Ge1 Final Requirement - Lomibao

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I. Paste or attach a picture of you when you were in elementary, in high school, and
now that you are in college.

II. Below each picture, list down your salient/ notable characteristics that you
remember depending on the domains enumerated.

III. Compare and contrast the similarities or/and differences in each domains of the
self. Use the table as your guide.

My Elementary Self My High School Self My College Self

Physical Self When I was a kid, all In my physical self As of now, in which I
of my friends were when I was in high am taking online
taller than me, and I school, I’ve seen a lot classes, I am gaining
was chubby at the of changes, especially more muscles. As you
time. in my body. I am can see, my face
expands a little
much taller than my
because of stress
classmates. I had a
eating. Also, I am
physical body that
now taller than my
was fit when I was in friends.
high school.

Sexual Self In this self, I am In my high school As of now, I am more

learning about the life, I experienced sexually mature and
different things in love in terms of know the limitations
science which having a crush, lust, in having a
includes about and attachment.  relationship.
sexuality. But still
don’t have enough
idea to understand it.

Material Self When I was a kid, I In my high school As of now, I am

just loved buying toys life, I experienced planning to have an
and food. But I am not having to spend atm account and limit
the kid that gets what money on different myself to spending
he wants. I have things, like buying my money on
contentment. clothes and shoes. I nonsensical things.
I’ve realized that
believe that playing
being a minimalist
on the computer shop
person is better in
is a part of my
times of a pandemic.
material self because
of the enjoyment it
provides and how it
entertains me.

Political Self When I was a kid, all I In my high school As of now, I will start
wanted to know life, I am having voting and choosing
about the news was different opinions and the best leaders for the
what happened to the complaints on the country. I need to
bad guy if they were laws that they assure the people that
caught. proclaim in the I will choose for the
government. future.

Spiritual Self When I was a kid, I In my high school As of now, I am

went to church with life, I learned to continuing the lessons
my whole family and nurture my spiritual that I learned from our
learned different life. I get deeper into pastors and I am now
stories about the Bible knowing how God serving the Lord with
because I attended moves in the life of an my talents as part of
Sunday school.  individual.
the 3rd generation of
leaders for the future.

Digital Self When I was a kid, I In my high school As of now, I am more

don’t have enough life, I am attached to active on using
access to the gadgets playing online games computer, phone,
which is having a on computers like laptop, and other
computer and phones. League of Legends devices that includes
and Dota 2. About
I just love to play in my online learning
having a phone, I just
basketball with my and related to my
have a keypad like
brothers. computer engineering
Samsung. That’s
enough for me to

After having examined your “self” in its different domains/perspectives, fill out
the table below.



It is hard to examine and In contrast to myself, as The possible reasons in my

know the similarities time passes by, my body physical body is that I am
between myself and others gains more muscles and eating more as I grow and
in different aspects. As you expands. My height sleeping enough hours,
can see from the three changed, which means I which is why I am growing
grew taller and my mind
photos in terms of my taller. With the help of
changed into maturity. I
appearance, my skin color science, the growth
also have to make a
is still brown, which is a hormone produced by the
decision in every situation
Filipino color. Although my body also helps us grow.
that I encounter. I learned
physical state had changed, different things in every Being a mature person
I was still the soft-hearted section that I examined and means reflecting on what
person and always the one described for myself. you experienced before so
who always smiled and was you can realize different
the peacemaker in the things that will help you in
group. the future. As time goes by,
you experience different
situations, which helps you
get more mature and think
of the right decision.

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