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MAD 22617

MSBTE Practical Exam List

1. Write a program to arrange 9 buttons on display screen using Relative layout.
2. Write a program to display all the data types in object-oriented programming using
Frame layout.
3. Develop a login form using table layout.
4. Write a program to accept username and password from the end user using
EditText. Display them in TextView.
5. Write a program to accept username and password from the end user using
EditText. Display them in Android Toast.
6. Write a program to accept and display personal information (Roll no, Name and Age)
of the student. (Hint : to display information use Android Toast or TextView)
7. Write a program to create a toggle button to display ON / OFF Bluetooth on the
display screen.
8. Write a program to create a simple calculator.(perform any two operations)
9. Write a program to show five checkboxes and toast selected checkboxes.
10. Write a program for following output

11. Write a program to display horizontal and circular progress bar.

12. Write a program to display list of programming language in ListView.
13. Write a program to display list of programming language in GridView.
14. Write a program to display an image using Image View and a button named as
“Change Image”. Once you click on button another image should get displayed.
15. Write a program to display a 10 buttons using vertical scroll view.
16. Write a program to display a textview using vertical scroll view.
17. Write a program to display three checkboxes and one button named “Order “as
shown below. Once you click on button it should toast different selected checkboxes
along with items individual and total price.

18. Write a program to select time using TimePicker with clock mode. Display selected
time in toast.
19. Write a program to select time using TimePicker with spinner mode (use 24 hours
mode). Display selected time in toast.
20. Write a program to select date using DatePicker in spinner mode. Display selected
date in toast.
21. Write a program to select date using DatePicker in calendar mode. Display selected
date in toast.
22. Write a program to create a Activity using all lifecycles methods to display messages
using Log.d.
23. Write a program to create a Activity using all lifecycles methods to display messages
using android toast.
24. Write a program to create a text field and a button “Navigate”. When you enter
“” and press navigate button it should open google page.
25. Write a program to create button “Start Dialer”. When you click on this button it
should open the phone dialer.
26. Write a program to create two screens. First screen will take one number input from
user. After click on Factorial button, second screen will open and it should display
factorial of the same number. Also specify which type of intent you will use in this
27. Write a program to capture an image and display it using image view.
28. Write program to implement broadcast receiver.
29. Write a program to create the login form and display login successful / Unsuccessful
toast message.
30. Develop an application to store student details like roll no, name in SQLite databases.

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