Personal Project First Draft Supervisor Feedback (Escuela Greenfield)

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Personal Project First Draft

Supervisor Feedback
Developed from the “Personal Project Guide 2021+”

Name of Student:
Grade: 10A

 Has the student used one of the following file type : .doc, .docx, .pdf
(non-editable), .rtf ?
 Has the student respected the page limit : 15 pages ?
LAYOUT  Has the student respected the font size to 11 pts ?
 Did the student used 2 cm margins ?
 Is the report presented in identifiable sections following the MYP
personal project objectives— planning, applying skills, and reflecting ?
Supervisor’s Comments (Layout):

 Has the student uploaded the bibliography separately from the report
and did not include it to the page limit ?
BIBLIOGRAPHY  Has the student used in-text citations? (Throughout the report students
should mention key research, and include quotes).
 Is the bibliography in alphabetical order?
Supervisor’s Comments (Bibliography):

 Did the student include evidence of their final product in the form of 5
pictures within the 15-page limit of the written report?
Pictures of the actual product are included in the 15 page written report and
PRODUCT are not considered as appendices.

Supervisor’s Comments (Evidence of Product):

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 Is all evidence appropriate and able to support the knowledge, processes

EVIDENCE and skills you developed through the project?
AND PROCESS Evidence can be short sections from the students process journal that
JOURNAL exemplify the knowledge, processes and skills they developed through the
project. There are lists if evidence below.
Supervisor’s Comments (Evidence and Process Journal Entries):

 Was the academic integrity form added at the end of the written report?
Supervisor’s Comments (Academic Honesty Form)
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The overall goal for the personal project consists of two interrelated parts: a product and a learning goal.

Criterion A: Planning
“Students present what they did in their project.”
Student Checklist
A. 1 My report should include :
 A statement of my learning goal (s) in which I explain why I wanted to set myself
State a learning goal
this(ese) goal(s) and how it (they) relate(s) to a personal interest of mine.
for the project and
 A description of the personal interest of mine that led to that goal.
explain how a
 An explanation why my learning goal is challenging—in particular, why it is
personal interest let
challenging for me.
to that goal.
Supervisor’s Comments (A1):

My report should include :

A. 2
State an intended  A presentation and description my intended product.
product and develop  An explanation of how I got the idea for the intended product.
appropriate success  An analysis and explanation of how my learning goal relates to my intended
criteria for the product.
product.  A list of appropriate success criteria for my product. (What attributes will make
my product successful)
Supervisor’s Comments (A2):

A. 3 My report should include :

 Reference to the criteria (specifications) to identify the necessary steps or
Present a clear,
actions to complete.
detailed plan for
 An evaluation of the necessary time frame for my project and important
achieving the
milestones to respect.
product and its
 A description of how I organized myself throughout the year to meet my
associated success
deadlines and the related success criteria
Supervisor’s Comments (A3):

 a list and/or diagram of interests and related learning goals

 To-do lists, schedules, planning tables, Gantt chart, work breakdown calendar,
benchmark data, progress notes
Evidence  a list of possible strategies to achieve personal and academic goals
 Research into aspects of quality for the product/outcome, annotated models
 a diagram showing the connections between the learning goal and the product
 a series of steps leading to the completion of the product
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The overall goal for the personal project consists of two interrelated parts: a product and a learning goal.

Criterion B: Applying Skills

Students show how ATL skills contributed to the learning goal and product.
Student Checklist
B. 1 My report should include :
 An outline of the necessary ATL needed to achieve my learning goal.
Explain how the ATL
 A demonstration of the ATL skills I developed through the project in order to
skill(s) was/were
achieve my learning goal.
applied to help
 An outline of the ATL skills that I already had that helped me achieve my
achieve their
learning goal
learning goal.
Supervisor’s Comments (B1):

My report should include :

B. 2
Explain how the ATL  An outline of the necessary ATL needed to achieve my product.
skill(s) was/were  A demonstration of the ATL skills I developed through the project in order to
applied to help achieve my product.
achieve their  An outline the ATL skills that I already had that helped me achieve my
product. product.
Supervisor’s Comments (B2):

 Reflections on interactions with supervisor, peer feedback, social media

interactions, records of negotiation, leadership, active listening, conflict
Evidence resolution or self-advocacy
 First attempts, flops, partial successes, practice logs/notes
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The overall goal for the personal project consists of two interrelated parts: a product and a learning goal.

Criterion C: Reflecting
Students report on why they did their project. When reflecting on the personal project, it is important to
remember that the process can have a positive impact even if the product is not successful.
Student Checklist
My report should include :
 How I have developed as a learner (using the IB learner profile as appropriate)
C. 1  A comment on any opportunities the project gave me to develop ATL skills.
Explain the impact of  A consideration of the impact the project could possibly have on my future
the project on learning.
themselves or their  A discussion of my strengths and weaknesses in completing the project.
learning.  Challenges I entered and how I choose to deal with them.
 Any changes I made to my goal during the project, explaining the changes and
why I made them
Supervisor’s Comments (C1):

My report should include :

C. 2  I evaluate the product/outcome against the criteria I established

Evaluate the product  I identify the possible improvements to the product/outcome.
based on the success  if I made changes to my product during the project, I explain the changes and
criteria. why I made them
 I identify challenges with my product and the solutions I developed to meet
Supervisor’s Comments (C2):

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