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4, DECEMBER 2017


Plain Language to Minimize Cognitive Load: A Social

Justice Perspective
Feature by

Abstract—This tutorial explores ethical implications of cognitive load theory and intersectional theory on technical and
professional communication, and proposes plain language as an ethical imperative to redress social inequities. Key
concepts: When the cognitive load of a learning task is too high and overwhelms working memory, learning is
impaired. The greater stress and mental burden that marginalized populations experience can leave less working
memory available for reading and learning. Using plain language to reduce cognitive load can be considered a political
act that increases marginalized populations’ opportunities to understand. Key lessons: 1. Consider whether
marginalized populations are part of your audience. 2. Using personas to represent those populations, audit their
mental burden to exercise cognitive empathy. 3. Consider reducing cognitive load via plain language an ethical
imperative. Implications for practice: Assessing the presence and absence of specific marginalized groups is iterative
and takes practice, but developing plain-language communications that accommodate these audiences reduces
cognitive load for all readers. And although personas are useful for developing cognitive empathy, nothing replaces user
testing in determining your communication’s effectiveness.

Index Terms—Cognitive load theory, intersectional theory, marginalized populations, mental burden, plain language,
social justice.

This tutorial uses cognitive load theory and they do not understand the documents that
inform them of their rights and responsibilities,
intersectional theory to provide an ethical and she urged her audience to push for simpler,
motivation for using plain language in technical clearer language.
and professional communication. In short, I argue 2. Justice McLachlin of the Supreme Court of
the following. Canada, a fierce advocate for access to justice,
1. Because marginalized populations have more to has said, “If we cannot understand our rights,
worry about, those worries can compound, we have no rights” [2, p. 285].
leading to stress that can overwhelm working 3. Schriver has made the case that clear,
memory and interfere with learning. understandable consumer information is a
2. Doing as much as we can to decrease the logical extension of the historical consumer
cognitive load of our communications—namely, movement for truth in advertising and labeling
by using plain language—helps counter [3].
systemic inequity and is therefore an ethical 4. Hochhauser has studied the language of
imperative. medical consent forms and contends that truly
informed consent is not possible if the language
Others have explored the ethics of using plain is too complex for patients to understand
language from various perspectives. [4], [5].
1. In her TEDx talk, Fisher-Martins [1] argued that 5. In Plain Language and Ethical Action, Willerton
people cannot be active, participatory citizens if describes his BUROC framework, which outlines
the bureaucratic, unfamiliar, rights-oriented, and
critical situations in which he recommends
using plain language for ethical reasons [6].
Manuscript received January 8, 2017; revised August 12, 2017; These and other activists and scholars make
accepted August 12, 2017. Date of current version November compelling arguments for plain language based on
22, 2017.
The author is with the Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser fairness and equality, and although they
University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada (email: acknowledge the inherent power differential
between those with knowledge and those without, I
IEEE 10.1109/TPC.2017.2759639 aim to build upon their work and suggest an

0361-1434  C 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.

See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


Practitioner Takeaway

• To learn, we must process information with our working memory. But if the cognitive load of the learning task is too high, learning is impaired.

• Marginalized populations are likely to have more stress and a higher mental burden, and may have less working memory available for reading
and learning tasks. The problem is compounded for those at intersections of oppression and is self-perpetuating: if difficulty reading leads to
less reading, people have fewer opportunities to form schemas that make reading more efficient.

• Plain language decreases cognitive load of communications, so using it is an overt political act to redress comprehension-related imbalances
resulting from social inequities.

• Deliberately considering the communication needs of marginalized populations provides an added ethical motivation for using plain language.

additional motivation for using plain language—one Critics of using plain language as a way to combat
that explicitly considers, from an educational social inequities may raise concerns that
psychology perspective, how unnecessarily plain-language “rules” impose a standard that
complex communications reinforce social undermines decolonization efforts by homogenizing
marginalization. communication rather than tolerating cultural
differences in vocabulary or narrative structures
This examination of how plain language may help [8]. Plain-language practitioners would offer the
mitigate the effects of social inequities is informed rebuttal that plain language is a process, not an
by the work of scholars such as Jones, who endpoint, and it does not propose a one-size-fits-all
encourages technical communicators to think solution [9], [10]. It explicitly centers the audience:
critically about their opportunities to challenge the Judging whether a communication is plain relies
status quo in favor of social justice and elevate the exclusively on whether the audience received the
voices of systemically marginalized, oppressed, and message effectively, and the linguistic prescriptions
silenced groups. She writes, (real or perceived) of the communicator are
irrelevant. Furthermore, frequent sources of
Technical communicators have the content unnecessarily complex language—corporations,
knowledge, the responsibility, and the power and governments, and academia—are still composed
potential to address issues of social justice and disproportionately of white males [11]–[13], and
equality through their research and pedagogy. [7, some civil rights activists and critical race theorists
p. 349] consider legalese and bureaucratese to be
instruments of white supremacy and social control
Jones suggests several approaches—decolonial,
[14]–[16]. In opposing these instruments, plain
feminist, and participatory—to uncover and amplify
language can be a tool for equality.
the narratives of marginalized groups.

This tutorial considers not what marginalized KEY CONCEPTS

groups think about so much as how much they
have to think about. In the Key Concepts section, I This section presents the theoretical and empirical
use cognitive load theory to show how this mental justification for using plain language as an ethical
burden can interfere with learning and exacerbate imperative to advance social justice. I review the
social inequities for people at intersections of key principles of cognitive load theory, explore the
oppression. I suggest that using plain language mental burden of marginalization, and explain the
may reduce cognitive load and can be a key role of plain language in reducing cognitive load.
strategy that technical communicators can use to
level the playing field. In the Key Lessons section, I Guiding my approach to this topic is an
suggest specific methods to use during audience intersectional framework. According to
analysis to develop cognitive empathy for people intersectional theory, different aspects of social and
from marginalized populations and urge technical cultural identity, such as socioeconomic status,
communicators to see plain language as an ethical health status, race, gender, sexual orientation, and
imperative. In the Implications for Practice section, so on, interact with each other and compound
I acknowledge that applying the key lessons is systems of oppression [17]. Marginalized
iterative and will not replace user testing in populations experiencing oppression have more
determining whether communication has been worries that, collectively, can tax working memory
successful. in a way that impairs learning.

Because cognitive load theory is relatively well

established, for that section I relied on an edited
volume on the topic, featuring contributions from
Sweller, the theory’s developer, and instructional
design authorities Moreno and Mayer [18].

To examine the effect of marginalization on

cognitive performance, I searched the PsycINFO
database and Google Scholar for the following

Fig. 1. Visual representation of cognitive load theory,

(“stigma” OR “prejudice” OR “bigotry” OR “racis∗ ” adapted from Moreno and Park [22, Fig. 1.3]. A learning
OR “poverty” OR “homophobi∗ ”) AND “cogniti∗ ” task consists of intrinsic, extraneous, and germane
cognitive load. If total cognitive load exceeds total
working memory capacity, learning is impaired.
I focused on results discussing the effects of
cognitive performance on the victims of
marginalization (and not on the cognitive states of
the perpetrators of prejudice or bigotry). My aim 2. Extraneous, which is unproductive mental effort
was to find key examples rather than to conduct an caused by poor instructional design
exhaustive search of all forms of oppression. 3. Germane, which is productive mental effort
helpful in creating schemas
For the effect of plain language on cognitive load, I Learning tasks must compete for attention against
searched the Communication and Mass Media distractions, particularly negative distractions,
Complete database, as well as Google Scholar, which occupy or interfere with working memory
using the following terms: [20], [21] (see Fig. 1).

“plain language” AND (“reading performance” OR Our schemas help us to process information more
“cogniti∗ ”) efficiently. For instance, people with low literacy
may have to look at each letter and hold it in
working memory before putting a word together.
Here, I focused on results presenting evidence Their schemas consist of individual letters. Once
about document design and language features that they get more practice, they are able to recognize
improve reading speed and comprehension. whole words or even groups of words. Their
schemas become more complex, and reading
becomes less mentally taxing [19].
Cognitive Load Theory Cognitive load theory
arose out of the field of instructional design, and its
Complex schemas let us automate our information
main principles are as follows [19].
processing in a way that takes advantage of what
1. To learn, we process inputs from our senses in Kahneman calls System 1 thinking, which is fast
our working memory. and intuitive. In contrast, slow, effortful System 2
2. Once we learn something, we store it in our thinking requires deliberate attention and uses
long-term memory as a schema. more glucose. Because we are evolutionarily
3. The capacity of our long-term memory seems to predisposed to conserve glucose, we tend to avoid
be boundless, but our working memory is using System 2 thinking when we do not have to
limited in time and duration: we can hold only [23]. Reading tasks that take more mental
four or five items at a time and for only a few effort—because unnecessarily complex language or
seconds. If working memory is overwhelmed poor instructional design increases extraneous
because the cognitive load of a learning task is cognitive load—engage System 2 thinking and are
too high, learning is impaired. more energy intensive. In contrast, people are more
likely to read written communications that are
Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental effort
plain enough to understand automatically via
that a task requires and is usually classified into
System 1, which will not deplete their energy
one of the following three types, which are additive:
stores. This consideration is especially important
1. Intrinsic, which comes from the difficulty of the for marginalized populations devoting their energy
material itself to securing the basics of survival.

Mental Burden of Marginalization Because information, but that difficulty is more likely to
working memory is limited and can be become entrenched.
overwhelmed, any extraneous mental burden can
interfere with learning [24]. People who are Role of Plain Language in Reducing Cognitive
oppressed—because of racism, perhaps, or Load One way that technical and professional
transphobia, or poverty—have a lot of worries to communicators can help alleviate this mental
occupy their minds. According to intersectional burden is to reduce the cognitive load of the
theory, those oppressions—and the stress and communications that they produce. Authors such
anxiety associated with them—compound: A as Carliner [34] contend that information design
woman of color who has a disability has more to and cognitive load theory should inform technical
worry about than a woman of color who is not communication practice. One could even argue
disabled, who, in turn, has more to worry about that the ultimate goal of plain language is to
than a woman of the dominant culture (white, in minimize the cognitive load of a learning task.
Western societies) who is not disabled [25]. The
stress of this mental burden leaves people with less Early definitions of plain language tended to focus
available working memory to process new on specific heuristics—for example, using active
information when they undertake a learning task voice, using verbs instead of nominalizations, and
such as reading text or graphics. breaking content into smaller chunks [35]. Most of
these plain-language strategies work by decreasing
Mental burden is hard to measure directly, but extraneous cognitive load. In other words, they
some indirect evidence supports this assertion. decrease the distractions that demand unnecessary
mental effort.
1. People who fear persecution for their sexuality
at their workplace may have lower cognitive
Although cognitive load is hard to measure [36],
performance [26].
reading and comprehension speed can serve as a
2. People with disabilities and chronic illness
proxy, because faster performance suggests that
describe having limited mental energy [27], [28].
the reader is using more automatic System 1
3. Individuals in groups facing a negative
thinking rather than effortful System 2 thinking.
stereotype (for example, that women are bad at
math or that African Americans perform poorly
Let us look at the cognitive justifications for
academically) may experience stereotype
common plain-language heuristics.
threat—anxiety about the risk of conforming to
that stereotype—which consumes cognitive
Document Structure:
resources and working memory [29], [30].
4. People in poverty have been found to have lower 1. Give readers important information first, and
cognitive performance than the general tell them only what they need to know.
population [31]. Presenting readers with unessential information
increases cognitive load because they have to
There is no reason to believe that people in poverty,
keep it in their working memory while they
for example, are inherently less intelligent than
evaluate its relevance. In addition, according to
everyone else. Instead, having to worry about where
the serial-position effect, we remember items at
they will find their next meal or how they will pay
the beginning (and end) of series better than
their bills may overwhelm their working memory,
items in the middle [37].
leaving them less “freedom of mind” to learn [32].
2. Give information in chunks. Presenting
information in small, digestible chunks lowers
The problem is self-perpetuating: The harder a
cognitive load by allowing the reader time to
person finds the task of reading, the less likely that
absorb one piece of information before moving
person is to do it. The 2003 National Assessment of
on to the next [38].
Adult Literacy, for example, found that adults with
3. Use headings. Headings signal readers about
low literacy are less likely to read to their children
information to come and direct their attention to
or get their information from printed sources [33].
essential information, decreasing extraneous
The resulting lack of practice means they do not
processing [38].
develop the schemas that they need to make
reading more automatic and less resource
Document Design:
intensive. In other words, not only do marginalized
populations have less available working memory 1. Use easy-to-read typefaces at a readable size.
(because of daily stressors) to process new Type that is too small or hard-to-read typefaces

like script fonts lead to slower reading, 6. Keep subject and verb close together.
suggesting a higher cognitive demand [39]. Interrupting a subject and verb forces the reader
2. Use black ink on a white background. This to hold the subject in working memory during
arrangement is easiest to read and provides the the interruption, increasing cognitive load [45].
high contrast that is especially important for 7. Speak directly to the reader. According to the
people with low vision [39]. personalization principle, learners more actively
3. Use white space and a modular grid. Grids help process material that they feel is directed to
align the content to make it easier to scan and, them personally. In this case, personalization
together with judicious use of white space, help does not reduce extraneous cognitive load.
group content into semantically related Instead, it is believed to increase germane
rhetorical clusters, which reduce the effort cognitive load, which leads to more efficient
readers need to see relationships between schema formation [46].
different elements on a page [3], [39].
There are exceptions to these guidelines in many
4. Use graphics as well as text. Our working
situations, so they should not be applied
memory has separate capacities to process
unthinkingly, but they can be useful as heuristics
visual and verbal material. These dual channels
precisely because, in most situations, their effects
mean that readers can view both types of
of improving reading performance or decreasing
material together without getting overloaded
mental effort are supported by empirical evidence.
Modern definitions of plain language emphasize the
Expression: audience. Success is evaluated based on whether
the communication reaches readers, not by metrics
1. Use verbs rather than their nominalizations. We
like word length and sentence complexity. For
have to mentally translate nominalizations into
example, the International Plain Language
verbs before we can understand them, a process
Federation defined plain language as follows.
that adds to cognitive load [40].
2. Use active rather than passive voice. Because A communication is in plain language if its
we are used to the agent of the action being the wording, structure, and design are so clear that
subject of the sentence, the passive voice adds the intended readers can easily find what they
to cognitive load by increasing the mental effort need, understand what they find, and use that
of identifying who is performing the action [41]. information. [47]
3. Use affirmative rather than negative
constructions. Negative constructions impose Similarly, the Plain Language Action and
additional cognitive load because, again, we Information Network ( defines
essentially mentally translate them to the term as “communication your audience can
affirmative ones before we can understand understand the first time they read or hear it” [48].
them. Evidence suggests that we store schemas
in the affirmative [41], [42]. Implied in these definitions is the assertion that
4. Use simple sentences. Keeping one idea per plain language minimizes extraneous cognitive load
sentence allows readers to process that idea and allows information to be understood through
before moving to the next. Complex sentences System 1 thinking.
with many subordinate clauses and qualifiers
force the reader to hold many items in working This audience-focused definition of plain language
memory. According to Schriver, Cheek, and is also congruent with cognitive load theory,
Mercer, “syntactically complex sentences can especially with the finding that some features that
make good readers look like poor readers, reduce cognitive load for novice learners, such as
slowing down their reading speed” [43, textual explanations on diagrams, can increase
p. 27]. cognitive load for experts (dubbed the expertise
5. Use short, familiar words. Unfamiliar words add reversal effect) because they distract expert readers
to cognitive load because readers must hold with information that they already know [49].
them in working memory and figure out what
they mean before they can process them in
context. They demand effortful thinking. Short
words are faster to interpret and easier to learn This section explores the implications of
compared with longer words that mean the considering cognitive load theory together with
same thing [44]. intersectionality and suggests concrete steps to

take to begin seeing technical and professional This false assumption that the inability to speak
communication tasks through the lens of mental intelligibly signals an inability to learn and make
burden. decisions about technology use may be one
reason why technology developers do not involve
Deliberately Consider Whether Marginalized people with neurodevelopmental disabilities as
Populations Make Up Part of Your Audience participants in the design of assistive
Audience analysis is a key to effective technical technologies . . . . Technical communicators can
communication [50], but it assumes that you have bridge the divide between the knowledge-bases of
a good understanding of who comprises that the sciences and the humanities to facilitate
audience. Because marginalized populations often productive dialogue between technology
are not represented in mainstream media, it is easy developers and autistic users. [59]
to forget that they may make up a sizeable part of
your readership. For instance, Using Personas to Represent People From Those
Populations, Audit Their Mental Burden to
1. 32.9% of Americans belong to a racial or ethnic
Exercise Cognitive Empathy Multidimensional
minority [51].
audience analysis involves considering your
2. 19% of Americans identify as having a disability
audience’s knowledge, desire for detail, and
physical and cognitive ability, including reading
3. 18.5% experience mental illness in any given
ability, education level, and physical and mental
year [53].
limitations [60]. Cognitive load theory and
4. 13.5% live in poverty [54].
intersectionality together suggest that a person’s
5. 3.4% belong to a sexual minority group [55].
cognitive ability is also affected by how much they
If your communications are meant for an ill-defined have on their mind, leaving less working memory
“general public,” chances are high that available for learning.
marginalized populations will be among your
readers. Personas are fictional representations of certain
members of your audience. User experience
To ensure that you capture them in your audience designers use personas to better understand their
analysis, make a conscious effort to consider who users’ goals, values, and limitations [61]. Imagining
might be missing from it. As an example, Smith how a persona would interact with and read the
rhetorically analyzed obstetric websites to see who document you create helps you empathize with
did and did not make up the content’s presumed them.
audience (a process she called “presence and
absence analysis”) and found that most websites When using a persona, especially one from a
included information for expectant mothers but not marginalized or underrepresented group, be
expectant fathers [56]. Health practitioners and deliberate in assessing what their mental burden
researchers using a questionnaire to assess mental might be. What do they have to worry about that
capacity made for the dominant population members of the dominant group do not?
discovered that it was problematic, clinically and
culturally, when used to evaluate elders of For instance, what might a single father with a
Indigenous cultures [57]. This realization spurred a chronic illness have to worry about? And could any
research and education program dedicated to of your readers be self-described “spoonies”—
including Indigenous people to create health people with (often invisible) chronic pain or illness
communications that respect their culture and that saps their energy (measured in metaphorical
meet their unique health needs [58]. spoons) for day-to-day activities [62]? If so, what is
the state of their mental exhaustion, and what are
Also bear in mind that marginalized groups are their information needs when they are interacting
diverse and that you may be accounting for their with your document?
more vocal or visible representatives but not those
who are less likely to advocate for themselves. For Consider the mental burden of your persona in the
example, in creating a communication for the situations where they would use your document:
autistic community, you might find yourself Are they stressed or anxious? Distracted? Tired?
focusing on the needs of its verbal members but But also consider how their daily experiences,
possibly neglecting its nonverbal representatives or particularly if they are marginalized, shape how
their caregivers. Elmore notes that this prejudice receptive they are to the information you are trying
represents a missed opportunity. to convey.

Personas are only one way to exercise cognitive do you know which groups you are missing?
empathy, which is a skill that can be practiced and Certain groups may be underrepresented
improved [63]. specifically because they are marginalized and have
no voice, and they are not captured in demographic
Considering the effect of marginalization and stress data that you collect about your existing audience.
on a persona’s capacity to absorb new information Just as retailers would not know how much
through reading can shed light on the many ways business they are missing from wheelchair users
that complex communications reinforce those until they make their stores wheelchair accessible,
disadvantages. It provides an added motivation to technical communicators may have trouble
use plain language for social justice—one rooted knowing what potential readers they are missing
not just in the ethic of fairness and equality, but until they make their communications fully
one based on the fundamental way that the human inclusive. Approach presence and absence analysis
mind works. as an iterative process rather than a one-time task.
The analysis may reveal an audience you did not
Consider Reducing Cognitive Load via Plain realize that you had, and adjusting content or
Language as an Ethical Imperative Oppression presentation to meet that previously hidden
manifests as an inequality in mental burden—an audience’s needs may be warranted.
inequality that can become entrenched, by virtue of
the way we form schemas over time by practice. Seeing plain language as an ethical imperative
Redressing this imbalance calls for active helps the general population as well: high mental
intervention to reduce the cognitive load of a burden is not a problem restricted to people in
learning task as much as possible, especially if marginalized groups. High-stress situations that
marginalized groups with heavy mental burdens demand quick decision making and high-
are part of your audience. distraction environments also impose mental
burdens that can interfere with working memory
Applying plain-language principles is an evidence- and information processing [65]. Just as inclusive
based way to reduce cognitive load. Minimizing design for people with disabilities led to innovations
cognitive load increases the likelihood that people that serve everyone—for example, curb cuts for
with heavy mental burdens will read and wheelchair users also help people with strollers or
understand the communication. From a social rolling luggage [66]—applying plain-language
justice perspective, using plain language is not techniques to alleviate cognitive load, especially
merely good business, saving money and extraneous cognitive load, will benefit dominant as
increasing customer cooperation [64]; it is an well as marginalized groups.
overtly political act, countering the inequalities
stemming from oppression. Finally, as with any guidelines or heuristics in
plain language and technical communication, the
Use plain language as a matter of course when techniques and the social justice perspective of
members of your audience come from marginalized plain language presented here cannot replace user
groups. And to widen your impact, advocate for testing. The only way to ensure success in using
plain language with clients, employers, and project plain language to empower marginalized groups is
managers. to test your communication with those groups.
Once you have identified that they are a part of
your audience, consult them when you plan and
create your communications. Involving users from
Assessing your audience for the presence and the outset or cocreating communications with them
absence of specific groups is an important first step increases the likelihood that they will use those
to building cognitive empathy for marginalized communications and apply what they learn from
groups, but it comes with a major challenge: how them [67], [68].

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Iva W. Cheung received the M.Sc. degree from the University of

British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, in 2004, and the
M.Pub. degree in 2005 from Simon Fraser University, Burnaby,
BC, Canada, where she is working toward the Ph.D. degree in
the Faculty of Health Sciences. She studies health literacy,
accessibility, and knowledge translation in mental health and
continues to work as a plain-language editor and trainer.

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