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Speaking and listening – Elementary to Intermediate

Let’s talk about SCHOOL

Conversation cards

What school do you go to? What’s your favourite What time do you get up on
Where is it? subject? a school day?
How do you get there? Why do you like it? Who wakes you up?

What time does school Is your school far from your What time do you go to bed
start? When does it finish? home? How long does it take on the eve of a school day?
Are there any breaks? you to get to school? Do you ever stay up late?

Where is your school How many students are What classes don’t you like?
located? there in your school? Why not?
Is it easy to get there? How many in your class?

Have you ever been late for What do you do during Where do you have lunch?
class? If so, why? breaks? What do you usually eat for
Was the teacher angry? Talk about it. lunch?

Have you ever fallen asleep Have you ever been What subjects are you good
in class? punished at school? Why? at? What subjects are
If so, why? Explain. What was the punishment? difficult for you?

Do you ever skip class? Give examples of school rules. What do you like best about
If so, what do you do? Have you ever broken any? your school?
(e.g. you must wear a uniform; you
mustn’t eat in the classroom)

Interview a friend (or do it for yourself)
Do you like English? don’t don’t
1 Yes, I love it. love
mind like hate
Do you like exams?
3 No, I hate them.

4 exams
Match Geography
desk History
laboratory holidays
school bus homework
teacher Maths
whiteboard PE (sports)

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