Debate Adjudicator Script

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Welcome to the Team Debate event of the World Scholar’s Cup! After I read the motion, you will have 15
minutes to prepare. After these 15 minutes, you must put away all phones, tablets, computers, and other
devices. Then, each of you will speak for up to 4 minutes. You may never interrupt the speaker. I will
knock once when you have one minute left and twice when you are out of time. If that happens, you may
finish your sentence before sitting down. Between speakers, you will have 60 seconds to work together.
Listen carefully to the other team. After the debate, you will be asked to give them helpful feedback.
Audience, you may not leave the room if a student is speaking.
Now, before we begin, Affirmative team: what is your team number? Negative team: what is yours?

Use this information to complete STEP 1 on your score sheet.

Today's motion is _____. You have 15 minutes, starting now.

Hand out the motion and set a timer to count down 15 minutes.

Time is up! All devices must now be put away. Affirmative speaker #1, what is your ID letter: A, B, or C?

Fill in the bubble A, B, or C in STEP 2 on your score sheet.

Thank you. Please rise, move to the front of the room, and begin whenever you’re ready.

Fill in the bubble A, B, or C in STEP 2 on your score sheet.

Start the timer. Knock once at 3 minutes, twice at 4 minutes, then continue:

Thank you. Teams, you have 60 seconds to prepare before I call up the next speaker.

Complete STEP 2 on your score sheet during the 60 seconds.

Then call up the next five speakers, one at a time. Complete STEPS 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on your sheet.
After scoring the final speaker, continue:

Before I announce the winner, each team must give up to 90 seconds of feedback to the other team. You
may divide this time however you would like. Your feedback must be kind, courteous, and constructive.
Do not keep arguing the motion. Instead, focus on how the other team could do even better at their next
debate. You have 90 seconds to plan what to say. I am not allowed to give any feedback of my own.

During these 90 seconds, complete STEPS 8, 9, and 10 on your sheet. Then, continue:

It is time for the peer feedback session. Please speak from your seats. I will stop you after 90 seconds.
Negative team, you may go first.

Give each team 90 seconds. Then, complete STEP 11 on your score sheet, and conclude:

It is now time to announce the winning team. This round goes to the [Affirmative/Negative]. Now:
please cross the bench and congratulate one another.

Sign the Judge ID section (STEP 14) with your initials and birth month.

Before submitting your sheet, please doublecheck you that you left nothing blank. If you judged in the morning,
we are counting on you to come back for the afternoon. Thank you so much for making this event possible.

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