1st Test For 4 Grade 28 03 2023

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GROUPE SCOLAIRE ZALAGH Maternelle – Primaire - Collège

Full Name : …………………………………………………….

Class : 4th grade of

Second term First test
primary school

A. Complete the sentences below: 5

The grass is………………..

The sky is…………………
The moon is………………
The clouds are, too.
The sun is ………………..
The trees are ……………..

B. Mention three weekdays 3

 ……………………
 ……………………
 ……………………

C. Answer the questions below 3

1. What language do German people speak? ……………………

2. What is the nationality of Egypt?...............................................

3. What country speaks French?....................................................

D. Mention the three meals 3

1. ……………….

2. ……………….

3. ………………..

Mr. Mohammed 2022/2023 English

E. Do the puzzle below: 6

Good luck

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