Ede Assignment For Practical Subject

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EDE Assignment ET6I 42

computer engg (Government Polytechnic, Pune)

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This is to certify that Mr. Chirag.Makhija Roll No. 42 of Sixth Semester of Diploma in
Electronics & Communication Engineering of Institute, VES Polytechnic, Chembur
(Code: 0004) has completed the term work satisfactorily in course Entrepreneurship
Development(22032) for the academic year 2019- 2020 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Exam Seat No: ……………………. Enrollment No: 1700040024

Date: ……………………… Place: Chembur, Mumbai.

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of

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Academic year: 2019-20 Name of the faculty: Mrs.Neelima.P

Semester: VI Course code: Enterpreneurship Development (22032)

Program code: Electronics and Communication Engineering (ET6I)
Name of the Candidate: Chirag.G.Makhija Enrollment No.: 1700040024 Roll No.42

Marks Teacher’s
Obtained Signature

Submit a profile summary of a successful entrepreneur

indicating milestone achievements.

Undertake SWOT analysis to arrive at your business idea of a


Generate business ideas for intraprenuerial and enterprenuerial

opportunities through brainstorming.

4 Undertake self assessment test to discover your enterprenuerial


Survey industries of you stream, grade them according to the

5 level of scale of production, investment, turnover, pollution, to
prepare a report on it.

Visit a bank/financial institution to enquire about various

funding schemes for small scale enterprise.

Collect loan application forms of nationalise banks/other

financial institutions.

Compile the information from the financial agencies that will

help you set up your business enterprise.

Compile the information from the government agencies that

will help you setup your business enterprise.

Prepare Technological feasibility report of a chosen


11 Prepare financial feasibility report of a chosen product/service.

Prepare a set of short term, medium and long term goals for
starting a chosen small scale enterprise.

13 Prepare marketing strategy for your product/service.

14 Prepare a business plan for your chosen small scale enterprise

Total Marks and Average

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Name of Assignment:- Submit a profile summary

(about 500 words) of a successful entrepreneur
indicating milestone achievements.



Marks Obtained
Process Product Total Dated signature of
Related Related (25) Teacher
(15) (10)

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Assignment 1
AIM: - Submit a profile summary (about 500 words) of a successful
entrepreneur indicating milestone achievements.

Bill Gates
Born: - 28 October 1955 (age 64 years)
Co-founder of Microsoft Corp.
Founded: 1975

Some see him as an innovative visionary who sparked a computer revolution.

Others see him as a modern-day robber baron whose predatory practices have
stifled competition in the software industry. Regardless of what his supporters and
detractors may think, few can argue that Bill Gates is one of, if not the most
successful entrepreneur of the 20th century. In just 25 years, he built a two-man
operation into a multibillion-dollar colossus and made himself the richest man in
the world somewhere along the way. Yet he accomplished this feat not by
inventing new technology, but by taking existing technology, adapting it to a
specific market, and then dominating that market through innovative promotion
and cunning business savvy.

Bill Gates was born October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. He is famous for
building through technological innovation, great business strategies and aggressive
business tactics, the world's largest software business, Microsoft. He is also well
known for becoming the wealthiest person in the world in the process of building his

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Gates' first exposure to computers came while he was attending the prestigious
Lakeside School in Seattle. A local company offered the use of its computer to the
school through a Teletype link, and young Gates became entranced by the
possibilities of the primitive machine. Along with fellow student Paul Allen, he
began ditching class to work in the school's computer room. Their work would
soon pay off. When Gates was 15, he and Allen went into business together. The
two teens netted $20,000 with Traf-O-Data, a program they developed to measure
traffic flow in the Seattle area.

Despite his love and obvious aptitude for computer programming, and perhaps
because of his father's influence, Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973. By his
own admission, he was there in body but not in spirit, preferring to spend his time
playing poker and video games rather than attending class.

All that changed in December 1974, when Allen showed Gates a magazine article
about the world's first microcomputer, the Altair 8800. Seeing an opportunity,
Gates and Allen called the manufacturer, MITS, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and
told the president they had written a version of the popular computer language
BASIC for the Altair. When he said he'd like to see it, Gates and Allen, who
actually hadn't written anything, starting working day and night in Harvard's
computer lab. Because they did not have an Altair to work on, they were forced to
simulate it on other computers. When Allen flew to Albuquerque to test the
program on the Altair, neither he nor Gates was sure it would run. But run it did.
Gates dropped out of Harvard and moved with Allen to Albuquerque, where they
officially established Microsoft. MITS collapsed shortly thereafter, but Gates and
Allen were already writing software for other computer start-ups including
Commodore, Apple and Tandy Corp.

The duo moved the company to Seattle in 1979, and that's when Microsoft hit the
big time. When Gates learned IBM was having trouble obtaining an operating
system for its new PC, he bought an existing operating system from a small Seattle
company for $50,000, developed it into MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating
System), then licensed it to IBM. The genius of the IBM deal, masterminded by
Gates, was that while IBM got MS-DOS, Microsoft retained the right to license it
to other computer makers.

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Much as Gates had anticipated, after the first IBM PCs were released, cloners such
as Compaq began producing compatible PCs, and the market was soon flooded
with clones. Like IBM, rather than produce their own operating systems, the
cloners decided it was cheaper to purchase MS-DOS off the shelf. As a result, MS-
DOS became the standard operating system for the industry, and Microsoft's sales
soared from $7 million in 1980 to $16 million in 1981.
Microsoft expanded into applications software and continued to grow unchecked
until 1984, when Apple introduced the first Macintosh computer. The Macintosh's
sleek graphical user interface (GUI) was far easier to use than MS-DOS and
threatened to make the Microsoft program obsolete. In response to this threat,
Gates announced that Microsoft was developing its own GUI-based operating
system called Windows. Gates then took Microsoft public in 1986 to generate
capital. The IPO was a roaring success, making Gates one of the wealthiest people
in the country overnight.
When Windows was finally released in 1985, it wasn't exactly the breakthrough
Gates had predicted. Critics claimed it was slow and cumbersome. Apple wasn't
exactly pleased either. They saw Windows as a rip-off of the Macintosh operating
system and sued. The case would drag on until the mid-1990s, when the courts
finally decided that Apple's suit had no merit.

Meanwhile, Gates worked on improving Windows. Subsequent versions of the

program ran faster and froze less frequently. Third-party programmers began
developing Windows-based programs, and Microsoft's own applications became
hot sellers. By 1993, Windows was selling at a rate of 1 million copies per month
and was estimated to be running on nearly 85 percent of the world's computers.

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Microsoft solidified its industry dominance in the mid-1990s by combining

Windows with its other applications into "suites" and persuading leading
computer makers to preload their software on every computer they sold. The
strategy worked so well that by 1999 Microsoft was posting sales of $19.7
billion, and Gates' personal wealth had grown to a phenomenal $90 billion.
But with success has come scrutiny. Microsoft's competitors have complained
that the company uses its operating system monopoly to retard the
development of new technology -- a claim Gates soundly refutes.
Nevertheless, the U.S. Justice Department filed an antitrust lawsuit against
the company in 1998 over its practice of bundling software with Windows.
In November 1999, a U.S. District Court ruled that Microsoft indeed had a
monopoly in the market for desktop-computer operating systems. The court
also found that Microsoft engaged in tactics aimed at snuffing out any
innovation that threatened its dominance of the multibillion-dollar computer
industry. A court settlement was approved in 2002 with Microsoft
consenting to curb some of its objectionable practices. Microsoft has since
been the focus of antitrust actions from the European Commission and
private litigants.
Attempting to explain his tremendous success, industry experts have pointed out
that there are really two Bill Gateses. One is a consummate computer geek who can
"hack code" with the best of them. The other is a hard-driven businessman who,
unlike most of his fellow Silicon Valley superstars, took readily to commerce and
has an innate instinct for the marketplace. This combination enabled Gates to see
what his competitors could not. While they were focusing on selling software, Gates
was focusing on setting standards, first with MS-DOS and later with Windows. The
standards he helped set shaped the modern computer industry and will continue to
influence its growth well into the next century.

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Name of Assignment:- Undertake SWOT analysis

to arrive at your business idea of a product/service.



Marks Obtained
Process Product Total Dated signature of
Related Related (25) Teacher
(15) (10)

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Assignment 2
Aim : Undertake SWOT analysis to arrive at your business idea of a
SWOT Analysis on Lamp Holders

SWOT Analysis on Invalid Wheel Chairs

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SWOT Analysis on Electric Vehicles

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ASSIGNMENT NAME:- Generate business

ideas(product/service) for intrapreneurial and
entrepreneurial opportunities through



Marks Obtained
Process Product Total Dated signature of
Related Related (25) Teacher
(15) (10)

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Assignment 3

Aim : Generate business ideas(product/service) for intrapreneurial

and entrepreneurial opportunities through brainstroming.

 Intrapreneurship vs Entrepreneurship :

An entrepreneur runs their own company. They have complete freedom and responsibility
for better or for worse. An intrapreneur is responsible for innovating within an existing
organization (usually a big one). While Intrapreneurship is less risky, it also comes with less
autonomy. The pay-off from a successful product or idea is also usually smaller.

 Brainstorming :

The Brainstorming is a technique to stimulate creative ideas and solutions through a group
discussion. Simply, a process wherein a group attempts to find a solution for the specific
problem by aggregating all the spontaneous opinions or suggestions given by each group
member individually is called as brainstorming.

 Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs :

Experience, training or licensing may be needed

Boats that are hauled out of the water for the winter or even just for mid-season repairs
will need the hull cleaned. And depending on the type of boat, it is a good time to give a
major cleaning everything else too--the decks, the sleeping quarters, the head, and the
holds. Start by approaching homes that have a boat sitting in the yard. Or you could
market your services to the marina to contract you to do the boat cleaning it offers to


Has expansion possibilities

Offer a soup-to-nuts business plan, including market research, the business plan
narrative and the financial statements. Plan your fee around the main one that the client
will want and offer the others as add-on services. You can give clients an electronic file
and allow them to take it from there, or you can keep the business plan on file and offer
the service of tweaking it whenever necessary. Have business plan samples to show
clients--and make sure to include your own!

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Has expansion possibilities

This business is similar to the computer repair business, but you will take on all sorts of
electronic equipment besides just computers. With smaller electronics, you will need to
be prepared to have customers bring their repair projects to you, as you would have
difficulty recovering the cost of driving around picking up broken equipment and
returning it. You may also want to encourage people to give you their old electronics so
you can use them for parts.

Has expansion possibilities

One of the first things you need to do is visit every potential event location with which
you plan to work. Work with the marketing manager to tour each site and learn what is
available at each location. Start a database that will allow you to sort venues by varying
features, such as the number of people each site holds, AV equipment available on site,
if you will need to arrange for rental chairs, etc. Then when you are beginning to plan
an event with a client, you can find out what the key parameters are for the event and
easily pull up the three or four sites that meet the basic criteria. and engagement parties,


Experience, training or licensing may be needed

All homeowners are always on the lookout for ways to save on their utility bills. You
can come to their aid by providing them with an audit of their house and giving them a
breakdown of how they could accomplish real savings in heating, cooling and electrical
use. You can go one step further and do the implementation and installation of some of
your suggestions in their home yourself. Do a complete appliance audit, with efficiency
ratings and calculations based on the age of the appliance. And don't forget the water

 Ideas for Intrapreneurs :

1. Swan Vesta – The matchbox millionaire

Ideas can come from anywhere, and some of the best ones are the simplest.
In the early 1900s, a factory worker at Swan Vesta, the match company, went to senior
management and told them he had an idea that could save the business millions of pounds in
production costs.He was ignored, with management unbelieving that a lowly factory worker
could have ideas of such value. After months of pushing and persuasion, however, the worker
managed to get just a few minutes in front of the board, a skeptical audience ready to laugh at
his 'million dollar' idea.
The idea? To put the sandpaper strike on only one side of the matchbox rather than both.
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As any Swan matchbox will now prove, the idea worked, and the business saved millions. Like
we said, sometimes the best ideas are strikingly simple!

Idea: Just like W.L .Gore, Google allows time for personal projects. Some of Google’s best
projects come out of their 20 percent time policy. One of these is something you probably use
multiple times a day, Gmail.
Benefit: Paul Buchheit, the creator of Gmail, started on the project in 2001 and worked up to
its launch on April 1, 2004 (April Fools but not really.) Gmail became the first email with a
successful search feature and the option to keep all of your email (hello 1GB of storage) instead
of frantically deleting to stay under your limit. The initial launch was by invite only, quite the
hot commodity. Now, it’s considered a faux pas not to have an email address ending in

Idea: Ken Kutaragi, a relatively junior Sony Employee, spent hours tinkering with his
daughters Nintendo to make it more powerful and user friendly. What came from his work is
one of the most recognizable brands in the world today, The Sony Playstation.
Benefit: Many Sony bosses were outraged at his work, thinking that gaming is a complete
waste of time. Luckily someone in a senior position saw the value in the product and thankfully
so, because now Sony is one of the world leaders in the prosperous gaming industry. This
shows that company leaders should always be open to innovation—no matter how farfetched
and pointless it may seem.

Idea: Originally called the “awesome button,” the Facebook Like button was first prototyped in
one of Facebook’s infamous hack-a-thons.
Benefit: Facebook has never released statistics based on the like rate and certain time frames.
But to all of us in the computer using world it is pretty evident how the invention of the like
button affects us on a daily basis. Companies like Facebook, who are constantly innovating and
changing, are some of the most successful out there.

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ASSIGNMENT NAME:- Undertake self-

assessment test to discover your entrepreneurial



Marks Obtained
Process Product Total Dated signature of
Related Related (25) Teacher
(15) (10)

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Assignment 4
Aim : Undertake self-assessment test to discover your
entrepreneurial traits.

Name : Chirag.G.Makhija Roll No. 42

The Ultimate Self-Assessment Test – Are You’re an

Entrepreneur Or Not?

1. Do you think you are an entrepreneur?

2. Do you like to create things?

3. Do you like helping people solve their problems?

4. Do you like solving your own problems “creatively”?

5. Do you push through even when people tell you your idea is bad?

6. Do you create things from “raw material”? — let’s define “raw material” as
something you can readily acquire/purchase.

7. Do you work very late, when everyone else is asleep?

8. Do you wake up very early, when everyone else is asleep?

9. Do you Google yourself out of situations?

10. Do you prefer working for yourself, instead of for other people?

11. Do people doubt you when you talk about your own projects?

12. Do new ideas about ways to improve things keep you up at night?

13. Did you invest in crypto-currency?

14. Did you invest in crypto-currency 5–9 years ago?

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15. Are your bank investments somewhat risky?

16. Are you a self-starter? Have you initiated projects yourself?

17. Have you started a business before?

18. Have you started more than one business?

19. Have you rejected an offer to sell a business?

20. Have you organized groups of people working together towards the same

21. Have you taken a loan to execute your own project(s)?

22. Have you ever pitched to an investor?

23. Have you ever raised money?

24. Is working on own your project(s) your idea of fun?

25. Is working on your project(s) sometimes more enticing than hanging out with
your friends?


Above 10 “yes”, I probably already knew that I am an entrepreneur.

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Name of Assignment:- Survey industries of your

stream,grade them according to the level of scale of
Pollution to prepare a report on it.



Marks Obtained
Process Product Total Dated signature of
Related Related (25) Teacher
(15) (10)

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Assignment 5
Aim : Survey industries of your stream,grade them according to
the level of scale of production,investment,turnover,
Pollution to prepare a report on it.

Name of the Company: Infosys

Scale of the Company: Large Scale Company
Field of the Company: IT Based Industry
Introduction about the Company:
 Infosys Limited is an Indian multinational corporation that provides business
consulting, information technology and outsourcing services. It has its headquarters
in Bangalore, Karnataka, India
 Infosys is the second-largest Indian IT company after Tata Consultancy Services by
2017 revenue and 596th largest public company in the world based on revenue. On
March 29, 2019, its market capitalisation was $46.52 billion. The credit rating of the
company is A− (rating by Standard & Poor's)
 Its annual revenue reached US$100 million in 1999, US$1 billion in 2004 and
US$10 billion in 2017.
 In 2012, Infosys announced a new office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to serve Harley-
Davidson, being the 18th international office in the United States. Infosys hired 1,200
United States employees in 2011, and expanded the workforce by an additional 2,000
employees in 2012. In April 2018 Infosys announced expanding in Indianapolis,
Indiana. The development will include more than 120 acres and is expected to result
in 3,000 new jobs—1,000 more than previously announced.
 In July 2014, Infosys started a product subsidiary called EdgeVerve Systems,
focusing on enterprise software products for business operations, customer service,
procurement and commerce network domains. In August 2015, the Finacle Global
Banking Solutions assets were officially transferred from Infosys and became part of
the product company EdgeVerve Systems product portfolio
 In early 2018, Infosys surveyed more than 1,000 senior management level executives
working in large organizations around the world with more than 5,000 employees and
over $1 billion in annual revenue. That research on their digital evolution included
responses from dozens of manufacturing industry executives.

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Aim of the Company:

 “To be a globally respected corporation that provides best-of-breed business
solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people.”
 Infosys does not just want to be a corporation which just focuses on increasing its
business and revenue, rather its vision is to be a corporation which provides best
business solution by indulging best talented people and eventually to become a
reputed and respected corporation.
 Infosys focuses on maintaining fairness, honesty and courtesy towards their clients,
employees, vendors and society in their path of achieving their objective. They
believe that these three key aspects were the main factors in achieving their vision.
 Infosys has made his footprint globally with offices and development centers across
the world. It has expanded its business globally by operating in 28 countries which
covers Europe, America, Middle East, Africa, and APAC (Asia – Pacific and China).

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The Market & Technology Leader:

 co-founder Nandan Nilekani returned to India’s leading IT outsourcer as nonexecutive
chairman two years ago, following the ouster of the company’s chief executive
officer. Since then, Infosys seemed to have stabilized—until October, when
whistleblowers accused current CEO Salil Parekh of fraudulent bookkeeping and
other financial crimes. Local regulators have begun looking into the claims, as has the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Infosys says it’s doing the same; Parekh
declined to comment.
 In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, Nilekani wasn’t eager to elaborate on
the Parekh scandal, but he discussed Infosys’ path forward, broader trends in the
technology industry, and wrestling with questions of privacy and security when he
joined India’s government to develop Aadhaar, its highly controversial national ID

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Products and services

 Infosys provides software development, maintenance and independent validation
services to companies in finance, insurance, manufacturing and other domains.
 One of its known products is Finacle which is a universal banking solution with
various modules for retail & corporate banking.

Glass building in Pune campus

Its key products and services are:
NIA – Next Generation Integrated AI Platform (formerly known as Mana)
Infosys Consulting – a global management consulting service
Infosys Information Platform (IIP) – Analytics platform
EdgeVerve Systems which includes Finacle, a global banking platform
Panaya Cloud Suite Skava

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Geographical presence

Main block in Chennai campus

 Infosys has 82 sales and marketing offices and 123 development centres across the
world as of March 31, 2018, with major presence in India, United States, China,
Australia, Japan, Middle East and Europe.
 In 2019, 60%, 24% and 3% of its revenues were derived from projects in North
America, Europe and India, respectively. Remaining 13% of revenues were derived
from rest of the world.

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Financial Growth of the Company.

 On April 1, 2019, Infosys Consulting Pte Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of

Infosys Limited) acquired 81% of voting interests in Hitachi Procurement Service Co.,
Ltd. (HIPUS), Japan, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd, Japan for a total cash
consideration of JPY3.29 billion (approximately Rs. 206 crore), on fulfilment of
closing conditions. The Company had paid an advance of JPY3.29 billion
(approximately Rs. 206 crore) to Hitachi towards cash consideration on March 29,
2019. HIPUS handles indirect materials purchasing functions for Hitachi Group. The
name of Company - Hitachi Procurement Service Co., Ltd. - has been changed to
HIPUS Co., Ltd. with effect from April 1,

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Name of Assignment:- Visit a bank/financial institution to

enquire about various funding schemes for small scale



Marks Obtained
Process Product Total Dated signature of
Related Related (25) Teacher
(15) (10)

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Assignment 6

Aim : Visit a bank/financial institution to enquire about various funding

schemes for small scale enterprise.

The small-scale business sector, which is more popularly known as the Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME) sector, is responsible for contributing around 40% to the total Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) of India. This sector is a key source of employment in India but
faces stiff competition from privately-funded businesses. Realising this, the Government of
India has come forward to offer many loan schemes to finance the small-scale business
sector. These loans can be availed by the SMEs to fund their day-to-day operations, expand
their business, purchase new equipment, etc.

SIDBI Make in India Loan for Enterprises (SMILE)

 The scheme has been designed to foster innovation, facilitate investment, protect
intellectual property, enhance skill development, and build the best infrastructure
for MSMEs.
 Under the scheme, loans will be offered in the forms of soft loan and term loan.
 MSMEs engaged in 25 selected sectors will receive financial support at
competitive interest rates as part of the ‘Make in India’ campaign launched by
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the government of India.

 New enterprises in the services and manufacturing sector will be given importance
along with an emphasis on smaller enterprises within the MSME.

New enterprises on board along with the existing manufacturing and services sectors can apply for
this scheme. Existing enterprises undertaking up-gradation or starting other projects for expanding
their business will also be covered under this scheme. The maximum loan repayment tenure is 10
years with 36 months of moratorium period.

Fiscal incentives:

 The loan amount offered under SMILE scheme is minimum Rs. 10 lakh and maximum up to
Rs. 25 lakh.

Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)

 The scheme will extend loans to activities that create employment and generate
income in the areas of services, manufacturing, retail, and agriculture.
 No collateral or security need to be provided to avail the Mudra loan.
 Three types of loans can be availed under Mudra for different stages of the
business, namely, Shishu, Kishor, and Tarun.
 The loans under the Mudra Yojana will be extended by public sector banks,
private sector banks, cooperative banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), foreign
banks, Non- Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), and Micro Finance
Institutions (MFIs).


Non Corporate Small Business Segment (NCSB) comprising of proprietorship/enterprise firms in

rural and urban areas can apply for the loan. Here are some examples of NCSBs:

 Small manufacturing units

 Service sector units
 Shopkeepers
 Fruits / vegetable vendors
 Truck operators
 Food-service units
 Repair shops
 Machine operators
 Small industries
 Artisans
 Food processors and others

Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGSMSE)


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 The scheme was launched with an intent to offer collateral-free credit to the micro and
small enterprise sector.
 Both working capital facility and term loans are eligible to be covered under the scheme.
 Under the scheme, guarantee cover can be availed up to 75% of the sanctioned amount of
the credit facility.
For microenterprises seeking a loan of up to Rs.5 lakh, MSEs owned and operated by women, and loans in the
North-Eastern region, guarantee cover of up to 80% will be provided


New and existing MSMEs engaged in manufacturing or service activities, excluding retail trade,
educational institutions, agriculture, Self-Help Groups (SHGs), training institutions are eligible for
this scheme.

Fiscal incentives:

Here are some details of the scheme:

 This MSME scheme for entrepreneurs includes term loans and/or working capital loan
facility up to Rs. 2 crore, per borrowing unit
 The guarantee cover provided is up to 75% of the credit facility up to Rs. 1.5 crore
 85% of credit facility for loans up to Rs. 5 Lakh is provided to micro-enterprises
 80% of credit facility for MSMEs owned/operated by women and all loans to North
Eastern Region, including Sikkim
 For MSME Retail trade, the guarantee cover is 50% of the amount in default subject to a
maximum of Rs. 50 Lakh

Bank Credit Facilitation Scheme

 The loans under this scheme are facilitated by the National Small Industries Corporation
(NSIC) which has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with banks to offer
loans to meet the credit requirements of SME units.
 The facilitation is carried out by offering MSME units the option to pick between private
and public sector banks.
 The loans are available in the form of working capital and termloans.
 Through this scheme, the NSIC will also help SME units to get loans at affordable rates,
help with the documentation process, and other necessary services related to the loan.
MSMEs registered in India

Stand-Up India Scheme

 Designed specially to meet the fund requirements of Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled
Tribe (ST)/women entrepreneurs for the purpose of setting up a greenfield enterprise.
 The enterprise should be engaged in the business of manufacturing, trading, or services.
 The loan will be of composite nature which means that the loan will be inclusive of
working capital and term loan.
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 If the enterprise to be set up is non-individual, the controlling stake (51%) should be held
by either an SC, ST, or women entrepreneur.

Enterprises in trading, manufacturing, or services sectors are considered eligible for this scheme. . In
case of non-individual enterprises at least 51% of shareholding stake should be with an SC/ST or
woman entrepreneur.

Fiscal incentives:

 It offers composite loans between Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 1 crore to cover 75% of the project,
inclusive of the term loan and working capital
 The specification of the loan being expected to cover 75% of the project cost. It won’t be
applicable if the borrower’s contribution along with convergence support come from any
other schemes exceeds 25% of the project cost
 The rate of interest would be the lowest applicable rate— base rate (MCLR) + 3% + tenor premium

MSME Loan in 59 minutes

 You can avail a loan of up to Rs1 crore where the amount will be deposited to your
account in less than 60 minutes.
 A rebate of 2% on loan of up to Rs.1 crore provided your establishment is registered
with GST.
 Minimum documents required. You only have to upload the scanned versions of the
required documents and upload it online for you to avail the loan.
 You can avail a loan between Rs.10 lakh and Rs.1 crore under this loan scheme. Since you
have the option of availing this loan from any of the lenders, the rate of interest levied may
differ. The rate of interest however starts at 8%.


To be eligible for this particular loan, borrower has to be GST, IT compliant and must have at
least 6 months bank history. The mandatory parameters for determining the eligibility of one
company are:

1. Income/ Revenue
b. Repayment Capacity
c. Existing credit facilities
d. Any other factors, as set by lenders (banks or NBFCs)

Fiscal Incentives:

Under this scheme, business loans for start-ups are provided with loan amount from minimum of
Rs. 1 lakh and maximum up to Rs. 1 crore. The rate of interest offered under this scheme is 8%

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Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for government loans for small scale businesses will vary from lender to
lender but the basic ones have been listed below:

Documents Required:-

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ASSIGNMENT NAME:- Collect loan application forms of

nationalise banks/other financial institutions.



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Assignment 7
Aim : Collect loan application forms of nationalise banks/other financial

Business Loan Application Form of Kotak Mahindra Bank

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Name of Assignment :- Compile the information from

financial agencies that will help you set up your business



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Assignment 8
Aim : Compile the information from the financial agencies that will
help you set up your business enterprise.

1) All-India Development Banks (AIDBs)

Includes those development banks which provide institutional credit to not only
large and medium enterprises but also help in promotion and development of small scale
industrial units.

2) Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI):-

It was established in July 1964 as an apex financial institution for industrial

development in the country. It caters to the diversified needs of medium and large scale
industries in the form of financial assistance, both direct and indirect. Direct assistance is
provided by way of project loans, underwriting of and direct subscription to industrial
securities, soft loans, technical refund loans, etc. While, indirect assistance is in the form
of refinance facilities to industrial concerns.

3) Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd (IFCI Ltd)

It was the first development finance institution set up in 1948 under the IFCI Act in
order to pioneer long-term institutional credit to medium and large industries. It aims to
provide financial assistance to industry by way of rupee and foreign currency loans,
underwrites/subscribes the issue of stocks, shares, bonds and debentures of industrial
concerns, etc. It has also diversified its activities in the field of merchant banking,
syndication of loans, formulation of rehabilitation programmes, assignments relating to
amalgamations and mergers, etc.

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4) Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

It was set up by the Government of India in April 1990, as a wholly owned

subsidiary of IDBI. It is the principal financial institution for promotion, financing and
development of small scale industries in the economy. It aims to empower the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector with a view to contributing to the process
of economic growth, employment generation and balanced regional development.

5) Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd (IIBI)

It was set up in 1985 under the Industrial reconstruction Bank of India Act, 1984, as
the principal credit and reconstruction agency for sick industrial units. It was converted
into IIBI on March 17, 1997, as a full-fledged development financial institution. It assists
industry mainly in medium and large sector through wide ranging products and services.
Besides project finance, IIBI also provides short duration non-project asset-backed
financing in the form of underwriting/direct subscription, deferred payment guarantees and
working capital/other short-term loans to companies to meet their fund requirements.

6) Specialised Financial Institutions (SFIs)

SFIs are the institutions which have been set up to serve the increasing financial
needs of commerce and trade in the area of venture capital, credit rating and leasing, etc.

7) IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd (IVCF)

IFCI formerly known as Risk Capital & Technology Finance Corporation Ltd
(RCTC), is a subsidiary of IFCI Ltd. It was promoted with the objective of broadening
entrepreneurial base in the country by facilitating funding to ventures involving innovative
product/process/technology. Initially, it started providing financial assistance by way of
soft loans to promoters under its 'Risk Capital Scheme' . Since 1988, it also started
providing finance under 'Technology Finance and Development Scheme' to projects for
commercialisation of indigenous technology for new processes, products, market or
services. Over the years, it has acquired great deal of experience in investing in
technology-oriented projects.

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8) ICICI Venture Funds Ltd

Formerly known as Technology Development & Information Company of India

Limited (TDICI), was founded in 1988 as a joint venture with the Unit Trust of India.
Subsequently, it became a fully owned subsidiary of ICICI. It is a technology venture
finance company, set up to sanction project finance for new technology ventures. The
industrial units assisted by it are in the fields of computer, chemicals/polymers, drugs,
diagnostics and vaccines, biotechnology, environmental engineering, etc.

9) Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd. (TFCI)

TFCI is a specialised financial institution set up by the Government of India for

promotion and growth of tourist industry in the country. Apart from conventional tourism
projects, it provides financial assistance for non-conventional tourism projects like
amusement parks, ropeways, car rental services, ferries for inland water transport, etc.

10) General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC)

GIC was formed in pursuance of the General Insurance Business (Nationalisation)

Act, 1972(GIBNA ), for the purpose of superintending, controlling and carrying on the
business of general insurance or non-life insurance. Initially, GIC had four subsidiary
branches, namely, National Insurance Company Ltd , The New India Assurance Company
Ltd , The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd and United India Insurance Company Ltd . But
these branches were delinked from GIC in 2000 to form an association known as 'GIPSA'
(General Insurance Public Sector Association).

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Name of Assignment:- Compile the information from the

government agencies that will help you set up your business



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Assignment 9
Aim : Compile the information from the government agencies that will help you
setup your business enterprise.

List of Government Agencies for Entrepreneurs :-

1. MUDRA Bank.
2. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.
3. National Alliance of young entrepreneurs (NAYE).
4. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
5. The Ministry of Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

 MUDRA { Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Bank }Bank :-

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) is a scheme launched by the Hon’ble Prime
Minister on April 8, 2015 for providing loans up to 10 lakh to the non-corporate, non-farm
small/micro enterprises. These loans are classified as MUDRA loans under PMMY. These
loans are given by Commercial Banks, RRBs, Small Finance Banks, MFIs and NBFCs. The
borrower can approach any of the lending institutions mentioned above or can apply online
through this portal www.udyamimitra.in . Under the aegis of PMMY, MUDRA has created
three products namely 'Shishu', 'Kishore' and 'Tarun' to signify the stage of growth /
development and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit / entrepreneur and also provide
a reference point for the next phase of graduation / growth.MUDRA aims at providing
refinance /finance to the “Last Mile Financial Institutions (LMFIs) like Commercial
Banks/RRBs/Cooperative Banks/NBFCs/ MFIs/Other financial intermediaries which are in
the business of financing Micro Enterprises in manufacturing, trading and service sector in
rural and urban areas. Accordingly, MUDRA would be extending refinance to the Banks for
their lending to Micro Enterprises in the country

 Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship :-

The Ministry is responsible for co-ordination of all skill development efforts across the
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country, removal of disconnect between demand and supply of skilled manpower, building
the vocational and technical training framework, skill up-gradation, building of new skills,
and innovative thinking not only for existing jobs but also jobs that are to be created.The
Ministry aims to Skill on a large Scale with Speed and high Standards in order to achieve its
vision of a 'Skilled India'.

It is aided in these initiatives by its functional arms – National Skill Development Agency
(NSDA), National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), National Skill Development
Fund (NSDF) and 33 Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) as well as 187 training partners registered
with NSDC. The Ministry also intends to work with the existing network of skill development
centres, universities and other alliances in the field. Further, collaborations with relevant
Central Ministries, State governments, international organizations, industry and NGOs have
been initiated for multi-level engagement and more impactful implementation of skill
development efforts.

 National Alliance of young entrepreneurs (NAYE) :-

NAYE has arranged several schemes of entrepreneurial development in collaboration with

public sector banks such as Bank of India, Dena Bank, Punjab National Bank, Central Bank
of India and Union Bank of India.

The objectives of the schemes are the following:

1. Help young entrepreneurs’ in identifying investment and self-employment opportunities.

2. Secure proper arrangement for their training.

3. Provide necessary financial assistance on the basis of project reports.

4. Secure package of consultancy services.

5. Arrange for getting assistance, facilities and incentives extended to entrepreneurs by the
government and other institutions.

 Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

The government established SIDBI under a special Parliament Act as a subsidiary of the
IDBI. Now the SIDBI is an independent body of its own that focuses mainly on the financing
of the Small, Micro and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Sectors of the economy. It now is
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responsible for the allocation of the Small Industries Development Fund (which was the
responsibility of the IDBI previously).

SIDBI makes use of the current banking network to extend credit facilities to the small
business and micro industries sector. It provides direct financial assistance to such banks and
institutes which are passed over to the MSME sector. It also provides indirect financial
assistance via line of credit, refinancing facilities, bills discounting, etc.

 The Ministry of Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises :-

Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) is known as engine of economic

growth and for promoting equitable development. To strengthen them Department of
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) was formed on 5 April, 2016. The aim
of MSME Department is to make such policies for MSMEs to make competent as
well as develop them. MSME department help MSMEs to promote socio-economic
growth and employment opportunity in MP. By promoting rural entrepreneurship the
department promote the rural economy and hence empower rural people in general
and rural women in particular. It also provide access to credit, technology and local
as well as global market for MSMEs. It also develop clusters to provide common
minimum facility to MSMEs. Through Self-employment schemes it encourage youth
to establish their enterprise at their home town/village.

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Name of Assignment:- Prepare Technological feasibility

report of a chosen product/service.



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Assignment 10
Aim : Prepare Technological feasibility report of a chosen product/service.

Technological Feasibility of Electric Vehicles

Pollution has been an area of concern in almost all major metropolitan cities. The
increasing usage of motor vehicles and the emissions from these has been one of the prime
reasons for deterioration in air quality in these cities. The local authorities have therefore been
trying to encourage people to reduce the usage of personal vehicles and increase the usage of
public transport. The city buses in this context play an important role as they are the lifeline of
the public transport system of the city. However, these buses are diesel buses that consume more
than 50 liters of diesel per day and emit toxic gases. It is therefore important to replace these
buses with a more environment friendly option such as Electric Vehicles (EV) India has been
progressive and the policy decisions have been in the right direction towards adoption and
implementation of the concept of EVs. The biggest challenge in making it operational is
providing better understanding of this new technology, its benefits and the policy around it to
policy implementers, such as State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs) and also creating the
infrastructure to manage the day to day operation and maintenance of the fleet.

Pollution has been an area of concern in almost all major metropolitan cities. The
increasing usage of motor vehicles and the emissions from these has been one of the prime
reasons for deterioration in air quality in these cities. The local authorities have therefore been
trying to encourage people to reduce the usage of personal vehicles and increase the usage of
public transport. The city buses in this context play an important role as they are the lifeline of
the public transport system of the city. For the purposes of my study, I tried to deep-dive into the
existing system in two major cities of India – Bengaluru and Delhi.

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Bengaluru currently has a fleet of 6000 city buses each of which runs on an average for
about 200km/day. All 6000 buses put together run for 12 lac km/day. These buses are diesel
buses and consume more than 50 liters of diesel per day (@ 3.2 Km/liter) and emit toxic gases.
The average life of a bus is 10 years and the average age of the buses in the Bengaluru fleet is 7
years. Therefore, in the next couple of years these buses will have to be replaced. Is there a
possibility of using a more environment friendly option such as using Electric Vehicles (EV)?
Can the city be equipped to handle the logistics and maintenance if the fleet is converted to EV?
Can we address the safety and cost aspects associated with EV technology with an effective
Battery Management System (BMS) and thorough implementation of standard operating
procedures? [1] The number of registered motor vehicles in India has increased from 29.4
million in 1991 to 159.4 million in 2011, and this growth is continuing at an increasing rate. It
has been projected that in comparison to 2011 levels, the passenger travel demand from urban
areas will double by 2021 to 1,448 Billion Passenger Kilometers (BPKM) and triple by 2031 to
2,315 BPKM. [2][3] If the growth in the transport sector continues at this rate and the share of
private vehicles remains the same, the annual use of crude oil is likely to double by 2021 and
almost quadruple by 2031. The dependency on diesel economy will increase CO2 and Particulate
Matter (PM) emissions at similar rates and increase the rates of illnesses. According to a study
by World Bank (2013) India loses about 1.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) due to air
pollution. [4] II.
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For the purposes of study, the conventional IEVs have been categorized into Diesel and
CNG and EVs have been categorized into hybrid (HEVs) and battery (BEVs). Although the
external design features of the Battery Electric bus are similar to those of an ICE bus, the internal
design is quite different among ICEV, HEV and BEV buses. The diesel and CNG buses have
almost similar components; these are very different from hybrid and battery buses. For example,
the fuel tank is not present in BE buses. The diesel and CNG buses operate on one energy source
whereas the hybrid bus has both fuel tank as well as battery pack with an electric motor. The
BEVs can contribute towards reducing overall Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions (IEA 2012).
The BEVs can be powered by electricity from renewable sources. The fuel that is burnt in IEVs
can be burnt more efficiently in thermal plants to produce electricity. While BEVs are an energy
efficient and environment friendly alternative, their prices are very high as compared to IEVs.
This is due to battery costs, complex design, nascent technology and charging infrastructure. On
the other hand while diesel and CNG buses may cost less as compared to BEVs. Their
maintenance cost is high due to high number of moving parts. These parts may require frequent
oil changes, filter replacements, periodic tune ups etc. The maintenance requirement for hybrid
buses can be similar, or higher, than those of diesel and CNG buses.The Lithium-Ion Batteries
(LIBs) that are used in electric buses require minimal maintenance.Major costs in the total cost
of operations of BE buses are depreciation and financing costs (interest on loan). Similarly,
major costs in the total cost of operations of ICE buses are fuel costs. [6][7][8] IV.


An EV comprises of the following major parts:
1 Traction Battery : The electric vehicles are powered by lithium ion batteries. An EV’s
battery pack consists of groups of batter modules each of which are created by combining many
individual cells. A typical pack is in 300-400 volt range. These are extremely heavy (more than
1,000 lbs.) and are often placed low, under the vehicle floor, to produce a low center of gravity
and improve handling performance. The size of a pack is determined by the number of kilowatt-
hours (kWh) of energy that it can hold. A typical EV pack may hold around 60-150 kWh.
2 Battery Management System (BMS) : The individual cell temperatures and voltages in
the lithium ion pack are monitored through the Battery Management System (BMS). The BMS
ensures that during charging the cells have the same voltage level (usually within 0.01 volts).
Without a BMS, a cell may get overcharged leading to a potential fire or explosion or may
underperform during discharge leading to quick drain out of other modules. The BMS keeps
your EV safe.

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3 Controller : The EV controller is an electronic microprocessor which acts like a brain. It

takes pressing of accelerator or brake pedal as an input and turns them into signals that travel
along CAN/BUS communication line to the inverter which provides power to the motor.
4 Inverter : The more recent electric vehicles operate with brushless DC (BLDC) motors
or AC motors which operate on alternating current. The inverter in the EV takes direct current
from the battery and changes it into alternating current that is used to power the BLDC motor.
The speed of the motor is determined by the frequency of the AC current. The motor has a
position sensor which allows the inverter to time its current impulses and keep it spinning. The
controller gives command to the invertor which converts it into signals for the motor. Therefore
the efficiency and reliability of the EV depends on the robustness of the motor.
5 Traction Motor : The brushless DC (BLDC) motor is more efficient and has a higher
speed than the traditional DC motors. It is therefore used in almost all modern EVs. A BLDC
motor includes a rotor that has four to eight permanent magnets and spins in the center of the
motor. The stator is surrounded by a series of electric coils which get energy from the invertor in
such a way that they become electromagnets. Some EVs use a single motor which powers either
the front or the back wheels while some use two – one powering the front wheels and the other
the rear wheels. The motor temperatures are kept under check by air cooling or liquid cooling.
6 Regenerative Braking : The EVs capture the energy which is normally lost to heat during
braking. When brakes are applied, the motor operates as a generator and simultaneously
produces electricity along with slowing down of the vehicle. The electrical energy thus produced
can be applied towards recharging of the battery. the battery, helping to recharge it slightly.
“Regenerative braking can add more than 20% to the vehicle range during stopand-go driving in
the city”. (Tesla Motors Club)
7 Chargers and Charging : Recharging is most crucial part of entire EV eco system. Small
EV cars have on board charger which is compatible with home circuit. The EV buses need
higher level of charging with more powerful electric circuit. Ideally, the EV buses should be
charged in a system that enables atleast 50 KM of charging in one hour of charging. [9] V.

Battery Operated Electric Vehicles (BEVs) emit minimal quantities of GHGs with the use
of clean renewable sources such as solar and wind energy. They have highest well-to wheel
efficiency and are less expensive as compared to Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). Although the
battery limitations lead to a lower range in BEVs (distance covered in-between charges) and the
vehicle cannot be used for long-range transportation, their impact in the environment outweigh
these cons. The governments is promoting clean transportation as a policy and incentivizing EV
manufacture and purchase which has led to expansion of the EV market.

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Name of Assignment:- Prepare financial feasibility report of

a chosen product/service.



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Assignment 11

Aim : Prepare financial feasibility report of a chosen product/service.

Purpose of a Financial Feasibility Study

Financial feasibility focuses specifically on the financial aspects of the study. It assesses the
economical viability of a proposed venture by evaluating the startup costs, operating expenses,
cash flow and making a forecast of future performance.

The results from a financial feasibility study determine whether the proposed project is
financially possible and make a projection on the rate of return on invested capital.

The preparation of a financial feasibility study has three parts:

 Determining the startup costs.

 Preparing a profit plan and making cash flow projections.
 Assessing the return on invested capital.
 Identify the Startup Costs
 The first step in the preparation of a financial feasibility analysis is to identify the costs
needed to start the project. Typical startup costs are as follows:

 Purchases for land and buildings.

 Acquisition of equipment.
 Licenses and permits.
 Deposits required for office space leases.
 Initial purchases for materials.
 Legal and accounting fees for incorporation.
 Office furniture and supplies.
 Marketing research.
 Employee wages.
 Advertising.
 Insurance premiums.
 Utilities.
Many of these costs are one-time expenses, but they'll need funding upfront before the business
begins operations.

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Financial Feasibility of Electric Vehicle Business

Sr.No Product/Services Cost

1 Land for Production Plant 2 – 5 Crore

2 Equipments/Machines 1 Crore

3 Advertising 50 Lakhs – 1 Crore


The Business is Feasible only with High amounts of Funding and/or Loans. The
Risk Level is High.

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Name of Assignment:- Prepare a set of short term, medium

and long term goals for starting a chosen small scale enterprise.



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Assignment 12
Aim : Prepare a set of short term, medium and long term goals for starting a
chosen small scale enterprise.

Strategic Planning Characteristics

Many businesses develop strategic planning within a short-term, medium-term and long-term
framework. Short-term usually involves processes that show results within a year. Companies
aim medium-term plans at results that take several years to achieve. Long-term plans include the
overall goals of the company set four or five years in the future and usually are based on
reaching the medium-term targets. Planning in this way helps you complete short-term tasks
while keeping longer-term goals in mind.

Short-Term Planning

Short-term planning looks at the characteristics of the company in the present and develops
strategies for improving them. Examples are the skills of the employees and their attitudes. The
condition of production equipment or product quality problems are also short-term concerns.

To address these issues, you put in place short-term solutions to address problems. Employee
training courses, equipment servicing and quality fixes are short-term solutions. These solutions
set the stage for addressing problems more comprehensively in the longer term.

Medium-Term Planning

Medium-term planning applies more permanent solutions to short-term problems. If training

courses for employees solved problems in the short term, companies schedule training programs
for the medium term. If there are quality issues, the medium-term response is to revise and
strengthen the company's quality control program.

Where a short-term response to equipment failure is to repair the machine, a medium-term

solution is to arrange for a service contract. Medium-term planning implements policies and
procedures to ensure that short-term problems don't recur.

Long-Term Planning

In the long term, companies want to solve problems permanently and to reach their overall
targets. Long-term planning reacts to the competitive situation of the company in its social,
economic and political environment and develops strategies for adapting and influencing its
position to achieve long-term goals. It examines major capital expenditures such as purchasing
equipment and facilities, and implements policies and procedures that shape the company's
profile to match top management's ideas.

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When short-term and medium-term planning is successful, long-term planning builds on those
achievements to preserve accomplishments and ensure continued progress.

Electric Vehicle Business

 Long Term Goals :

1) Setup a Manufacturing Plant by taking a Business Loan.

2) Create a Website and start the Marketing Campaign.
3) Repay the Loans within 2 – 5 Years.
4) Sell a Minimum of 10,000 Vehicles in 1st Year.

 Medium Term Goals :

1) Select Plot for Manufacturing Plant.

2) Hire Smart and dedicated Employees.
3) Create a Fast and User Friendly Website.
4) Create and Implement a Marketing Plan.
5) Invest in Future Technologies and R & D.

 Short Term Goals :

1) Try to organize funding for the Company.

2) If Funding cant be organized then take Business Loan.
3) Setup an HR Team and Hire Employees in Co-operation with them.
4) Begin the Work of Setting up a Manufacturing Plant.

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Name of Assignment:- Prepare marketing strategy for your

chosen product/service.



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Assignment 13
Aim : Prepare marketing strategy for your chosen product/service.

Marketing Strategy for Electric Vehicles

1. Communicate effectively

One thing we all know is that Electric Vehicles aren’t an answer to all requirements but can
satisfy many of them. For instance, EVs are an excellent option for frequent urban journeys
especially ones about 100 kilometers between EV charging points.EVS are much cheaper for
such travels than an Internal Combustion (IC) vehicles, less polluting, and offer pleasant driving

An urban EV provides more ’zen’ drive because there is no gearbox, clutch, and torque is
available immediately. Driving an EV allows you to take advantage of energy regeneration and
use one pedal to accelerate or stop the car.

As a marketer, you should explain the real benefits of using an EV effectively. Rather than
giving general information about the EVs, offer specific details about these products.

Customers love experiments as part of the learning process. Everyone wishes to drive an EV
to know its benefits. Thus, it’s wise to promote numerous test-drive sessions.

2. Avoid overselling

Appealing, detailed explanations about a product don’t blend well with commercial pressures.
EVs should be sold with a less-selling approach. The traditional car retail industry focuses on
commercial pressures such as sales campaigns and incentives.

Such a sales strategy is difficult for marketing personnel to adopt consistently. Perhaps the
‘agency’ concept with ‘Product Genius’ used by BMW i is a perfect option for Electric Vehicles.

This is because there is a low level of product competition in this market. In case your brand
lacks this solution, consider using sales EV professionals with a significant geographic reach.

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3. Going social is also effective

As mentioned earlier, client education is a priority when it comes to EV marketing. Ric Dean,
CEO at Caffeinated advises the use of social media platforms and blogger outreach to get in front
of a target audience easily. EV marketers can use text, videos, and images to engage their

Instead of focusing just on brand content, the marketers can create relevant videos explaining
about the product. They can also record videos while driving these vehicles in recognizable roads
and upload them on social media platforms.

Such genuine and professional marketing on social media platforms will make your target
audience trust your brand.

4. Put more emphasis on novelty

All vehicles, whether gasoline or electric, offer varied driving experience and have
different features. However, they are very similar, and most users don’t notice much difference
between different vehicles even after changing cars. Electric Vehicles are refreshingly new.

They offer a unique driving experience, new sensations, and more. While all innovations
have downsides, novelty is a great selling argument.

5.Always have an open mind

Many Electric Vehicle critics tend to miss some ‘petrol-pleasures’ such as manual
gearbox, the sound of a petrol engine. In most cases, they complain about the typical downsides
of EVs such as high prices, depreciation risks, and more.

Most industry insiders are ‘technologically nostalgic,’ missing manual parking breaks
rather than electronic ones, carburetors when injections were introduced, and more.Even if you
own a powerful ‘flat six’ consider the fact that EV s can offer a more pleasant experience just
like the dynamic mode of the BMW i3 illustrates.

Indeed, the varied driving modes of this EV are equivalent to the internal combustion
engine’s downsizing trend; electronics facilitate excellent performance with the consequent
effect on fuel consumption, and small, efficient engines facilitate great a great economy at low
speeds and turbo. Keep in mind that customer choice is based on how to use the engine.

One thing is certain; vehicle electrification is a trend you can’t ignore. From simple
systems (start-stops) to full vehicle electrification, you have a range of options to consider and
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each vehicle will provide at least a good solution. You shouldn’t think of the EV technology with
an ICE mindset.

The sole element that needs to be developed to solve most issues associated with EVs is
the battery. Given the recent developments in this industry, it’s highly predictable that the EV
battery will evolve at a faster rate as compared to the entire IC engine technology.


Thus, when marketing your EVs, approach the subject with an open mind and understand that
over time, different aspects of the product are likely to change.

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Name of Assignment:- Prepare a business plan for your

chosen small scale enterprise.



Marks Obtained
Process Product Total Dated signature of
Related Related (25) Teacher
(15) (10)

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Assignment 14
Aim : Prepare a Business Plan for Your Choosen Small Scale
Jolly's Java and Bakery (JJB)

Executive Summary
Jolly's Java and Bakery (JJB) is a start-up coffee and bakery retail establishment located in
southwest Washington. JJB expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with
its broad variety of coffee and pastry products. The company plans to build a strong market
position in the town, due to the partners' industry experience and mild competitive climate in
the area.

JJB aims to offer its products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle-to
higher-income local market area residents and tourists.

The Company
JJB is incorporated in the state of Washington. It is equally owned and managed by its two

Mr. Austin Patterson has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and management, and was
vice president of marketing with both Jansonne & Jansonne and Burper Foods. Mr. David
Fields brings experience in the area of finance and administration, including a stint as chief
financial officer with both Flaxfield Roasters and the national coffee store chain, BuzzCups.

The company intends to hire two full-time pastry bakers and six part-time baristas to handle
customer service and day to day operations.

Products and Services

JJB offers a broad range of coffee and espresso products, all from high quality Columbian
grown imported coffee beans. JJB caters to all of its customers by providing each customer
coffee and espresso products made to suit the customer, down to the smallest detail.

The bakery provides freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all times during business
operations. Six to eight moderate batches of bakery and pastry products are prepared during
the day to assure fresh baked goods are always available.

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The Market
The retail coffee industry in the U.S. has recently experienced rapid growth. The cool marine
climate in southwest Washington stimulates consumption of hot beverages throughout the

JJB wants to establish a large regular customer base, and will therefore concentrate its
business and marketing on local residents, which will be the dominant target market. This
will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business. In
addition, tourist traffic is expected to comprise approximately 35% of the revenues. High
visibility and competitive products and service are critical to capture this segment of the

Financial Considerations
JJB expects to raise $110,000 of its own capital, and to borrow $100,000 guaranteed by the
SBA as a ten-year loan. This provides the bulk of the current financing required.

JJB anticipates sales of about $491,000 in the first year, $567,000 in the second year, and
$655,000 in the third year of the plan. JJB should break even by the fourth month of its
operation as it steadily increases its sales. Profits for this time period are expected to be
approximately $13,000 in year 1, $36,000 by year 2, and $46,000 by year 3. The company
does not anticipate any cash flow problems.

Chart: Highlights

Do you need better-looking financial charts? Tools like LivePlan will do this for you
automatically, with a professional modern design.

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JJB aims to offer high quality coffee, espresso, and pastry products at a competitive price to
meet the demand of the middle- to higher-income local market area residents and tourists.

Keys to Success
Keys to success for JJB will include:

 Providing the highest quality product with personal customer service.

 Competitive pricing.

Company Summary
JJB is a bakery and coffee shop managed by two partners. These partners represent
sales/management and finance/administration areas, respectively. The partners will provide
funding from their own savings, which will cover start-up expenses and provide a financial
cushion for the first months of operation. A ten-year Small Business Administration
(SBA) loan will cover the rest of the required financing. The company plans to build a strong
market position in the town, due to the partners' industry experience and mild competitive
climate in the area.

Company Ownership
JJB is incorporated in the state of Washington. It is equally owned by its two partners.

Start-up Summary
JJB is a start-up company. Financing will come from the partners' capital and a ten-year
SBA loan. The following chart and table illustrate the company's projected initial start-up

Chart: Start-up

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Do you need better-looking financial charts? Tools like LivePlan will do this for you
automatically, with a professional modern design.

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Table: Start-up



Start-up Expenses
Legal $3,000
Premise renovation $20,000
Expensed equipment $40,000
Other $1,000
Total Start-up Expenses $64,000

Start-up Assets
Cash Required $70,000
Other Current Assets $12,000
Long-term Assets $65,000
Total Assets $147,000

Total Requirements $211,000

JJB offers a broad range of coffee and espresso products, all from high quality Columbian
grown imported coffee beans. JJB caters to all of its customers by providing each customer
coffee and espresso products made to suit the customer, down to the smallest detail.

The bakery provides freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all times during business
operations. Six to eight moderate batches of bakery and pastry products are prepared during
the day to assure fresh baked goods are always available.

Market Analysis Summary

JJB's focus is on meeting the demand of a regular local resident customer base, as well as a
significant level of tourist traffic from nearby highways.

Market Segmentation
JJB focuses on the middle- and upper-income markets. These market segments consume the
majority of coffee and espresso products.

Local Residents

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JJB wants to establish a large regular customer base. This will establish a healthy, consistent
revenue base to ensure stability of the business.


Tourist traffic comprises approximately 35% of the revenues. High visibility and competitive
products and service are critical to capture this segment of the market.

Market Analysis
The chart and table below outline the total market potential of the above described customer

Target Market Segment Strategy

The dominant target market for JJB is a regular stream of local residents. Personal and
expedient customer service at a competitive price is key to maintaining the local market share
of this target market.

Market Needs
Because Washington has a cool climate for eight months out of the year, hot coffee products
are very much in demand. During the remaining warmer four months of the year, iced coffee
products are in significantly high demand, along with a slower but consistent demand for hot
coffee products. Much of the day's activity occurs in the morning hours before ten a.m., with
a relatively steady flow for the remainder of the day.

Service Business Analysis

The retail coffee industry in the U.S. has recently experienced rapid growth. The cool marine
climate in southwest Washington stimulates consumption of hot beverages throughout the
year. Coffee drinkers in the Pacific Northwest are finicky about the quality of beverages
offered at the numerous coffee bars across the region. Despite low competition in the
immediate area, JJB will position itself as a place where customers can enjoy a cup of
delicious coffee with a fresh pastry in a relaxing environment.

Competition and Buying Patterns

Competition in the local area is somewhat sparse and does not provide nearly the level of
product quality and customer service as JJB. Local customers are looking for a high quality
product in a relaxing atmosphere. They desire a unique, classy experience.

Leading competitors purchase and roast high quality, whole-bean coffees and, along with
Italian-style espresso beverages, cold-blended beverages, a variety of pastries and
confections, coffee-related accessories and equipment, and a line of premium teas, sell these
items primarily through company-operated retail stores. In addition to sales through

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company-operated retail stores, leading competitors sell coffee and tea products through other
channels of distribution (specialty operations).

Larger chains vary their product mix depending upon the size of each store and its location.
Larger stores carry a broad selection of whole bean coffees in various sizes and types of
packaging, as well as an assortment of coffee- and espresso-making equipment and
accessories such as coffee grinders, coffee makers, espresso machines, coffee filters, storage
containers, travel tumblers and mugs. Smaller stores and kiosks typically sell a full line of
coffee beverages, a more limited selection of whole-bean coffees, and a few accessories such
as travel tumblers and logo mugs. During fiscal year 2000, industry retail sales mix by
product type was approximately 73% beverages, 14% food items, eight percent whole-bean
coffees, and five percent coffee-making equipment and accessories.

Technologically savvy competitors make fresh coffee and coffee-related products

conveniently available via mail order and online. Additionally, mail order
catalogs offering coffees, certain food items, and select coffee-making equipment and
accessories, have been made available by a few larger competitors. Websites offering online
stores that allow customers to browse for and purchase coffee, gifts, and other items via the
Internet have become more commonplace as well.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

JJB will succeed by offering consumers high quality coffee, espresso, and bakery products
with personal service at a competitive price.

Competitive Edge
JJB's competitive edge is the relatively low level of competition in the local area in this
particular niche.

Sales Strategy
As the chart and table show, JJB anticipates sales of about $491,000 in the first year,
$567,000 in the second year, and $655,000 in the third year of the plan.

Management Summary
Austin Patterson has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and management, and was vice
president of marketing with both Jansonne & Jansonne and Burper Foods. David Fields
brings experience in the area of finance and administration, including a stint as chief financial
officer with both Flaxfield Roasters and the national coffee store chain, BuzzCups.

Personnel Plan
As the personnel plan shows, JJB expects to make significant investments in sales, sales
support, and product development personnel.

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Table: Personnel
Personnel Plan

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Managers $100,000 $105,000 $110,250
Pastry Bakers $40,800 $42,840 $44,982
Baristas $120,000 $126,000 $132,300
Other $0 $0 $0
Total People 10 10 10

Total Payroll $260,800 $273,840 $287,532

Financial Plan
JJB expects to raise $110,000 of its own capital, and to borrow $100,000 guaranteed by the
SBA as a ten-year loan. This provides the bulk of the current financing required.

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