment is that 0kicC,aPC 0. (4.11)
interference fringes are created in spite of the fact that
the light is unpolarized. In the usual accounts of Young's The corresponding spectral Stokes parameters SjC at the
experiment, the light is taken to be linearly polarized and receiving plane are given by
then is shown to have interference fringes; the fact that
the source is unpolarized is not discussed. The present S = raC + k,9C,
mathematical machinery that uses the spectral represen- S = eaC - oC
tation theorem is ideally suited to the description of this
experiment. S2 = caaC,o-f6C + tkoao 3 C*,

For recent work on Young's experiment, the reader is S3 = iaC,73C - O.C, o6C*. (4.12)
referred to the recent work of James and Wolf. 2627
4. PROOFS OF THE FIRST AND S0 = /2[cos 2 a(1 + sin 2qica cos e)
+ sin qlp(1 + sin 2p cos 010,
Proofs of the first two laws can be established from a SI = 1/2[COS
q1a( + sin 2,. cos e)
single configuration, as shown in Fig. 2. The polarizer at
a is set at ql,, = 0 (thereby generating a vertically polar- - sin2 qi3(1 + sin 2 q cos E)]+,
ized beam), while the polarizer at 18 is set at qip = 7/2 S2 = S3 C 0. (4.13)
(thereby generating a horizontally polarized beam). Both
beams then propagate to the polarizer at and then to In general, then, intensity Soc is modulated by the inter-
point C on the receiving plane. ference term cos e, with the strength of the modulation
The various spectral components at point C on the re- governed by tp,. and qi. The light at C is linearly polar-
ceiving plane are related to those at the thermal source by ized because S3 = 0, with degree of polarization

C= isici.
dZ.-aC = EJ()Ja(0)dZu, (4.1) P
dZoc = J(t/)J,,(7r/2)dZ a,
S0C (4.14)
where A proof of the first law follows by the setting of

1 0 a = i, (4.15)
- e so that the pass planes of the polarizers are parallel to
each other, as required by Arago and Fresnel. The
On calculating the norms of the vectors, we have Stokes parameters in Eqs. (4.13) reduce to
IdZ.CI2 = cos 2 41a(l + sin 2qa cos E)IdZiaI 2 , (4.4) So' = (1 + sin 24i cos e)4,
2 2
IdZOcl = sin p( + sin 2 cos e)IdZ 2 ,1 . (4.5) Si = (cos 24i) (1 + sin 2i cos E)0,
The ensemble average is now taken. Since S2 = S = 0, (4.16)
184 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 10, No. 1/January 1993 Richard Barakat

Ipac = 1/2 Cos Adyda,
PLANE qloc = 1/2 sin Mya,

IsaacaGc = /2 sin 2ql, . (5.5)

THERMAL * a LA Li1 i
SOURCE The corresponding Stokes parameters are
SO = 1/2 ¢ a

S' = 1/2 cos 2ya ,
S2 = 1/2 sin 2qfrO,
Fig. 3. Experimental configuration of polarizers for proof of the
third law: qpa = r/4, t,, = 0, and q} = 7r/l. s3 = O. (5.6)
Obviously there is no interference, because So' is a con-
while the degree of polarization becomes stant; this is the statement of the third law of Arago and
Fresnel. The light at C is linearly polarized with
Pc = Icos 2qil 1/2. (4.17)
P 1. (5.7)
Note that the maximum intensity at the receiving plane
is obtained at the setting i = r/4. This is exactly the
same result that we obtain from the simplified theory (see 6. PROOF OF THE FOURTH LAW
Ref. 11, p. 436). To prove the fourth law we consider the configuration that
The second law follows by the setting of the angles so Arago and Fresnel used; see Fig. 4.
that the pass planes of the polarizers are now perpendicu- The instantaneous field immediately after the light
lar to each other: beam passes through polarizers or and a (with ff== =T/4

qA a + 7/2. and qfra = 0) is

The corresponding Stokes parameters are
dZa = Ja(0)J.r(T/4)dZu. (6.1)
In like fashion, the instantaneous field immediately after
S = (cos 2 q)., the light beam passes through polarizers o, and a (with
S1, = (cos 2 hic, sin 2ca cos 0O." Off= r/4 and Ma,, = 7/2) is
S2c = S3 0, (4.19) dZap = Jp(T/2)J,(l7/4)dZ,. (6.2)
with degree of polarization Thus

PC = sin 2
a COS el 1 2. (4.20) 1 dZ,, + dZ 2 a| 1 0
doa2 0 2 dZ,. + dZ 2c.
Note that the degree of polarization for this case depends (6.3)
on both Hia,and e, whereas in the first case it depends only
on A. As a result of the combined beams, the instantaneous
field just before polarizer y is
5. PROOF OF THE THIRD LAW 1 dZ1 + dZ2 a_ 1 dZi + dZ 2 l
The configuration employed by Arago and Fresnel for the 2 dZi, + dZ2 f, 2 exp(ie)(dZ1, + dZ2 ,)
third law is shown in Fig. 3. The polarizer at a is set at
HPa = 0, the polarizer at (3is set at Adp = r/2, and the pass
and immediately after the combined beams pass through
plane of the polarizer at y is allowed to be arbitrary. polarizer , the instantaneous field is
The instantaneous fields from beams (a) and (B) just
before the polarizer at y are dZ~ J. (a )1 7 dZli + Z cy (6.5)
2exp(ie)dZ,,. + 2 dIZ2 ,
dZ, = Ja(0)dZa, (5.1)
dZa = Jp(7r/2)dZa, (5.2) * SLIT
while at the point C on the receiving plane,
dZ.c = J,(4i) [dZya. + dZ,0 . (5.3)
The two components of dZ c are
dZ,,c = cos 2 ydZl, + cos Miyr
sin Miy exp(ie)dZ 2,r,
dZ2,C = cos 2 Mi,sin qrzdZic + sin 2 f, exp(ie)dZ 2 f. (5.4)
Fig. 4. Experimental configuration of polarizers for proof of the
These expressions lead to fourth law: (, = 0, ik = r/2, and p,, is arbitrary.
Richard Barakat Vol. 10, No. 1/January 1993/J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 185

Following the now familiar procedures, we have 6. E. Mach, The Principles of Physical Optics, An Historical
and Philosophical Treatment (Methuen, London, 1926),
Chaps. 10-12.
4'iC = 1/2(COS B/, + 2 cos3 yi,sin B cos E)tk, 7. Z. Buchwald, The Rise of the Wave Theory of Light (U. of
Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill., 1989), Chap. 7.
02,C = 1/2(COS
Biy + 2 cos B1,sin 3 By, cos E)0, 8. G. Cantor, "The reception of the wave theory of light in
Britain," in Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences,
aC,2.aC = /4(sin 24ik(1 + sin 2ir, cos e)4y. (6.6) R. McCormach, ed. (Princeton U. Press, Princeton, N.J.,
1975), Vol. 6, pp. 109-132.
9. T. Preston, Theory of Light, 5th ed. (Macmillan, London,
The corresponding Stokes parameters at point C on the 1928), p. 348.
receiving plane are 10. R. W Ditchburn, Light, 2nd ed. (Interscience, New York,
1964), Chap. 12.
11. M. Francon, "Interferences, diffraction et polarisation," in
SoC = /2(1 + sin 24li cose)(k, Handbuch der Physik, S. FlUgge, ed. (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1956), Vol. 24, Sec. 4.
Si' = 1/2(1 + sin 2ir, cos e)cos 24i,0, 12. T. P. Mathieu, Optics I. Electromagnetic Optics (Pergamon,
Oxford, 1975), pp. 178-179.
S2 = /2(1 + sin 2qli cos e)sin 24i,0,, 13. J. R. Partington, An Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemis-
try 4 Physical Optics (Macmillan, London, 1946).
S3 = 0. (6.7) 14. G. Stokes, "On the composition and resolution of streams of
polarized light from different sources," Trans. Cambridge
Philos. Soc. 9, 399-426 (1952). Reprinted in Mathematical
We still have interference fringes, but they can be made to and PhysicalPapers (Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, 1901),
disappear if we let Bi,approach 45°. This is the statement Vol. 3.
of the fourth law. Note that the light is linearly polarized 15. E. Verdet, Legons d'Optique Physique (L'Imprimerie Impdri-
ale, Paris, 1869), Vol. 1. See also "Etude sur la constitution
because S3 C = 0; furthermore, the degree of polarization de la lumiere non polarisee et de la lumiere partiellement po-
at c is P, 1, even though Pa 0. larisee," Ann. Scientif. 'Ecole Normale Supgrieure 2, 291-
318 (1865).
16. Lord Rayleigh, "Wave theory of light," in Encyclopaedia
7. SUMMARY Brittanica(1888), Vol. 24. Reprinted in Collected Scientific
Papers (Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, 1920). See Vol. 3,
I have derived the four Arago-Fresnel laws of the inter- pp. 140-147.
ference of polarized light directly from first principles 17. N. Wiener, "Coherency matrices and quantum theory,"
and included the thermal source as part of the system. J. Math. Phys. (M.I.T.) 7, 109-115 (1928). See also "General-
Reference is made to Mach, 6 as well as to older texts, for a ized harmonic analysis," Acta Math. 55, 118-245 (1930).
18. R. Barakat, "Theory of the coherency matrix for light of arbi-
detailed discussion of the consequences of these laws. trary spectral bandwidth," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 53, 317-323
The methods developed here are readily applied to other (1963). The coherency matrix referred to is a spectral-
examples of these types of problem. For example, density matrix, not a correlation matrix.
Stokes 4 makes reference to some experiments conceived 19. R. Barakat, "N-fold polarization measures and associated
by Herschel as well as by Dove.28 Evidently the Herschel thermodynamic entropy of N partially coherent pencils of
radiation," Opt. Acta 30, 1171-1182 (1983).
experiments were never carried out; it would be of some 20. J. L. Doob, Stochastic Processes (Wiley, New York, 1953),
interest to do so. Chap. 11.
21. C. Brosseau and R. Barakat, "Jones and Muller-Jones ma-
*The author is also with the Electro-Optical Research trices for random media," Opt. Comm. 84, 127-132 (1991).
Center, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155. See Sec. 2.
22. A. M. Yaglom, Stationary Random Functions (Dover, New
York, 1962), Chap. 2.
REFERENCES 23. R. Azzam and N. Bashara, Ellipsometry and PolarizedLight
(North-Holland, New York, 1977).
1. J. W Herschel, "Light," in Encyclopaedia Metropolitana 24. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principlesof Optics, 6th ed. (Pergamon,
(1841), Vol. 4, pp. 341-586. Copies of this article were pri- Oxford, 1980), Chap. 10.
vately printed and distributed in 1827. 25. T. Young, "Experiments and calculations relative to physical
2. F. Arago and A. Fresnel, "L'action que les rayons de lumibre optics," Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London 94, 1-16 (1804). Re-
polarisde exercent les uns sur les autres," Ann. Chim. Phys. printed in H. Crew, ed., The Wave Theory of Light (American,
2, 288-304 (1819). New York, 1900).
3. A. Fresnel, Oeuvres Compl6tes de Augustin Fresnel (L'Impri- 26. D.James and E. Wolf, "Some new aspects of Young's interfer-
merie Impgriale, Paris, 1866). See Vol. 1, p. 509. ence experiment," Phys. Lett. A 157, 6-10 (1991).
4. F Arago, Oeuvres Compldtes de FrancoisArago (Gide, Paris, 27. D. James and E. Wolf, "Spectral changes produced in Young's
1854-1858). See Vol. 10, p. 132. interference experiment," Opt. Comm. 81, 150-154 (1991).
5. F Arago and A. Fresnel, "Memoir on the action of rays of po- 28. P. Dove, "On the phenomena exhibited by polarized light
larized light upon each other," in The Wave Theory of Light, when its plane of polarization is rapidly rotated," Philos.
H. Crew, ed. (American, New York, 1900), pp. 145-157. Mag. 30, 465-471 (1847).

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