Philosophy Notes

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MODULE 1 Human person is used together to distinguish
it from other kinds of persons such as
PHILOSOPHY corporate person, ecclesiastical person,
Traditionally philosophy is defined as love of person in grammar, etc.
wisdom because it came from two Greek
words philos (love) and sophia (wisdom). ORIGIN OF PHILOSOPHY
Philosophy is the sum of all men’s beliefs and Greece is the birthplace of philosophy in the
views about the world which guide their actions
Philosophy is a rational critical thinking or
To be more precise it is the ancient Greek city
more or less systematic kind about conduct of of Miletus in the Western coast of what is now
life, the general nature of the world, and the
Turkey that gave birth to philosophy.
justification of belief.
Thales is the Father of Philosophy in the
Philosophy is the science of things by their Western civilization. He lived between 624 and
ultimate principles and causes, as known by
546 BCE a contemporary of the Lydian king
natural reason alone. Croesus and the statesman Solon
Philosophy is the only science that What made Thales a philosopher is his desire
investigates all things in their ultimate causes, to know the ultimate stuff that makes up the
views and principles through reason alone. different things we perceived.

Thales approach highlights the difference

PERSON between religion and philosophy. Religion
The term “Person” is defined in many ways rests on faith while philosophy rests on reason.
based on one’s purpose.

In law, it refers to a corporation, organization, PHILOSOPHICAL ACTIVITY

partnership, association or other entity
construed to be governed by particular law. First in terms of scope philosophy involves the
widest generalizations
In grammar, a person is any of the three
groups of pronouns with corresponding verb Second philosophy is all about fundamentals.
inflections that distinguish the speaker, the A fundamental is the root cause that explains
individual and the individual or thing spoken of. almost everything in a given context.

In Christianity, it is any of three separate Third philosophy is driven by the desire to

individualities constituting the trinity: the first integrate things into a one coherent whole. As
person (The Father), the second person (The the celebrated philosopher Georg Wilhelm
Son), and the third person (The Holy Spirit) Friedrich Hegel said “The true is the Whole


Human is defined as a rational being endowed • Socrates

with composite characteristics (physical, • Plato
mental, spiritual and emotional) as distinct • Aristotle
from lower animals.
Socrates MODULE 2
Socrates was the big-city philosopher in MAJOR BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY
ancient Athens.

Socrates didn't write books; he just liked to ask COGNITIVE BRANCH

probing and sometimes humiliating questions,
which gave rise to the famous Socratic • Logic
Method of Teaching.
Deals with the nature of thinking and reasoning
it uses empirical support and information which
Plato are reliable valid and objective.

An aristocratic man with plenty of money and It is the science of correct thinking, there are
a superb physique, Actually, the man's real two types of logic:
(and little known) name was Aristocles; Plato
- Deductive Reasoning - Universal
was just a nickname given to him by his
truth to particular
friends, whose original connotation made
- Inductive Reasoning - Particular to
reference to his broad shoulders.
He believes in the pre-existence. and
immortality of the soul, holding that life is
nothing more than the imprisonment of the • Epistemology
soul in a body. In addition to the physical world, It concerns with the definition of knowledge
there is a heavenly realm of greater reality and related concepts such as courses and
consisting in Forms, Ideals, or Ideas (such as criteria of knowledge. There are two
Equality, Justice, Humanity) contending schools of thought:

- Rational School - The main source of

Aristotle knowledge is deductive reasoning.
Based on self-evident principles or
Aristotle was Plato's best student. He went on
to become the very well-paid tutor of Alexander
- Empirical School - The source of
the Great -probably the highest paid
knowledge is sense-perception
philosopher in history.

This great thinker was called a peripatetic

philosopher (peripateo = "to walk around") • Metaphysics
because he liked to lecture to his students It is concerned with the nature of ultimate
while taking a walk. Another group of reality. Reflect on the subject of appearance.
philosophers were called stoics because they
preferred sitting around on porches (stoa)
when they shot the breeze. A key theme in
Aristotle's thought is that happiness is the goal NORMATIVE BRANCH
of life. • Ethics
He voluntarily went into exile from Athens It is the science or art of correct doing. It is the
when conditions became a bit politically study of what is right and what is wrong in
dangerous for him, in his words, "lest Athens human behavior in the pursuit of beauty and
sin twice against philosophy." The founder goodness of life. It can be regarded as the
of logical theory, Aristotle believed that the technology of philosophy; it is because it tells
greatest human endeavor is the use of reason us human beings ought to function as human
in theoretical activity. One of his best-known being
ideas was his conception of "The Golden
Mean "avoid extremes,"
• Aesthetics Partial Point of View

Derived from the Greek work “aisthetikos” Looks at only a limited number of aspects of
which means one who is perception of things the given problem or situation
through his sensation, feelings and intuitions.
Conclusions are made based on considering
It is concerned with the essence of
some, but not all, sides of the problem or
perceptions, objectives, judgement of beauty
and nature of things.



HOLISTIC PERSPECTIVE: The Human Person is a unique individual

THE PHILIOSOPHERS WAY different from the rest. He is in charge of his
own life, his intellect, freewill, possessing
dignity and is "created in the image of likeness
Holistic Perspective of God".
is the concept of “whole as greater than the The human person must accept that he is not
sum of its parts” alone in this world. As a social and political
being he is oriented towards other people and
their company.
Holistic Thinking

It refers to a perspective that considers large-

scale patterns in systems. All aspects are tied THE VALUE OF DOING PHILOSOPHY
in together to form a general overview of the
The main purpose in the study of Philosophy
problem or situation.
of the Human Person is to see human life as
This is often described as looking at a “big a meaningful whole or in its holistic
picture” when describing and analyzing a perspective.
situation or problem. The word holistic comes
The Philosophy of the Human Person seeks
from the Greek word “holos” which means
to obtain a unified and consistent world view of
the human person.

The Philosophy of the Human Person is of

Partial Thinking
little worth and strength if everything is certain
It focuses on specific aspect of a situations. in this world.
Conclusions are made based on considering
Philosophy of the Human Person lies in the
some, but not all sides of the problem or
"visions of things large enough to generate a
life plan, a direction" on the purpose and
existence of the human person.

Holistic Point of View

Looks at all aspects of the given problem or THE SPECIFIC VALUE OF PHILOSOPHY
Philosophy as a subject enables the student
All aspects are given importance when making to study, learn and master the various
conclusions & tied in together to form a general branches and divisions of philosophy and the
overview of the problem or situation. theories and beliefs of philosophers.
Philosophy as an activity enables the Doubt has a very important purpose in
student to think, conceptualize, analyze, philosophy as it drives our desire to discover
compare, evaluate and understand things. the truth.

A belief is true if it can be justified or proven

through the use of one’s senses. Another basis
for determining truth is a belief or statement is
MODULE 5 true if it is based on facts

• Truth
The quality of words, statements, beliefs,
ideas, or propositions that are stated, in is something concrete that can be proven. You
everyday conversation, to concur with the facts can find facts in legal records, scientific
or to state the case is known as truth in findings, encyclopedias, atlases, etc. In other
metaphysics and in the philosophy of language words, facts are the truth and are accepted as
Most frequently, it refers to faithfulness to an
original or standard as well as being in line with • OPINION
fact or reality. In contemporary situations, the
is less concrete. It’s a view formed in the mind
concept of "truth to self" or authenticity is often
of a person about a particular issue. In other
used to describe truth.
words, it is what someone believes or thinks,
• Propositions and is not necessarily the truth.

is a statement about the world or reality. - Plato

Propositions may or may not carry truth. Opinion is something intermediary
between knowledge and ignorance.
• Knowledge While Public opinion is the
intermediate faculty which seizes the
Knowledge is the clear awareness and
things that float between the two
understanding of something. It is the product
of questions that allow for clear answers
provided by facts.
- Aristotle
• Facts Opinion applies to what, being true or
false, may be other than it is: in fact,
Are propositions or statement which are opinion is the apprehension of an
observe to be real or truthful immediate and unnecessary premise

• Claim - Kant
Is a statement that is not evidently or Opinion is a belief that is conscious of
immediately known to be true. This means that being insufficient both subjectively and
any claim can be proven by verification and objectively
- Hobbes
An opinion gives for truth something
that has been said, although
In philosophy, systematic doubt is employed
sometimes they are absurd words,
to help determine the truth. This means that
which mean nothing, impossible to
every statement, claim, evidence, and
experience is scrutinized and analyzed.
- Freund • Begging the Question
Public opinion is the convergence of - Assuming the thing or idea to be
the opinions of the greatest number of proven is true; also known as circular
people in a community, so that they argument.
form a common and dominant feeling,
exerting diffuse pressure • Cause-and-Effect
- “Cause-and-effect” relationship
between unrelated events

• Fallacy of Composition
MODULE 6 - Assuming that what is true of a part is
true for the whole

• FALLACIES • Fallacy of Division

- a false or mistaken idea - Assuming that what is true for the
- an often-plausible argument using whole is true for its parts.
false or invalid inference.

Philosophers are constantly using the word

Examples of Biases
fallacy. For them, a fallacy is reasoning that
comes to a conclusion without the evidence to • Correspondence bias or attribution
support it. effect
- Tendency to judge a person’s
personality by his or her actions,
• BIASES without regard for the external factors
Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, or influence.
person, or group compared with another,
usually in a way considered to be unfair. • Confirmation Bias
- Tendency to look for and readily
accept information which fits one’s
own beliefs or views and to reject
Examples of Fallacies
ideas or views that go against it.
• Ad Hominem
- Attacking the person presenting the • Framing
argument instead of the argument - Focusing on a certain aspect of a
itself problem while ignoring other aspects.

• Appeal to Force • Hindsight

- Using the threat of force or an - to see past events as predictable, or to
undesirable event to advance an ascribe a pattern to historical events.
• Conflict of Interest
• Appeal to Emotion - A person or group is connected to or
- Using emotion such as pity or has a vested interest in the issue
sympathy being discussed.

• Appeal to Tradition • Cultural Bias

- The idea is acceptable because it has - Analyzing an event or issue based on
been true for a long time. one’s cultural standards.
In this type of reasoning, supporting data,
facts, examples, and evidences come first
Critical Thinking is the careful, reflective, followed by the main points and conclusion will
rational and systematic approach to questions be the last part. This is the vice versa of the
of very general interest. deductive reasoning because particular idea
comes first before the general idea.
Critical thinking means understanding of
philosophy and refraining from merely giving
claims but through careful thought, one
reasons through to argumentation. NINE (9) METHODS OR TOOLS OF
For Maboloc and Pascua (2008) critical
thinking is a lifelong process of self- • Conceptual Analysis
assessment. - Science analyzes facts through
observation, experimentation and
sense experience. Facts are known
but concepts are understood.
• Logical Analysis
- It is a method of determining whether
the assertion offered as reason for
A method of philosophizing is a process of accepting the assertion justify that
determining the truth or drawing conclusions acceptance in the way the speaker
from a statement using various philosophical intended.
methods, such as: Socratic, dialectic, - The benefit of this approach is
scientific, and historical. multifaceted.
- it gives the arguers a relatively high
The scientific method is a process of level of confidence in their work, so
determining truth or knowledge through long as they have reason to presume
experimentation, inductive and deductive their premises to be true.
reasoning, and hypothesis or theory testing.
• Method of Systematic Doubt
The scientific method, also called empirical
- The "doubt" as a method of philosophy
method, is a process of determining truth or
is called the methodological doubt or
knowledge through experimentation, inductive
indubitable or sometimes referred to
and deductive reasoning, and hypothesis or
as Cartesian doubt advocated by
theory testing.
Rene Descartes (1596-1650), a
Logic is the truth based on reasoning and French philosopher.
critical thinking. It includes analysis and
construction of arguments. It serves as path to • Phenomenological Method
freedom from half-truths and deception. - This method of philosophy was
associated with Edmund Husserl
(1859-1938), a German philosopher
• Deductive Reasoning who postulated transcendental
phenomenology. The word
In this type of reasoning, conclusion comes phenomenon is derived from a Greek
first, followed by main points, and the last will word phaenesthai, which means "to
be the supporting data, facts, examples, and appear". In phenomenological
evidences. General idea comes first before the method, we describe ourselves and
specific or particular idea. the world around us on the basis of
subjective experience, which is often
referred to as "lived experience".
- In using this method, we suspend our MODULE 7
categorical commitments and
describe what appears in this world, HUMAN PERSON AS EMBODIED SPIRIT
such that our observations
presuppose our categories and
Allegory of the Cave
- This method is useful when The story demonstrates that Plato wants us to
encountering a field of philosophy for remember two worlds: the world of ideas and
the first time. This can be combined the world of senses.
with the self-directed deconstruction
method. The world of senses is depicted within the
cave, showing us that the world we live is but
• Philosophical Dialogue a reflection of the true world. The outside of the
- A person who employs this method cave represents the world of ideas, from which
must employ the other methods listed all imitations of the cave originate.
here in order to conduct the
Plato said that our bodies are made up of two
distinct realities, including the one from the
- The usefulness of this method is that it
previous sentence. In specifically, a human
brings a philosopher into contact with
body is made up of both a physical body and a
many ideas in a short period of time,
soul, with the physical body existing in the
especially when there are more than
world of senses and the soul emerging from
two opinions being argued.
the world of thoughts.

• Historical Method According to Plato, the body and the soul are
- In this method, there is value in distinct in that after death, the soul returns to
explaining the implications of an the world of ideas while the body stays in the
argument in a society. However, world of senses where it deteriorates. The soul
negative implications do not simply is perfect because it came from the world of
imply an absence of truth nor do ideas, where it had the capacity to know
positive ones imply its presence. everything.

The thought that the soul is constrained by the

• Comparative-Descriptive Method
body—like the prisoners in the cave—or,
- This is a valuable learning tool, since
we often come to understand obviously, imprisoned inside a body—hits us
hard when the reality of the body comes in.
concepts in relations to what we are
Because of this, a man's body is actually
already know.
constantly constrained and flawed.
• Comparative-Constructive Method
- This is a very useful method for
creating new ideas, which are DEFINING MAN, HUMAN, HUMAN BEING,
extremely important to the process of PERSON, PERSONHOOD, AND HUMAN
truth seeking. NATURE

• Man
• Deconstructive Method
- By definition, it is generally and
- This method is useful in specific
commonly defined to represent the
situations. Its value is that it allows a
entire human race.
thinker to challenge his own cultural
• Human
preconceptions and thus gain a
- A term used to refer for various
somewhat, more objective point of
classifications and species. For a
living man, human is under the
classification of Mamalia.
• Human Being work The Republic wherein Plato compared
- A term used to separate man from the human person into a state.
other Human Classifications like
Plato’s idea of a good life is a life ruled by
reason, as rational part controls. It is logical
• Person
indeed to have our life controlled intellectually
- Refers to an individual who possess
by our own reasoning.
self-awareness, self-determination,
rational mind, and the capacity to
interact with other and with
• Personhood
- A general term refers to the state of
being a person with unique, sacred HUMAN PERSON IN THEIR
and ethical status within him/herself. ENVIRONMENT
• Human Nature
- A general term refers to the deepest
and natural behavior of a person that ENVIRONMENTAL PHILOSOPHY
distinguish human from animals.
is the discipline that studies the moral
- A collective trait that formed and
relationships of human beings with the
considered the very essence of
environment and its non-human contents
According to Payne (2010) there are two
frameworks where humans can be related

A human person is typically with a body which • Anthropocentric Model.

- Based on the anthropocentric model,
is tangible and has three components
humans are superior and central to the
composed of SOUL, MIND and SPIRIT.
universe, thus, it is human centered
• Ecocentric Model.
- It is the ecological or relational
TWO GENERAL KINDS HUMAN PERSON integrity of the humans that provides
• Cognitive Self meaning of our morals and values and
it is nature centered. Devoted to
Are the essential components of a human preserving the totality of Earth’s
persons that deals with THE WHAT OF A biodiversity and the functioning of its
PERSON which includes human persons’ life –supporting system
belief, desire, dreams, and intentions.
• Physical Self
Occurs when the order of things is disrupted.
Which deals with the essential features of the
In order to for us to help maintain its order of
human way of life or THE WHO OF A
things we have to apply
PERSON which includes his/her body type,
strength and appearances - Environmental Aesthetics

The field of Philosophy that studies ways in

which humans experience the world through
Human limitations do exist. It is essentially
their senses
normal to a lot of people.
Philosophical view that believes maintaining
Apparently, Plato’s concept of the body and
order in the environment will bring out the
soul directs us to his ideal man – the man that
natural beauty of the surroundings and
is rational and governed by his own
contribute to the well-being of the people and
intellect and will. This is evidently seen in his
other organisms living in it.
The appreciation of natural beauty brings universe involving biophilia (love of
about the concern for the environment and other living things) And cosmophilia
helps people relate more effectively with (love of other living beings)
Environmental Aesthetics focuses on
• Immanuel Kant
philosophical questions concerning
- ‘Beauty is ultimately a symbol of
appreciation of the world as a whole.
morality (goodness). He believes that
the orderliness of nature and the
ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS harmony of nature with our faculties
guides us toward a deeper religious
This is a moral approach that analyzes the perspective’
relationship between humans and the
environment. It also discusses environmental • Herbert Marcuse
problems caused by human activities and - Said about the power of humans over
social issues that impact the environment. nature, while George Herbert Mead
tackled about our duties and
It serves as a basis for reflecting on how our responsibilities.
actions show our regard for nature. It also
guides us in upholding the welfare of the
environment and everything in it
Human kind is a part of the world, and we
significantly affect our environment in the
ENVIRONMENTALISM same way that changes in our environment
affects us.
This perspective advocates to address the
growing environmental problems. It has
become an important issue in international
politics as governments and international MODULE 9
organizations have devoted efforts to discuss HUMAN PERSON IN THEIR
environmental issues and formulate plans to ENVIRONMENT
address them.
• Deep Ecology

Is an ecological philosophy developed by

ANCIENT THINKERS Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess in the
• Anaximander early 1970’s asserting that all life forms have
- a pre-Socratic philosopher and equal right to exist, and human needs and
scientist said about the creation- desires have no priority over those other
destruction. According to him, the organisms. Believes that the living
sketch of the genesis of the world environment should be respected and
(cosmology), the evolution of the regarded as having rights to flourish,
world begins with the generation of independents of its utility to humans
opposites in certain region Nature. • Social Ecology
Nature is indeterminate-boundless in
the sense that no boundaries between It is critical theory founded by American
the warm and or the moist and dry Anarchist and libertarian socialist author
regions are originally present within Murray Bookchin. Conceptualized as a critique
of current social, political, and anti-ecological
• Pythagoras trends, it espouses a reconstructive,
- “Universe is a living embodiment of ecological, communitarian, and ethical
nature’s order, harmony and beauty. approach to society.
He sees our relationship with the
• Ecofeminism

It is also called ecological feminism, branch of

feminism that examines the connections
between women and nature. Its name was
coined by French feminist Francoise
d’Eaubonne in 1974 A philosophical idea that
combines feminism and ecology concerns,
emphasizing that both suffer from their
treatment by male dominant society.

Comes from the idea that women and nature

have significant connections, since women
most often have a close association with
nature in many societies due to the nature of
their traditional roles

Prudence is defined as the ability to have

good judgment that allows avoidance of
dangers and risks. Meanwhile, frugality is the
act of using money or other resources wisely
and practically.


- covers good judgment, considering

the consequences of an action, using
common sense and discretion,
exercising caution, and conforming to
reason and decency


- The quality of being thrifty, sparing or

economical in the consumption of
resources and avoiding waste,
lavishness, or extravagance

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