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[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

[Respondent Name]
[Position or Title]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Respondent Name],

I am writing to request your permission to participate in our study entitled "Online Platform and
Profitability in MICROENTERPRISES in Borongan City Eastern Samar." We are level 3 BSBA
students of St. Mary College Borongan, and this study is part of our academic requirements for
our research class.

The purpose of our study is to investigate the relationship between the use of online platforms
and the profitability of microenterprises in Borongan City, Eastern Samar. Your participation
will involve answering a questionnaire that will take approximately 20-30 minutes of your time.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and your responses will remain

We assure you that the information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of academic
research and will not be disclosed to anyone outside our research team. The results of this study
will be used for academic purposes only.
We kindly request your permission to participate in this study. If you decide to participate, please
sign the attached consent form and return it to us as soon as possible. If you have any questions
or concerns regarding the study, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this request.


[Your Name]

Online Platform and Profitability in Microenterprises in Borongan City Eastern Samar

Researcher(s): [Insert Name(s)]

I have been asked to participate in a research study conducted by students from St. Mary
College Borongan entitled "Online Platform and Profitability in MICROENTERPRISES in
Borongan City Eastern Samar." The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship
between the use of online platforms and the profitability of microenterprises in Borongan City,
Eastern Samar.

My participation in this study is completely voluntary, and I understand that I may

choose to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. I understand that my
participation will involve answering a questionnaire that will take approximately 20-30 minutes
of my time.

I understand that the information I provide will be used solely for the purpose of
academic research and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the research team. I understand
that all data collected will be kept confidential and anonymous. My name will not be used in any
report or publication, and all identifying information will be removed.

I understand that there are no direct benefits or risks associated with my participation in
this study. However, the information gathered from this study may help to identify potential
opportunities for microenterprises in Borongan City, Eastern Samar, and contribute to academic

I understand that I can contact the researchers if I have any questions or concerns
regarding the study. The contact information for the researchers is as follows:

[Insert name, phone number, and email address of the researcher]

I have read and understand the information provided above. I voluntarily agree to
participate in this study. I understand that I may withdraw at any time without penalty.

Name: _________________________________

Signature: ______________________________

Date: _________________________________

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