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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 6

At the end of interactive discussion, 85% pupils are expected to:
a. Identify adjectives in the sentence and kinds of adjectives;
b. Use adjectives to describe persons or place.
c. Show kindness to other people.


Topic: Using Adjectives
Reference: English 6 for You and Me (page 146)
Materials: Pictures, Powerpoint presentation
Values: Be kind to others.


Teacher`s Activity Pupil`s Activity

A. Preminary Activity
1. Prayer
“Class, let us rise for our Prayer” Maxpein will go in front of the class
(The teacher will call a pupil to lead a and will lead the prayer.
prayer) maxpein please lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
“Good morning class!” Good morning Ma`am!

3. Cheaking of Attendance
Yes Ma`am!
“So class if I call your name, say present!
(The students say present)

4. Energizer
(The Pupil`s will dance.)
“Let`s us dance first”
(The teacher present a energizer video)

B. Review Ma`am! Our topic yesterday It`s all

“Now who can recall our topic about Nouns. -Deib

“Okay very good Deib!”

“So now, I will give a short quiz if you

really remembered what we studied

Direction: Underline the noun in the

(The pupil`s got a perfect score)
1. kim built castle in the sand.
2. lohr swam in the ocean.
3. Zamboanga City have a lot of
4. The ball is circle.
5. The pencil is long.

“Okay Goodjob class all of you got a

correct answer”
Ma`am, A good boy do is to help,
respect others, sincerely care and love.
C. Lesson Proper -Deib
1. Motivation
“Class, what do a good boy do?

“Okay very good deib!”

So I have a picture here I will show you.

There is a boy helping the old woman.

“What did you see?” Ma`am, the boy helped the old woman
to cross the road.

“What did a boy do in the picture?”

“Okay very good class!”

“So now, who can give me the meaning

of the underlinedword in the sentence.
Ma`am! , Begging means “To ask
1.I’m begging from you. charity” -Naih
a. To ask in charity
b. poor old woman
c. Extreme poverty.
2.A kind-heart man always receives a
a. Cruel
b. Good
Ma`am, The kind-heart means “Good”
c. Violent
“Okay very good naih! So how about
number 2?” Yes max?

“Very good, Max!” Ma`am! -cara

2. Presentation of the lesson

“Now, I have here a story. So who wants

to read it a loud?” (Cara reading the story)

“Okay cara, you may now stand in front

and read it louder. All of you need to
listen carefully because after that I will
you an activity later”


Once upon a time, there were
two friends John and Roy who went to a
farm to plant sugarcane. Each of them
carried food for their lunch and bottle of
water. Roy went ahead afterwards met
an old woman. “Please give me a food
for I am hungry”, the old woman begged.
Go away, old woman, I have no food for
you! Roy shouted the old woman.
Meanwhile, his friend John was
washing his face in the stream when he
saw the old woman, “Please give me
food for I am hungry”, the old woman
begged. Immediately, John opens his bag
where he kept his food and shares it to
the old woman. Then he gives her water,
the old woman thanked John for the
food. You have a kind heart so I will give
you a reward. Go to tree with a large
stone under it. Remove the stone and
you will find a bag filled with money.
John surprised but he thanked the old
woman and went to the tree after she
He found the large stone,
removed it and found a bag filled with
money. He was so happy and went
running back to the old woman and
thanks her again. But the old woman was
gone. “Thank you the old woman, thank
you lord” John shouted to the wind.
Then he went back home and happily
bought delicious food and nice clothes
for himself and his family. A kind heart Ma`am, The Boy with A Kins Heart.
man always receives a reward it may not -Ino
always money, it may be admiration,
respect and love from others.
Roy, John and the old woman ma`am.
“Thank you cara, you may now take your

“So what the tittle of the story?” Ma`am we learned that we should be
kind to other people.
“Very good, Ino!”

“And who are the characters in the

Ma`am “OLD”
“Very good, kisha!”

“So what have you learned from the

story?” Ma`am, it`s a name of a person.

“You really listened class, that`s good!” It modifies “KIND” ma`am!

“I have here some sentences.”

1. The old woman begged.
“So class, what kind of woman who
begged for food?”
“Okay so word OLD describe or it
modifies a woman. So what do we
call for the word woman?”
2. You have a kind heart so I will
give you a reward.


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