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Created @January 16, 2023 8:22 PM

Language Dutch

Level B1

The gerund is a verb used as a noun.

In English, it’s the continuous tense (verb + ing), but in Dutch it’s the infinitive. The Dutch
gerund (gesubstantiveerd werkwoord) is an infinitive used as a neutral noun. “Het” is added
to the infinitive to form the gerund.


Het lopen is alleen op het trottoir toegestaan (Walking is only allowed on the sidewalk)

Het schrijven van hoofdletters is verplicht (writing in capital letters is mandatory)

Situations where a gerund is used

Situation Example Translation

Gerunds 1
Situation Example Translation

- Het fietsen is niet op de

- Cycling is not allowed on
The gerund as a subject in snelweg toegestaan. - Het
the highway - The dog must
the sentence uitlaten van de hond moet
be walked three times a day
drie keer per dag.

- Hamburgers eten is zijn - Eating hamburgers is his

The gerund modifies objects
favoriete bezigheid. - Nagels favourite activity. She likes
and provisions
lakken doet zij graag. to paint nails.

Note: When the gerund modifies objects and provisions, the article is not added.

Gerunds 2

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