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MODAL VERBS (SIMPLE) + infinitive without to

Ability (disability): habilidad.

- Can (poder): I can play the piano.

- Past  Could: She could cook a cake.

Obligation: obligación

- Must (deber): I must study.

- Have to (tener que): She has to do her homework.
- Past  had to: They had to cook dinner yesterday.

Prohobition: prohobición

- Mustn’t (no deber): You mustn’t eat chewing gums in class.

Advice: consejo

- Should (debería): I should eat more fruit.

- Neg  shouldn’t
- Ought to (debería): She ought to go to the dentis.
- Neg  ought not to.

Probability or possibility

- Might (puede que)  Africa might pass the exam.

- May (puede que)  Africa may pass the exam.
- May = more probability that something happens.


Structure: subject + modal + have + past participle + complements

She could cook a cake  she could have cooked a cake (ella podría haber
cocinado una tarta).
I must study  I must have studied.

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