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Trimester 1, 2020/2021
Lecture section : PM14


Faculty of Business
Due date : 14/8/2020

Group Member

Student ID Name

1201100211 TAN KAI XIN


1201100325 HUAN SHI LE

1201100331 GAN SWEE TING

1201100655 TEW YU QIAN

1201100679 LEE YI ZERN

1201101591 LIM JIA MIN

1201101609 YAU QIAN ZI


The story starts now a time that Chen Nian, who is one of the main characters in the story,
which be a teacher. She teaches some sentences to her students.“This is our playground. This
used to be our playground. This was our playground.”Then Chen Nian woke memories of her
past sufferings. Chen Nian is a quiet person in the class, and at the same time, Hu Xiao Dei is
the girl who bore her suffering from bullied by some bad girls at school. Shortly, Hu Xiao
Dei jumped out of the buildings, and this incident has attracted a lot of students to surround
and watch. They photographed Hu Xiao Dei and surmised the reason why Hu Xiao Dei did it.
Only Chen Nian used a jacket and helped Hu Xiao Dei to cover her face. But because of
Chen Nian’s action, the story hides the foreshadowing.

This incident caused the police to start to follow carefully, and they try to meet Chen Nian
to get some clues, but they failed. At the same time, that bad girls lead by Wei Lai also
started to bullied Chen Nian because they think that Chen Nian’s action was unnecessary.
Chen Nian’s mother sold the bad quality mask and them even in debt. Somebody attacked
about her mother, calling her a liar and a cheat and paste a lot of the paper.

One night, Chen Nian goes back home, and she caught the thugs beat sight Xiao Bei. Chen
Nian was afraid to go out to help Xiao Bei, so she called the police by stealth but failed. The
thugs compel Chen Nian and Xiao Bei to kiss together. When Xiao Bei was accompanying
Chen Nian back home, he saw the paper which pastes on the building and the Chen Nina
angry behavior.

The next day, Chen Nian’s mother jobs ​soon went around the campus. The real bully on
Chen Nian just starts at that time. For example, put the red liquid on her chair, use ball attack
her, didn't play with her. Finally, Chen Nian revolted against them, but this action rubbed
Wei Lai up. Wei Lai haunted to make Chen Nian spilled off from the stairs. Chen Nian called
the police and willing to tell the fact which about the three girls bully case. But that three
girls disowned about this. In the end, they suspend from school, and their class advisor also
quit his job.

Out of revenge, those three girls come Chen Nian’s house, and they bring the rats, knife to
attack because Chen Nian resulted in them suspend from school. Chen Nian quickly ran to
Xiao Bei’s house and required Xiao Bei to protect her. Xiao Bei agrees with it. Next of the
day, Xiao Bei accompanies her went to school, and goes back home with a safety distance.
Besides that, Xiao Bei was also threatening Wei Lai to stop bully Chen Nian. Chen Nian
stays at Xiao Bei’s house to get protection, and she also continues her lesson at his home
because the examination is close at hand.

One day because of a suddenness incident Xiao Bei catch by the police to find out a rapist.
At the same time, Wei Lai gets the chance to revenge Chen Nian, Wei Lai cut Chen Nian’s
hair, trashed Chen Nian, tear up her notes and also photograph Chen Nian ‘s nude. When
Xiao Bei come from the police station, he saw Chen Nian was crying in the living room with
messy hair and clothes. Xiao Bei was angry.” we are in the gutter, but some of us are looking
at the stars.”

When the high school examination starts, one corpse has discovered. After checking, this
corpse is Wei Lai. After that, the police found that Wei Lai’s death is related to Chen Nian
and Xiao Bei. Wei Lai's death is because she came to discuss with Chen Nian at night, and
she required Chen Nian don’t report their ‘s bully action on that day to police because she
didn't need to repeat the lesson. Her father was angry about she happened the experience and
didn't talk with her within one year. Chen Nian just said they don’t want to see her again, but
Wei Lai is still talking about Chen Nian’s mother, and this makes Chen Nian angry then
accidentally pushed Wei Lai down from stairs and this is the critical reason why Wei Lai

After that, Chen Nian discusses this problem with Xiao Bei. He asked Chen Nian what her
dream is? “I want to be a useful person in the world. I want to go to Beijing’s university. I
want to protect the whole worth,” answered Chen Nian. In the end, Xiao Bei decided to
undertake this accusation because he said he just is a minor. He borrowed the car from his
friend and buried Wei Lai’s corpse.

When the corpse discovered, the police station sends some police to protect Chen Nian
because police suspect Xiao Bei was the murderer. Xiao Bei caught Chen Nian and pretended
to rape Chen Nian, then he undertakes the killing and forcible rape accusation and makes a
date with Chen Nian to meet in the future. He told the police that he wants to rape Wei Lai,
but she revolted and tried to attack him, so he killed Wei Lai accidentally.

But the police still don’t believe and felt thereby hangs a tale because they still teenagers
and the teenagers’ love are keen to make many things possible. He used some skills to make
the truth brought into daylight. The police told Chen Nian about Xiao Bei will receive a death
sentence because Xiao Bei is a major. The police said Chen Nian that Xiao Bei had deceived
hers. At the end of the story, Chen Nian surrendered to the police.

[GAN SWEE TING 1201100331]

1. What is the conflict in the story?

(A) Wei Lai died because Chen Nian accidentally drops her when they are on the stairs.

Wei Lai meets up with Chen Nian, and she hopes Chen Nian keeps the secret that Wei Lai
took the indecent photo of Chen Nian because they are just kidding and lost control for the
incident. Wei Lai opens the condition that she can give Chen Nian more and more money;
she just hopes that Chen Nian did not tell to police the truth of the incident. Because of
repeated studying, Wei Lai’s father hasn’t spoken to her for a year. She didn’t want to repeat
it, so she wants Chen Nian to keep secret. Regarding Wei Lai’s request, Chen Nian just said
that she did not want to see her again, Chen Nian affirmed Wei Lai, but she repeated
something unpleasant, Chen Nian has poked into the pain, she pushed Wei Lai down the
stairs because of impatience, and Wei Lai died on the spot. Chen Nian was afraid of this, and
she ran away from the stairs.

(B) Chen Nian told Xiao Bei the incident of Wei Lai's death.

Chen Nian told Xiao Bei about the death of Wei Lai. Xiao Bei told her not to worry, and then
he secretly decided to handle it by himself. Xiao Bei asked Chen Nian what her dream was,
Chen Nian said that she wants to study at Bei Jing University, she wants to be a useful person
and protect the world. Xiao Bei just indicates that Chen Nian protects the world, Xiao Bei
protected her.

(C) How Wei Lai’s dead body dispose of by Xiao Bei

Xiao Bei tried to hide the truth and made people think he had killed Wei Lai. He is the
murderer. He borrowed a taxi car from his friend. The car belongs to his friend’s father, who
is a taxi driver. Xiao Bei did not tell his friend the truth that he wanted to use the vehicle to
hide Wei Lai’s corpse. Then, he wants his friend to go to the hospital and did a medical
check-up. This action helped his friend create an alibi. After that, Xiao Bei brought Wei Lai’s
corpse to a hill and buried the body. At the same time, Chen Nian was waiting for Xiao Bei at
their house.
(D) Wei Lai death has discovered

The last night before the first day of the University Entrance Examination, the dirt on the hill
fell, a corpse was found by the road repair workers when they were repairing the road. The
road repair workers contacted the police that they had located a body. After an investigation,
the police confirmed that the corpse was Wei Lai. The police found the suspicious taxi car
that was Xiao Bei lent from his friend by checking the CCTV around the hill. Xiao Bei’s
friend was treated as a criminal suspect and arrested by the police, and he told the police that
was Xiao Bei lent the taxi car when the police questioned him. Xiao Bei has taken to the
police station for interrogation.

[RACHEL NEO JIA SIN 1201100281]

[HUAN SHI LE 1201100325]
2. How do the characters feel about the conflict?
In this movie, Xiao Bei is a male lead, and Chen Nian is a female lead. Xiao Bei always
protects Chen Nian when she goes to school because she gets bullied by a female classmate,
Wei Lai, at school. After a day, Chen Nian ​accidentally pushed the Wei Lai to fell from the
stairs, and she died. At this time, Chen Nian told Xiao Bei what happened to Wei Lai died.
Chen Nian didn't say to the police about this case because she has to attend the exam,
University Entrance Examination​. ​University Entrance Examination​ is essential in China
because it will help Chen Nian to get a good future. Chen Nian's mother tried to change their
life if Chen Nian can get a good result in the ​University Entrance Examination​.
After the incident, Chen Nian felt guilty when Xiao Bei took this responsibility. Chen
Nian thought that she should have taken this responsibility because she has to drag innocent
people. Chen Nian has a dream that has admitted to a university in Beijing. Chen Nian and
her mother felt that if they can move to Beijing, they don’t have to live a life of being by debt
collection. She wanted to be smart people and can protect everyone. Chen Nian knew that if
Wei Lai's death is related to her even accidentally, her dream move to Beijing will shatter.
Their life also will be the same again like before.
Besides that, Xiao Bei felt that he is a gangster and no dream in the future. No like Chen
Nian, she has a vision that is moved to Beijing with her mother to change their life. In his
eyes, Chen Nian is the right person, and he doesn’t want her to take this responsibility
because he wanted to protect her dream. The biggest problem is Xiao Bei likes Chen Nian. In
Xiao Bei's life, Chen Nian gives Xiao Bei a good accompany. Someone said that
“accompanying is the longest confession.” They live together when Chen Nian found Xiao
Bei to protect her from Wei Lai bullied. He gave her trust. When Xiao Bei was a kid, his
mother married another person. His father felt Xiao Bei is a burden and abandoned him. Xiao
Bei goes back to find his mother, but she already moves to another place. That’s it Xiao Bei
give up his education and started smoking and fighting with another. Xiao Bei and Chen Nian
it’s just like ‘we are in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.’
In conclusion, Chen Nian just surprised at Wei Lai's death. Both of them are very calm and
not afraid of this responsibility. Chen Nian knew she is the relief because no one bullied her
again, and Xiao Bei also can reduce her safety concerns. By the way, for this responsibility,
need someone to bear it.

[YAU QIAN ZI 1201101609]

3. What does each of the characters want or need?
In this movie, Chen Nian wanted to take the exam until the end, and she can also admit to
Beijing University. Chen Nian also can change their life if she can go to Beijing. She wanted
to be good because Chen Nian’s mother pins her hopes on her. Therefore, Chen Nian can
avoid being bullying.

Besides that, the main actor, Xiao Bei, wanted to protect her, because he likes the female
actor, Chen Nian. Xiao Bei intends to ensure that Chen Nian can realize her dream of going
to Beijing University. Xiao Bei also provided her safety so that her classmate will not bully
her. He always followed Chen Nian to go to school every day to avoid being bullied again.
Xiao Bei wanted to remove obstacles on her way.

When Chen Nian killed Wei Lai, Xiao Bei took this responsibility because he wants she
completed the exam. Xiao Bei carried out a bunch of help her escaped the responsibility plan
to let the police put all the charges against himself, including the false rape crime also
became the reason for the Xiao Bei.

Xiao Bei wanted to give Chen Nian a better life. When Chen Nian lived with Xiao Bei in a
home where the environment is not very good, Xiao Bei also tried to make a comfortable
space for her to study, such as changing light bulbs, buy snacks, and so on.

Even though, Xiao Bei also wanted to stand side by side with the Chen Nian to complete the
dream together. Xiao Bei asked his brother about graduate students who can earn how many
thousand dollars, but then his brother told him to graduate college students can make at least
one thousand a month. That means that he tends to earn money for a better life.

In conclusion, Xiao Bei has nothing to want, but he likes Chen Nian, so the only thing he
wanted is to protect Chen Nian. Xiao Bei intends to ensure that Chen Nian realizes his dream
of going to Beijing University. Xiao Bei needs to protect Chen Nian until she finished the
college entrance examination and successfully goes to Beijing University to get rid of her
current life.

[TAN KAI XIN 1201100211]

4. How do they resolve the conflict? Is it useful or ineffective?

In the movie, the dream of Chen Nian, Chen Nian, is study hard and desired to provide a
better life for her mother and herself in Beijing. It is because her mother struggles to earn
money; Chen Nian and her mother lived in a debt collection. The conflict of this movie
started from the death of Wei Lai, the supporting actress, who killed carelessly by Chen Nian.
As a result, Xiao Bei is going to take the rap for Chen Nian’s mistake so that she can go on to
realize her dream. Firstly, she told him the whole process of accidentally killing of Wei Lai.
Then, Xiao Bei borrowed the car from his friend’s father to bury the corpse. After the body
found by polices, he said that he does all of these actions because Wei Lai is beautiful, so
Xiao Bei raped her, but because of her disobedience, so he killed her. However, the police did
not believe in him, but the police did not have evidence. While taking the rap for Chen Nian,
he tried to act like a rapist to rape her and ask her to work with him. However, the police start
to investigate the cases of killing, police found that Xiao Bei did not kill Wei Lai because he
did not have the motive of killing which only accompany Chen Nian pick up from school and
school. Still, they did not recognize each other when they face to face. At the last of the
movie, Chen Nian pleads guilty that she accidentally killed Wei Lai after she sat for her the
university entrance exam.

For the whole movie, it was effective. Chen Nian was accidentally killing Wei Lai, but
Xiao Bei helped her to conceal the truth, both of them were ignoring the law. As a result, she
pleads guilty about her mistake at the end of the movie because she needs to pay what she
had done. The reason she asks guiltily was she recognizes her mistake and cannot lie to
herself already because she cannot let Xiao Bei undertake the offense that did not belong to
him due to her selfishness. Although she got a flying color result in an exam and
accomplished her dream, she did not look happy because she let innocent people jailed, so
she pleads guilty. Not only that, but this action also gave the victim’s mother an explanation
and let her mother knew how her daughter died. For the male main character, he also has a
fault. That is because he knew the truth but did not seek the help of the police. If he reported
after Chen Nian tell him the truth, the situation after this probably would not occur as the
police assisted them in solving their problems.
However, the solution was ineffective to the main actress, Chen Nian, and the main
actor, Gu Xiao Bei. When Chen Nian to be the suspect for the murdering case, she feels stress
because she was doing her final exam at the moment to change her family’s life. Due to this
reason, Xiao Bei can’t be hard-hearted to see Chen Nian lost her opportunity to get freedom.
Therefore, Xiao Bei thought a way to liberate Chen Nian from polices’ control. He pretended
to catch and rape Chen Nian in front of polices. Xiao Bei made his plan successfully and
replaced Chen Nian to be the murderer. It was not the responsibility of Xiao Bei, but he still
undertook the homicide and rape crime for helped Chen Nian ignored the law. He wanted to
protect Chen Nian’s dream, no matter the action will influence his future or not. Besides,
Chen Nian was getting distracted after Xiao Bei sent to prison by polices when doing the
exam paper. It shows that Chen Nian appeared the psychological problem because she got
shame for Xiao Bei. Then, Chen Nian can’t achieve her dream and entered the University in
Beijing that she always wanted to study in, after she gave herself up. If she reports to polices
immediately about all the content while she pushes Wei Lai down accidentally, maybe she
will attain peoples’ forgiveness and understanding. Finally, she can change her life and carry
her mother into good condition, live comfortably together, and don’t worry despised by
anyone. However, the time will be a little late after she takes the penalty on the law.
However, she chooses the wrong choice made her life too bad. She discarded her opportunity.
Her mother put the hope on her. It only doesn’t want to live in the period when dun for debts
by the creditor.

There were points of effective and ineffective because everyone received a different
opinion from the movie. That was not wrong, and right in our views, it’s just a different
understanding from a different point of view. For example, someone believes that Wei Lai
bully Chen Nian. It’s shown an adverse action, and she must accept the punishment, but
somebody thinks her parents must be the leading persons that exerted a lot of pressure on
their daughter. Finally, she can’t bear the heavy burden and vented it out through this method.
In conclusion, no matter it was effective or ineffective, it’s only affected by our thinking.
Whatever way we choose, the consequences must be acceptable by our absolutely.

[TEW YU QIAN 1201100655]

[LIM JIA MIN 1201101591]
5. Help (through your suggestions) these characters resolve their conflicts in a healthier way.
What is the possible solution that would benefit all the characters and how to resolve their
conflicts healthily? Let us talk about the reason for the role first, and then I will show out my
suggestions. The movie shows that Chen Nian does not tell the truth to the police. The first
time when other students bullied her because she needs to participate in the college entrance
exam, she doesn’t want to waste any time in bullying and just find a person to protect her
with don’t be bullying again. She thinks after the college entrance exam. She will go to
another country for a new life and didn’t get bullied again. Then she finds the main character,
Xiao Bei, who is a gang person to protect her safety, and she will not worry about her safety
problem and continue to study until she finishes all the exams. Lastly, she does the wrong
thing and goes to jail.

The first possible solution that I suggest is when you are getting bullied. You need to tell
the police or teacher about the bullying incident and ask them for help. For example, you say
to the police about the cause of bullying you, what method they use to bully you, and where
part of your body gets hurt. Then the police will launch an operational investigation and give
the best solution to you. Such as Chen Nian ask the police for help for the first time, she will
not be bullied again and get the protection from the police. Don’t be afraid when they are
treating you not to tell the police. You must be brave to speak out the truth of bullying
because it is crucial to your safety problem. There is no doubt that the police will protect your
safety better than other people when you are getting bullied. After Chen Nian’s friend is
bullied and commit suicide, the police find Chen Nian to make an investigation, she should
speak out the truth to the police about her friend being bullying and cause her to commit
suicide. Then the police will dispose of the students who are participating in the bullying. In
conclusion, we should tell the police for the first time when you as bullied, don’t thinks the
exam is more important than your safety, and then ignore your safety. The review can take
again, but your security can’t. For example, Chen Nian doesn’t tell the truth to the police
when she as bullied because she afraid of affecting the exam. We must put our safety first
before considering other things. Lastly, call the police are one of the useful methods and
possible solutions to resolve the bullying case.
The second possible solution that I suggest is the school should always pay attention to the
student’s action. Schools should make school rules about the bullying case to let students
comply and prevent the bullying happens. For example, students who are participating in
bullying, the students will get the corresponding punishment. Those punishments include
students to drop out of school, or the case is severe, the school will report to the police and let
the police handle the situation. For example, when the school finds that Chen Nian being
bullying for the first time, the school should immediately take action into the bullying case
and stops the bullying incident right now. Then schools give out the punishment to the
students who are participating in the bullying. School should let all the class teachers make a
home visit. The first is to let parents know how their children are in school. The second is
when students being bullying, teacher and parents can get the news for the first time and
prevent the bullying happen again. For instance, Chen Nian’s parent and teacher will know
the incident and stop it immediately. Class teachers should always like a counselor, not just
take the salary for teaching and don’t thinks about counseling students not include in their
work. Class teachers can find the students chat privately when aware the students happened
in bullying. The class teacher should help the students who are being bullied and let the
school take action about the bullying. So at the last of the movie, Chen Nian will not face
imprisonment when the bullying stop early. To conclude, this suggestion will help Chen Nian
and prevents the bullying case become serious before the bullying continues until the person
who bullied commits suicide.

[LEE YI ZERN 1201100679]

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