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Bleron Ajradini / 1/25/2023


A girl named Mimi lived in a world just

like ours. With the same culture,
language and countries/But they
had something that we didn't have,
they had witches.Witches were the
ones who killed the Humans or
better, Humans were the ones who
killed the Witches. If people caught
witches who had done magic, they
burned them.

Mimi's friend had done a ritual

to become a witch in order to
have all the good things and to
do magic. There was a boy who
hated Mimi. He was Ron. One
day in their village, the water
in the well was infected.
And there was a dead cat down there

That cat belonged to Mimi, all the

villagers started talking about
who could have done this and
they thought who else but Mimi
and no one thought of anyone
else but her. The Cat was the main
part of the ritual to become a witch.
All the villagers decided that Mimi
should be hanged in the village and
started looking for her in every
house to find her.

Mimi went and hid to her friend

house (the witch) without knowing
that she was the reason they were
following her, when the villagers
came to her house, Mimi, entering
through small places in the house,
finding the place where her friend
own had done the ritual.

She then found out that her Friend

was the culprit. Then her friend
came and took her to the place of the
ritual and Mimi told her "How could
you do this" and that you should tell
the villagers that you are the witch
but of course she refused.

And that's where the fights

started, of course the witch
was stronger and put Mimi
to sleep. And she told the
villagers that I caught Mimi
and then the villagers hung
Mimi in the village

From that day it is known that the innocent girl

Mimi was burned without doing anything and
the Witch was never caught

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