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Bye-Virus Pre-symposium Script


Hello everyone? This is (your name) from Hana Academy Seoul.


As you already know, COVID-19 has swiped all over the world. Korea was no exception. Since
countless people are crowded in several big cities such as Seoul, Busan, and Incheon, there have
been many mass infections in crowded places and multi-use facilities. So why don't we do
research to solve our country's urban problems? That's why we chose our topic, “Several city
problems caused by COVID-19 and solutions.

Before introducing our explanation about our topic, I have one question. Do you like singing?

Answer: Yes/No

Our first theme

(Yes) I also love singing / (No) I love singing, so I used to go coin-karaoke a lot. It's really fun to
go to coin karaoke with friends and sing all the songs you want to sing regardless of time.
However, these coin karaoke rooms are almost underground, so they are poorly ventilated,
causing the spread of infectious diseases to occur quickly. So, to solve this problem, we set the
first topic as ventilation in a coin karaoke room, and we got ideas from a negative pressure room
and did research. A negative pressure room is a special hospital room that prevents the spread of
germs by causing pressure differences and air to circulate in one direction, which was used in the
hospital and used to isolate the confirmed patient. However, the unit price was too high and the
structure was inappropriate for general urban buildings, so it was only used in hospitals. To fulfill
these shortcomings, we thought that relief valves for industrial purposes would be a good model
for the extension facilities on existing ventilators.

Our second theme

Our second topic is delivery services. The delivery system is very advanced in Korea, so people
order a lot of parcels. But during this pandemic, there was a mass infection at a company called
Coupang and caused numerous infections. Since then, people have become reluctant to deliver
packages because of the anxiety that 'what if the corona virus is buried in the package?' So, we've
been thinking about sterilizing packages to relieve people's anxiety and prevent possible infection.
The package goes through certain places before people receive it. It could be a security office or
an unmanned delivery service. There, drill a hole in the marked part above the box. The color
recognition robot then recognizes the color of the sticker on the box to determine the material of
the contents. And then inject the disinfectant that fits the material through the hole. I believe this
will reduce people's anxiety.


Today, mankind has faced a world of new infectious diseases, the Covid-19 virus, which has never
been experienced by a single human being. Countries are facing a phase of great change, and
people are changing to live in a far-off world where there is no way. Our team’s idea of social
innovation would hopefully reduce the possibility of mass-infection, eventually leading to the end
of this disaster. We have a very long way to go, but we hope that our innovation could at least be
a small help to the one who is suffering. Thank you for listening.


The occurrence of COVID 19 triggered countless changes in people’s daily lives. Korea was not an
exception. Including big cities of high population density, mass infections broke out all across the
country. One third of the infections were classified as mass attack, and 29% were affected due to

Experts cited multi-use facilities as a major cause of the cases reported. Even though the
government proposed guidelines for disinfection, the press constantly covers people continuing
on their lives as usual. Guidelines are effective, but it is not enough to exterminate COVID19
completely. Plus, quarantine has a negative effect on the society. If the limitaitons on people’s
daily life continues, direct shot on the economy will be inevitable. Changing the structure of
ventilation and shipping would be a long term policy compared to simply restricting people’s
radius of action.

Therefore, in our research, we are aiming to design a ventilation system for multiuse facilities and
draw up a germ-free shipping process. This paper will (나는 이 페이퍼의 목적을 잘 모르겄으니
누군가 써주리라 믿는다 찡긋)

Ventilation System


1) The structure of multiuse facilities

ex) coin karaoke room: 임재원이 찾은 도면 붙여넣고 설명 더하면 될 듯

2) The fundamentals of a negative pressure room

이건 논문 아무거나 붙여넣고 나중에 출처에 포함합시다

3) The fundamentals of relief valves used in industrial fields

이것도 논문 내용 등 붙여넣기하면 될 부분이고 번역은 제가 금방 할 수 있어서 납뒀어요. 이에

해당하는 부분 캡처해주시면 번역할게요.


이건 임재원씨가 꼭 해결해주셔야 할 부분입니다


이건 임재원씨가 끝내주시면 모델링 해서 넣어야 할 것 같네요

(However, these coin karaoke rooms are almost underground, so they are poorly ventilated,
causing the spread of infectious diseases to occur quickly. So, to solve this problem, we set the
first topic as ventilation in a coin karaoke room, and we got ideas from a negative pressure room
and did research. A negative pressure room is a special hospital room that prevents the spread of
germs by causing pressure differences and air to circulate in one direction, which was used in the
hospital and used to isolate the confirmed patient. However, the unit price was too high and the
structure was inappropriate for general urban buildings, so it was only used in hospitals. To fulfill
these shortcomings, we thought that relief valves for industrial purposes would be a good model
for the extension facilities on existing ventilators.)

이 내용이 전반적으로 잘 써 있으니 혹시 내용 기억 안나시면 꼭 참고 부탁드려요

Shipping Proccess


1) How companies ship products

아마존와 쿠팡, 이마트 쓱 배송(이건 식품 때문이에요) 등 대표적인 예시를 찾아놓았어요. 이건 ppt 로

제가 보기 좋게 재구성할 예정이니 조금 기다려 주세요

2) The production system of typical factories

이건 너무 다양한 예시가 있어서 좀 어렵네요. 저도 찾아놓은 시안이 있긴 한데 여러분도 사진이나

이미지 파일 있으면 공유문서에 사진으로 추가해주시길 바랍니다. 그거 참고해서 역시 ppt 와
아이콘으로 보기 좋게 재구성할게요.

3) Disinfectants

지금 제가 이걸 쓰고 있는 시간이 3 시여서 자료 요청을 못했어요. 이거 사전 조사는 과거에

한서진씨가 한 걸로 알고 있는데 제가 카톡을 지웠다가 다시 깔아서 없네요 ㅠㅠ 미안합니다
보내주세요 그때 자료…

Problem Posing

The prevelant shipping system has more benefits over offline services. Simplicity, product diversity,
and fast delivery speed are appealing aspects for consumers, making companies such as Coupang
prosper. Recently, as the COVID 19 has limited the radius of citizens' behavior, Korea's delivery
service, a measure to help people get the supplies without going outside, has drawn global
attention. However, even if untact consumption is possible through delivery services, the virus
may still be alive on the surface of the box. According to one study, COVID 19 can survive for 24
hours on top of a paper box, also known as orrugated cardboard for delivery boxes, which is
mainly used as the final packaging for parcels. Jeong Eun-Kyung, the director of Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention says that the possibility of transmission through delivery boxes is
low, and in fact, there have been no reported cases of infection. However, as possibilities do exist,
many consumers were anxious about case of infection at Coupang Logistics Center. Since we
cannot rule out the possibility that the goods have not been completely disinfected inside the
logistics center, these points need to be supplemented. Additionally, as the current system does
not have a set standard for disinfections suitable for each material, guidelines on how to sterilize
products during the first wrapping process is necessary.

이건 아무래도 그림으로 설명하는 것이 나을 것 같아요. 제가 ppt 와 아이콘을 이용해서 다시 잘
만들어보겠습니다. 일단 안 보신 분들 참고하시라고

1) 기존의 시스템과 같이, 쿠팡이나 쓱배송과 같은 앱에서 물류센터에 배달 신호가 간다.

개별업체의 제품을 수합하는 물류센터에서도 제품 수급을 받는다.

2) 제품을 받고 난 뒤, 제품에 R, G, B 세 색상의 스티커를 붙인 뒤, RGB 인식 장치를 붙인다.

그 뒤 제품들을 RGB 인식 장치에 넣고 분류한다.

이 때, RGB 는 각각 특정 소독약에 가장 민감한 제품, 그것보다 덜 민감한 제품과 둔감한 제품으로

분류한다. (체계표에 맞추어서 분류한다.)

3) 그 뒤, RGB 표에 맞게 제품의 재질별로 각기 다른 컨베이어 벨트로 이동한다.

각 컨베이어 벨트의 위에는 소독 터널이 있으며, 이 터널에서는 제품을 손상시키지 않는 소독약이


중앙방역대책본부(중대본)에 따르면, 분사하는 경우 에어로졸이 튀어서 사람에게 코로나 19

바이러스를 전파시킬 수도 있으므로, 에어로졸 확산을 그나마 피할 수 있는 터널이라는 공간을

4) 소독 터널을 거친 제품은 컨베이어 벨트의 끝부분을 이용해 상자에 부드럽게 떨어진다.

떨어질 때 파손 위험이 큰 제품은 사전에 준비된 소독된 완충재와 상자에 넣도록 한다.

5) (아마존이 실제 사용하고 있는) 택배 포장장치를 이용하여 상자를 포장한다.

6) 택배 외부의 소독을 실시한다.

7) (무인택배수령시스템을 만들 시) 택배 표면을 소독할 수 있는 소독약을 일정 시간 동안 부스

안에서 분사하고, 그 뒤 분사가 끝났음을 알려서 수령인이 찾아갈 수 있도록 한다.

Experiment to make standards


Each disinfectant will cause discoloration, corrosion, etc. to the substance.

It would be more advantageous to apply the disinfectant directly than to rub it.

[Experiment 1]

Experimental Purpose)

When shipping parcels, the raw materials will be disinfected before packing. Damage to raw
materials will damage both the recipient and the company, so the product should not be
damaged during the disinfection process. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to find a
disinfectant suitable for each material of the product. The purpose is also to find out which
method is better, spraying or rubbing.

Materials for the Experiment)

hypochloric acid (lax), ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, distilled water (water)

Natural cowhide, plastic plate, aluminum foil (metal)

beaker, petri dish, microscope, safety glasses, protective gloves

Observation Criterias)

discoloration of leather: eye observation

Fine structure or arrangement of leather: Observation through a microscope

Changes in Plastic and Metal: Visual Observation

*However, if there is a risk of explosion, the experiment will not be carried out only on that part.

*Chiachloric acid must be ventilated at the same time during the experiment

Experimental Process)

1. Transfer each material to a petri dish, attach a name tag to each plate, and take a picture once
above and once zoomed in to a specific area. Then, use a microscope to observe the area taken
and leave the result as a photograph.

2. Put hypochloric acid, ethanol, and hydrogen peroxide in beaker and dilute with effective
concentration using water.

3. Use a spoiler to drop the disinfectant of King Sejong. (causing damage to spray or spoiler)

4. Alcohol takes 1 minute, dental chlorine acid and hydrogen peroxide take 5 minutes, so wait 5

5. After 5 minutes of time when the disinfectant solution can be effective, take a picture of the
area you took earlier and observe the color with the naked eye.

6. In the case of leather (plastics and metal drawings if necessary), observe the same surface
under a microscope.

7. Upload photos of specific parts to your computer to analyze the RGB.

8. Use a microscope to observe the changes in the area you saw earlier.

9. Record the above process as a report.

[Experiment 2] Area Comparison

1. Put a solution mixed with paint into the sprayer.

2. Compare the differences in dispensing area according to angle (90 degrees 60 degrees 45
degrees 30 degrees).

Conclusion 결과 나온 후 한서진씨가 보내주세요!

It has been confirmed that each disinfectant may or may not damage different materials.

(when consistent with hypothesis) So these disinfectants will be applied to our logistics
transportation system.

(In case of discrepancy with hypothesis) So we entered the US FDA or the Korean Food and Drug
Administration and confirmed that substances such as~~~~ were more effective, and we will
apply them to our logistics transportation system.

And the area will be sprayed ~because it is efficient to spray


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