Reacreation Paper On Environmental Awareness and Recreation and Physical Wellness

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Name: Mariell F.

Course and Year: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology – 1
Reaction Paper on Environmental Awareness and Recreation and Physical Wellness

In regards to the primary objective of the Republic Act 9163 (NSTP Law) in promoting
the role of the youth in nation building, the UC NSTP (CWTS) office conducted a
webinar on Tourism Development Webinar. Last Saturday, April 23, 2022 we had a
NSTP Dimension Development Webinar Series in which “Activating the Youth’s
Community Engagement towards a Better Normal” regarding on Environmental
Awareness and Recreational and Physical Wellness. This webinar is essential as it
helps us to be aware that the earth needs to breathe, as well as to have a physical
interaction to the people around us. Our first speaker for this webinar is Engr. Orlene
Balungkas, he will be the one to talk about the environmental awareness. Before he
start his formal discussion, he then let us answer the pre-test for a 20 seconds only in
which it is posted in the comment section. I am greatful that I got the perfect score.
Moving on, environmental awareness is all about understanding and being aware of the
fragility of our environment and its importance in order for us to protect our environment.
Environmental awareness is doing good things to take care of our environment, no one
is exempted of it. However, nowadays its rare to see people taking care of our
environment. There are a lot of changes in our environment such as the light from the
sun is getting hotter and hotter to the point that it feels like it will burn our skin, and it is
the effect of the wrong doings of the human kind. Environment awareness is also
instilling a sense of hopefulness for the future. As environmentalism is an ideology in
which it evokes the necessity and responsibily of humans to respect, protect, and
preserve the natural world from its anthropogenic in which is caused by the humans
afflictions. He also discuss the environmental issues in which it is related by each other
such as the global warming, fussel fuels, ozone depletion, solid waste, loss of
biodiversity, climate change, water pollution, air pollution, and green house effect.
However, there are some actions that we can contribute. He also mentioned the number
of humans have sent into atmosphere which is 2, 500 billion tones of CO2 and it is still
growing and growing. As what I have said that air pollution is one of the issues in the
environment, it is harmful to our health, as well as to our surroundings. Its effects are
the dangers of lead and arsenic poisoning in which it can damage in our nerves, skin in
which you can feel irritated in your skin, it can also increased cancer risk such as lung,
bladder, and kidney and liver cancers and also circulatory problrms.. Meanwhile, in the
lead poisoning which has high level of speed that can cause some mental retardation,
coma, convulsion and death. Those are some effects of air pollution in which it needs
for us to have some actions. Then here’s the green house effect in which about half is
being reflected or absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere. It is a natural process,
responsible for keeping our earth temperature needed to sustain life. The green house
gases are carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and ozone. The
greenhouse keeps the earth as warming enough in which to sustain life, and without the
greenhouse effect the other temperature would wrapped slow as negativity. As the
greenhouse effect is essential as it has been supporting life, as well as it is going
stronger in terms of humans activities such as deforestation, fussel fuels, etc. Those
gases that were trapped maintain chloroflourocarbons, nitrous oxide, and ozone as it
has a huge contribution in our temperature. As the temperature arisen then global
warming came. Global warming refers to an aspect of climate change in which it results
in increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, particularly in the layer of air
near to the earth’s surface. As it can be caused by an increase in the amoubt of heat
being received from the sun. Those are the impacts of global warming such as rising
sea level, wild fire, strongers storm, changing rain and snow and because of these
impact it really does need more actions. Furthermore, every single one of us is affected
by the worldwide environmental problem. These new environmental realities will have
global ramifications for everyone. As their effects will continue to be felt by every human
and every species that we share this world with. As a result, as caretakers, we must
address these worldwide environmental crises and challenges. The second topic which
is the Recreation and Physical Wellness will be discuss by our second speaker named,
Dennis Entin Olofernes. Recreation and Physical Wellness is known as the word health
and fitness. He mentioned that the word healthy implies the idea of being well. A healthy
and fit person is the one in which he/she can function well physically and mentally. As it
is the most significant aspect of our life. Therefore, there is nothing more important than
health for any human being. Also, our health and fitness are more valued than our
wealth. In order to maintain good health and fitness, we need to take care of hygiene as
well as sanitation around us. Also, we must eat a healthy and complete diet. We must
make a diet chart and ensure that we take a suffiecient amount of carbohydrates,
protiens, minerals, and a vitamins. Aside from eating healthy foods, we must maintain
the cleanliness of our surroundings.The speaker mentioned that there are roots
affecting health and fitness such as the personal habit and living style of people. In
order to maintain health and fitness we should start playing games and sports as an
active body can metabolize well and to keep us in a good shape. Yoga is also one of it,
as it has a lot of health and fitness benefits such as flexibility, nurn calories, increase
blood flow, and it can also boost the immunity. In maintaining our health and fitness we
should also avoid smoking and drinking as they affect our sleep in which is significant
for the body to remain healthy and in a good shape. Above all, this webinar really helps
us to be aware in our environment as well as on how to maintain our health and fitness.

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