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AR/AP Refunds Process – Setup and Processing

Below are some screen shots from the AR/AT Refund process that Jignesh and I tested in 92QS
environment. We tested with two different scenarios. The setups and process worked as expected in
both the scenarios.

1) AR Credit item refunded via an AP voucher using the same AR and AP business unit
2) US Dollar AR credit item from BU 99500 and GLOBL SetID customer refunded using a voucher
from AP BU 99444 and HILUK SetID supplier with payment in GBP.

Below are some screen shots from the testing.

Supplier GLOBL/57270 linked to customer GLOBL/15-046302

Attempt to link the same customer to another supplier restricted by PeopleSoft as in the below screen
AP BU 11578 and Origin AR setup for AR BU 11578

Refunds distribution code set with correct OU

Maintenance worksheet created for a customer
Credit item selected with entry type of RC (Refund) and entry reason of Overpayment

Worksheet set to batch standard

Receivables update to post the worksheet

Item activity summary showing the CR and RC transactions. Item is closed
Item details and item activity details
Refund process run control
Voucher Build process to create voucher in AP

AP Voucher created by the refunds process

Update to user preferences to include voucher posting authority
Voucher Post process
Create express Payments
Pay Cycle run
The below example refunds process scenario 2 as described on the first page


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