PMBcase 3 Lethlogonol

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Lethlogonolo Selowe


Alignment model: China solar companies

1.1 Ensuring ability to meet their needs

1.2 Enabling compliance to conform on local 1. Simple-to-use feature tools
2.1 Providing collaborative innovation among
the architecture and the component.
2.2 Ensuring substitution of the existing 2. Architecture and component tools
3.1 Ensuring that the core technology is
standardized. 3. Production tools (modular systems)
3.2 Enhancing design for the purposes of
manufacturability and scale
4.1 enhance the local capacities and the 4. Working station systems
business mindsets
4.2 Constructing bridging links between solar
companies and entrepreneurs.
4.3 Ensuring that both entrepreneur and solar
companies achieve new industrial structure.

1. Integration of social norms and values 1 Manual/Automatic control machines

2. Developed synergic innovation principles 2 Glass STS tools
3.1 Standardized assembly and installation 3 Architecture, interfaces and standards of
3.2 Capital-incentive manufacturing and R&D STS
3.3 Collaborative partnership (small- and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs))
4.1 Initiation of activities 4 Use of training factories (STS working
4.2 Local Development programs stations)
4.3 Knowledge sharing initiatives

Business strategy

1.1 Ensuring the ability to meet their need for affordability and adaptability, Business strategy –
Solar companies integrated the local norms and values to construct a durable blend of
emotional and economic value for users.
1.2 Enabling compliance to conform to local values of the lower class economy, business
strategy- Solar companies aligned the product with local values and traditions of the people
at the BoP.
2.1 Providing collaborative innovation among the architecture and the component, business
strategy – solar companies redefined the identity of technology by radically innovating the
industrial structure and the functions of their product to suit people at the BoP.
2.2 Ensuring substitution of the existing materials, business strategy - the emerging markets
redesigned the existing product dramatically through the innovation in both architecture and
components, including the usage of new components and reconfiguring the architecture that
integrates them.
3.1 Ensuing that the core technology is standardized, business strategy – the solar companies
maximized the usage of abundant available low-cost materials to provide primary function at
a low price.
3.2 Ensuing that the core technology is standardized, business strategy – the solar companies
maximized the usage of abundant available low-cost materials to provide primary function at
a low price.
4.1 Enhance the local capacities and business mindsets, business strategy solar companies,
business strategy – providing training and demonstrating the STS's economic potential.
4.2 Constructing bridging links between emerging markets and entrepreneurs, business strategy
– the solar companies set up work stations in rural locations (low economy) to increase the
structural diversity of local networks.
4.3 Ensuring that both entrepreneur and solar companies achieve new industrial structure,
business strategy – the solar companies provide modularized components with capital
intensive manufacturing, whereas the local SMEs act as the satellite that assembles and
distributes the final product to meet local needs.

Business capabilities
1. The integration of social norms and values was implemented by leading solar companies to
create a potent blend between emotions and economic values for users, enabling users to
integrate the new technology with their traditional values.
2. Developed synergic innovation principles - the leading solar companies developed synergic
principles that provide a logical low-cost feature for offering the wanted new function with an
innovative technical structure.
3.1 Standardized assembly and installation – Which the leading solar companies included as
part of the process requires low technological capabilities and lowered entry barriers to
assist local manufacturing capacity to participate in the value chain.
3.2 Capital-incentive manufacturing and R & D investments – leading solar companies
developed investments to update technologies in the component.
3.3 Collaborative partnership (small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)) – leading solar
companies developed collaborative partnerships to ensure empowerment at low-cost
production model.
4.1 Initiation of activities – the leading solar companies- initiated activities to empower the local
entrepreneurs to enter the industrial chain.
4.2 Local Development programs – the leading companies developed local programs to
promote the diffusion of product knowledge and manufacturing technology within the
4.3 Knowledge sharing initiatives – the leading companies initiated knowledge sharing programs
activities to set up the knowledge and technology foundation for the industry's explosive
growth of the industry

IT strategy

1. Simple-to-use feature tools: ensuring the ability that the needs of the people at the BoP are
met, and it turns to enable solar companies to conform to the local values in rural areas,
which allows users to integrate the new technology with their traditional values.
2. Architecture and component tools: This process provides collaborative innovation among
the architecture and the component and ensures substitution of the existing materials that
enable solar companies to try and minimize the usage of abundant available low-cost
technology materials to provide primary function at a lower cost.
3. Production tools (modular systems): the process of ensuring that the core technology is
standardized and design for manufacturability and scale enables solar companies to
integrate large-scale manufacturing and labor-intensive processes into their value chain to
balance low cost, speed, and scale.
4. Working station systems: This process enhance the local capacities and the business
mindsets, construct links between solar companies and entrepreneurs and lastly ensure that
both entrepreneur and solar companies achieve a new industrial structure, which ensures
that solar companies enhance the sense-making capability of local entrepreneurs.

IT Capabilities
1. Manual control machines are machines implemented by solar companies that require only
water and sunlight to be suitable for people in the weak economy.
2. Glass STS tools which is implemented by solar companies using glass for evacuated tubes,
which the product of the companies much cheaper than those which were made by heavy
metals imported from the western countries.
3. Architecture, interfaces, and standards of STS developed by solar companies aiming to
make manufacturing as simple as possible.
4. Working stations developed by solar companies that ensure that various local firms
(emerging markets) and entrepreneurs share knowledge

Comprehensive alignment

1. The business strategy enables the solar companies to maximize value by ensuring that the
companies can meet the needs of the people at the BoP and provide compliance with local
norms. Both IT and business strategies are aligned because they ensure that the needs of
the rural areas are met, and the IT and business capabilities also support the strategies
throughout the process.
2. The market value is maximized with the business strategy by providing collaborative
innovation among the architect, and the component, which also aligns with the IT and
business strategies that want to achieve the same innovation supported by both IT and
business capabilities.
3. Maximizing value has been reached in ensuring that the core technology of emerging
markets is standardized and enhancing design for the purpose of manufacturability and
scale in which both IT and business strategies the same standardization assisted by both IT
and business capabilities.
4. The strategy provides maximum value by ensuring that both entrepreneur and solar
companies achieve new industrial structure, enhance the local capacities and the business
mindsets, constructing bridging links between solar companies and entrepreneurs in which
both IT and business strategies want to achieve the objective of sharing knowledge assisted
by both IT and business capabilities.
Strategic Grid

High Factory Quadrant Support Quadrant



Support Quadrant Turnaround Quadrant


Low strategy High

1. This process (simple-to-use STS tools) began at the turnaround quadrant because this
process depends more on IT, this process shifted from the turnaround to the factory
quadrant due to more emerging markets using, and there were fewer barriers to entry. This
process weighed 18% on the impact of solar companies.
2. The Architecture and components of STS began at the turnaround because it used the
automation control machine. Which was dependent on IT, solar companies changed the
automatic control machine into a manual control machine in order for emerging markets to
access using the existing technology then is shifted to turnaround quadrant this process
weighed 23% on the impact of the solar companies, as it gave emerging markets a good
advantage against other western countries solar firms.
3. This process (modular system) began on the turnaround quadrant because it highly
depended on IT (Architecture, interfaces, and standards) then it moves to a strategic
quadrant. The reason is that only leading solar companies in china were using this process
the open barrier to entry allowing local firms to engage with it and then moved from the
strategic quadrant to the factory quadrant. This process weighed 28% impact on solar
companies because they could maximize value regardless of barriers.
4. This process (working stations systems) began on the strategic and stayed there because
this process was high on both IT and strategy, by the leading solar companies setting up
working stations which ensure knowledge sharing and developed local programs together
with activities which provides provide tailored products to meet local demand quickly and
flexibly. This process was used by leading companies only, which gave them a considerable
advantage amongst their competitors. Therefore the weighing on this process is 31%

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