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Discuss the following regarding change agents:

1- Define the concept of a change agent, including the traits and characteristics that best

represent a change agent in today’s organization.

2- Discuss the role of a change agent in the change management process (e.g., formal or

informal role, position of authority or power, etc.).

3- Assess how a change agent can influence the generation, direction, success, or failure of a

change initiative.

4- Finally, assess any challenges a change agent may have in the change process (e.g., not

agreeing with the change, management not truthfully sharing the repercussions of the

change, etc.) and how these challenges should be addressed.

The Concept of a Change Agent and the Traits and Characteristics

A business's ongoing process of organizational transformation includes all of the managers

and executives at every level of the company (Stouten et al., 2018). On the other hand, the

change agent is the one who is in charge of starting the transformation. A business utilizes the

change agent to generate a change when it intends to modify. Furthermore, the change agents are

both internal and external individuals that collaborate with the company to achieve the change

(Monnot, 2017). The benefit of internal change agents is that they are aware of the basis and

working system of the company. In addition, whether a corporation employs an internal or

external change agent, the effectiveness of the change is determined by the change agent's

capacity to collaborate with the firm's management in making the change (Monnot, 2017).

Transformation agents are essential in driving organizational change inside a company.

Because of their distinctive attributes and qualities that enable them to handle the change roles,

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the change agents succeed in achieving the goals. An effective change agent has strong risk-

taking abilities and communication skills. Excellent listening skills are one of the traits of change

agents in companies. The change agents investigate many viewpoints and concentrate on them as

they come up with solutions (Stouten et al., 2018). The ability to be flexible keeps change agents

open to encounters as they work to grasp other viewpoints. Another quality that a change agent

possesses is empathy. The change agents should recognize the customers' emotions, feelings, and


Role of a Change Agent in the Change Management Process

There are different roles included in bringing about change to increase the success of the

change. The change management process involves both formal and informal functions. The roles

the change agent does for the manager to achieve the intended change are included in the basic

functionalities (Barker, 2016). On the other hand, the change agent can also take on informal

roles to improve the workers' comprehension. The change agent does not need authorization

from management to do informal tasks; these jobs are crucial because they can influence how

people will react to the change. Encouragement of others to modify their actions and behavior is

one of the responsibilities of change agents (Barker, 2016). Change agents also provide advice to

the company and any other stakeholders involved. The ability to learn new things is one quality

of change agents. To communicate their information, the agents rely on their expertise (Barker,

2016). Therefore, to increase their success, change agents should carry out the tasks they are

eager to do and are used to performing.

Change Agents Influencing the Generation, Direction, Success, or Failure of a Change


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Every company has a culture that may influence how things get done. Change agents can

more easily impact company culture since they are familiar with it after interacting with workers.

For example, the conduct of the change agent may be adjusted to guarantee that the corporate

culture adapts to the desired changes (Monnot, 2017). In addition, A change agent possesses a

range of abilities that allow them to affect multiple generations. Because the firm has trust in the

change agents, the company gives them the tools they need to initiate the transformation

(Monnot, 2017).

The business offers the change agent a variety of information along with the procedures

that need to change. To better understand their personalities and experiences, change agents

communicate with individuals from all generations. Thus, such an understanding supports the

transformation (Bell, 2020). Moreover, most organizational operations are under the direction of

change agents. Therefore, success in the company is guaranteed by the good use of their skills.

Additionally, change agents have the potential to intentionally or unintentionally create a change

failure within a company (Bell, 2020). A lack of expertise in managing change can fail to

implement the change by the change agent's inability to persuade the employees and business

procedures to do so.

Challenges a Change Agent has in the Change Process

Employees who are used to working within the current culture may reject the change

agent's new initiative. For example, the success of certain businesses is enhanced by the policies

and systems already in place. It is possible that management and employees will not agree to

implement a change agent's plan because they are uncomfortable doing so. The leadership could

also reject the idea that past success might continue to benefit the firm in the future. As a result,

the change agent faces a problem in bringing about the change (Hernelind & Hogréus, 2020). In

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addition, convincing others that the company has to change is another difficulty change agents

experience during the process of change. The change agent should persuade the change parties to

accept the change since they are unaware of the change that is going to take place. Problems

arise with persuasion when parties reject the change (Commons, 2018).


Barker, R. (2016). Knowledge Management as Change Agent to Ensure the Sustainability of

Emerging Knowledge Organizations. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge

Management, 45–53.

Bell, A. (2020). How Emotional Reactions to Change Efforts Influence Perceptions of Project

Outcomes? From a Change Agent Perspective. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi-

Commons, M. L. (2018). Four forces that prevent change in organizations: How to become an

innovative organization. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 23(1), 14–21. https://doi-

Hernelind, E., & Hogréus, F. (2020). Readiness for Change Towards Sustainability: A Study of

Swedish Companies: Change Agent and Employee Perspectives.

Monnot, M. J. (2017). Organizational Change Agent Influence: A Conditional Process Model of

Key Individual Psychological Resources. Journal of Change Management, 17(3), 268–


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Stouten, J., Rousseau, D. M., & De Cremer, D. (2018). Successful Organizational Change:

Integrating the Management Practice and Scholarly Literatures. Academy of Management

Annals, 12(2), 752–788.

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