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1st Template – Giving advice: Hello Bob, how are you? I heard that…(Problem). I have a few suggestions for you: 1st,2nd,3rd. (90

2nd Template – Favorite possession: Start with “there are many…x”, describe the possession, end with the word “overall”… Use 2 or
3 qualities to describe.

3th and 4th Template – Describing the picture: Use connectors for connecting people: Furthermore, likewise, on the other hand. Use
words like: On the top, on the right, on the bottom, in the background and in the foreground. Try to describe the people's feelings in
the picture: nervous, happy, etc.… (if applicable).

5TH Template – Suggest between two options: Use words like: However, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the other hand. Finish with: I
hope you understand, I hope you agree with me. Regards.

6th Template – Talking to somebody about a problematic situation: Hello.. Topic… Apologize, “I'm really sorry for not attending, I wish
I could make it up somehow”. Finish with, I hope you understand, that’s all I got for now, but I await for your response.

7th Template – Giving opinion: Start: In my opinion, there are several reasons for t0his… 1rst, 2nd, 3rd. Use a conclusion: I firmly
believe that this is the case because of… (90 Seconds)

8TH Template – Describe the picture: If formal say: Hello its … and im calling because… Unformal: Hey…how are you? Don’t forget
to describe the scenario while mentioning how you feel. If the question doesn’t ask you for a conclusion, make one on your own.


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