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Types of Figures of Speech

1. Metaphor
a. The detective listened to her tales with a wooden face
b. She was fairly certain that life was a fashion show.
c. The typical teenage boy’s room is a disaster area.
d. What storms then shook the ocean of my sleep.
e. The children were roses grown in concrete gardens, beautiful and forlorn.
f. Kisses are the flowers of love in bloom.
g. His cotton candy words did not appeal to her taste.
h. Kathy arrived at the grocery store with an army of children.
i. Her eyes were fireflies.
j. He wanted to set sail on the ocean of love but he just wasted away in the
2. Simile
a. As cute as a kitten
b. As happy as a clam
c. As light as a feather
d. As blind as a bat
e. As bold as brass
f. As bright as a button 14.
g. As shiny as a new pin
h. As cold as ice
i. As common as dirt
j. As cool as a cucumber
k. As hard as nails
l. As hot as hell
You were as brave as a lion.
They fought like cats and dogs.
He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
This house is as clean as a whistle.
He is as strong as an ox.
Your explanation is as clear as mud.
Watching the show was like watching grass grow.
That is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
This contract is as solid as the ground we stand on. 1.
That guy is as nutty as a fruitcake.
Don’t just sit there like a bump on a log.
4. Hyperbole
The teacher told his students not to repeat that mistake for the umpteenth time, but
to no avail.
He was in such a hurry that he drove his car at a bazillion miles per hour.
The minister told the guests that the couple’s friendship was deeper than the sea,
and sweeter than honey.
The blacksmith’s hand was harder than the rock.
Their headmaster was omnipresent, as he seemed to be all around the school all the
The businessman was so busy that he was attending to a million calls
The old man was older than the Himalayas.
The mule is able to lift tons of weight uphill.
His classmates laughed at him, saying he had a pea-sized brain.
John was called the elephant of the class for his clumsiness.
The lesson was taking forever.
I’ve seen this movie at least 80,000 times.
Vanessa never has anything interesting to say.
These shoes are killing me.
Christmas will never come.
He walked down the road to nowhere.
I’d rather French kiss a rattlesnake than miss a gym period.
My dad knows everything about cars.
Max is the fastest thing on two feet.
Basketball is the only thing that ever mattered to him.
Nothing can stop these guys.
My mom is going to kill me.
She can have any boy that she wants.
Nobody can beat level six.
You’ve made me the happiest man alive, Rita.
The sight of them kissing is so gross that it makes me want to puke. 13.
We’ll be best friends forever.
Now there is no star that is not perfumed with my fragrance.
I will never say “never.”


The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.

26. I could hear Hawaii calling my name.
2. The run-down house appeared depressed.
27. While making my way to my car, it smiled at me mischievously.
3. The first rays of morning tiptoed through the meadow.
28. The car, painted lime green, raced by screaming for attention.
4. She did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door.
29. The butterflies in the meadow seemed to two-step with one another.
5. He did not realize that his last chance was walking out the door.
30. The waffle jumped up out of the toaster.
6. The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as they buzzed from one to
another.31. The popcorn leapt out of the bowl.
7. The wind howled its mighty objection.
32. When the DVD went on sale, it flew off the shelves.
8. The snow swaddled the earth like a mother would her infant child.
33. I tripped because the curb jumped out in front of me.
9. The river swallowed the earth as the water continued to rise higher and higher.
34. Time creeps up on you.
10. Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for me to go home.
35. The news took me by surprise.
11. The ocean waves lashed out at the boat and the storm continued to brew.
36. The fire ran wild.
12. My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it.

1. Symbolism

Time is money. This is symbolic because it warns you that when you spend your
time, you are giving up the opportunity to be doing something else with that time
(like making money) (just as when you spend your money, you give up your
chance to do something else with the money). Further, like money, time is not

Life is a roller-coaster. This is symbolic because it indicates that there will be ups
and downs in life that you have to weather.

He is solid as a rock. This is symbolic because it signifies that a person is strong

and dependable.

Love is like a jewel. This is symbolic because it suggests that love is rare and

Meaning: Mostly understood as a symbol of warning, the skull was often used by
ancient cultures to ward off any type of evil influence or illness. It's
philosophically viewed as the seat of intelligence, spirit and the spark of human

Lotus flower.
Meaning: The lotus flower symbolizes the ultimate perfection; its purity is not
touched by the mud from which it originates.

Meaning: The Rose in the West represents what the Lotus does in the East. A
symbol of love, but especially of a love that is pure. Because of the rose's beauty,
scent and shape, it is the ultimate floral symbol. Of all the flower tattoo designs,
the rose is still the most popular and the most requested. Interestingly, the rose is
nearly as popular with men as it is with women.

Meaning: The dragon is a powerful and auspicious traditional feng shui cure and
an excellent feng shui symbol of strong yang / male energy. A pearl, or a crystal, in
the feng shui dragon's claw symbolizes wealth, power and an abundance of

Eye of Horus.
Meaning: Symbolizes protection, royal power and good health.

Meaning: Marigolds are known as the "Herb of the Sun" and are symbolic of
passion and creativity. The Welsh believed that if marigolds were not open early in
the morning, then a storm was on the way. Marigolds have been used as love
charms and incorporated into wedding garlands. Water made from marigolds was
thought to induce psychic visions of fairies if rubbed on the eyelids. In some
cultures, marigold flowers have been added to pillows to encourage prophetic or
psychic dreams.

Meaning: Tulips are symbolic of fame and perfect love. The symbolic meanings
also change with the color of the tulips. Red tulips mean "believe me" and are a
declaration of true love. Variegated tulips mean "you have beautiful eyes." Yellow
tulips mean "there's sunshine in your smile" and cheerful thoughts. Cream colored
tulips mean "I will love you forever." White tulips symbolize heaven, newness and
purity. Purple tulips symbolize royalty. Pink tulips mean affection and caring.
Orange tulips mean energy, enthusiasm, desire, and passion.

Meaning: A symbol of the sun, the Japanese consider the orderly unfolding of the
chrysanthemum's petals to represent perfection, and Confucius once suggested they
be used as an object of meditation. It's said that a single petal of this celebrated
flower placed at the bottom of a wine glass will encourage a long and healthy life.

Meaning: While white lilies symbolize chastity and virtue --and were the symbol
of the Virgin Mary's purity and her role of Queen of the Angels-- as other varieties
became popular, they brought with them additional meanings and symbolism as
well. Peruvian lilies, or alstroemeria, represent friendship and devotion, white
stargazer lilies express sympathy and pink stargazer lilies represent wealth and
prosperity. Symbolizing humility and devotion, lilies of the valley are the 2nd
wedding anniversary flower. As the flowers most often associated with funerals,
lilies also symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence
after death.

Meaning: Violets are associated with violets is modesty, virtue, affection,
watchfulness, faithfulness, love and let's take a chance on happiness.
Wedding rings and engagement rings: Wedding and engagement rings are worn to
symbolize a lasting union that a couple has entered into.

The American flag: The thirteen red and white stripes on the American flag
symbolize the original thirteen colonies, while the fifty stars are a symbol for the
fifty states.
The five Olympic rings: The primary symbol of the Olympics is the image of five
interlocking rings. This symbol was created in 1912, and the six colors—the blue,
green, black, yellow, and red rings on a white background—were meant to be a
combination of all of the colors on the flags of the participating countries at the
time. The rings now are sometimes thought to represent the five participating
regions of the world—Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania, and the
Americas—though no color represents any specific region.
1. Alliteration
Alliteration is derived from Latin’s “Latira”. It means “letters of
alphabet”. It is a stylistic device in which a number of words, having the
same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.

Function of Alliteration

Alliteration has a very vital role in poetry and prose. It creates a musical effect in
the text that enhances the pleasure of reading a literary piece. It makes reading and
recitation of the poems attractive and appealing; thus, making them easier to learn
by heart. Furthermore, it renders flow and beauty to a piece of writing.

Examples of Alliteration Using the “B” Sound

1. Janie read a book by the babbling brook.
2. The child bounced the ball at the backyard barbeque.
3. The barbarians broke through the barricade.
4. He acts silly at times, but he was blessed with a brilliant brain.
5. The beautiful bouquet blossomed in the bright sun.
Examples of Alliteration Using the “C” and “K” Sounds
6. When the canary keeled over, the coal miners left the cave.
7. The captain couldn’t keep the men in the cabin.
8. Erin cooked cupcakes in the kitchen.
9. My Cadillac was completely crushed in a car crash.
10. The candy was killing my cavity.
Examples of Alliteration Using the “Ch” Sound
11. Despite their mother’s warnings, the children chose to chew with their
mouths open.
12. The rich man was so cheap that it was chilling.
13. The crowd cheered when the champion hit the challenger with a chair.
14. We sat around the campfire and chomped on chunks of charred chicken.
15. Change the channel.
Examples of Alliteration Using the “D” Sound
16. They would have been on time, if they didn’t dilly-dally.
17. He dunked the delicious donut in dairy creamer.
18. There is nothing but death in the desert during the day.
19. I woke up at school in a slobbery pool; though I used to be dry, now
I’m drowning in drool.
20. I dreamt of a drip-dropping drain in my dream.
Examples of Alliteration Using the “F” and “Ph” Sounds
21. Your friends will flip-flop fast when facing trouble.
22. Our financial future fell into a freefall.
23. The stuntman flipped from a forty foot Ferris wheel.
24. I forgot my flip phone but felt free.
25. That’s the first photo of France from the Moon.

The sheep went, “Baa.”
The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum.
It is not unusual for a dog to bark when visitors arrive.
Silence your cellphone so that it does not beep during the movie.
Dad released a belch from the pit of his stomach.
The bridge collapsed creating a tremendous boom.
The large dog said, “Bow-wow!”
Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night?
My brother can burp the alphabet.
Both bees and buzzers buzz.
The cash register popped open with a heart warming ca-ching.
The bird’s chirp filled the empty night air.
Her heels clacked on the hardwood floor.
The clanging pots and pans awoke the baby.17
If you want the red team to win, clap your hands right now!
The cadets swelled with pride when they heard the clash of the cymbals at their
graduation ceremony.
The dishes fell to the floor with a clatter. 11
Nothing annoys me more than rapidly clicking your pen.
The bride and groom were not surprised to hear the familiar sound of clinking
The horse’s hooves clip-clopped on the cobblestones.
Those clucking chickens are driving me crazy!
The dim-witted pigeon repulsed us with its nerve crawling coo.
If you’re going to cough, please cover your mouth.
The prisoner was terrified to hear the crack of the whip.
We roasted marshmallows over the crackling fire.
The two-year old crashed into the cabinet.
The cabinet opened with a distinct creak.3
Dissatisfied with her work, Beth crinkled up the paper and threw it in the trash.
The swamp frogs croaked in unison.
The teacher heard the distinct crunch of ruffled potato chips.

Dramatic Irony
Two people are engaged to be married but the audience knows that the man is
planning to run away with another woman.
In a scary movie, the character walks into a house and the audience knows the
killer is in the house. 18.
Sometimes a person is in disguise and the other character talks with him as if he
is someone else. Since this is known by the audience, it adds to the humor of the
In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo thinks Juliet is dead and the audience knows she is
In A Doll’s House, the audience knows Nora borrowed money forging her
father’s signature and her husband is unaware. We also know Nora’s husband
thinks of her as a doll and Nora is unaware.
In Hamlet, we are aware that Hamlet knows the truth about his father’s murder
and that Hamlet is not mad.
In King Lear, we know that Lear’s most loyal daughter is Corelia and he can’t
see it.
In Star Wars, Luke does not know Darth Vader is his father until Episode V,
but the audience knows sooner.
In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the audience knows that Macbeth acts loyal to
Duncan while planning his murder.
In Smallville, Clark comments that in the future he does not want to put on a
suit and fly around and the audience knows he will.
A fire station burns down
The marriage counselor files for divorce
The police station gets robbed
A fertility counselor has difficulty getting pregnant
Posting on Facebook complaining how useless Facebook is
A vegan never eats meat but has some sausage pizza because he is hungry
The traffic cop got his license suspended because of unpaid parking tickets
A pilot had a fear of heights
A member of PETA wears leather shoes
The teacher failed the test
A man who needed of medical assistance is run over by the ambulance.10
An anti-technology website
In the 1920s, the New York Times said solving crossword puzzles was a craze
that would die out. Years later and even today, their crossword puzzle is well-
Gunpowder was discovered in an attempt to find the elixir of immortality.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission had lapel buttons made to promote
toy safety. These were recalled for having lead paint, sharp edges and being a
possible choking hazard.
In the 1930s, the U.S. planted the Kudzu vine to stop soil erosion. Instead of
preserving, it chokes trees and the plants it climbs on.
Two people want a divorce and during the proceedings, discover they still love
each other and remarry.
A child runs away from someone throwing a water balloon at him and falls into
the pool 19.

Litotes – is a deliberate sarcasm used to affirm by negating its opposite.

Metonymy – is a figure of speech that replaces the name of a thing with the name
of something else with which it is closely associated.
Oxymoron – is putting together two opposite ideas in one statement.
Paradox – is a phrase or statement that seems to be impossible or contradictory
but is nevertheless true, literally or figuratively.

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