DUTCH Conditional

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Created @January 7, 2023 8:27 PM


Ik zou + infinitive wij/we zouden + infinitive

je/jij/u zou + infinitive jullie zouden + infinitive

hij/zij/het zou + infinitive Zij/ze zouden + infinitive

Main Functions of Conditionals

to describe hypothetical situations (less hypothetical situations do use the future tense)

The conditional present is used only to describe hypothetical events in the present and in
the future. If one wants to talk about a hypothetical event in the past, they should use the
conditional perfect.

If-then situations
In English, the subjunctive must be used in the “if clause” if one wants to talk about a
hypothetical situation. (Ex. If I were you, I would do my homework)

Conditional 1
In English, it’s strange to put the conditional in the “if clause” as it’s seen as something
strange and improper. The Dutch see no problem in this

Example sentence: If I had to choose again, I would choose the same.

Four ways to say the same thing Literal translation

Als ik opnieuw moest kiezen, dan zou If I had to choose again, I would choose
ik hetzelfde kiezen the same.

Als ik opnieuw zou moeten kiezen, If I would have to choose again, I chose
dan koos ik hetzelfde. the same

Als ik opnieuw zou moeten kiezen, If I would have to choose again, I would
dan zou ik hetzelfde kiezen. choose the same.

Als ik opnieuw moest kiezen, dan If I had to choose again, I chose the
koos ik hetzelfde. same.

The last example proves that it is acceptable for one to use the simple past tense on both sides
in order to express hypothetical situations.

Supposed-to-be situations
Also used when one talks about what should be the case according to their norms, plans, or

Hij zou vandaag op tijd komen He was supposed to be on time today

(maar hij was wéér te laat). (but he was late again).
They were supposed to stop talking
Ze zouden erover ophouden (maar
about it (but now they’re talking about
nu hebben ze het er weer over).
it again).
Hij zou tot januari blijven He was going to stay until January.

Polite form
Use “zouden” to sound more polite

add the adverb “graag” (with pleasure, please).. which gives us an equivalent of the English
phrase “I would like”

Ik zou graag een retourtje I would like a return ticket to

Leiden willen Leiden.

We also use zou(den) to make a suggestion in the form of a question, equivalent to “Would it
not be better if…”

Conditional 2
Zou het niet makkelijker zijn Would it not be easier if you
als je gewoon een schaar simply used scissors.

use the combination of two verbs : zouden moeten

Ik zou mijn tentamens beter I should prepare for my test

moeten voorbereiden better

We zouden daar niet te lang We should not stay there too

moeten blijven long.

Dat zou je moeten weten You should know that

When the required action is urgent or presented as a clear command, we often simply suffice
by saying moeten:

Wat moeten we nu doen? What should we do now?

Je moet je identiteitsbewijs You should always carry your

altijd bij je dragen. ID.
Je moet better opletten. You should pay more attention.

Conditional 3

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