Group 44 - Assignment 2

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BMFR 3513


Group 44
(Trackable Cane with Sensor for Impaired People)


No. Name Registration Number

1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Task Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Recruit Participants .............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Study Participants............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Prepare Materials.............................................................................................................. 9
4.0 Results and Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 12
5.0 Interpretation and Discussion ............................................................................................ 13
6.0 Revised Design .................................................................................................................. 15
6.1 Design Update Based on Analysis ................................................................................. 16
6.1.1 Sensor placement ..................................................................................................... 16
6.1.2 Battery size .............................................................................................................. 17
6.1.3 Battery placement .................................................................................................... 17
6.1.4 LED indicator .......................................................................................................... 18
6.2 Detail Product Design Dimensions ................................................................................ 19
6.2.1 Fully Assembled Product Design ............................................................................ 19
6.2.2 Main part of the Cane .............................................................................................. 19
6.2.3 Middle part of the Cane ........................................................................................... 20
6.2.4 Bottom part of the Cane........................................................................................... 20
6.2.5 Holder ...................................................................................................................... 21
6.2.6 Cap ........................................................................................................................... 21
6.2.7 LED ......................................................................................................................... 22
7.0 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 23
References ................................................................................................................................ 24
Supervisor Approval ................................................................................................................ 25
1.0 Introduction

Impaired person is individual who has impairment in visual, hearing, intellectual and
physical disability. From the study, there are one billion people or 15% of the world’s
population that experience disability (Nhlapor, 2021). These people have challenging life to
be independent like a normal person which is they are not easily fit in the public and have
normal day activities.

In this study, we are focusing more to visual impairment person. Visual impairment person
is a term expert use to describe any kind of vision loss whether the person cannot see at all or
has partial vision loss (Salvin, 2016). Visual impairment person has difficulties to navigate
their route especially on the side walk. It might be hard for visual impaired person to sense the
obstacles directly. Moreover, there are 253 million or 3.2% represents the world’s population
where people that affected by some form of blindness and visual impairment (Wagner, 2021).

Figure 1: Conventional Blind Stick

Nowadays, technology has rapidly growing in the world where there are many
improvements in methods, systems and devices that resulted to the scientific knowledge. Many
implementations can be done to help those in need especially visual impaired person. Based on
Figure 1, the main device visual impaired person use is a stick to alert the surroundings. We
cope up together to improvise the blind stick with the implementation of Internet of Things

For this project, we aim to go through the data sample of a participant that used the
blind stick. We also take the data sample for the participant that is close to the visual impaired
person such as family member or friends. This specific participant target suits the theme of our
project. It will be able to give the most accurate data since the users use the blind stick
frequently. We limit the amount of respondent to only certain people to get a high sample
number but at the same time to avoid a high number of outliers. This help us to have a clear
view on how our project should be designed in the future.

Figure 2: Blind Stick with Attachable Sensor

As shown in Figure 2, the blind stick that is improvise with attachable sensor with smart
features such as the detection of obstacles along the route, the vibration to alert the user of the
obstacles, the fordable blind stick and the rechargeable battery. The sensor will help the visual
impaired person to have a safe route everywhere. In this assignment, we will make the task
analysis that will look into the requirements needed for the user to complete the task.
2.0 Task Analysis

Step 1: Identify the task to be analysed

• To have safe walking route

Step 2: Break this goal (high-level task) down into subtasks

I. Open the blind stick

II. Hold the blind stick
III. The blind stick touches the ground
IV. Walk

Step 3: Layered task diagram of each subtask and ensure it is complete

To have safe walking

route using sensor

Open the blind Hold the blind The blind stick

touches the Walk
stick stick

Fordable before Taking steps to

keep or use the Hold the blind stick start
stick with hand centred in Sense the obstacles
front of the body at the surrounding

Move slowly
Depends on
Move the blind stick the sidewalk
with wrist or finger
Depends on
Move blind stick in
rhythm with the
feed and opposite
side of forward
Step 4: Story Analysis

1. Open the blind stick: User was observed when open the blind stick. There is no issue when
opening the blind stick since it is fordable when use or to be keep.

2. Hold the blind stick: User was observed when holding the blind stick was not suitable since
the blind stick tend to have different size from the body height of the user.

3. The blind stick touches the ground: User was observed to have difficulties once the blind
stick touches the ground. There is hard time to detect the obstacles around the side walk
since they only walk depending on it. The user might hit some obstacles without they notice
it from early. Moreover, the user tends to depends on their accompaniment as it is not easy
for them to walk independently.

4. Walk: User was observed to start taking their steps to walk. The user tends to move slowly.
Moreover, when the user walks people at the surrounding might not alert to them.

Step 5: Validate the analysis

The blind stick is mostly used by the visual impaired person all over the world. From
the task analysis we have identified that the current used of the blind stick is difficult for the
visual impaired person. The tendency for the user to get hurt is very high.

Step 6: Design Requirement

The main focus of doing this assignment is to observe from the user to improvised the
problem that was identified from the task analysis. A few upgraded ideas have been discussed
with the team members to solve the problem.
I. Sensor to detect the obstacles.
II. Buzzer to alert the obstacles.
III. Adjustable blind stick based on the user’s height.
IV. LED indicator for the people to alert the user.
V. Rechargeable battery connected to the power bank.
3.0 Recruit Participants

Recruitment is generally by inviting the participant who are targeting in research of, or
usability study can be relate to the participant recruitment. When decided that the product is
should be specific to the targeted users, so the recruiting must focus by selecting a deserving
user from the available pool. A participant should play role in as target user which will be able
to provide the type of relevant input by providing feedback in the features, design, and further
improvement. The aim our project is for impaired people and this device is to assist them during
their journey in outdoor.

As for the participant is doesn’t limit between the age because this product can be useful
all impaired people. As they are our targeted people, where it helpful for them to make their
travel by own and does not dependent of others and can easily detect the obstacles along their
way where they can avoid by hitting it.

Not limited in
Impaired people

Assist during
their journey

Figure 1: Representative of targeted users

3.1 Study Participants

Before we start our survey, we have contacted Society of the Blind in Malaysia (SBM)
to get some information of the participants and let them to complete the survey that we had
made. The table below shows the participant who are been interviewed virtually.

Name Hj. Mohammed Nazari Bin Hj. Othman
Occupation President Society of Blind
Working Place Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur

Age 45
Email Mnazarisbm@Gmail.Com

Participant 2
Name Farihan Nur Arfa
Occupation Publisher at Malaysian Association for The Blind

Working Place Petaling Jaya

Age 38
Sosial Media Facebook (Https://Www.Facebook.Com/Nurfarihan.Norzaini)
3.2 Prepare Materials

We prepared all the things we need before conducting testing for our product by using
google form. To be inform that our target users are impaired people who the diagram above
are one of the examples that we kept as our record and as for the rest we did as an analysis
record which in survey by given 10 questions to be rated. The diagram below is example
question of the survey.

Figure 2: Questions that made in Google form (part 1)

Figure 3: Questions that made in Google form (part 2)

Figure 4: Questions that made in Google form (part 3)

Figure 5: Questions that made in Google form (part 4)

Figure 6: Questions that made in Google form (part 5)

4.0 Results and Data Analysis

To further improve our product, we have received the partially a positive based on this
result of our survey which the bar chart has in between of neutral, agree and strongly agree. As
the number of participant that we recruited is around eight, so that the sample size and the
quality of the questionnaire concise and relevant. In the survey, the user will response by
choosing the rate scale from 1 to 5 that means for scale 5 is strongly agree and for scale 1 is
strongly disagree. It can be relate by voting higher scale, means that they agree with the features
in cane/stick and the least voted were scale 1 means they disagreed with the features.

Graph 1: Results of the questionnaire

Therefore, we can conclude that all the participant has agree to use this product for their
daily life. Our targeted users are preferring it to be their assistant along their way in public
place and so on to avoid them from hitting any obstacles.
5.0 Interpretation and Discussion

The table below shows the data of the participant who responded to the survey.
Questionnaire Ratings Total %

1 2 3 4 5 Agree Neutral Disagree

I would like to use this device 0 0 0 3 5 100 0 0
whenever I go outside

I would prefer if the cane/stick to 0 0 0 3 5 100 0 0

detect the obstacle from multiple

It would be really helpful if the 0 0 2 0 6 75 25 0

cane/stick can detect holes.

It will be convenient if the 0 0 2 1 5 75 25 0

cane/stick to be light weight.

It would be good to have 0 0 3 2 3 62.5 37.5 0

cane/stick to detect high obstacle.

It would be necessary to have 0 0 1 2 5 87.5 12.5 0

cane/stick in a good strength.

I think the cane/stick need to have 0 0 0 3 5 100 0 0

adjustable height.
It requires to have rechargeable 0 0 1 3 4 87.5 12.5 0
battery in the cane/stick.
It better to have attachable sensor 0 0 1 4 3 87.5 12.5 0
should design in a quality
I will be comfortable if the 0 0 0 1 7 100 0 0
adjustable sensor to be easily take
out and attach it whenever I use it
or to recharge the battery.

Table 1: Rating for the criteria based on the questionnaire

As further implement on the analysis review that we had made to prepare the
questionnaire in google form as virtual interview. The main purpose of doing this questionnaire
is to focus on how to solve the daily challenges that faced by impaired people who are always
dependent on other people or using a normal cane/stick to run their daily life and to how will
they react with the implementation of this new product. There are total of 8 respondents who
had completed respond the survey. The result of the survey shows that the most of the
respondents are in the age range between 20-39 years old. Moreover, the result also makes us
know that 37.5% of the respondent are the impaired person, 37.5% of them are friend of the
impaired person and the balance 25% respondents are the family members of the impaired

From the result of the questionnaire that shown in Graph 1 and Table 1 above, most of
the respondents are agreed the criteria of our project while some of the respondents are respond
neutral for some criteria. Perhaps it is because some respondent clearer understanding on the
criteria or maybe they didn’t have confidence to accept these criteria on the blind stick/cane.

By overview on the participant ‘s result for this survey, is a good thing to say that the
impaired people are preferring to use this product and based on the questionnaire that have
study, most are agree with this concept and there are no disagrees. Especially there are number
of eight participants agree with our concept of product which will help them assist along the
way when their way of journey. We hope that impaired people will take time in comfort with
this product.
6.0 Revised Design

The design process involves strategic thinking to solve problems visually.

Subsequently, the process has several stages. Design revision constitutes a change or variation
to a design that was presented initially or an in-progress design/concept. These revisions are
usually less than a quarter of the design. A revision is meant to be a slight modification or
course correction to progress towards the final design.

The key word for this is process. It’s a creative collaboration between the designer and
the client. To get from an idea to a piece of impactful art will rarely occur in one attempt. If
you look at any of the great thinkers or inventors of history, all of them had to revise their ideas
several times to get to the final, revolutionary product. A revision design consists of a change
or variation to an initial design or in-progress design concept, and is typically a change of not
more than 1/4 or a quarter of the design.

A revision is simply meant to be a light modification or course correction to progress

toward the final design. A new design concept is not considered a revision. This means that a
new design concept would be an addition to the project, and would need to be estimated
separately, in addition to the current project estimate.
6.1 Design Update Based on Analysis

Figure 7: New Design Update

Form the result of the questionnaires, we came out with multiple criteria and specifications
based on our user’s feedbacks. List below shows all the criteria and specifications such as: -

6.1.1 Sensor placement

Before After

We have reallocated the sensor position from the front side and lower position of the
cane to backside and higher position. This is due to the weight distribution of the sensor.
The further the sensor from the user’s hand or the cane’s grip, the harder to use the
6.1.2 Battery size

Before After

We also changed our battery design form normal small capacity to higher capacity
which are 10000mAh power bank. Power bank with dimensions of 15x7x1.5 cm
weighing at 230g can power the cane for a long period of time. This can help the user
to reduce the number of recharging the battery.

6.1.3 Battery placement

Before After

The battery placement is important because the battery contains higher weight and it
can cause hardness for the user if not properly design. The higher the position of the
battery, the easier to move or to use the cane. The lower the position of the battery, the
harder to move or use the cane.
6.1.4 LED indicator

Before After

No LED Indicator

The main purpose of adding LED indicator is to indicate the surrounding and the public
about the user. This can help the user to navigate around safely at night to in low lighting
conditions such as tunnels.
6.2 Detail Product Design Dimensions

6.2.1 Fully Assembled Product Design

Figure 8: Fully Assembled Product Design

6.2.2 Main part of the Cane

Figure 9 Main part of the Cane

6.2.3 Middle part of the Cane

Figure 10: Middle part of the Cane

6.2.4 Bottom part of the Cane

Figure 11 Bottom part of the Cane

6.2.5 Holder

Figure 12: Holder

6.2.6 Cap

Figure 13: Cap

6.2.7 LED

Figure 14: LED

7.0 Conclusion

As a summary, task analysis refers to the process of learning about how end users
perform the tasks to achieve the intended goals. Usually, in the task analysis participants will
attempt to answer the survey based on the observation made from the observers. We have
contacted a few visions impaired person to make the survey virtually with the help of their
closest members. Moreover, we have narrowed the scope of the survey to the product’s users
themselves as well as the closest members of the users.

Other than that, the aim of the analysis to identify any issues required during performing
the tasks. As the goal of the task analysis for the product is to have a safe walking routes, we
have identified few issues that occurred during the observation. From the observations we have
discussed few ideas on how we should improvise the current existing product to meet the
satisfaction of the users. The ideas that we are trying to apply by upgrading with add on some
features such as sensor, buzzer, LED indicator light, adjustable height for the blind stick and
rechargeable battery connected to the power bank. The participants also give good feedback on
the design changes required. We have interpretation on the integration of the user’s feedback
in the drawing design to get the clear view.

At the end of the task analysis, we have a good understanding of all the different task
that users performed to achieve their goals. The improvement made is based on the current
technology that will help the users. It is also will make the community alert to the vision
impaired person around them. From this, we have the knowledge to upgraded more on the
design and features for the users to have an efficient, easy to use and safe product for the user.

Nhlapor, C. M. (19 March, 2021). Retrieved from The World Bank:
Salvin, J. H. (September, 2016). Retrieved from TeensHealth:
Wagner, L. (28 May, 2021). Disabled People in the World in 2021: Facts and Figures. Retrieved from
Supervisor Approval

“I acknowledge that this assignment is the work of my student under my supervision except
for excepts, figures and summaries where they have explained the source."

Verified by:

Signature :
Supervisor : En. Nor Akramin Bin Mohamad

Date : 18 November 2021


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