Ready For FCE Workbook - Roy Norris

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High energy Qa B_ Gerunds and infinitives Complete each of the following spaces with either the gerund or the infinitive of the word in brackets. 1 don't mind (look) after the neighbour's cat for a week, but I refuse (have) it here in the house. 2 At first I was really keen on the idea of (learn) (speak) ahili, but now I'm beginning __ — (think) it's a bit of a waste of time. 3 There appeared (be) no one in the house. Pickering considered _ (climb) through one of the open windows but if he did this, he risked ____{attract) the attention of the neighbours. He decided (wait) until it was dark. 4 Please stop (make) so much noise. I'm trying (concentrate). 5 Treally don't feel like (go) out tonight. I'd prefer (stay) in and watch a video. 6 (give) up chocolate is a good idea, but if you intend (ose) ten kilos in three months you'll have to do a lot more than that! 7 I'm delighted (hear) you're coming to the wedding. Rachel and I are certainly both looking forward to (see) you again. 8 I've been meaning (paint) the front door for ages, but I keep - (forget)________ (buy) the paint. 9 We'd really like (live) in the city centre but it's virtually impossible (find) a three-bedroomed flat at a price we can afford (pay) 10 I left school when I was 16 (work) in my father’s firm, but now I regret not (go) to university Use of English Open cloze: Prepositions Complete each of the following spaces with a suitable preposition. The first one has been done for you (0). Heavy musicians Ive never been particularly fond (0) _of _ heavy metal mt fan, He used to go and s , but my dad’s a real groups play (1) concert all the time when he was a teenager, and when he found out that one of his favourite live bands, ‘Black Purple’, was going (2) __ tour again, he just had to get tickets. He told me the lead vocalist was famous (3) __ being a bit crazy and that he used to jump off the stage (4) _____ the audience. I knew they'd had a few records (5) the charts (6) ____ the seventies, and the two or three tracks I'd heard (7) ___ the radio didn’t sound too bad, so when my dad asked me to go with him I agreed. When they came (8)____ stage T began to realize I'd made a big mistake. All the members of the band were (9) __ least 60 years old, they all looked really (10) of condition and they produced some of the worst sounds I've ever heard. The guitarists were either extremely untalented or their instruments just weren’t (11) ____ tune, The drummer looked completely uninterested (12) __ everything and seemed to be playing the same beat over and over again. And as for the lead vocalist, he was quite good (13) couldn't sing. I got fed up (14) ___it all after about three songs and wanted to go home, but my dad made me stay (15)____the end, jumping up and down, but he certainly 13 ED High energy 14 Transformations Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). © Rita, could I borrow your dictionary? mind Rita, would y ‘me your dictionary? ue mind lendiny 1 Its impossible for me not to laugh when he starts singing help Tcan't___ _ when he starts singing. 2 I'm going to start playing golf this year take T'm going ee 3. I don't like playing football very much. keen I playing football. 4 [hate it when I'm ill. stand Tot. 5 Andrea doesn't usually arrive late. unusual this year. It ____ arrive late. 6 Do you know where they're going to hold the Olympic Games in 2008? pli Do you know where the Olympic Games are going a in 2008? 7 I can't play tennis very well good I playing tennis. Word formation Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space. The word you need may be an adjective, an adverb, a noun or the past tense of a verb, All of the words require a prefix. 1 Most of what you've written in your composition has nothing to do with the question and is therefore RELEVANT 2 There was some ___ about who should be team captain, AGREE 3 You obviously when I set the homework. You've UNDERSTAND done the wrong exercise, 4 He claimed he had won the lottery, though most people who knew him suspected he had obtained the money : HONEST 5 Derek is so __.. You can never trust him to arrive on RELY time for anything. 6 His childish and __ behaviour often gets him into MATURE trouble at school, 7 1 keep telling you you're too tight for you now! 8 The potatoes are __; you should have boiled cook them for a bit longer 9 The parent: those trousers are far WEIGH who had left the two young children alone in the house, were accused of behaving RESPONSIBLE 10 He always asks me what I think he should do. He seems __ of making his own decisions. CAPABLE, €- change for the better? Multiple matching 1 You are going to read a magazine article in which people are interviewed about technology. Read through the six texts quite quickly and decide: a which of the people speak positively about technology. b which of them have a more negative opinion. > 18 Barbara WALZ //_ technology and you ///////i Like it or not, technology is a fact of life. But what do you think of it all? June Avery asked some of our readers. Angela My mother bought me a microwave oven recently. | couldn't believe it—like me, she was never very keen on modern technology and there she was, buying me a microwave. Ilive on my own ina one-bedroomed tlat and it just about fits into the cosner of my tiny kitchen. | have to admit, i's extremely handy, particularly as I don’t have a creat deal of time to cook when I get home from work. | virtually depend on it now, rst of all, of course, we got a PC, partly because its so useful for work, but also, | suppose, because everyone else seemed to have one. That \was fine for a couple of years, but then the kids ‘00k it over with their computer games, so we got ourselves a laptop for our own exclusive use. It dogsn't take up much room, and being portable we can use it in any part of the house. After that, ‘we just couldn't help ourselves every time a new piece of technology came out; a palm top or personal organizer, a digital video camera, a video mobile phone ~ we just had to have it. And the more things we buy, of course, the more we want. Carol Our house is full of all the latest gadgets. In the kitchen alone we've got an electric carving k: yoghurt maker, an automatic potato peeler, a bread making machine and a device for taking the stones out of peaches without cutting them open. As far as I'm concerned, though, they're a waste of time, They're always going wrong and my husband keeps having to mend them. | think ‘they're more trouble than they're worth but he seems to think we couldn't get by without them. a D E F Dorothy Like most people we have our fair share appliances. | couldn't imagine living without a freezer or a washing machine; and who hasn't got a cooker or a fridge nowadays? | know people had to cope without these things 40 or 50 years 190, but the world was a different place then, wasn't it? Everything's so much faster now, and in some families men and women work just as many hours as each other away from home. We couldn't do that and bring up children without the support of all these labour-saving devices. Elsie We're a bit too old for all this technology. A friend | of ours says we should be on the Internet but | can't see why, and to be honest I'd be too scared ‘10 use it Its all too fast for me. In the old days | everything used to be so much more simple and people seemed to spend a lot more time chatting to each other. Florence al The internet has revolutionised people's lives, and | we're no exception. We use it for everything, especially shopping. Its so much more convenient than actually going to the shops. Of course, you don't get the same personal treatment, but now that most people go to ‘supermarkets and these large shopping centres, | really don't think you get much of that anyway nowadays. Of course, there are some things we pop out to buy such as bread or milk, but generally, once a month we make an order from the nearest hypermarket via the Internet and no more than a couple of hours later it's all packed away in the fridge or the freezer. A change for the better? QE For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-F). The people may be chosen more than once, When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order. There is an example at the beginning (0). Which of the people A-F was surprised by another person's actions? often has problems with machines? it | finds it impossible to resist buying the latest technology? 2 is frightened of some of the new technology? 3] doesn't feel she is any different from other people? GI likes the speed with which things can be done? iL) [el feels that technology is important in the modern-day family? [7] doesn't agree with someone else in the family? ci has changed her way of thinking? fT) doesn't like the fact that people talk to each other less now? [10 ‘wanted to be the same as other people? 11 doesn't have much room for domestic appliances? 12| says that the way we live has changed? 13) 14] (15) Each of the following extracts from the reading texts contains a phrasal verb. Match each verb to an equivalent word or explanation. Barbara 1 then the kids took it over with their computer games a occupy 2 It doesn't take up much room b raise; care for a child 3 every time a new piece of technology came out until it is an adult ¢ be sold to the public Carol for the first time 4 he seems to think we couldn't get by without d manage to survive them, or live € get control of (from Dorothy somebody else) 5 We couldn't do that and bring up children ... Complete each of the following spaces with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs from exercise 3. 1 We had to sell the car last year and we're finding it difficult to without it. 2 Anew computer magazine called Log On away a free computer game with the first copy. last month; they gave 3. We're going to get some new speakers for this music centre; these ones too much space. 4 My parents me _____ to tell the truth and I'm they did 5 When our daughter left home, my husband her bedroom and converted it into an office. rateful that 19

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