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Sr KG English

Story: - Little water drop

Q.1 What is the name of the story?

Ans :- “Little Rain Drop”

Q.2 What did little drop like?

Ans: - colourful fish and the boats

Q.3 When was the Sun shining brightly?

Ans: - on the hot summer day

Q.4 What did they do when they were scared?

Ans: - held each other’s hands

Q.5 What did the little water drop hear?

Ans: - splashes

Q.6 What did the little water drop see?

Ans:- little water drop saw the sea

Q.7 What did he do after falling?

Ans: -smiled and waved down

Q.8 Were they happy to be back home?

Ans:- Yes

Story: - Akku and The Apple Tree

Q.1 What is the name of the story?

Ans: “Akku and the Apple tree”.

Q.2 Who is the girl in the story?

Ans: Akku.

Q.3 Which is “the tree” mentioned in the story?

Ans: An apple tree

Q.4 When did they use to rest under the tree?

Ans: whenever they were tired.

Q.5 Why did Akku leave the village?

Ans: to study

Q.6 Why did Akku’s friends stop coming to the garden?

Ans: Because Akku was not there.

Q.7 Why was the apple tree growing weak?

Ans: Because it was all alone.

Q.8 How was the tree when Akku returned?

Ans: weak

Q.9 What did Akku feel when she saw the tree?

Ans: Akku felt very bad.

Q.10 Did Akku start watering the plant daily?

Ans: Yes

Q.11 What did Akku promise to the tree?

Ans: - To love and to take care of the plant.

Q.12 What did you learn from the story?

Ans:- Trees have feelings and emotions.

Story: - The Big Pink Bubble
Q.1 What is the name of the story?

Ans: “The big pink bubble”

Q.2 Who is the girl in the story?

Ans: Sonia

Q.3 Where was Sonia looking?

Ans: outside the window

Q.4 What did Sonia see?

Ans: Something big was floating around.

Q.5 What was floating in the garden?

Ans: Big pink bubble

Q.6 Where did Sonia run?

Ans: out in the garden

Q.7 Why was she surprised?

Ans: because she saw something big floating.

Q.8 How did the bubble land?

Ans: softly

Q.9 Where did the bubble land?

Ans: The bubble landed on the rose bush.

Q.10 What happened to the bubble?

Ans: The bubble bursted.

Q.11 What did daddy bring for Sonia?

Ans: Daddy brought big pink ball.

Q.12 Why was Sonia happy at the end?

Ans: - Sonia was happy because ball didn’t burst.

Q.13 What type of story is it?

Ans: - Comic story

Q.14 Did the pink ball burst?

Ans: - No

Q.15 Can the ball burst?

Ans: - no

*Please encourage your ward to read the following small passages and
then answer the questions.
1) This is a rat. Where is the rat? (In the hat)

It is in the hat. What can it do? (run and jump)

It is small. What is the colour of the rat? (brown)

It can run and jump.

It is brown.

2) Ram has a cat. Who has a cat? (Ram)

Its name is pussy. What is its name? (pussy)

It is white. What is the colour of the cat? (white)

It runs fast. Where does pussy love to go? (To the park)

It loves to go to the park. Who is pussy? (cat)

3) This is a boat. How is the boat? (big)

It is white and red. Where does the boat float? (On the water)

It is big.

It floats on the water.

4) Parrot is my pet. Who is my pet? (parrot)

It is green. What is the colour of the parrot? (green)

It has red beak. What does parrot eat? (Nuts and fruits)

It likes to talk.

It eats nuts and fruits.

5) Sam is a boy. Who is Sam? (boy)

He has pam. Who is Pam? (dog)

Pam is his dog. What is the colour of pam? (white)

Pam is white.

6) Max is a cat. Who is Max? (cat)

Max is in the tub. Where is Max? (in the tub)

Max is not big. Is Max big? (no)

It is furry. What is the colour of Max? (black)

It is black.

7) This is a book. How is the book? (thick)

It is thick. Where is the book? (on the rack)

It is on the rack.

I like to read the books.

8) Siya is my sister. How is the doll? (cute)

She has a doll. Who has a doll? (Siya)

It is red. Her doll is cute.

9) This is a hill. What is on the hill? (grass)

It is very big. How is the hill? (big)

The grass is on the hill.

I like to go up the hill.

10) This is a cow. What is the colour of the cow. (brown)

It is brown. What does it give? (milk)

It is a farm animal.

It gives us milk.
11)This is a bench. What is the colour of the bench? (brown)

It is brown. Is bench soft? (no) Then how is it? (soft)

It is big. Where is the bench? (In the park)

It is hard.

It is in the park.

I like to sit on the bench.

12) This is a kite. How is the kite? (big)

It is big. What is the colour of the kite? (blue)

It is blue.

I like to fly the kite.

13) This is a pool. What is boy doing? (He is swimming)

The boy is in the pool. How is the water? (cold)

He is swimming.

The water is very cold.

14) This is a park. What is the girl doing? (She is swinging.)

The girl is swinging. What is the boy doing? (He is running.)

The boy is running.

15) Sunny is my brother. What is sunny doing? (Playing with bat and ball)

He is playing with a bat and a ball.

He likes to play with it.

But he lost his ball.

16) This is Gita. Who is Gita? (girl)

She is a girl. What is she doing? (She is dancing.)

She is dancing.

She is happy.

17) This is a baby.

It is small. Is it playing? (no) Then what is it doing? (It is crying.)

It is not playing.

It is crying.

18) She is my sister. Who is she? (my sister)

Her name is Rita. What is her name? (Rita)

She is cooking. What is she doing? (She is cooking.)

19) This is a dog. What is the colour of the dog? (white)

It is furry. Where is the dog? (in the box)

It is white. It is in the box.

20) That is a tree. How is the tree? (tall)

It is tall. Where is the tree? (In the garden)

It is green. What is the colour of the tree? (green)

It is in the garden.

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