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mcthcniis canoes Pull out the Answer Booklet inserted in the question paper. te the centre number and your examination number ov every Write all the answers in the Answer Booklet provided. ‘There are twenty questions in Section A; answer all Section A: Four suggested answers are given A,B, C and:D, Choose mark it on the answer grid in the Answer Booklet Section B has:five questions. Answer aif the questions in the Answer. Page 2 of 7 ‘A: [20 MARKS] okiet provided by putting a cross x SECTION A: [ he Answer BoC ection in th all the questions in this section Answer ans the letter you have chosen as your fon to any person that the President has to grant pardon to any pe ha 1 Aspecial executive privilege of any offence is referred to as A enacting laws. B__ executing laws. implementing mercy. D__ prerogative of mercy. a 2 Which prescribed condition of acquiring citizenship reas 2 ae p i " te ’ her previous citizenship and take oath of allegiances to the become a citizen? A Declaration B Marriage © Renunciation D Residence ‘The characteristic of good governance which states that leaders should be answerable to the people and that public resources must be used for government and community Programmes is A accountability and transparency. B existence of civil society. € fair access to resources. D helpful and caring. 4 The right to ... is non-justiciable in Zambia. A education B iife C peace D property 5 Tt was Sustwells job to give permission for building of shops at the market to take pl once the forms were submitted and all being in order, He demanded for m oa Service and was lven. What form of corruption was he iwoved i, al ‘A Abuse of authority bs B Bribery acceptance © Commission D Gratification 6 — Which type of culture d knvene, radios nd cong) Mt 2 Elton of tc dest n terms of Counter culture Cultural Heterogeneity Cultural Homogeneity Real culture ooa> he Eecabon20301 2. op sea as 7 10 soy 12 Page I of 7 Mr Shibobo took a drug that led him to have cravings for certain foods whieh affected his memory and coordination, What drug did he take? ‘A Alcohol B Cannabis c Cocaine D Heroin Article 18 of the Zambian Bill of Rights deals with the administration of justice relating to pre-trial test and detention. Which one of the following Is not covered by the Article? ‘A Language interpretation B_ Legal representation Mitigation and sentence D Presumption of innocence until proven guilty It is a non-state, not-for-profit, voluntary entities, community based formed by people in the social sphere that are separate from state and market. The organisation highlighted by the statement is a A civil society. B governmental organisation. media organisation. D news agency. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Muzi Muzi in 2019 was K8 000 000 and it’s Gross. National Product (GND) was K15 000 000 with the population of 300 000 people. Calculate it’s per capital income. A k23,33 B k26.67 Cc k50.00 D K76.67 Civil and criminal trials in the Zambian courts are both based on an adversary procedure. This means that the prosecution and the defence ... A both use lawyers. B cross examine. treat each other as enemies. D treat each other as opponents. Mrs Wako died Intestate and left properties such as a house. The surviving spouse has life A can live in the house for life as long as he does not remarry. B is interested in the house. C lives in the house for the rest of his life and can remarry. D ° 5 se oe will only get the house. 2) tg Ge? Le, interest in the house which means that he j ; Page 4 of 7 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 ime, peopl Peace which involves the state of mind, body and soul and not dependent on time, people or situation is referred to as A external peace. B inner peace. C negative peace. D positive peace. What kind of abuse does Mr Menso Menso commit every time he touches his workmate or ‘makes sexual remarks even when she is not interested? Sexual A abuse. B assault, C _ biasness. D harassment. ‘The article of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) that guarantees women equality in political and public life is... A Article 4, B Article 5. C Article 6, D Article 7. Which principle on the Right of a Child works to redress the low Priority often given to children’s interests when there are strong competing interests? A Best interest of a child, B Non discrimination. C Participation and development. D Survival and development. Vision 2030 is Zambia's first ever written long term plan, expressing Zambians aspirations by the year 2030. The vision operates through the five year development plans and ... A annual budgets. B annual growth, € job creation. D rural investments. The insufficient access to food and nutrition, healthcare, adequate shelter, literacy, adequate income, safe water and sanitation is known as .. A absolute poverty. B human poverty index. " € income perspective. D metric poverty line. The environment consists of four main components. Which component includes the of choices and decision making? A Economic B Natural C Political D Social 20. China, hospitals in Northern Province to the first level hospitals in the year 2018, This type of aid is Page 5 of 7 |, United Arab Emirates and France donated $600 000 to help Zambia build three known as A B c D bilateral. donor, expertise, multilateral. SECTION B: [40 MARKS] There are five questions in this section, Answer all the questions in the Answer Booklet provided, 4 Study the table showing events that led to the re-introduction of Multi-party Democracy In 1991 and answer the questions that follow. scdomanbmenoaitciise YEAR EVENT ‘A__| The birth of the First Republic 1972 |B. | 19730) Coa pull D__||iThelfood!notsiiniET=s

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