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Note: Page numbers followed by “ f ” denote figures; those followed by Acetaminophen, 23, 32, 41, 219, 230, 580

“ t“ denote tables. Adalimumab, 284

Adhesiolysis, 629
A Abdominal rectopexy, open resection, 537 AirSeal System, 191
for rectal prolapse Alexis wound retractors, 508
complications in, 541 Allen stirrups, usage of, 508
indications and contraindications in, 537 Allis clamps, usage of, 11
outcomes of, 542 American of College Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG), 349
patient positioning, 538 American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, 167
postoperative management of, 540–541 Anal manometry, role of, 529, 538, 584
sigmoid and rectal mobilization, 539 Anastomosis, 123–124
sigmoid resection, 540 bowel preparation for, 128. See also Low anterior resection (LAR)
surgery technique, 538–539 creation of, 229–230
suture rectopexy, 540 testing, 130–131
Abdominal surgery, for rectal prolapse Anastomotic leak
indications and contraindications of, 526–527, 527f in colon removal surgery, 219
introduction to, 525 risk of, 134. See also Low anterior resection (LAR)
outcomes of, 533–534 Anterior exenteration, 394
preoperative planning of, 528–529 Anterior resection (AR), 327
surgery Anti-refluxing techniques, 419f
complications of, 533 Applied Medical GelPort, 228
patient positioning and preparation, 529 Ascending colon, 6. See also Colon
postoperative management, 533 Atraumatic grasping instruments, 74
technique, 529–532 B Babcock clamp, usage of, 124, 336, 540
Abdominal wall reconstruction, ventral hernia repair, 609–618 Babcock grasper, usage of, 347
complications, 617 Bair Hugger, usage of, 285
indications and contraindications of, 609 Baker technique, 97
outcomes of, 617 Barium enemas, 209, 507
postoperative management, 615–617 Barnett continent ileostomy, 460
preoperative planning, 609–610 Bladder catheter, usage of, 191
surgery, 610–615, 613f–615f Blunt Hasson technique, 15
techniques, 611t Bookwalter retractor, 53, 58
Abdominoperineal resection (APR), 163, 327 Bowel anastomosis, 82
extended extralevator Bowel grasper, usage of, 20
abdominal part, 372 Bricker anastomosis, 42f
complications, 376 Bricker conduit. See Ileal conduit construction, pelvic exenteration
indications and contraindications in, 371 Brooke ileostomy, 281
ischioanal, extended, 373–374 Bulldog clamp, 308
omentoplasty, 372
outcomes of, 376–377 C Cameras, usage of, 28, 30, 354–355
pelvic floor reconstruction, 375 Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 328
pelvic part, 372 Chloraprep, 491, 520
perineal dissection, extended ischioanal, 374–375 Ciprofloxacin, 57, 62, 93, 292
perineal part, 373 Circumferential resection margin (CRM), 164
postoperative management, 376 Cleveland Clinic Florida-Fecal Incontinence Score (CCF-FIS), 183t
preoperative planning, 371–372 Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Therapy (COST) Study Group, 24
surgery, 372–375, 373f–375f Clostridium difficile colitis, 221
hand-assisted laparoscopic Cochrane Database, 528
complications of, 360 Codeine, 454
indications and contraindications in, 351 Coloanal anastomoses (CAA), techniques of, 175–176
postoperation management of, 360 Colon
preoperative planning of, 351–352 ascending, 6
surgery, 352–359, 353f–357f, 359f cecum, 6
in rectal adenocarcinoma, open right
indications and contraindications of, 327–328 complications in, 4
postoperative management of, 340 indications and contraindications of, 1
preoperative planning of, 328–329 laparoscopic surgery of, 25–33. See also Right colon, laparoscopic
surgery of, 329–339, 329f–333f, 336f, 338f–340f surgery of
in rectal cancer, laparoscopic postoperative management of, 4
indications in, 343, 344f preoperative planning of, 1
laparoscopic TME, 347t surgery of, 1–3, 2f–3f
outcomes of, 349 topography of, 6
postoperative management and complications in, 348–349 transverse, 6
preoperative planning of, 344 Colon and rectum resection
surgery, 344–348, 346f–348f completely laparoscopic proctocolectomy and IPAA in
laparoscopic, 343–349 complications of, 292–293
indications in, 343, 344f indications and contraindications of, 284
laparoscopic TME, 347t laparoscopic procedures, 283–284
outcomes of, 349 operation, extent of, 283
patient positioning, 344, 345f outcomes of, 293
postoperative management and complications in, 348–349 postoperative management of, 292
preoperative planning of, 344 preoperative planning of, 284–285
surgical technique, 344–348, 346f–348f surgery, 284–291, 286f–292f
robotic hand-assisted Hartmann’s reversal in
indications and contraindications in, 359 benefits of laparoscopic techniques in, 519
OR setup, 360, 360f complications in, 523
outcomes of, 369 indications and contraindications in, 519
patient positioning, 360 outcomes of, 523
port placement and docking, 360–361 postoperative management of, 522
postoperative management in, 368–369 preoperative planning in, 520
preoperative planning of, 359 surgery, 520–522, 521f, 522f
surgery, 359–368, 360f–368f total proctocolectomy with ileostomy in
surgical technique, 361–368 abdominal portion of procedure, performance of, 244–246, 244f
sequential, 333–334. See also Rectal adenocarcinoma, open APR in antibiotic prophylaxis, 243
Absorbable barrier prosthetics, 557. See also Ventral hernia repair complications of, 248
Crohn’s disease, 241–242 surgical technique, 251–252, 252
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, 242 transverse colectomy, 252–253, 255, 255f, 256f
outcomes, 248 Colostomy
patient positioning, 243 end, 433, 434f, 435
perineal dissection, 246–247 loop, 436
perineal portion, 246–247 Colostomy formation
postoperative management of, 247–248 bowel preparation, 435
preoperative planning of, 243 colostomy sitting, 434
synchronous colorectal malignancies, 242 complications in, 437, 437f–438f
ulcerative colitis, 242 indications in, 433
ureteral stenting, 243–244 laparoscopic assisted
venous thromboembolic prophylaxis, 243 aperture, creation of, 445, 446f
COlon cancer Laparoscopic or Open Resection (COLOR), 24 complications in, 449
Colon removal surgery end colostomy or loop colostomy, 444
laparoscopic total abdominal colectomy in indications and contraindications in, 441–442, 447
complications in, 225 instrumentation, 443, 448
indications and contraindications of, 221–222 operative technique, 448–449
outcomes of, 225, 226t outcomes in, 449–450
postoperative management of, 225 patient positioning, 443, 448
preoperative planning of, 223–225 patient preparation, 447
surgery of, 223–225 port and laparoscopic camera, 443–447, 445f–447f
total abdominal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis in postoperative management of, 449
anastomosis, 217–219, 218f preoperative planning of, 442–443
anastomotic leak, 219 single-port colostomy, 447
indications and contraindications of, 211–212 patient education, 433
outcomes of, 220 postoperative management of, 436
patient positioning in, 214 surgical technique, 435–436, 435f
pelvic abscesses, 219 Completely laparoscopic IPAA (CL-IPAA), 284
postoperative management of, 219 Component separation technique, ventral hernia repair, 637–644
preoperative planning for, 212–214 complications, 643–644
prolonged postoperative ileus, 219 infections, 643
rectovaginal fistulas, 219 seroma, 643
surgical technique, 214–217, 215f, 216f, 217f indications and contraindications of, 637
Colon resection introduction, 637
HAL left colectomy in outcomes of, 644
complications of, 90 postoperative management, 643
incisions, 86–87 preoperative planning, 637–638
indications, 85 surgery, 638–642, 639f–640f, 642f–643f
operative steps, 87–89, 87f–89f laparoscopic component separation, 640, 640f
port placement, 86–87, 87f minimally invasive component separation, 641
postoperative management of, 89–90 open component separation, 638–640, 639f
preoperative planning of, 85–86 periumbilical perforator-sparing technique, 640–641
room setup and patient position, 86, 86f posterior technique, 641–642, 642f–643f
Hartmann’s reversal procedure in preoperative markings, 638
complications in, 502 techniques, 638
indications and contraindications in, 497–498 Computed tomography (CT), 103
outcomes of, 502 for metastatic disease detection, 393
postoperative management of, 501–502 of Crohn’s disease, 653
preoperative evaluation of, 498
surgery technique, 498–501, 499f, 501f Constipation
laparoscopic colostomy reversal in, 505–506 anal manometry and, 529
complications in, 513 definition of, 213
indications and contraindications of, 506–507 exacerbates, 392
LHR, contraindications to, 506 in rectal prolapse patients, 592
outcomes of, 513–516 occurrence of, 537
postoperative management of, 512 Ripstein procedure and, 530f, 531
preoperative planning of, 507 risk of, 558
robotic, 512 severe, 213
single-port, 511–512 stomal stenosis, 469
surgery, 507–512 Continent ileostomy, 464f–466f
left complications in, 463–464
indications and contraindications, 71–72 indications and contraindications in, 457–459
port placement, 73 nipple valve stabilization, 462f
positioning, 72–73 outcomes of, 464–468
postoperative management, 77 postoperative management of, 463
preoperative planning, 72 preoperative planning of, 459
surgery, 72–76, 74f–77f S-pouch configuration for, 461f
surgical technique, 73–76, 74f–77f surgery, 459–462
Colonic inertia, 222 testing pouch capacity in, 463f
Colonic J-pouch (CJP), 121, 122f, 127, 132, 175–176 U-shaped configuration for, 459
usage of, 175 Contour curved cutter, 128
Colonic-J-pouch anal anastomoses (CPA), 175–176 Crohn’s colitis, 221
Colorectal anastomosis, 97–98. See also Low anterior resection (LAR) Crohn’s disease (CD), strictureplasty in
Colorectal resection complications in, 650–651
HALS for for right colon resection
abdominal closure, 265 bowel graspers for, 39
anastomosis, 265 indications and contraindications of, 35
complications in, 266 outcomes of, 41–42, 651
ileonal pouch construction, 265 patient positioning, 36–38, 654
indications and contraindications in, 251 port placement, 38, 38f
left colectomy, 256–262, 258f–263f setup and preparation of, 36, 36f
outcomes of, 266 surgical procedure, 38–40, 39f–40f
patient positioning, 251 indications and contraindications in, 647, 653
postoperative management of, 265 Jaboulay strictureplasty, technique for, 649–650, 650f
preoperative planning of, 251 postoperative management of, 650
rectal mobilization and transection, 262–264, 264f, 265f preoperative planning of, 648
right and transverse colectomy, 256, 257f surgery, 648–650
right colectomy, 252, 253f, 254f Finney strictureplasty, technique for, 649–650, 649f
surgical procedure in abdominal rectopexy, for rectal prolapse treatment
bowel preparation, 654 complications in, 561
Finney strictureplasty, 656, 656f indications and contraindications in, 557
Heineke-Mikulicz strictureplasty, 655, 655f outcomes of, 562
Michelassi strictureplasty, 656–658, 657f postoperative management of, 560
patient positioning, 654 preoperative planning of, 557–558
technique, 654–655 surgery, 558–560, 558f–560f
D Deep vein thrombosis ( left colectomy
DVT) prophylaxis, 633 complications of, 90
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT), 63 incisions, 86–87
Denonvillier’s fascia, 96, 100, 164, 171, 172f, 329, 337 indications and contraindications of, 85
Dermabond Advanced, 41 operative steps, 87–89, 87f–89f
Dexterity Pneumo Sleeve, 510 port placement, 86–87, 87f
Direct fascial repair, of parastomal hernia, 478. See also Parastomal postoperative management of, 89–90
hernia repair preoperative planning of, 85–86
Distal resection margin (DRM), 164 room setup and patient position, 86, 86f
E restorative proctocolectomy
chelon, 128 complications in, 303–304
Electrocautery, usage of, 9, 169, 171, 175, 345, 347, 435 equipment placement, 296–297
Electrothermal bipolar device, role of, 9 incision, 296–297, 298f
End colostomy, 435, 435f. See also Open colostomy indications and contraindications in, 295
End-to-end anastomosis (EEA), 127, 128–129, 129f, 510 left colon, 298–299, 299f
operative technique for, 128–129, 129f outcomes of, 304
Endo-GIA, usage of, 128, 343, 509 patient positioning, 296
Endoanal ultrasound port placement, 296–297, 298f
in tumor assessment, 165. See also Malignant disease, IRP for postoperative management of, 303
Endorectal ultrasonography (ERUS), 164, 328 preoperative planning of, 295–296
Enoxaparin, 62, 63 rectal dissection, 301–303, 302
Enterostomal therapy (ET), 451 right colon, 300–301
Epinephrine, 117 splenic flexure, 298
Ethicon EnSeal, 229 surgical technique, 296–303
Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), 496 transverse colon, 299f, 301
Extended extralevator APR ureter, 300
abdominal part, 372 right colectomy
complications, 376 ascending colon, mobilization of, 45–47
indications and contraindications in, 371 complications in, 48–49
ischioanal, extended, 373–374 contraindications, 43
omentoplasty, 372 extracorporeal anastomosis, 47–48
outcomes of, 376–377 indications of, 43
pelvic floor reconstruction, 375 outcomes, 49
pelvic part, 372 postoperative care of, 48
perineal dissection, extended ischioanal, 374–375 preoperative planning of, 44
perineal part, 373 surgery, 43–48
postoperative management, 376 techniques, for rectal cancer surgery
preoperative planning, 371–372 indications and contraindications in, 147
surgery, 372–375, 373f–375f outcomes in, 151
Extracorporeal technique, 84 postoperative management in, 151
F Familial Adenomatous Polyposis ( preoperative planning, 147–148
FAP), 251, 284, 457 surgery, 148–151, 149f–150f
diagnosis of, 242 total abdominal colectomy with IRA
Fansler retractor, usage of, 230 complications in, 230
Fecal diversion, 166–167. See also Rectal cancer resection indications and contraindications in, 227
laparoscopic ileostomy for outcomes of, 230–231
Brooke ileostomy, 453f preoperative planning of, 227
complications of, 455 surgery of, 227–230, 228f
indications and contraindications of, 451
loop of ileum, 452f
outcomes of, 456 Hand-assisted laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection (HALAPR),
port placement, 452f 360–361
postoperative management of, 454–455 advantages of, 360
preoperative planning of, 451 complications of, 360
surgery of, 451–453, 452f, 454f indications and contraindications in, 351
Finney strictureplasty, in Crohn’s disease treatment, 640f, 649–650 postoperation management of, 360
Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), 393 preoperative planning of, 351–352
Foley catheter, 27, 494 surgery
Frykman-Goldberg procedure, 531–532 abdominal technique, 353–358, 355f–357f
Furness clamp, usage of, 229 patient positioning, 352–353, 353f
GG perineal technique, 358–359, 359f
abapentin, 23, 32, 580 Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS), 519
Gastrocolic omentum, division of, 215 abdominal closure, 265
Gastrografin enema, usage of, 405 advantage of, 519
GelPOINT Path TAMIS, 191 anastomosis, 265
GelPort, usage of, 148, 150, 508, 509, 510 complications in, 266
Genitourinary complications, occurrence of, 340 ileonal pouch construction, 265
Gerota’s fascia, 9 indications and contraindications in, 251
GIA stapler, 109 outcomes of, 266
Gillies’ corner stitch, usage of, 473, 474f postoperative management of, 265
Gore-Tex mesh, 595 preoperative planning of, 251
H Hand-assisted Hartmann’s reversal, 510–511 surgery
complications in, 523 left colectomy, 256–262, 258f–263f
indications and contraindications in, 519 patient positioning, 251
outcomes of, 523 rectal mobilization and transection, 262–264, 264f, 265f
postoperative management of, 522 right and transverse colectomy, 256, 257f
preoperative planning in, 520 right colectomy, 252, 253f, 254f
surgery technique, 251–252
patient positioning, 520 transverse colectomy, 252–253, 255, 255f, 256f
technique, 520–522 Hand-assisted resection/rectopexy, for rectal prolapse treatment
Hand-assisted laparoscopic (HAL) complications in, 589
indications and contraindications in, 583–584 Ileocecal valve, 6
outcomes of, 589 Ileocolic anastomosis, 3
postoperative management of, 589 leak, occurrence of, 4
preoperative planning of, 584 Ileocolic pedicle
surgery, 585f–588f difficulty in identification of, 20–21
medial-to-lateral dissection, 585f identification of, 10
operative technique, 584–588 in laparoscopic right colectomy, 16–17, 16f–17f
patient positioning, 584–585 Ileocolic vessel, 7
Hand-sewn anastomosis, usage of, 3 Ileorectal anastomosis (IRA), 283
Harmonic scalpel, usage of, 406 hand-assisted laparoscopic total abdominal colectomy with
Hartmann’s colostomy, 132 complications in, 230
Hartmann’s reversal indications and contraindications in, 227
in colon resection outcomes of, 230–231
complications in, 502 preoperative planning of, 227
hand-assisted, 510–511 surgery of, 227–230, 228f
indications and contraindications in, 497–498 laparoscopic total abdominal colectomy and, 221
outcomes of, 502 complications in, 225
postoperative management of, 501–502 indications and contraindications of, 221–222
preoperative evaluation of, 498 outcomes of, 225
robotic, 512 postoperative management of, 225
single-port laparoscopic, 511–512 preoperative planning of, 223–225
surgery technique, 498–501, 499f, 501f surgery of, 223–225
Hasson technique, 168, 228, 451 Indocyanine green, usage of, 76, 196
Hegar dilator, usage of, 473, 509 Inferior hemorrhoidal plexus (IHP), 171
Heineke-Mikulicz (H-M), 649 Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA), 51, 67, 87f, 88, 139, 166, 229, 256,
pyloroplasty, 122 356,
strictureplasty, in Crohn’s disease treatment, 655, 655f 404
Heparin, 58 and vein, high ligation of, 115, 116f
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), 284 ligation of, 335, 336f
Hernia reduction and adhesions division, 485. See also Parastomal Inferior mesenteric vein (IMV), 51, 88, 139
hernia repair Infliximab, 284
High-dose-rate brachytherapy (HDR-IORT), 397 Intersphincteric resection, 198
Hill-Ferguson anal retractors, 113, 120 Intersphincteric restorative proctocolectomy (IRP), for malignant
Hybrid LAR, in rectal cancer surgery disease, 178t, 179t, 180t, 181t, 183t
complications, 160 complications of, 177–178, 178t
laparoscopic portion indications and contraindications in, 164–165
case, open portion of, 158–159 Kirwan class measures of function, 183t
colon and mesentery, proximal transection of, 158 outcomes of
initial rectal mobilization, 158 functional, 180–182
lateral-to-medial approach, 157 quality indicators and pathological comparisons, 178–179
medial-to-lateral starting at IMV, 155–156 sexual morbidity, 182
omental peel, 157–158 stoma-free survival, 182–183
sacral promontory, medial-to-lateral starting at, 156–157 postoperative management, 177–178
laparoscopic TME, current status of, 158–159 complications and anastomic problems, 177–178
outcomes, 160 outcomes of, 177
postoperative management, 160 preoperative planning of, 167
skin incision length, 160 surgery
surgery in abdominal phase, 167
order of operation and division of tasks, 154 anatomy and considerations, 165–167
Hybrid robotic and fully robotic procedures, in rectal cancer surgery coloanal anastomoses, techniques of, 175–176
complications in, 142 description of technique, 168–177
hybrid procedure in, 140 fecal diversion, 166–167
indications and contraindications in, 135 laparoscopic port placement, 168
mobilization of the splenic flexure, 139–140 perineal dissection, 172–173
postoperative management of, 142 positioning, 168
preoperative planning of, 135–136 robotic port placement, 168–176
surgery technique, 166
hybrid robotic technique, 140–141, 140f TME, 167
OR set up, 136f, 137 Cleveland Clinic Florida-Fecal Incontinence Score (CCF-FIS), 183t
port placement and docking, 138, 138f Intestinal stomas, 439, 469
technique, 138 Intracorporeal technique, 83–84
total robotic technique, 141, 141f Intraoperative colonoscopy, 5
I Ibuprofen, 230 Intraoperative electron radiation (IOERT), 397
Ileal conduit construction, pelvic exenteration, 415–424 Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT), 397
complications of, 420–424 IV steroids, 325
indications and contraindications of, 415 Ivalon sponge, usage of, 531f
outcomes of, 420–424 J Jaboulay strictureplasty, in Crohn’s disease treatment, 649–650,
pearls and pitfalls, 420–424 650f
preoperative planning, 415–416 K K-pouch, 464f–466f
technical tips, 416–420 complications in, 463–464
Ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA), 271, 301, 457–458 indications and contraindications in, 457–459
advantages of, 271 nipple valve stabilization, 462f
continent ileostomy durability, 464–467 outcomes of, 464–468
continent ileostomy salvage, 467–468 postoperative management of, 463
restorative proctocolectomy and completely laparoscopic preoperative planning of, 459
proctocolectomy with S-pouch configuration for, 461f
complications of, 292–293 surgery, 459–462
creation of, 289, 291 testing pouch capacity in, 463f
indications and contraindications of, 284 U-shaped configuration for, 459
laparoscopic procedures, 283–284 Kirwan class measures of function, 183t
operation, extent of, 283 Kocher clamp, 228
outcomes of, 293 Kocher maneuver, usage of, 307
postoperative management of, 292 L L-pouch, 176
preoperative planning of, 284–285 Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection, 343–349
surgery, 284–291, 286f–292f indications in, 343, 344f
Ileoanal anastomosis (IAA), 305 laparoscopic TME, 347t
manual, sutured, 311 outcomes of, 349
stapled, 310–311 postoperative management and complications in, 348–349
preoperative planning of, 344 postoperative management of, 544, 580
surgery preoperative planning of, 543
patient positioning, 344, 345f surgery, 543–544
technique, 344–348, 346f–348f surgical technique, 572–580, 572f–580f
Laparoscopic assisted colostomy formation Laparoscopic right colectomy
complications in, 449 complications of, 23
indications and contraindications in, 441–442 contraindications of, 13
outcomes in, 449–450 indications of, 13
postoperative management of, 449 outcomes of, 23–24
preoperative planning of ostomy siting, 442–443 postoperative management of, 23
surgery preoperative planning of, 14
aperture, creation of, 445, 446f surgery of
end colostomy or loop colostomy, 444 common pitfalls and solutions in, 23
indications and contraindications in, 447 positioning in, 14–15
instrumentation, 443, 448 technique, 15–20
operative technique, 448–449 Laparoscopic stapled low anterior resection
patient positioning, 443 complications in, 108–110
patient preparation, 447 management, 109t
port selection and laparoscopic camera, 444–447, 444f–447f related to diverting loop ileostomy, 109
single-port colostomy, 447 small bowel obstruction, 108–109
Laparoscopic colectomy, 49 surgical site infections/anastomotic leak, 108
Laparoscopic colon procedures (LAP), 227 ureteral injury, 109–110
Laparoscopic colostomy reversal, 505–506 indications and contraindications in, 103
complications in, 513 outcomes in, 106–108
indications and contraindications of, 505–506 functional outcomes, 107–108
LHR, contraindications to, 506 morbidity and mortality, 106–108
outcomes of, 513–516 quality of life, 107–108
postoperative management of, 512–513 short/long-term oncologic outcomes, 107
preoperative planning of, 507 postoperative management of, 105–106
robotic, 512 preoperative planning of, 103–104
single-port, 511–512 surgery in
surgery conduct of procedure, 104
hand-assisted Hartmann’s reversal, 510–511 positioning, 104
LHR, 508–510 rectal dissection, 104–105
robotic Hartmann’s reversal, 512 Laparoscopic Sugarbaker repair, for parastomal hernia
single-port laparoscopic Hartmann’s reversal, 511–512 complications in, 494
technique, 507–512 indications and contraindications for, 489–490
Laparoscopic Hartmann’s reversal (LHR), 505 postoperative management of, 494
Laparoscopic hernia repair, underlay techniques in preoperative planning of, 490
complications in, 487 surgery, 491–494, 491f–493f
indications and contraindications of, 483 Laparoscopic total abdominal colectomy, in colon surgery
instrument/monitor positioning, 484–485, 485f complications in, 225
mesh placement, 484, 486–487, 487f indications and contraindications of, 221–222
operative technique, 485, 486f outcomes of, 225, 226t
outcomes of, 487–488 postoperative management of, 225
patient positioning and preparation, 483 preoperative planning of, 223–225
port selection and placement, 485 surgery of
postoperative management of, 487 anastomosis, 224–225
preoperative planning of, 483 dividing the transverse mesocolon, 224
Laparoscopic ileostomy, for fecal diversion left colon, 224
Brooke ileostomy, 453f patient positioning, 223
complications of, 455 right colon, 223–224
indications and contraindications of, 451 technique, 223–225
loop of ileum, 452f Laparoscopic total mesorectal excision, 167
outcomes of, 456 blood supply control, 383–387
port placement, 452f complications of, 387–389
postoperative management of, 454–455 incision and exploration, 383
preoperative planning of, 451 indications and contraindications of, 379
surgery of, 451–453, 452f, 453f, 454f neoadjuvant therapies, 382–383
Laparoscopic IPAA (L-IPAA), 284 nerve dissection, 382
Laparoscopic lateral-to-medial colectomy. See Left colon resection oncologic outcomes of, 389
Laparoscopic low anterior resection and transanal anastomosis positioning, 383
complications in, 124–125 preoperative preparation, 383
indications and contraindications of, 111–113 surgery techniques, 383–389
outcomes of, 125–126 tumors and recurrence, 387
postoperative management of, 124 Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair, 619–624
preoperative planning of, 113 complications, 623–624
surgery of intraoperative, 623
abdominal exploration, 114, 115f postoperative morbidity, 623–624
anastomosis, 123–124 recurrence, 624
diverting ileostomy, 124 indications and contraindications of, 619–620
inferior mesenteric artery and vein, high ligation of, 115, 116f outcomes of, 624t
neorectum, creation of, 121–122, 122f postoperative management, 621, 623
patients positioning, 114 preoperative planning, 620
perineal dissection, 119–121, 120f surgery, 620–621, 622f–623f
prophylaxis, 114 positioning, 620–621
protectomy with total mesorectal dissection, 118–119, 119f techniques, 621
specimen, removal of, 121 Laparoscopy, in rectal prolapse treatment, 532
splenic flexure takedown and left colon mobilization, 115–117, 117f, Lateral lymph node dissection (LLD)
118f for rectal carcinoma
steps and coloanal anastomosis, 114 complications in, 411
Laparoscopic rectopexy indications for, 404–405
in rectal prolapse treatment laparoscopic LLD, 406f–410f, 407–410
complications in, 544, 580–581 objectives of, 403–404
contraindications and indications in, 571 open LLD, 405–407
indications and contraindications of, 543 outcomes of, 411–413
outcomes of, 545–547, 581 postoperative management of, 410–411
port placement, 544f preoperative planning of, 405
surgical techniques, 405–410, 406f–410f
Lateral lymph nodes (LLN), 403
Lateral lymph nodes recurrence (LLR), 404
Lazy J-shaped dissection, 552f
Leak test, 54. See also Left colectomy, open
Left colectomy, laparoscopic medial-to lateral dissection for
complications, 69
contraindications for, 65
indications for, 65
outcomes, 69
postoperative management for, 68
preoperative planning for, 65–66
surgery, 66–68
Left colectomy, open
indications and contraindications in, 51
postoperative management in, 54–55
preoperative evaluation of, 52
surgery in
anastomosis, 54
equipment, 53
medial-to-lateral mobilization, technique of, 52–54, 54f
patient position, 52
patient preparation, 52
splenic flexure takedown, 53
Left colectomy, robotic
indications and contraindications in, 79
preoperative planning, 79
surgery, 79–84
bowel anastomosis, 82
extracorporeal technique, 84
intracorporeal technique, 83–84
medial-to-lateral dissection, 82
port placement and instruments, 80–81, 80f, 81f
positioning, 79–80
room setup, 82
technical details, 79
Left colon resection
indications and contraindications, 71–72
postoperative management, 77
preoperative planning, 72
surgery, 72–76, 74f–77f
port placement, 73
positioning, 72–73
surgical technique, 73–76, 74f–77f

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