Creative Writing PPT 1

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Characteristics and Features of Language Write only significant, concrete details

1. Language is arbitrary - Precise language is the difference between
2. Language is social an engaging story or poem and a boring story
3. Language is symbolic or poem. Look for vague language and
4. Language is systematic abstractions. The best way to play with
5. Language is vocal language is to find places where your
6. Language is non-instinctive and conventional language is vague.
7. Language is productive and creative
Concrete Detail – Grounded in a tangible idea,
example, and/or description; a concrete detail is
Use Creative Channels sometimes referred to as a specific detail and
- One effective technique in terms of ‘getting often a sensory detail.
started writing a piece is to zone into one of the
Abstract Detail – Has language and conceptual
creative channels:
examples and multiple interpretations.
Feeling: This would be your emotional Example:
response to things.

Thinking: This would be your introspective to Concrete: The plant barely brushed the bottom of
look at whatever topic. my knee; its flower was broad as my face, and its
stem was as thick as my pinky.
Observational: This is truly the most objective
channel. Abstract: The plant was tall, its stem was thick,
and the flower had a beauty that reminded me of
Pick a book of poems, collected creative love.
essays, or story excerpts
- Go through the book and pick a few with a good ➔ Concrete language gives readers a clear
opening line and ending line, then a few you understanding of what you are writing about,
feel are weaker. whether it is a place, event, person, or other
topics, by providing precise details and specific
identifying information.
Take away what you love the most
- This can be very hard to do once you actually
begin the composition process—there is A. Avoid “empty” words
bound to be a sentence, paragraph, or stanza - Many beginning writers use words such as
that inevitably becomes your favorite. “really,” “basically,” “very,” “just,” “a lot,” “great,”
and “cool,” which do not provide any concrete
Let it marinate detail. Ask yourself what meaning your word
- Once you have finished a piece, try putting it choice adds to the sentence; if it does not add
away for a day or two. meaning, delete it or replace it with concrete
detail if more information is necessary.
SOME GENERAL STRATEGIES Vague: The movie was awesome.

Every piece should be building toward a Concrete: The actors in The Great Gatsby gave
specific “moment” believable performances, and the costumes were
- Creative writing pieces become more focused exquisitely made and historically accurate.
and therefore stronger when the author learns
to think of the piece as building toward a
specific moment in time, as building toward a
specific effect or image that the author wants
to leave a reader with.
Transcription by: Febe D. Ocampo & Charisse Puno | BSEd English 2C

B. Add identifying details

- A writer writes precisely because s/he enjoys
a perspective on the subject that readers lack.
The writer knows specific details and
information about the subject that the reader
might not know. If the subject is personal or
particular to a specific field, it is necessary to
incorporate identifying details such as
locations, place names, people’s names, and
chronological information to share with
readers your specific view of the subject.

Vague: My team was excited when we won the

big game.

Concrete: Members of my volleyball team, the

Blazing Owls, were excited when we won our final
game yesterday by five points.

Use sensory details

- One of the most effective ways to generate
concrete language—utilizing the five senses.

Transcription by: Febe D. Ocampo & Charisse Puno | BSEd English 2C

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