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Instruction: Provide hand-written solutions of each question on A4 size bond paper.

1. Find the value(s) of x that satisfy x2 – 3.5x + 1.8 = 0.

2. Find x and y if x + 4y = 8 and 25x + 4y = 1.

3. Differentiate y with respect to x of the equation x+1 .

4. Find the derivative of ln (cos x).

5. Solve for x of the equation 2 ln(x+1) – ln(5x+1) + ln(x–1) = ln(2).

6. Find the first derivative of y = cos4t – sin4t.

7. Solve for x of the equation 6 = 2x.

8. Simplify e3y + ln y.

9. Given the exponential equation, e3.24y = 200, determine y.

10. What is the potential energy, in Joules, of a steel ball with a mass of 1000 kg if dropped
from a height of 100 meters?

11. The mass of a car travelling at 60 km/hr is 1500 kg. Find the kinetic energy of this mass
in Joules.

12. What is the force, in Newton, required to move a car with 1000 kg mass with
acceleration of 12 meters/sec2?

13. What is the distance travelled by a car moving at a speed of 3 miles per hour after the
first 10 minutes?
x =2
x dx
∫ x 2 +1
14. Evaluate a) x =1

b) ∫ (2 x 3−4 x 2+3 √ x)dx

c) ∫ (5 cos 2 x−3 sin 4 x )dx

d) ∫ (x cos3 x)dx

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