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The differences of current account and time deposit

a. Current accounts customers will receive demand deposits, checks, other
withdrawal orders determined by each bank as a means of withdrawing
money that can be made by other people. This demand deposit and check can
be used by the customer as a means of payment, then the recipient will cash it
to the bank concerned. A monthly administration fee will be charged to
current account customers. Meanwhile, deposit customers will not get an
ATM card, check and bilyet giro, but will get a checking certificate that can
be used to disburse deposits when due.
b. Customers with certain time deposits with maturities of 1, 3, 6 and 12
months. So that time deposit customers cannot withdraw funds at any time,
like current account customers. Withdrawal of deposits before the maturity
date of the agreement will be charged according to bank policy. The
advantage of time deposits is that you will not be subject to monthly taxes on
deposits, but only tax on deposit interest.
c. The interest paid on time deposits is higher than current accounts. So that you
can use these deposits as a means of investment.
d. Current accounts can be an easy means of payment or transfer of certain
transactions by using or making giro and checks as means of payment to
other people. Then that person can cash the check and bilyet giro at the bank
concerned. However, deposits and deposits cannot be used as any means or
means of payment.
e. Customer deposits must add or change the time deposit agreement, when the
due date has arrived. Currently, most banks are able to add deposits
2. One example of
a. state-owned enterprise bank
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. or commonly known as BTN
is a limited liability company engaged in providing banking services. This
bank is an Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise which was first established in
1987. At that time the bank was still called Postspaar Bank which was
located in Batavia. Then Japan froze the bank's activities and changed its
name to Chokin Kyoku. The Indonesian government took over and changed
its name back to Bank Tabungan Pos in accordance with Emergency Law
Number 9 of 1950. Several years later, to be precise in 1963, this bank again
changed its name to Bank Tabungan Negara or commonly known as BTN.
Five years after that, this bank changed its status to become a state-owned
bank through Law Number 20 of 1964. In 1974 BTN offered a special
service called KPR or home ownership credit. This service was devoted to
BTN by the Ministry of Finance with the issuance of a letter on January 29,
1974. This service was first performed on December 10, 1976. Furthermore,
in 1989 BTN also operated as a commercial bank and began issuing bonds.
In 1992 the legal status of BTN changed to a limited liability company
(Persero). In addition, two years later, in 1994, BTN also had a license as a
Foreign Exchange Bank. The advantages of BTN were seen in 2002, which
placed BTN as a commercial bank with a focus on loans without subsidies
for housing. This is evidenced by the issuance of a letter from the Minister
for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) dated August 21, 2002.
In 2003 BTN carried out a company restructuring. The comprehensive
restructuring of the company has been written in the RJP approval based on
the letter of the Minister of BUMN dated March 31, 2003 and the Decree of
the Board of Directors of Bank BTN dated December 3, 2004. Asset Backed
(KIK Eba) at Bapepam. Bank BTN is the first bank in Indonesia to
successfully do this. Subsequently, in 2009, BTN carried out the initial listing
and listing of transactions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
b. Private bank
- National private bank
Bank Mega
Bank Mega (PT. Bank Karman) is an Indonesian company founded in
1969, is engaged in banking financial services and is in the form of a
limited liability company. This bank is based in Jakarta and is part of the
CT Corp.Starting as a family owned business, PT. Mega Bank was
originally domiciled in Surabaya. Along with the development of PT.
Mega Bank in 1996 was taken over by PARA GROUP (PT. Para Global
Investindo and PT. Para Rekan Investama).
In June 1997, PT. Mega Bank made a logo change with the aim that as
a public trust financial institution, it would be more easily recognized
through the new company logo. And in 2000 the name changed from PT.
Mega Bank became PT. Bank Mega. To strengthen the capital structure,
in the same year PT. Bank Mega carries out an Initial Public Offering and
is listed on the JSE and BES. Thus part of the shares of PT. Bank Mega is
owned by the public and changed its name to PT. Bank Mega Tbk. Bank
Mega emerged as one of the banks that was not affected by the crisis and
continued to grow without government assistance together with Citibank,
Deutche Bank and HSBC when the world experienced an economic
With its motto, "Your Mega Goal", this bank is growing rapidly and
under control and has become a well-known financial institution that is
able to be aligned with leading banks in Asia Pacific and has received
various awards and achievements both at the national, regional and
international levels. PT. Bank Mega Tbk. adhering to the principles of
professionalism, openness and prudence with a strong capital structure
and the latest banking products and facilities. This bank believes that the
management of Bank Mega believes that the success of the organization
really depends on how strong the entire staff is based on the vision,
mission and ideal values that grow from within the organization. The
values that have been proven time and time again sustain the performance
and present works that can be shared by the stakeholders. Their vision is
to be the 'Pride of the Nation' with a mission to create sustainable good
relationships with customers through financial services and the best
organizational performance capabilities to increase shareholder value.
- Foreign privat bank
Citibank is a giant bank company that was founded on June 16, 1812
as the City Bank of New York in the United States. This bank operates
under Citigroup which is the third largest bank in the US after Bank of
America and JPMorgan Chase. Citibank has retail banking operations in
more than 160 countries with territories around the world. Apart from
standard banking transactions, Citibank offers insurance, credit cards and
investment products. The company's online services division is one of the
most successful online services with 15 million users.
When it was first established, the company was headed by a statesman
and retired Colonel, Samuel Osgood. Under the ownership of Musa
Taylor, the company functions to manage Musa Taylor's company itself.
In 1863, the bank merged with the new US banking system and
became The National City Bank of New York. By 1868, this bank was
already one of the largest banks in the United States, and in 1897, became
the first US bank to set up a foreign department. National City became
the first US national bank to open an offshore banking office with a
branch in Buenos Aires, Argentina which opened in 1914.
During the 2008-2009 financial crisis, Citibank suffered heavy losses.
This bank was later rescued by the US Government which had made a
deal with Citigroup. On November 23, 2008, an initial $ 25 billion in aid
was invested by the government in this bank with a risk asset guarantee
of $ 306 billion. However, now, Citibank has been freed from these

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