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Incentive scheme for Individual contributors managing Agents / Partner relationships

Objective – To reward performance and align company objectives with individual objectives.

Applicable to all Individual contributors for their direct contribution.

Parameters for Incentive Calculation:

1) Target will be calculated on the basis of Journey completed within the same month.
2) All amount must be deposited within the same month including the credit given to the agent and employee self-
3) Incentive will be given to the POC who is working on the ground to achieve the targets. Any midmonth change of POC
of existing Agent will not be considered in performance
4) We have done a categorization of incentive amount based on 'revenue target' of different channels i.e. D2C &
Agent sales and cut-offs are 3L and 5L respectively.
5) A POC can qualify in both categories of incentives and that too be calculated separately and then can be added for a full
incentive amount.
6) To qualify for either D2C or agent sales incentive, the POC needs to achieve D2C target at least 50%. If D2C target is
not given then 50% agent target is must otherwise his incentive will not be counted.
7) To qualify for an incentive, those who are given both D2C and agent sales targets have to achieve a minimum of 3 Lacs
sales combined. Those who are given only either agent sales targets or only D2C targets have to achieve a minimum of 2
L revenue in the respective category for incentive eligibility.
8) The Scheme is applicable for Territory Managers & Executive Sales & Ops

The Incentive structure is as follows:

New Incentive structure D2C sales Agent sales

Incentive Incentive Incentive

Level Min Max amount amount amount for
amount for >5 L
for <3L for >3 L <5L

125% - 3000 4500 3000 4500
Base 100% 2000 3500 2000 3500
Gate 80% 99.99% 1000 2000 1000 2000

*targets to be decided

E.g. If somebody achieves D2C sales Target 95% and Agent sales 105%,
(Both in the <3L and <5L category respectively)
Below would be the calculation for the Incentive;

Lower base incentive amount + [(%achievement-lower base qualifying %)/( Upper base %- lower qualifying base %)]* (Upper base
incentive-lower base incentive amount)

95% D2C achievement in <3L category;

Lower base%=80, upper base %=100: lower base Incentive=1000, upper base incentive=2000
Incentive Amount = 1000+ [(95-80)/ (100-80)]*(2000-1000) =1750,

105% Agent Sales achievement in <3L category;

Lower base%=100, upper base %=105: lower base Incentive=2000, upper base incentive=3000
Incentive Amount = 2000+ [(105-100)/ (125-100)]*(3000-2000) =2200,

Misuse or misrepresentation of Data should not be done in any case. In case of any conflict – company’s interest will be given
preference over the individual.

Happy Selling!!

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