Joel Gwatsvaira - TAKE HOME TEST - MSCM704

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Code:MSCM 704




Surname: Name: Reg no.




Level: 1 Semester:1

1. Complete the table below on assumptions of research paradigms/philosophical


a. Positivism There is existence of Holds that Qualitative methods
independent realities outside meanings reside
the mind. within entities
as objective
truth and
independent of
the human
b. Enterpretivis Views reality as multiple Believe that knowledge Quantitative
m/ and relative, thus single is constructed via methods
Constructivis phenomenon can have participation.
m multiple interpretations
c. Pragmatism Reality is constantly Best method to use is Consider the
negotiated, debated and the one that solve the practical effects of
interpreted problem the objects of the

2. Identify four characteristics of each of the following research approaches:

a. Characteristics of Qualitative research approach.
 Multiple sources of data are available.
 Natural environment- that is data is collected in the field where participants experience
the problem.
 Interpretive- researchers make an interpretation of what they see, hear and what they
 Researcher is a key instrument.

b. Characteristics of Quantitative research approach

 Highly reliable outcome
 Closed ended questions can be used.
 Outcome is always numerical in form
 Large sample size to conduct the study from

c. Characteristics of Mixed-methods research approach.

 The approach seeks to minimize the weaknesses drawing from the strengths of qualitative
or quantitative research methodology.
 The methodology recognizes the value of knowledge as constructed through qualitative.
 it rejects the dualism that sets qualitative based methodologies as having value only in
exclusivity from each other.
 combines the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods of research in gathering and
analyzing data.

3. Explain the following concepts showing their place in research:

a. Theoretical framework- it is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a
research study and. serves as the guide on which to build and support the study. It
consists of expert theories in the field in which the researcher plan to research and
draw upon to provide a theoretical coat hanger for data analysis and interpretation of
b. Triangulation- is the process of using multiple research methods and perspectives to
study a particular topic. Mainly used in qualitative research and it strengthens the
validity of the research because it checks for errors in interpretation or measurement
through the use of multiple methods and perspectives.
c. Statement of the problem-  it is an explanation in research that describes the issue
that is in need of study. It Is the focal point of any research, provides the context for
the research study and generates the questions which the research aims to answer. 
d. Research design- it is a framework or blueprint for conducting the research project,
(Maholtra 2007). Serves as the master plan of methods used to collect and analyze
data. Hence it outlines the processes for collecting information required to structure
and solve research problems.
e. Data analysis- refers to performing evaluations and calculations in order to extract
relevant information from data. The purpose of Data Analysis is to extract useful
information from data and taking the decision based upon the data analysis.
f. Variables in research- these are phenomenon, things, places or a person the
researcher ought to measure in some way. They are any properties, characteristics,
numbers, or a quantity that increases or decreases over time or can take on different
values in different situations.
g. Validity- Is the extent to which differences in observed results reflect the differences
among objects on the characteristics being measured (Shukla 2008). In simple words,
validity helps to identify if the instrument measured what it was supposed to measure.
h. Ethical considerations in research- these are certain principles that guide the
research design and practices of the researcher. Their main purpose is to protect the
rights of research participants, enhance research validity and scientific integrity.
4. Briefly indicate two (3) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of the following data
collection tools/methods:

Advantages of Structured questionnaire

 Are relatively quick and easy to create, and interpret, especially if closed questions are
 Easy to standardize since every respondent is asked the same question in the same way.


 Difficult to know whether or not a respondent has understood a question properly if

researcher is unavailable.
 The researcher has to hope that questions asked mean the same to the respondents as they
mean to them.

Advantages Unstructured/open ended interview

 Flexible, that is the interview flows naturally, giving the candidate an opportunity to
prove their skills.
 Ability to prove skills: Interviewees may benefit from this for positions in management
or other leadership roles, if they can demonstrate their ability to lead the conversation.


 Interviewer bias might undermine validity, where the values of the researcher interfere
with the results.
 Lack of reliability because each interview is unique.

Advantages Focus group discussion

 Easy to execute since the number of people brought together and interviewed is smaller.
 Rich data because focus groups make it possible to have touch conversations with
participants, leading to more actionable insights


 Results ca be skewed due to the assumption that focus group activity accurately the entire
target market.
 Dishonest responses due to personal opinions where participants might want the result to
focus towards a particular side.

Advantages of Document analysis

 It is an efficient and effective way of gathering data because documents are manageable
and practical resources.
 there is no danger of conscious or unconscious influencing of persons, for example in the
context of oral opinion.


 Number of documents involved can lead to information overload.

 Documents may need to be anonymized and analyzed against other documents.

Advantages Observation

 Data can be collected at the time they occur and no need to ask people.
 the observer can conduct their study over a much longer period than the survey or
experiment, since the observation is conducted in a natural setting


 The observation study has little control over irrelevant variables that may affect the data.
 Knowing the past is difficult and also difficult to gather information on intentions,
opinions, attitudes, or preferences.

a. Explain the differences between: “Theoretical framework” and “Conceptual framework”

showing the role of each in research.
A theoretical framework is a foundational review of existing theories that serves as a roadmap
for developing the arguments you will use in your own work. Arises from outcomes beyond a
single study, based on one or more theories, for example Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural
selection. Whilst a conceptual framework illustrates the expected relationship between the
variables. It defines the relevant objectives for the research process and maps out how they come
together to draw coherent conclusions. For example, the expectation that the number of hours a
student studies is related to their exam score, thus the more the student prepares the higher the
score will be.

b. “Research paradigm” and “Research approach.”

 A research paradigm is a cluster of beliefs and dictates which in a particular discipline
influence what should be studied, how research should be done and how results should be
interpreted. Whilst a research approach is the procedure selected by the researcher to
collect, analyze, and interpret data. Research approach may imply methods of data
collection and data analysis in general and differences between qualitative and
quantitative methods in particular.

5. Five (5) steps/procedures a researcher can take to enhance validity and reliability in the
conduct of research.

Step1 Controlling more variables.

Step2 Improving measurement technique

Step 3 Increasing randomization to reduce sample bias,

Step 4 Blinding the experiment,

Step5 Adding control or sample groups

6. Briefly analyze the following sampling techniques showing the procedure/steps in each
a. Simple random sampling technique

It is s a randomly selected subset of a population, where each member of the population has an
exactly equal chance of being selected. The procedure is: Define the population, decide the
sample size, randomly select the sample and collect data from the sample

b. Judgmental/purposive sampling technique.

It involves the researcher carefully picking and choosing each individual to be a part of the
sample. The researcher’s knowledge is primary in this sampling process as the members of the
sample are not randomly chosen. Procedure: carefully select units, (e.g., individual people,
events, objects) 

c. Convenience sampling

It is a method where market research data is collected from a conveniently available pool of
respondents. Data is collected from potential customers to understand specific issues or manage
opinions of a newly launched product.

d. Cluster sampling technique.

It is a probability sampling technique where researchers divide the population into multiple
groups (clusters) for research. Random groups are then selected with a simple random technique
for data collection and data analysis.

e. Systematic random sampling technique

It is a probability sampling method where the researcher chooses elements from a target
population by selecting a random starting point and selects sample members after a fixed
‘sampling interval.’

f. Stratified random sampling technique.

A type of probability sampling where a research organization can branch off the

entire population into multiple non-overlapping, homogeneous groups (strata) and randomly
choose final members from the various strata for research which reduces cost and improves

g. Snowball sampling technique.

Snowball sampling or chain-referral sampling is defined as a non-probability sampling technique

in which the samples have traits that are rare to find. This is a sampling technique, in which
existing subjects provide referrals to recruit samples required for a research study.

7. In brief, describe the following research designs showing the applicability in research:
a. Case study design

It is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or
phenomenon. Useful when trying to test theoretical models by using them in real world

b. Experimental design

It is analysis of data generated from an experiment. Time and effort must be taken to organize
the experiment properly to ensure that the right type of data, and enough of it, is available to
answer the questions of interest as clearly and efficiently as possible.

c. Quasi-experimental design

Quasi means “resembling. Thus quasi-experimental research is research that resembles

experimental research but is not true experimental research

d. Survey design

It is a process of creating surveys that get responses, and allows one to better understand the
market and its surroundings.

e. Action research design

Action research can be defined as “an approach in which the action researcher and a client
collaborate in the diagnosis of the problem and in the development of a solution based on the
diagnosis. The main characteristic traits of action research relate to collaboration between
researcher and member of organization in order to solve organizational problems.

8. How can a researcher minimize any five forms/types of bias in research?

1. Creating a thorough research plan- the researcher must remain aware of potential bias
in every part of the process.
2. Evaluating hypothesis- researcher must examine assumptions about the hypothesis
which describes a testable assumption about the study’s outcome.

9. With reference to the conduct of qualitative research, demonstrate how a researcher can
enhance each of the four components of Trustworthiness.
 Dependability- it is used to measure or demonstrate the consistency and reliability of the
study’s results. This starts by tracking the precise methods used for data collection,
analysis and interpretation and providing adequate contextual information about each
 Confirmability- through confirmability the researcher will be proving that the qualitative
research is neutral and not influenced by the assumptions and biases of the researcher.
Thus trustworthy research should produce findings that objectively reflect information
collected from participants. 

10. Briefly describe five (5) characteristics of a good research problem. [5]
 It should address a gap in Knowledge
 The problem can be stated clearly and concisely- That is the problem cannot be clearly
stated in a paragraph the it has difficulties and will not endure as a suitable problem.
 Must be realistic- the results are empirical and not manipulated. The researcher respects
and upholds the integrity of the evidence.
 Should be measurable- must be able to be measured accurately with research
 Achievable- that is the data is achievable using correct statistical techniques to come up
with reliable findings.

11. For research topic of your choice (state it), draft

Analysis of the effectiveness of Transportation Logistics on Customer service delivery.

a. Statement of the problem;

Regardless of the point that DHL serves large percentage of the market in courier industry,
cumulative daily customer complaints about the company’s poor logistics services outputs are
always increasing. Witnessing the growing courier industry in the Zimbabwean market and the
drop in sales volumes, the researcher seeks to assess the effectiveness of transport logistics
elements on customer service.

b. 4 research sub-questions.
 What are the causes of poor service delivery at DHL?
 What are the factors customers consider when purchasing Transport logistics services?
 What are the strategies for good customer service delivery?
 How does transportation impact on customer service delivery?

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