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Essay outline

Today, / Nowadays, ... (Say something general about the topic) The main question is ...
(What is the topic of the essay? Paraphrase it, don't use the exact phrases as in the topic statement

Some people maintain that.../ On the one hand, ... (Write a sentence to introduce one side
of the topic.) Firstly, ... (What's the first argument for this side? Why would it be good? Explain a
little bit.) Furthermore, / Moreover, / What is more, ... (Another argument to support this side. You
can add one more after it, as well.)

On the other hand, / However, some people think ... (Introduce the other side of the
argument. This is the opposite view to the one written about in the paragraph above.) First of all, ...
(What is the first argument for this side?) Secondly, / Furthermore, ... (Second argument for this
side. You can add one more, especially if you have three arguments stated in the paragraph above.)

To sum up, ... (Finish this sentence by restating the main points used in paragraphs 2 and 3.)
In my opinion, / Still, I think that ... (What is your opinion on this topic?)

Now, write your essay in the notebook so you can correct your mistakes more easily. Then, when
you're done, copy it onto the final paper sheet using a blue or black pen.

Essay outline

Today, / Nowadays, ... (Say something general about the topic) The main question is ...
(What is the topic of the essay? Paraphrase it, don't use the exact phrases as in the topic statement

Some people maintain that.../ On the one hand, ... (Write a sentence to introduce one side
of the topic.) Firstly, ... (What's the first argument for this side? Why would it be good? Explain a
little bit.) Furthermore, / Moreover, / What is more, ... (Another argument to support this side. You
can add one more after it, as well.)

On the other hand, / However, some people think ... (Introduce the other side of the
argument. This is the opposite view to the one written about in the paragraph above.) First of all, ...
(What is the first argument for this side?) Secondly, / Furthermore, ... (Second argument for this
side. You can add one more, especially if you have three arguments stated in the paragraph above.)

To sum up, ... (Finish this sentence by restating the main points used in paragraphs 2 and 3.)
In my opinion, / Still, I think that ... (What is your opinion on this topic?)

Now, write your essay in the notebook so you can correct your mistakes more easily. Then, when
you're done, copy it onto the final paper sheet using a blue or black pen.

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