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1. Discuss about raising pets.

 Introduction: Having a pet sparks off a heated debate. A sum of people claim that human-
animal bond brings positive effects on human’s emotional health. However others reckon
that pets could be a culprit for respiratory-related diseases. My essay is going to discuss
about the issue.

 Conclusion: In conclusion, each idea has its own value. Given that people could get
respiratory or infectious diseases from their pets, emotional benefits as reducing tension or
being a friend that animals bring are undeniable.
2. For or against raising pets?
 Introduction: Nowadays, raising pets is a matter of dispute. A group of people subscribe that
human-animal bond brings positive effects on human’s emotional health, whereas others
claim that these animals put respiratory in peril. To my mind, I stand opposed to this

 Conclusion: In the final analysis, I am in disagreement with the decision. Although humans
could avoid to be alone if having a pet, those animals might hold accountable for contagious
diseases impacting on people in general and children in particular.
3. For or against nuclear energy investment
 Introduction: Investing a huge of money in nuclear energy is a hotly-debated topic that
often divides opinion. Many people support it is crucial that nuclear power is spent more
and more budget due to development of national economy and defenses. However, others
believe that it might breed a sum of money. In my point of view, I stand in line with the
statement for the following reasons.

 Conclusion: To conclude, I stand in agreement with this decision. In spite of some

drawbacks such as a waste of money or threatening relationship between nations, earmark
for nuclear energy could contribute to defenses and be of economic values.

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