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The table shows the data on the number of UK boys in 6-11 and 12-16 aged group join 5 types

of sport
in 2010.

Overall, most of the sports attracted more males aged 6 to 11 than that in 12 to 16 years old. And the
proportion of football of both two groups was the highest.

For instance, playing football accounted for the vast majority of the total amount, 87% of boys in 6-11
years old and 78% of boys in 12-16 years old. The percentage of basketball of UK males aged 6-11 and
12-16 was lower, 35% and 25% respectively. The number of boys from 6 to 11 years old took up 45% in
taking part in cricket, whereas just 34% of boys in 12-16 years old enjoyed it.

The figures of both two groups made up the same proportion in participating in swimming by 19%.
Meanwhile, rugby, which boys preferred to swimming, was played by 23% of males from 6 to 11 and
21% of that from 12 to 16 years old.

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