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to Public
Dr. Alaa Fawzy, PhD
Assistant Professor/ Coordinator of
International relations
Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo
The Four Basic
Models (James
E- Grunig - 1984)
Press Agentry/
Public Information
• One-way communication (the • One-way communication
flow of information is only from (information flows from
the sender to the receiver. The sender(organization and public
sender is not much concerned relations experts) to the
about the second party’s receiver(target audience).
feedback, reviews and so on).
• Mass media- driven.
• Mass media-driven.
• Information-oriented.
• Often “hype” (Extravagant or
intensive publicity or
Two-Way Asymmetric Two-Way Symmetric

• Two-way communication. • Two-way, balanced

• Audience research to get their
feedback. • Dialogue between the
organization and its’ clients.
• Purpose is to become more
effective persuaders. • Purpose: mutual
understanding and/or
• Use persuasion to influence the adjustment.
public to act in the way
organization's desire. • Win-win situation which build
mutual understanding between
the organization and its public.
Press Agentry Examples
Press Agentry examples

The celebrity endorsement; This involves

partnering with a well-known individual or
group who can endorse your product or

For example, Nike has partnered with many

famous athletes over the years to endorse its
products. This type of press agentry can be
very effective because it leverages the
popularity of the celebrity to generate interest
in your business.
Newsjacking; This involves taking
advantage of current events or
trends to promote your business. For
example, if there is a major sporting
event happening, you could create a
marketing campaign around it. Or, if
there is a popular new TV show, you
could create products related to it.
Newsjacking can be a great way to
get attention for your business.
Product placement; This involves
placing your products in popular
movies or TV shows. This can be a
great way to get exposure for your
business and to generate interest in
your products. Product placement
can be a bit tricky, however, so you
need to make sure that you are
working with a reputable company
that will place your products in high-
quality productions.
Public information Examples
 Public relations experts depend on press
release, news release, video release or
any other recorded communication often
directed at the media to circulate
information about their brand among the
 Newsletters, brochures, magazines with
information about the organization, its key
people, products, benefits of the products,
testimonials, success stories are
distributed through media for brand
Two-Way Asymmetric example
 Public relations experts position their organization and
brand on the whole in the minds of their target
audiences through persuasion and force the public to
behave the same way they would want them to do.
Two-Way Symmetric examples
 Social media enables public relations to observe in
order to find out what people need; what content
they are looking for; and how your company can
help them.
 However, will engaging in online conversations
give an organisation‘s consumers a voice? Past PR
models illustrate how methods of communication
was established and used in the past. However, the
two-way symmetrical model creates the possibility
of two-way communication (dialogue) between
consumer and organisation in which the power
relations are equal. By applying Web 2.0 (social
media) to these models, one can explore new ways
of two-way communication.
Activity 1/ Role Play
45 minutes

Imagine yourself as one of PR’S

Pioneers and create an example
for his PR model.
Press Agentry/ Public Information (IVY Lee).
Publicity (Davie Crockett).
Two-Way Asymmetric (Edward Two-Way Symmetric
L. Bernays) (James E. Grunig)
Thank You
Good Day

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