Maths Coursework - Student Check List - 2023

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Maths Coursework – Statistics

“ Are wealthy countries healthier?”

Check list:

Mar What you need to do:

One relevant conjecture

1 One relevant graph (scatter / box plot) OR one relevant statistical

calculation to compare at least TWO continents OR consider a correlation
between 2 relevant variables

Simple conclusion relating to your conjecture and graph / calculation

Two different and relevant conjectures

Relevant graph (scatter / box plot) or relevant statistical calculation for
each conjecture to compare at least TWO continents OR consider a
correlation between relevant variables

Simple conclusions for each conjecture and graph/calculation

Three different and relevant aspects considered (3 conjectures)

3 At least ONE relevant graph and ONE relevant statistical calculation for
each conjecture to compare continents OR consider a correlation
between relevant variables

Conclusions for ALL graphs and calculations.

Overall summary AND answer the original question.

At least 3 different and relevant aspects considered (3 conjectures)

There must be at least one scatter graph (including the correlation

coefficient and regression line if relevant)

4 There must be box plots to compare at least 2 continents

There must be relevant statistical calculations set out clearly (eg in a

table) (eg PMCC, regression line, an average and measure of spread)

More detailed conclusion / discussion for ALL graphs and calculations.

Overall summary AND answer the original question.
At least 3 different and relevant aspects considered.
Carry out at least ONE hypothesis test (for correlation) including a
You must have all the level 4 above

Detailed conclusions with good English and good use of appropriate


ALL level 4 & 5 above

Use headings for your paragraphs

Find outliers for relevant variables using a calculation.

(state values which are outliers AND how you found them)
Say what you are going to do with the outliers
A substantial investigation considering more than 3 different aspects

7 ALL level 4, 5 & 6 above

Detailed conclusions with good English and good use of appropriate

vocabulary showing a clear understanding.

An original investigation considering several aspects in detail.

Clear structure, good English, detailed discussion and clear understanding
of all techniques.
Include ideas your teacher hasn’t given you.
8 Relate your findings to the real world.
Can you use a statistical technique which is beyond the scope of the IFP
Are all your results correct?

ALL level 4, 5, 6 & 7 above

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