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Ryan: Good morning to Madam Thiba and my friends. My name is Ryan Tay Shen Hong.

We come
from Communicative English group 11. Today we will have a discussion about the most serious
issues that Malaysia is facing. I have several friends who will discuss with me, they are Gan Swee
Ting , Huan Shi Le and Rachel Neo Jia Sin. May we start now?

Venice: In my opinion , the most serious issue facing the nation today is the misuse of the
internet.To give an illustration of what I mean,some person who have ulterior motives spread
rumors which will affect Malaysian unity.For example ,some of them will post some things which will
include racial conflict and will step to affect deeply the unity between Malaysian.On the other
hand,the bad genius also will spread quickly by terrible speed with internet.For
example,smoking,promiscuity.If these bad genius spread around Malaysia,Malaysia’s peace will be
affect.Similarly,a part of Malaysia was weltering in internet until they cannot control themselves.It
will lead to they cannot adjust their time for more healthy things but always immersed in their
internet world.

Rachel :I disagree with Swee Ting’s opinion ,because I think that there are still many people being
careful while using the internet. They can also know the true or false by searching in Google . So, I
think this is not the most serious issue facing the nation today .In my opinion ,the increase in drug
abuse cases is the most serious issue facing the nation today. In my opinion ,the increase of drug
abuse cases is the most serious issue facing the nation today.Drug activities will disrupt public order.
Drug addicts need to spend a high cost to buy drugs. Faced with the strong temptation of drugs, they
will engage in illegal and criminal activities such as robbery, fraud, prostitution and even murder.
This is my opinion, what do you guys think about it?

Shi Le: I agree with Rachel(her)point. In my opinion, the most serious issue facing the nation
today is the increase in the crime rate. There are many reasons why people commit crime. Some of
these causes have always existed, such as greed, poverty and economic distress. The causes of crime
are complex.Poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol and drug abuse can be connected to
why people break the law. Some are at greater risk of becoming offenders because of the
circumstances into which they are born. This is my opinion, do you all agree?

Ryan: Sorry Shile I think I do not agree with your point. Because of Covid-19, Malaysia government
has made a decision to carry out MCO. During MCO, many firms are not allowed to continue
operating their shop. But now, the government has changed MCO to RMCO. This means that firms
can continue operating their shops. But, they want to offset their losses during the MCO, so that
they increase the prices of their goods.This is what I think the most serious issues that our nation is
facing.Increase the prices of goods has let every family’s spending get higher. Some families that
didn't have the habit of saving might become a big problem to them. They will borrow money from
loan sharks and have a lot of debts to return. Other than that, When the price of goods is increasing,
the demand will be getting lesser. This will let the economy of Malaysia get depraved. So, our
country will be hanging behind other countries.
Venice: Besides Ryan point,I prefer more in Rachel point because when the drug abuse cases
increase , Malaysian will worry about their family or friends that might be involved in the case.Other
than that,this issue will also lead to the increasing divorce rate and also cause domestic abuse. But
the most importantly, increasing drug abuse will let Malaysia become a bad reputation to other

Rachel: In addition,the proliferation of drugs is a global social problem, and its impact on the overall
physical fitness of the people is extensive and extremely destructive.Taking into account all these
factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that drug abuse can ruin a person or a family at a
scale, and it may cause disaster for a generation or a nation.Drug abuse has become one of the root
causes that induce crime and endanger public order. This is my conclusion about my point, do you
guys agree with that?

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