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Welcome to Dame Alice Owen’s School


The School Day and Key Dates

Top Tips
Student FAQs
School Uniform
School Expectations
School Meals – Cashless System


The Owen’s Way

A Supportive e-Community at Owen’s
Free School Meals


Computer Network
Welcome to Dame Alice Owen’s School

Dear Students and Parents/Carers

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the special

community which is Dame Alice Owen’s School. We are proud that you
have chosen to join us and we hope you will soon feel part of our school,
enjoy sharing in its traditions and in its hopes for the future. In this booklet
you will find the answers to most of your questions about starting life with

In addition to this booklet, our comprehensive website is an invaluable source

of up to date information including our school policies, rules and
full details of our extra-curricular activities.

We know, from talking to parents of previous new students, that their

children found it easy to settle into the school; we do lots to help!
However if you have any queries prior to arrival, please do not hesitate
to contact Mrs Lofthouse (Pastoral Director for Year 7) or Mrs Jackson
(Pastoral Manager KS3) for help and advice.

We are looking forward to meeting you all and to working together to

ensure your child is as successful and happy as they can be.

Warmest regards

Mrs H Nemko


The School Day & Key Dates
Top Tips
Student FAQs
School Uniform
School Expectations
School Meals – Cashless System


The School Day and Key Dates

First day timings Timings of the school day and important dates
The timing of your first day on Tuesday Please be aware that the first week of
5th September is as follows: school is a busy time with new routines and
timetables and that music auditions and sports
8:45am Say goodbye to your parent/carer
trials also take place. You will receive a list of
at the front of the school. Staff and students
all these on your first day at the school.
will be on hand to direct you to the Edward
Guinness Hall where you will meet your
Form Tutor.
9:00am A welcome from the Headteacher,
Mrs Nemko, in assembly.
9:15am Form Time
11:15am Morning Break
11:35am Form Time
12:35pm Lunch The normal school day starts at 8:45am Please note that school ends at 2:45pm
and ends at 3:45pm. All students are on the Friday preceding the half-term
1:20pm Meet your Teaching Group
expected to be in their Form Room by holidays, and at 12:35pm on the last day
3:45pm Home 8:45am (Registration). of each term.
Assembly is from 8:45am to 9:05am.
Please note there will be no school For term dates, please click here.
buses running on this day. There are five 1 hour lessons per day.
There is a morning break of fifteen minutes
and a one hour lunch break.
Lesson times can be found here.


Top Tips for New Year 7 Students, from those that know – our current Year 7s
Congratulations! You will soon be starting as a Year 7 student at Dame Alice Owen’s. So, we have come up with some TOP TIPS that will help you to settle into the school and
You will probably be experiencing a whole range of emotions such as excitement, curiosity and get you off to a great start in your secondary education. We hope these tips help you as
maybe feeling a little anxious! Well we would like to reassure you that there is really nothing to much as they have helped us! Good luck and see you in September!!!!!
worry about! We are sure that your time spent at Dame Alice Owen’s will be fantastic! we go......

Take it from us, the present Year 7 students! As we come to the end of our first year
at the school, we thought it would be a good idea to share some of our thoughts and Prefects, teachers and staff at
opinions with you. Dame Alice Owen’s are there to
help. If you have any questions
Never panic, there are or problems, however small, go
people to help and every and speak to them.
problem is manageable
and has a solution if you Get a watch! Punctuality
think it through. is really important. But
Organisation is really don’t use your mobile
important. Get your bag phone, you are not
ready the night BEFORE, allowed to have it out
that way you are less inside the school building
likely to forget books unless a member of staff
and equipment. has given permission.
Use your homework diary/planner
to write down what you have to do
The size of the school may Get involved in lots of extra-
and any deadlines. It’s great for other
seem daunting during the first curricular activities - it’s a great
things too, because it has lots of
few weeks. It’s amazing how way of making friends and you
useful information, maps and all the
quickly you get to know your will discover skills and interests
important details about the school.
way around, then you will be you never thought you had!
(You will be given a homework
diary on the first day of school in wondering why you ever See what is available here.
September). worried in the first place!
There will be lots of Always make an effort
new school rules to to participate in lessons.
get used to, but the Have a go at answering
most important one questions. Even if
is to listen and ask you get it wrong, well,
for help if you do you learn from your
not understand. mistakes, as they say.
Try to do your homework Talk to everyone and just
when you get it. The be yourself and you’ll find
information is fresh in your friends who like you for
mind and if you have any who you are and not who
problems you have more time you pretend to be.
to ask the teacher for help.


Student FAQs
You can find more parent FAQs here. How much homework will I have If I am worried about anything,
to do? what should I do?
On the first day, your Form Tutor will tell you The first person to speak to is your Form
Where do I go on the first day? May I leave my books at what your homework timetable will be. Each Tutor. If you cannot find them, speak to any
To the Edward Guinness Concert Hall – school if I do not need them for homework should take you approximately other member of staff or your Form Prefect.
school staff and students will be around to homework? 20 minutes, and you will usually have two You could also speak to someone
show you the way. Yes, you may leave them in your locker. or three homeworks per night. There is a in the Pastoral Office; you will be shown
wide range of types of homework set and where this is on the first day.
Do I need to wear school uniform May I bring chewing gum to the allocation of time may vary during the
on the first day? school? course of the term for different subjects. What should I do if I forget
Yes, you are expected to wear full school No. Chewing gum is not allowed on the something?
uniform at all times apart from occasional school premises at all. Students seen When can I get something to eat In such a big school, it is not possible for
non-uniform days. chewing gum or dropping litter will be and what is the choice? Reception staff to deliver forgotten items
sanctioned. Breakfast 8:15 - 8:40am – there is a to students. If you do forget something
When must we arrive at school? variety of hot and cold food available from (e.g. packed lunch, P.E. kit etc.) always
The school day starts at 8.45am. You If I ever need to arrive late the 6th form canteen. check with the Receptionist to see if
must be in your Form Room by this time. or leave during the day, what Break 11:15-11:30am – again there is a perhaps someone has been able to bring
should I do? variety of hot and cold food available. it to school for you.
Where do I hang up my coat? If you arrive at school after 8:50am you Lunchtime 12:35 - 1:35pm – meals are hot
All students are provided with a locker in which must report to the School Reception to sign and tasty and a good choice of healthy What should I do if I miss my bus
to keep their coat, books, and other items. in. If you need to leave early your parent/ options are available, including cold after school?
carer needs to provide written notice in lunches and salads. We also have two Ask the Office Staff to contact your
Where do I keep my PE kit? advance to attendance@damealiceowens. takeaway pods, one outside PE and one parents/carers in order to make alternative
Bring your PE kit only on the day that it is in the main playground, that offer hot and arrangements for home travel. The Office
required. During the day, keep it in your cold ‘grab and go’ meals and snacks. Staff will get you some help to ensure you
locker until it is needed. All PE kit should have a safe way to get home.
be taken home every day after being used. What is the system for going to lunch?
Do remember to label all kit, and have it In the first week a special system is put in place What should I do if I get lost?
washed regularly. which helps you to get used to the lunchtime On the first day of school there is an
system and gives you priority over other orientation session to help you find your
students in the school. Following this there way around. However, if you do get lost
is a school lunch rota system which must be ask a teacher or 6th former for directions.
followed. There is no packed lunch rota. You There will be staff around in the first weeks
will be told about this by your Form Tutor. to help you.

Am I allowed to bring my mobile What should I do if I feel unwell

phone into school? at school?
Mobile phones are permitted into school, In the first instance you should go to the
however they are banned from use inside any First Aid room. The First Aider will decide
school buildings during break/lunchtimes and if you need to go home and will contact
should be kept out of sight. They can only your parents/carers if necessary. You must
be used in class under the direction of the not make your own arrangements to leave
teacher or outside at break/lunchtimes. school. If the First Aider is not present you
Smartphones are not a requirement should go to Reception who will help you
of the school. in her absence.


School Uniform

Please check the school website for all

information including Nearly New Uniform





Our main suppliers are:-

School Bags
Smith’s Schoolwear Smarty Schoolwear
Bags for carrying school books and
25 Station Parade, 63 High Street, personal property should be weatherproof,
Cockfosters Road, Potters Bar fairly lightweight and no bigger than 20” in
Barnet EN4 0DW EN6 5AS length. Over-large bags create problems in
0203 818 3622. 01707 263909 crowded areas such as corridors and can be hazardous in teaching areas.


School Expectations
for the guidance of parents and students

Our School Policies contain more 8:15am in the 6th Form Dining Room. Alternatively, students may bring a packed Minor Accidents: where an X-Ray,
detailed information for parents/carers Students carrying musical instruments lunch to school. stitching or other comparatively
and include The Attendance Policy and should go directly to the Music Centre minor treatment at hospital is thought
the Behaviour for Learning and Anti- where these can be stored. Food may not be eaten on the school necessary, parents/carers will be asked
Bullying Policy. All of our policies can be premises other than in the Dining Hall or to take their children to Accident and
found here. 4. Punctuality & Attendance in designated outdoor areas. Chewing Emergency, using their own transport
Students who are late for school or lessons gum is banned at all times and must not (parents’ consent is necessary for
1. General Appearance, on three occasions in a term will be given be brought on to the school premises. anaesthetics or other treatment).
Conduct & Attendance a warning email and three more will result If transport is not available, other
In accepting the offer of a place at this in a detention. Students not present for ** In the interests of other children arrangements will have to be made by
school, parents/carers agree to accept registration, or arriving after 8:50am, with nut allergies, please do not bring the parents/carers.
the requirements of the school for their should sign in at Reception. Arrival after any food containing nuts into the
child. These include the wearing of 10:00am must subsequently be explained school **
correct school uniform, a smart and by an email from parents/carers to the
acceptable general appearance, including Attendance Officer. Absence through 6. Accident or Illness
conventional haircuts and colours, illness should also be communicated to the We have a First Aid room that is staffed
orderly behaviour to and from school, and Attendance Officer by email at: throughout the day by a First Aider. It
sensible and co- operative conduct at all must be emphasised that the medical
times. Full attendance is expected and by 9am on the first day of absence and facilities at the school are for use as
holidays are not to be taken during term each subsequent day. emergency measures only, and that
time. the First Aiders are not responsible for
The School Term and Holiday dates can treating on-going medical conditions.
2. School Uniform be found here.
This must be correctly worn at all times The Governors do NOT approve of Illness at School: any student taken ill
unless prior permission has been given holidays taken during a school term and during lessons should request permission
to the contrary (e.g. on a Field Studies permission for absence will not normally to report to the First Aid Room. On no
Visit). All items of uniform and equipment be given. account should students telephone
must be clearly labelled with the student’s More information regarding reporting parents/carers requesting that they be
name. absences is available in our Parent FAQs collected from school because they are
unwell. The First Aider will decide if a
3. Access to the School Students leaving or entering the school child should go home, in which case they
All students should enter the school during the day (other than at the usual will contact the parents/carers to arrange
site via the Main Gate (unless advised times) must report to Reception before this. The school will not usually send
otherwise) and either remain in the leaving the school premises or upon children home unaccompanied or to an
Main Playground or go to their lockers arriving at or returning to school. empty house.
before school starts. Only students in the
Sixth Form are allowed to use the Main 5. School Lunches Serious Accidents: the student will be
Entrance to the school. All other students School lunches are prepared on the taken to hospital by ambulance and
should use the Playground Entrances. premises by Chartwells, who operate a the parents/carers contacted, either to
Staff are on duty from 8:25am each cashless system. More information regarding accompany the child or to go straight to
morning. Breakfasts are available from this can be found here. Accident and Emergency.


School Expectations continued
7. Contact Lenses Playground, the Tennis Courts (if not in use) 10. Movement through the School 12. Litter
The school cannot be responsible for and all other hard surface areas, except those Students must not run in any part of the All students are asked to do their best to
looking after contact lenses. If your child at the front of the school or those from time to school, including along corridors or up or keep the school site looking attractive and
wears contact lenses, they must carry the time excluded for safety or other reasons. down stairs. They should walk on the left. tidy. Any student seen depositing litter
appropriate solutions, the proper container Play Areas - students are restricted to playing Bags and other equipment must not be casually (other than into the litter bins
for the lenses and a pair of prescription ball games in the following areas: carried in a dangerous or careless manner. provided) on or near the school site will be
spectacles for use in case the lenses have to playground, tennis courts, artificial pitch. Books should be collected from lockers at sanctioned.
be removed for any reason. If Games Practices are taking place on the beginning of the morning, at morning
the Tennis Courts or on the Artificial Pitch, break and at lunchtime for the rest of the 13. Personal property
8. Discipline & Sanctions students in these areas must move away day. Lockers may not be visited between The Governors cannot accept responsibility
Sanctions are necessary for students who from any area required by staff, and must lessons. Fire Doors should be used only in for lost or damaged possessions, and
behave inappropriately and choose not to not, under any circumstances, go on to those an emergency. parents/carers are advised to securely
follow the School Code of Conduct. We areas without permission. In particular, if a name and insure any items of value
believe that it is our responsibility to both ball enters a “Practice/Games area” students 11. School Buildings & Equipment (mobile phones, watches, calculators, etc.).
sanction and support students so that they must wait for the ball to be returned. The buildings, furniture, equipment, Enquiries regarding lost property should
can make better behavioural choices in the Rules for the use of the Tennis Courts and the books and other items should be carefully be directed to the First Aid room in the first
future. Artificial Pitch (e.g. trainers only; no eating; no looked after at all times. Any instance of instance.
litter) must be obeyed at all times. deliberate vandalism will be regarded as
For further information please refer to the Grass Areas - students may play on most a very serious offence and parents/carers 14. Badges and other items
Behaviour for Learning and Anti-Bullying grass areas, other than marked pitches and will be required to contribute towards the Badges and other items are not to be worn,
Policy link on the previous page. grids, the wooded areas and the area around cost of repair or replacement. Windows unless awarded by the school
the lake, if the weather is fine, between (and curtains or blinds) are
9. In Bounds - Out of Bounds Easter and Autumn half-term only. The grass not to be opened or closed by students,
If the weather is fine, at break and lunchtime, areas, benches etc at the front of the School at any time, unless requested by a
the students may play on the main are Out of Bounds at all times. teacher.


School Meals – Cashless System

What is a Cashless System?

At the start of Year 7 each student has their biometric scan taken. This allows students to use their
fingerprint to pay for food. No cash is held by the tills, therefore there is no need for a child have to
carry cash to purchase food or drink whilst in school.

How is money entered onto the card How can the cashless catering be used What if the student does not hold a Will we be able to have any information
holder’s account? to obtain a school meal? sufficient balance on their catering card on what meals are being purchased?
to pay for a school meal?
We use an on-line payment system The student simply choses a meal or drink By logging into the student’s account on
called WisePay for all parental financial from our main canteen, or from one of our No student is refused a school dinner WisePay you will be able to see an overview
transactions to the school, for instance catering pods positioned around the school, because they do not have a big enough of the date, time, description and cost of
to top up student catering accounts, and places their finger over the reader balance on their card. The catering each purchase. You will also be able to
pay for trips, concert tickets etc. You attached to the till point. A display on the department will allow a student to borrow see the value of any top ups made and the
will receive a separate letter from till will show the server the student’s name, the amount required for one day. However, current balance on the account.
the finance team in the summer term class and current cash balance held on the the parent will be expected to top up the
with your username and password for student’s catering account. The selected account as soon as is practicably possible Data Handling
WisePay, along with further instructions food items will be entered into the system and the cost of the meal will be taken as
on how to use this system. from an itemised keyboard and the amount soon as there is credit on the account. Certain data will be held on the system
spent and new cash balance will show on to enable accurate operation. This will
the till display for the student to see. What about students entitled to a free include your child’s name, form, account
school meal? balance and meal entitlement. This data
If we pay for a set number of school will be handled under the guidelines of the
meals can it be spent in one day? The system works the same for all students Data Protection Act 2018 and only used by
whether they pay or have a free school parties directly involved in the processing of
No. A daily limit is automatically set by meal. All students have their own account this system.
the catering manager for all students. and catering card to use in exactly the same
On request this limit can be changed or way. The free school meal entitlement will be More information can be found here.
removed. manually entered onto the student’s catering
balance weekly by the catering manager. If you require any further information or
have any queries relating to this system
Parents can also top up the free school please contact the Finance Department
meal entitlement by logging into WisePay by emailing wisepay@damealiceowens.
and purchasing extra credits if they wish.


The Owen’s Way
A Supportive e-Community
Free School Meals


The Owen’s Way

The primary aim of the school is to SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY

inspire, develop and support every
student to be their best. • ‘I joined the friendship bracelet club
and it was so much fun.’
At Dame Alice Owen’s School we are
committed to achieving this aim • ‘I enjoyed donating food to the food
through promoting ‘The OWEN’S Way’. bank and having a non-uniform day.’
This is what our Year 7 students have • ‘All my friends are very supportive and
said about ‘The Owen’s Way’: • ‘At DAOS there are so many different • ‘Since I’ve come to Owen’s I feel like helpful and will always be there any
windows to the world. It’s given me a I’ve improved in all areas and become time I need them.’
OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL new way to see art, religion, literature, more interested in each subject.’
food and so many more.’ • ‘Form assemblies bring everyone
• ‘In Owen’s, I think that there is a great • ‘Music lessons are great and they together as a team. You make friends
range of clubs and activities. I have really • ‘I have discovered the harmful effects understand if you don’t play an so easily, everyone is talkative and
enjoyed clubs such as cross county, of fossil fuels and climate change and instrument (such as me).’ ready for conversation.’
badminton, netball and many more.’ how we need to find a sustainable and
renewable energy source.’ • ‘I have learnt many things in many • ‘You’re never alone.’
• ‘The best thing I did was to join subjects and my learning skills still
clubs; I’ve made so many new friends • ‘In lessons, we looked deeper into the increase.’ • ‘If you’re falling behind in your
because of it.’ world and people around us.’ homework, just go to a homework club,
• ‘Some subjects we explore here are it will help you get finished quicker.’
• ‘I have joined a drumming group • ‘As you move up the school, the trips not just for intelligence but future
which has taught me a whole new take you to new places around the world.’ skills vital for future life.’ • ‘I found the community helpful even
instrument. I also joined gym when I had a lack of confidence,
and dance, making me enjoy my EXCELLENCE IN EVERYTHING • ‘At Owen’s I have started many new people helped me through it.’
experience even more.’ subjects such as Computer Science,
• ‘Being here makes you always put the Textiles, etc.’ • ‘I am lucky to have such understanding
• ‘There are so many opportunities extra effort into every lesson.’ teachers to help me if I’m struggling.’
at Owen’s for music, sport or all- • ‘All the teachers are very friendly and
rounded people.’ • ‘I have noticed that everyone in school help you improve and expand your
looks very smart...’ knowledge.’
• ‘There are so many clubs, it’s almost
impossible to choose!’ • ‘Since I have joined Owen’s my learning has • I learnt how to sew better and how to
improved, making my results in all subjects use google classroom which really
much better and that makes me feel proud.’ helped me improve - I had thought
I was THE VERY WORST person at
• ‘Sport is really fun and the Year 7 A’s computer science and things like that.’
almost never lose.’

• ‘It’s important that I am always

punctual and focused in lessons...’


A Supportive e-Community at Owen’s

We are rightly proud of our students’ • At some point, phones stopped READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE
conduct and behaviour towards each being phones and became
other, and strive to ensure that the computers! Whilst we often have As a school we want everyone in the school to have a happy, safe and successful
atmosphere at Owen’s is one of a parental controls on the home time with us. In order to achieve these aims it is essential that we have outstanding
supportive community. We want this PC, mobile phones are, at times, student behaviour that correlates with our three key principles:
to extend to all areas of student life, neglected. Encouraging an open
including their online behaviour. dialogue, where, if a child sees 1. Ready
something they dislike, they can All students are expected to attend school ready to learn. This means everyone
As students start at secondary school, discuss it with an adult, is important. should attend punctually with all equipment and work required for each lesson and
many are given a phone for the first time should display outstanding behaviour in class to allow everyone to take a full part in
and experience new freedoms. We dedicate • Common amongst younger phone the classroom learning.
time in Learning for Life at the start of the users are the messages that
year discussing online conduct, including via we would know as ‘chain mail’. 2. Respectful
text and social media such as WhatsApp. Typically they are a message To treat everyone and the environment with respect; to wear the uniform with respect.
We do not start from the assumption that all (either supportive of a cause, or
students are using phones, but recognise sometimes quite scary) telling the 3. Safe
that many are and that there is some student to pass it to a number of Ensure that behaviour, on and off line, keeps others and themselves safe.
learning to be done around this issue. other people otherwise they will
miss out on good luck (or suffer a
We felt that it was worth bringing this consequence). These messages can
to your attention as your child starts at be overwhelming, as the same group
Owen’s, and to make you aware of a few of students forward them amongst
issues that are common amongst new each other. We encourage students
phone and social media users. It may be not to send these on, and to politely
that these form the basis of discussion ask friends not to forward them
points at home to ease the transition. either. It makes for a quieter phone
and fewer distractions and, as some
• Occasionally, things are said online or via of these messages have a sinister
text that students are upset by. Students nature, happier students.
can always approach a teacher, but we
also have several ways of reporting We will continue to work on these issues
concerns, which will be explained to (and others, as technology develops)
your child at the start of the year. within school.


Free School Meals: Helping Families, Helping Owen’s

We know there are families in the school who are entitled to free school
meals for their child each day but, for their own reasons, don’t claim it.
Importantly the entitlement also provides extra funding to the school which
helps us provide additional opportunities to any student who we feel is being
disadvantaged for any reason, such as financial help with resources for school,
trips, music lessons etc. Therefore, we would like to encourage any family
who thinks they might be entitled to free school meals to register.

Do I qualify for free school meals? Is it confidential? School Funding

You may qualify if you receive any of the It’s all very private and confidential. Only Applying for free school meals also helps
following:- restricted members of staff will be aware the school financially too. A large part of
of who has a free school meal entitlement. school funding is based on the number
• Income Support Your child will be given the same catering of free school meal families a school has,
• Income-based Jobseekers Allowance account access as other students and will therefore it is really important to the school
• Income-related Employment and be able to have the same choice of food. that families claim when they can. It means
Support Allowance Like all other parents and carers, you may we get more funding per pupil to pay for
• Support under Part VI of the restrict certain food items if you wish or add additional teachers and support.
Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 additional money onto your child’s account
• The guaranteed element of State by logging into your child’s WisePay If you need any further information
Pension Credit account. or help please contact the Pastoral
• Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not Office on 01707 622849 or by emailing
Is it easy to set up? also entitled to Working Tax Credit and
you don’t get more than £16,190 a year)
It is very easy to register for free school • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for
meals. As we are a Hertfordshire school you 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for
need to apply through Hertfordshire County Working Tax Credit)
Council for free school meals, irrespective • Universal Credit (with annual earned
of which local authority you live in. Google income of no more than £7,400 after tax
‘free school meals Hertfordshire’ and this and not including any benefits you get).
will take you to the relevant page where you
can register. It takes about 5 minutes and in
most cases you will be told straight away if
your child is entitled to free school meals


The Library
Computer Network


Librarian: Dr H James Assistant Librarians: Mrs K Dorling & Mrs A Goodman

The Library been reserved by another borrower.

Students should be aware that they are
The Library is situated on the top floor of the responsible for returning or renewing their
Edinburgh Centre and provides a bright and books by the return date. Reminders for
welcoming resource at the heart of the school. overdue books are sent out to students
It is staffed throughout the day and after via their school email address. Students
school by a full time professionally trained who fail to return books after 3 reminders
librarian and two assistant librarians. Our aim will be blocked from borrowing further
is to encourage a love of reading and assist books until the items are returned. For long
students in finding and using the resources to The Non-Fiction area has a comprehensive Owens Library Online overdue books an email will be sent home
support their studies and personal interests. collection of books and other resources to the parents/carers requesting the return
such as pamphlets, journals, magazines, The library has an online catalogue, a of the book, or payment for the cost of
All students are automatically members of the newspapers, DVDs which have been selection of online journals and newspapers replacement.
library and may use the library at breaktime, selected to support teaching and learning, and a dedicated area in the school’s Google
lunchtime, and after school for independent and also to encourage reading for pleasure. Classrooms, all of which are accessible 24/7 Library Stock
study, recreational reading, borrowing books There is an extensive collection of Non- inside and outside the school.
and using the computers. Students come Fiction and Fiction in the foreign languages The library stock is constantly being updated
to the library during lessons to do research, taught at school. All students have library Online Library Catalogue and the librarians are always pleased to
read and other related activities. We aim to projects where they visit the library as consider requests for books the library does
meet the needs of students by providing a a class to do research and extend their Each student has a Library account where not have. The library is an important part
variety of resources both in print and online information handling skills. The Non-Fiction they can search for books and other resources. of our diverse school community and the
that support the curriculum and encourage collection comprises many attractive and They can also renew, reserve, request and librarians purchase stock that reflects our
reading for study and pleasure. The librarians inspiring books, which may be borrowed for review items online. There are online reading diversity and encourages discussion.
organise visits from authors and poets to talk study or pleasure. The very popular DAOS lists for subjects and year groups. There is
to students about their work as well as holding Book Club meets on Wednesdays at break a link to the online catalogue on the school Computers
writing and poetry competitions. when members can discuss what they have website homepage.
been reading, choose from the newest The library has 12 PCs for use by students.
The Fiction area contains a large collection books and become involved in national E-Resources Priority is given to students without computer
of books especially chosen to appeal to activities, such as Carnegie Shadowing, and access at home and to those using them for
students of all ages, interests and abilities; writing competitions. Literary lunches with The online resources we have available school work. The library computers are not
from the latest publications to established visiting authors are arranged for Book Club include databases of journal articles not freely to be used for games, social media or chat
classics. The librarians are on hand to provide members. available on the Internet, online access to rooms. All students must follow the school’s
suggestions and advice with the choice of newspapers and magazines and access to code of conduct for computer use.
books. Books written specifically for children Student Librarian programme open access resources. The librarian can give
and young people can be found in the ‘Lower advice on how best to find online resources. The Stationery shop
School’ section. ‘Young Adult’ (YA) novels, We encourage pupils who are interested
which are often aimed at teenagers aged 14 to participate in our student librarian Borrowing books Students may buy items of essential stationery
and over, are clearly marked. Books in the programme. Based on the School Library from the Bookshop. It is open at break and
‘Upper School’ section include many standard Association’s pupil librarian toolkit - this All books and resources must be properly lunchtime.
classics and contemporary novels, which will programme allows students to learn the issued before leaving the library. All
be suitable for students in all year groups. skills necessary to help in the library. students in years 7-11 can borrow up to The librarian welcomes help from parents who
Some “YA” and ‘Upper School’ books are Ultimately the students can use the 6 books at a time for two weeks. Sixth would like to volunteer to help in the library.
restricted to older students, and lower school experience and skills they gain to count formers can borrow up to 8 items. Students Please contact Dr James if you would like to
students will be asked to obtain parental towards the service component of the Duke can renew books online or via the librarians help:
permission before they borrow these items. of Edinburgh Award. if they are not long overdue or have not or phone 01707 643441.

Open: Monday - Thursday 9:15am - 5:00pm, Friday 9:15am - 4:30pm BACK TO CONTENTS PAGE
Computer Network

We provide a range of IT equipment for If students have a smartphone or other device

students at the school to use including they can connect it to our WiFi network using the
PCs, Macs, Chromebooks and laptops. instructions posted outside the IT Support Office
Students are provided with access to the in K Block and on the student intranet. Students
latest software including cloud based apps will also be shown how to do this in a Computing
through the use of a Google account. lesson. Students and parents also have access
Subject specific software are also available. to EduLink One, which is a school information
Each student is provided with a user ID and platform that can be accessed on any device –
password to allow them to access school PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device – via a web
systems and they must use their account browser or via the EduLink app.
responsibly, not disclosing their password to
anyone else. IT facilities are provided during Rules for the use of Computers The app is available for Android and iOS
lunch time in the school library and in room devices. It has an engaging user interface,
K5 but often, if a staff member is available allowing teachers, parents and students
to supervise, you might be allowed to use to communicate and access information.
other IT rooms if you ask and the library • use any computer userID other than These include messaging, school reports
is full. There is a Computing and Coding their own and documents, homework, behaviour and
Club during lunch and a Robotics Club after • attempt to access any part of a achievements, timetables, attendance and
school once a week. computer or network which they absence records.
are unauthorised to access
As with all schools we do not have a • load any unauthorised programs on Cloud technologies such as Google
limitless budget and so students should to the network Classroom and Google Drive allow students
treat equipment with respect and report to share files and work together with ease.
• copy files not created by themselves
anything that is not working or broken However, students must be careful to
without permission
to the IT Support team or a teacher so it ensure that work they hand in is their own.
can be fixed. If students damage school • switch machines on or off without Students should not use these sharing tools
equipment we may ask for payment to permission or touch any plugs, maliciously. Students should always log off
replace it. Filtered access to the internet is cables or sockets after they have finished using a computer —
available throughout the school. Students • disconnect or move any piece of not doing so will give others access to their
are expected to use this resource sensibly equipment attached to a computer, files. Whilst our internet is filtered to make it
and responsibly for study purposes. e.g. printer, monitor, keyboard, as safe as possible for learners to use, no
Students are given an email account headphones or mouse – ask your system is perfect. If students find something
through their Google account. Years 7-11 teacher to help online that makes them feel uncomfortable
have restrictions on their email messaging • print excessively – think before you they must tell a teacher. Most homework
i.e. students can send email messages to print and use print preview to check is set online, use of the Google Drive is
any address but can only receive messages you are printing what you think you encouraged as an easy way to transfer files
from within the Owen’s community. Years are printing – this saves trees from home to school and school to home.
12-13 can send and receive emails outside
• enter a computer room unless
of the Owen’s community but are reminded Mrs Asaffo
accompanied by a member of
that they must only use their accounts for Head of Computer Science
teaching staff
educational purposes and that their external
email should be used cautiously and wisely,
keeping e-Safety in mind.


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