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NAME:__________________________________ CR., YR. & SEC.:___________________

LESSON NO. & TITLE: _______________________________________________________
DATE: ___________________________________ SCORE:________

1) What are the similarities and differences found in figure 1 and figure
2 (p. 2)?
(5 points)
Knowledge is information of which someone is aware. Knowledge is also
used to mean the confident understanding of a subject, potentially with
the ability to use it for a specific purpose. Wisdom is the ability to make
correct judgments and decisions. It is an intangible quality gained
through our experiences in life.

2) What are your thoughts/ideas about Western concept of Humanities? (refer to slides
A-E, p. 3) (10 points)
Integrated learning in humanities and western civilization fosters
broad cultural understanding by exploring the connections among
diverse areas of knowledge. Studying humanities and western
civilization allows students to examine key issues relating to human
experiences and the human condition from a variety of perspectives,
including philosophy, history, religion, literature, art, and language.
Such study provides excellent preparation for 21st century careers by
preparing students to take part in the world around them, equipping
them for success in many fields, including business, medicine, law,
marketing, sales, and social services.

3) What are your thoughts/ideas about Filipino concept of Humanities? (refer to slides
1-7). Explain this saying - “Madaling maging tao mahirap magpakatao. (10 points)

There is a famous Filipino saying that says, “Madaling maging tao pero mahirap
magpakatao”. It is indeed easy to be human but we have difficulties acting as one.
Sometimes it is hard to be what we are ought to be as human beings.

4) Write something about your personal experiences with your self-discovery (interests,
hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, favorite activities, activities you dislike most, etc).
(10 points)
While talking about your hobby, make sure that you keep it short and concise. For
instance, your hobby is reading, after mentioning the same, add any recent book you
have read or how you got interested in reading by putting a backstory to it. This will
spark the interviewer's interest in your profile.

5) Choose and take a photo/documentation of at least one Filipino arts and crafts found
in your immediate environment (inside your house, internet or within the community)
and describe it. Use these questions as your guide: What is it? Who made it? When?
Where? How much? t? Who made it? When? Where? How much? (5 points)
Traditional arts like weaving, metal smith, pottery, woodcarving and gold smith are
famous all over the country and are valued both by the locals and tourists. The
valuable ornate carvings are a specialty in the southern Philippine Islands.
6) What Filipino world view and characteristics are express in that art or craft?
(5 points)
7) Review your answer for question number six and describe the personal
meaning/symbol of the art or the craft that you have chosen? How about its cultural/
historical/ social significance to the community? (10 points)
Traditional arts like weaving, metal smith, pottery, woodcarving and gold smith are
famous all over the country and are valued both by the locals and tourists. The
valuable ornate carvings are a specialty in the southern Philippine Islands.

8) What are the possible challenges/problems related to this art/craft? How about the
possible challenges’ artists have experience in this modern time? (10 points)
One of the biggest challenges an artist can face is managing their cash flow. This
can be difficult, as income can be sporadic and unpredictable. Artists may have months where
they are swamped and make a lot of money but then have lean months where they make very

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