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‫درجة الطالب يه ‪ 83‬من ‪100‬‬

‫‪SULAYMAN DAWOOD ALMULLIM‬‬ ‫اسم الدارس (ثالثيـا)‪:‬‬

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‫‪Your Name _ Operations & Supply Chain Project model 1‬‬
‫يتم رفع المرش وع عىل الموقع بعد االنتهاء منه‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫تقديم محتوى جيد يشمل تغطية كاملة لكل عنارص المرش وع مع تدعيم المحتوى بالرسوم البيانية والجداول‪،‬‬ ‫يرىج‬

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‫علما بأن زيادة نسبة االقتباس عن ‪ %40‬سيقلل الدرجة النهائية للمرش وع ويمكن أن يؤدي إىل عدم اجتياز المادة‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt‬‬
Operations & Supply Chain Module Project
Model (1)
Fast food restaurants, or what is known as a quick service restaurant, is a specific type of
restaurant that is characterized by serving fast food and offers a limited menu of meals. The
foods served in fast food restaurants often belong to the "Western diet pattern". With
options limited, meals are prepared in large quantities in advance and kept hot and packed
ready to serve upon request.
Most of the fast food restaurants provide meals for handling, but some offer food service
inside the halls. Also, these restaurants are chains that have many branches in several cities
within the country or in many countries. It can be said that the emergence of fast food
restaurants began in the United States, where A&W restaurants were established in 1919
and White Castle restaurants in 1921. Today, many fast food chains such as McDonald's and
Kentucky Fried Chicken originated in the United States, which are multinational companies
with outlets in all parts of the world. around the world.
Fast food restaurant services range from “takeaway offering” to “food cart catering” to
“phone ordering”. Some restaurants also serve meals inside the restaurant and sometimes
send meals to external work sites such as factories.
Fast food restaurants usually provide places to sit and eat, but at the same time they receive
orders for takeaway meals. Table service is rare. Orders are submitted and payment is made
through the ordering platform and the customer waits for the employee to prepare the meal
and present it on a tray or in a box. A car order service is also available, which allows
customers to place an order and take meals packages from their cars.
Since fast food service is known, meals are prepared to be taken out and eaten, so
traditional eating utensils are not required. Common items offered by most fast food
restaurants include fish and chips, sandwiches, fried chicken hamburgers, chicken nuggets,
french fries, tacos, pizza, ice cream, mashed potatoes, and salads.

Required: 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
The student must prepare an integrated study of the "McDonald's International Restaurants"
chain, and the study includes the following:
1. Introduction to the McDonald's restaurant chain business and its presence in
the global markets
2. The main sections of McDonald's restaurants
3. The product life cycle of a chain of McDonald's restaurants illustrated with
4. Planning the management of the McDonald's chain of restaurants from
equipment, labor and operation
5. Needs study steps for preparing series products and preparing for products
6. Study of inventory management for a chain of McDonald's restaurants
7. Studying the procurement mechanisms for a chain of McDonald's restaurants
8. Strategies for product design, development and market presentation
9. Mechanisms of supply and demand forecasting for the products of the
McDonald's chain of restaurants in the markets
10.Strategies for arranging the logistics of the McDonald's chain of restaurants,
warehouses and transportation
11.Operations technology strategies to manage the global chain of McDonald's
12.Production scheduling for McDonald's restaurants to cover local and
international markets
13.Quality control mechanisms to ensure customer satisfaction

Please provide good content including graphs and tables, and you can use the internet and
any other aids to present your point of view and suggestions. 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
Operations & Supply Chain Module Project
McDonald's is one of the largest fast-food chains in the world, with over 38,000 locations in
more than 100 countries. The company started in 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois, and has since
expanded its operations globally, making it one of the most recognizable brands in the world.
McDonald's offers a menu that includes burgers, sandwiches, chicken, salads, and various
breakfast options, all of which are prepared quickly and efficiently to meet customers' needs.
This study will provide an in-depth analysis of the McDonald's chain of restaurants, covering
various aspects of its operations and supply chain management.

1-Introduction to the McDonald's restaurant chain business and its presence in the global
McDonald's operates in many countries worldwide and has a strong presence in the global
market. The company's revenue in 2020 was $19.2 billion, with a net income of $4.7 billion.
McDonald's has a large number of franchisees, who operate over 90% of its restaurants. The
company's growth strategy involves expanding into new markets while maintaining its presence
in existing ones.
2-The main sections of McDonald's restaurants:
main sections of a McDonald's restaurant are the front counter, drive-thru, and kitchen. The
front counter is where customers place their orders and pay for their meals. The drive-thru
allows customers to place their orders from their vehicles and pick them up at a designated spot.
The kitchen is where the food is prepared, and it includes various stations for cooking,
assembling, and packaging the meals. 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
3-The product life cycle of a chain of McDonald's restaurants illustrated with illustrations:
The product life cycle of a McDonald's restaurant starts with the introduction of a new menu
item or promotion, which is followed by the growth phase as more customers try and enjoy the
new offering. The maturity phase follows, during which the menu item becomes a staple for the
restaurant and sales stabilize. Eventually, sales decline, and the menu item is either removed or
replaced with a new offering.

To counter these changes McDonalds has continuously introduced new products and has phased
out the old ones which were at the decline stage of their PLC. The introduction is timed such
that the new product does not cannibalize the product already in the maturity or growth stage.
Thus the secret lies in getting profits with different products in the different stages of the PLC.
 A perfect example of revitalizing a product in decline phase:

assignmentpoint : ‫مصدر الصور موقع‬ 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
4- Planning the management of the McDonald's chain of restaurants from equipment,
labor, and operation:
To effectively manage a McDonald's chain of restaurants, it is important to have a
comprehensive plan that covers equipment, labor, and operations. This includes ensuring that
the equipment is well-maintained and upgraded regularly, staffing the restaurants with the right
number of employees, and implementing efficient operations procedures to ensure timely
service and customer satisfaction.
5-Needs study steps for preparing series products and preparing for products:
Before introducing a new menu item or promotion, McDonald's conducts market research to
determine customer needs and preferences. This involves gathering data on customer behavior,
tastes, and preferences, as well as analyzing market trends and competitors' offerings. This
information is used to develop a product or promotion that is tailored to meet customers' needs
and expectations.
6-Study of inventory management for a chain of McDonald's restaurants:
Effective inventory management is essential for McDonald's restaurants to ensure that they have
enough ingredients to meet customer demand while minimizing waste and spoilage. This
involves regularly monitoring inventory levels, tracking usage and waste, and implementing
procedures to reduce waste and improve efficiency.
7-Studying the procurement mechanisms for a chain of McDonald's restaurants:
Procurement is the process of obtaining the necessary goods and services for a business, and it is
a critical aspect of McDonald's supply chain management. The company uses a centralized
procurement system to source ingredients and supplies for its restaurants, which allows for
greater control over quality, consistency, and pricing. 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
8-Strategies for product design, development, and market presentation for McDonald's
International Restaurants:
McDonald's has always been a pioneer in introducing innovative products in the fast-food
industry. Some of their successful products include the Big Mac, McChicken, Filet-O-Fish, and
the famous French fries. McDonald's focuses on delivering quality food products that meet
customers' needs and preferences.
The company invests a significant amount of time and resources in research and development to
identify new product ideas and opportunities. McDonald's also designs its products to cater to
local tastes and preferences. For example, in India, McDonald's offers McAloo Tikki, a
vegetarian burger that uses a potato-based patty instead of meat. In the Middle East, the
company offers McArabia, a sandwich made with grilled chicken or beef, vegetables, and
Arabic bread. This approach has helped McDonald's to adapt to local cultures and cuisines,
which in turn has helped the company to increase its customer base. In terms of market
presentation, McDonald's has always been known for its consistent branding and messaging
across all its restaurants worldwide.
The company uses its well-known logo, the Golden Arches, and the tagline "I'm Lovin' It" to
reinforce its brand identity. The company also invests in advertising campaigns to promote its
products and reach new customers. For example, McDonald's has recently started to use digital
marketing to target millennials and younger customers, who are more likely to use mobile
devices and social media platforms.
9-Mechanisms of supply and demand forecasting for the products of the McDonald's chain
of restaurants in the markets:
McDonald's uses a sophisticated supply chain management system to ensure that its restaurants
have the right products at the right time. The company uses a combination of centralization and
decentralization to manage its supply chain. At the central level, McDonald's has regional
distribution centers that procure raw materials and supplies from suppliers and distribute them to
local restaurants. At the local level, restaurant managers order products based on the demand
and sales forecast. To forecast demand, McDonald's uses a combination of historical sales data, 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
customer feedback, and market research. The company also uses data analytics and machine
learning algorithms to predict demand and adjust its production and inventory levels
accordingly. This helps McDonald's to avoid stockouts and waste while ensuring that customers
receive their orders in a timely and efficient manner.
10-Strategies for arranging the logistics of the McDonald's chain of restaurants,
warehouses, and transportation:
 McDonald's uses a network of warehouses, distribution centers, and transportation
providers to ensure that its products are delivered to its restaurants on time and at the
right temperature.
 The company uses a combination of company-owned and third-party logistics providers
to manage its logistics operations.
 To optimize its logistics operations, McDonald's uses a range of technologies such as
GPS tracking, route optimization, and real-time monitoring of delivery times.
 The company also uses predictive analytics to anticipate supply chain disruptions and
mitigate their impact on its operations. By using these strategies, McDonald's can ensure
that its products are delivered to its restaurants efficiently and at the lowest possible cost.
11-Operations technology strategies to manage the global chain of McDonald's
Technology plays a crucial role in the management of McDonald's restaurants worldwide. The
company has developed several technologies to streamline its operations and enhance the
customer experience.
One of the most notable technologies developed by McDonald's is its POS (point of sale)
POS (point of sale): The POS system is a computerized system used to record orders, process
payments, and track inventory. The system is connected to the kitchen, allowing orders to be
processed efficiently and reducing the wait time for customers.
The POS system also provides data on sales, inventory, and customer behavior, allowing
McDonald's to make informed decisions on its operations and marketing strategies. 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
Another technology that McDonald's has implemented is digital signage. The company has
installed digital menu boards in many of its restaurants worldwide. The digital menu boards
display dynamic content, such as promotional offers and nutritional information, and can be
updated remotely, allowing for real-time changes. The digital signage not only improves the
customer experience but also enables McDonald's to promote new products and offers quickly.
McDonald's has also invested in mobile ordering and payment systems, allowing customers to
order and pay for their meals using their smartphones.
This technology enables customers to avoid long lines and reduce wait times, enhancing the
overall customer experience. The mobile ordering and payment system also provides
McDonald's with data on customer behavior and preferences, enabling the company to tailor its
products and services to meet the needs of its customers better.
12-Production scheduling for McDonald's restaurants to cover local and international
Production scheduling is an essential aspect of McDonald's operations as it ensures that the
right products are available at the right time and in the right quantities. The company's
production scheduling is based on the forecast of demand for each restaurant.
The demand forecast is derived from historical sales data, current trends, and other relevant
factors. McDonald's uses a just-in-time (JIT) inventory system to manage its production
scheduling. This system ensures that the ingredients and supplies required for the production of
its menu items are available when needed, reducing waste and minimizing inventory costs. The
JIT inventory system also allows McDonald's to respond quickly to changes in demand and
supply chain disruptions. To ensure efficient production scheduling, McDonald's has a
centralized supply chain management system. The system coordinates the procurement,
production, and distribution of products across the company's global supply chain. The system is
supported by sophisticated logistics and transportation management systems that enable
McDonald's to move products quickly and efficiently from suppliers to its restaurants. 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt
13- Quality control mechanisms to ensure customer satisfaction:
 Maintaining consistent product quality is essential for McDonald's to ensure customer
satisfaction and loyalty. The company has implemented several quality control
mechanisms to achieve this. One such mechanism is the use of standardized recipes and
 The standardized recipes and procedures ensure that the same quality of food is served in
all McDonald's restaurants worldwide.
 The company also has a rigorous quality control program that involves regular
inspections and audits of its suppliers and restaurants.
 McDonald's also uses technology to enhance its quality control. The POS system, for
example, allows for real-time tracking of inventory and quality control. The system alerts
the restaurant staff when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold or when products
are approaching their expiry date, ensuring that fresh products are always available.
 The system also tracks the time that products are held in warming cabinets, ensuring that
they are served at the right temperature.
In addition to these mechanisms, McDonald's has a robust training program for its staff. The
training program ensures that all employees understand the company's quality standards and
procedures and are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to maintain them. The
company also collects customer feedback regularly to identify areas for improvement and
enhance its quality control mechanisms.

I hope I have succeeded in presenting the subject adequately and clearly. My best regards
to all of you for the great value you provide us with in education.

‫ التعليق‬:

‫مشروع جيد جدا‬ 1 Ahmed Kamel St. from Ellaslky St. Maadi - Cairo – Egypt

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