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SESSION 2020/2021




Members Matric No.

Muhammad Izzat Abdul Karim (Leader) B051910059
Alia Malina Binti Zam Zam B051910067
Ahmad Diaurrahman Bin Humaidi B051910083
Muhammad Afiq Bin Sharum B051910078
Mohd Shafi bin Abdullah B051910082


Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1

Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 3

Discussion........................................................................................................................ 13

Design Updated Based On Analysis .................................................................................. 14

Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 18

Approval .......................................................................................................................... 19

References ....................................................................................................................... 20

The COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and
the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two. Since its emergence in
Asia late last year, the virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica. We
have now reached the tragic milestone and the human family is suffering under an
almost intolerable burden of loss. The climbing death toll all over the world is
staggering, and we must work together to slow the spread of this virus.

Figure 1 shows the social distancing suggested by World Health Order (WHO)

Based on Figure 1 above, we cope up together to develop a sensor that can help
us to interrupt the transmission of the COVID-19. The development is called “SOCIAL
DISTANCING SENSOR”. The term social-distancing (S-D) is a way to stop or slow
the spreading of contagious disease. In other words, it means less physical
communication between two or more persons. In S-D the gap between two living beings
(normally human) is 1.5 meter. In this short note, we propose a distancing sensor device
that alerts the user when he or she crosses the threshold S-D limit. This equipment will
help people to maintain safe distance among themselves that ultimately help avoidance
of spreading the virus.

For this project, we aim to go through the data sample of a participant who often
goes out to the shopping mall to buy groceries and goods. We also take data sample for
the participant that working at a certain place during this pandemic to keep the S-D
among the workers. This specific participant target suits the theme of our project,
especially during this COVID-19 Pandemic. These data sample will be able to give the
most accurate data since they spend a lot of times at the store and working place. We
limit the amount of respondent to only certain people to get a high sample number but
at the same time to avoid a high number of outliers. These scopes of the respondent
should also able to give us a clear view of how our project should be designed in the

Figure 2 shows the first model of our design product

As shown figure above is the SDS wristband is a social distancing Bluetooth

with distance ranging, precisely sensing when other wearers come within 2 -meter and
alerting the user with visual red light and vibration. Our sensors can help you create
safe spaces in your public places. Physical distancing is the main objective that we
target. COVID-19 just handed us a challenge like never before and we are ready to
work with that. Our 3D sensors offer you the solution you need right now.


2.1 Usability Test Plan Dashboard

2.2 Recruit Participants

Recruitment is a straightforward process as a ready supply of
participants who are willing and able to participate to run the usability test.
However, recruiting must be focused on selecting the best potential users from
the available pool when a product has a very specific target user. These
participants should have characteristics found in potential users (targeted users).
Only participants who represent the target users would be able to provide the
kind of relevant input to generate good feedback to do improvements of a design

(Deborah Hinderer, 1998). Two environments have been set up to conduct the
test which is:

i. Working place (Scenario 1)

ii. Shopping mall (Scenario 2)

Recruited participants come from different groups where it consists of

two participants for each group with ages ranging from 25 – 40 years. For
scenario 1, these participants must get involved in the mechanical and electronic
field because they are more experts in the sensor device. Besides, their working
place is one of the crowded places where it consists of a lot of staff which made
hard to maintain at least 1-meter distance from each other.

Participants that often go to a shopping mall to buy groceries/goods are

one of the contributors to characteristic targeted end-users. In this current
situation, people will go out for panic buying and this will increase the risk of
getting infected by Covid-19.

25 - 40 years

Experts in
mechanical Often go to
& shopping
Electronic mall

Figure 3 shows a characteristic of targeted users

Based on Figure 3 above, the 3 characteristics that recruited participants

should have to run the usability test.

2.3 Prepare Materials

In this phase’s, we prepared all the materials that we need before

conducting testing for our product. As we selected 2 scenario which is in the
working places and for citizens that going to the supermarket. Both scenarios
will be prepared with 10 questions from google forms. We give both scenarios
15 minutes to complete the google form. Shows below our questions that have
been provided for the respondents. Also, we included the 3D-Cad drawing of
our product.

Figure 4 shows the questions that we provided in the google form

For Figure 4, we give to them before we testing our product as we want to sure they
know a little about our product and brief an explanation. After the respondent answer
the questions, also, we provided another question to the specific scenario that we
choose such as:

1. Do you agree if all the customers that wanted to shop wearing the
distancing sensor in the shopping mall?
2. Do you agree if all the workers wear the distancing sensor in the working
area such as factory?
3. Having other people being near you is very worrying during this
pandemic. However, will you rather ask them to go away or prefer a
distancing sensor that can notify you that they are near you?
4. New strategies to fight transmissions of COVID-19 is important for
Malaysia to survive this pandemic. Do you think that using this distancing
sensor can be included in one of the strategies especially in the crowded

All these questions are really important for our team as we want to collect data and
opinion from our various type of user. As we complete all the question and answer
(Q&A) session, then we can move for the next step.

Result for this following task or question stated in a table below:

1 2 3 4
1 Yes Yes Prefer using Yes
distancing sensor

2 Yes Yes Prefer using Maybe

distancing sensor

3 Yes Yes Prefer using Yes

distancing sensor

4 Yes Yes Prefer using Yes

distancing sensor

From table 1, we can conclude that most of the question answered by

participants are mostly the same or similar except for participant 2 who is unsure for
question number 4.

2.4 Set Up Environment

Setting up an environment is very crucial to conduct the usability test.

Why? Because in this part a scenario has to be created. This is for a better
understanding of the participants on how and where this distancing sensor can
be used. This can help the participant visualize the scenario in their imagination.
Two scenarios created for the participants understanding.

Scenario 1: Workplace

Workers always have risk during their working time towards COVID-
19. This is due to the ability of the virus to spread vigorously. We don’t know
the place that workers will come from. Usually when early morning briefing,
they tend to be close to each other but that’s not a good thing in this situation.
This may cause danger as the possibility of them to come from high-risk places
is high. For example, when working in the factory, we need to identify all the
possible risk and plan to prevent or taking precaution from infected by the virus.

Figure 5 shows the surrounding of a sewing factory

Scenario 2: Shopping Mall

People in Malaysia usually spend their weekend going to the shopping

mall to buy basic needs such as cloth, accessories or even to hunt for a variety
of food that offered in the shopping mall. This may cause a lot of people to make
the shopping mall crowded. As the COVID-19 can spread easily in crowded
places or confined places, people need to aware of the surrounding but that’s
not an easy thing. Some people are even selfish that they don’t care about
surrounding and only aiming to do what they wanted to do.

Figure 6 shows the surrounding of a shopping mall

2.5 Conducting Usability Test

Usability testing refers to assessing a product or service for

representative customers by testing it. Usually, participants will attempt to
perform traditional tasks during a test while observers are observing, listening
and taking notes. This usability test has been conducted by recruiting participant
from a certain field to get some information. The information will help us in
improving our product in many aspects such as design, usage, and cost. The
procedure needed to help to collect the data in a proper sequence. The test
conducted by following a procedure below:

1. Greet

2. Ask for the personal information of the participant

3. Explain the product concept and show the design

4. Explain the Scenario for participant understanding

5. Give the task prepared

7. Summarize

8. Finish the test

Based on the step procedure, we managed to conduct a test with a worker

from a company, random people around the mall and one of the experienced
medical assistants to improve and enhance our product.

2.5.1 Participant Information


No. Participant 1 Participant 2

Conducting WhatsApp (Video Call) Verbally (Face-to-face)


Name Muhammad Nabil Bin Mohamad Mohd Zaili bin Zaini


Occupation Machine operator Medical Assistant

Working Bando Electronics (M), Rawang Labuan Hospital


Working 4 years 10 years


2.6 Data Analysis & Results

To further improve our product’s capability, our group decided to place

our product through several usability testing. In order to get the maximum result
from the usability testing that we are about to conduct, we’ve decided to only
take responses from workers who work at industrial and workers from shopping
mall who works in a very crowded space. We also focus mainly on the
objectives stated at the usability dashboard.

To further follow up on the analysis review that we are about to make,

we’ve prepared a set of questionnaires in the form of google document. In this
questionnaire we focus mainly on the worker's needs and how would they react
with the implementation of this new product. A total of 4 participants have been
recruited to keep the sample size and the quality of the questionnaire compact
and impactful. The followings are the results of the questionnaire that we’ve

Graph 1: Results of the questionnaire

Based on the participant's result, it’s safe to say that workers who work
in the crowded and compact area would prefer to use this product. Specifically,
all four of the participants agree that the function of this product is well
integrated which will help them to take better care of themselves especially in
the midst of this pandemic. At the same time, they also disagree that the
implementation of this product will skyrocket on the get-go which our group
agrees. The community will take time to adjust to this product and we believe
it’ll be a new norm with this pandemic on the rise.

The feedback on usability testing has also driven our team to change the
state of our product. We’ve changed the design of our product a f ew times
throughout this project, and this time the design has met the usability testing
and the customer requirement. Below are shown the benefits and the advantages
of our products compared to the previous designs.

Table 1: Comparison between previous designs and new design

Previous Design Latest Design

Smaller LCD Display Bigger LCD Display

Rubber Strap Silicone Strap

Laser Sensor Ultrasonic Sensor

Touch Button Touch Screen

Shorter Battery Life Longer Battery life

A very great regards to the participants who participated and the

extensive research of the team, we’ve come this final design of the product. It
is concluded that the design of this product is better in various aspects compared
to the previous designs.


From the stated analysis and calculated data, it is proven that our product
“Social Distancing Sensor (SDS)” have been tailored to fit the customers need as well
as keeping them safe while conducting this product. The answers from the selected
participants and questionnaires also have stated their worry and our team have quickly
worked on it to make sure the assurance our customers have whenever they’re using
this product.

We have been able to tackle the two scenarios that are considered the ‘hot spot’
during this pandemic which is the shopping mall and tight working space. One of our
first questionnaires in the early phases has resulted in these areas as one of the most
worrisome areas to occupy during this pandemic. Thus, we handpicked our target
participants specifically at these areas to carefully answer our additional questionnaires.
These specific participants are needed for us to further grasp the working idea of these
people who works in these crowded spots which one of the most avoided places during
this COVID-19 Pandemic.

The crowded workplace has slowly started to follow the Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP) that have been decided by the government throughout the pandemic.
But apparently, this has not given the workers peace of mind since the distance is not
managed properly as humans tend to slack and forget the S.O.P especially when they
are tired. The participants are delighted when they were introduced to this product and
at the same time, they also shared their thoughts on the product.

After we grasped their thoughts and worries, our group immediately went back
to the drawing board to re-design our product due to the flaws that we’ve overlooked
before having the participants answer the questionnaires. This brought our team to the
latest design which is physically appealing and mechanically function according to the
customers need. We believe that this latest design has all the elements that are needed
in a product to succeed as a product to aid customers throughout this pandemic.


Figure 7 shows the design updated based on Analysis

From the usability test, we came out with several criteria from the user’s feedback that
we wanted to improve our product design. Which is the material selection, we changed each of
the part components for the watch from rubber to silicone, this material meets our product
requirement, which is more durable, comfortable and suitable for long term use.

On the other hand, we had changed the design for our display and body. The body made
from the polymers and the display we changed it to a bigger size so it is clearer and can be
seen. Furthermore, most of the user feedback shows that they were really satisfied with our
product design which is more friendly-user. The most importing things that our product meet
the objective to keep the distance between people for about 1-meter so that this updated design
may achieve our goal to make it more user friendly and comfortable to the users and fulfilled
their satisfaction.

4.1 Design Assembly Dimension

Figure 8 shows the dimension of each part of the watch.

After, our social distancing sensor being updated, there are several parts that we
remain the same dimension and some we updated so that it can be combined together
as one. As shown in Figure 8, the dimension of each part was suggestion and feedback
from the user. The design for our social distancing sensor has changed due to the
feedback from the usability testing. The changed on the design are based on the
feedback which our product must be the more comfortable and friendly user. Therefore,
our product design will gain more benefits to the user in term of material selection and
design constrain.

4.2 Product Benchmarking

WEAKNESS - Less accuracy of the sensor - Range of product is not adjustable

- Tiny screen size - The battery is not removable
- Non-removable watch - Spare parts are not easily replaceable
STRENGTH - More accuracy to detect an individual
- Low power consumption view direction
- The strap can be replaced in a variety - The watch can be removed and used to
of colours another type such as a tag for workers
- Compact watch and less in weight - Bigger screen size to check on

4.3 Summary

Based on information search through usability testing, all of these

criteria are important to be embedded in the design. It can be helpful in a lot of
ways. For example, if we look on to our social distancing sensor early idea,
there are some of the limitations. By considering all of these criteria, our product
can be a lot more versatile and high quality at an affordable price which can be
used for anyone. We will adopt these criteria to our innovation but in our own
way. The information that has been collected gave us more idea to complete our


Usability testing refers to assessing a product or service for representative

customers by testing it. Usually, participants will attempt to perform traditional tasks
during a test while observers are observing, listening and taking notes. The aim is to
recognize any issues with usability, gather qualitative and quantitative data and assess
the satisfaction of the participant with the product.

Usability testing lets the design and development teams identify problems
before they are coded. The earlier issues are identified and fixed, the less expensive the
fixes will be in terms of both staff time and possible impact on the schedule. After the
usability test had been done, participants can complete specified tasks successfully.
Participants also give good feedback on design changes required to improve user
performance and satisfaction. Finally, we can analyze the performance of our product
design to see if it meets our usability objectives.


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Chi, C. (2019). The Beginner’s Guide to Usability Testing [+ Sample Questions]. Retrieved
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Delve. (2015). The Role of Human Factors in Product Design [YouTube Video]. Retrieved
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Methods and Types of Usability Testing - Uxeria Blog. (2015, July 30). Retrieved January
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My Top 15 SOLIDWORKS Tips for Engineering Managers - Engineers Rule. (2019,
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Nick, Babich. “The Top 7 Usability Testing Methods | Adobe XD Ideas.” Ideas, 2019, Accessed 4
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