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1. Why is this important?
- Time management has many benefits to our professional life and overall work-life
balance. Time management is important because it helps us keep our workday under
control, allowing us to build our business without sacrificing our personal life. Good time
management skills take time to develop and put into practice. But as we learn to
manage time, we will notice the days take less effort to achieve the same results. You
will save time on tasks, maintain better energy and productivity levels, and experience
less stress as you work through your to-do list.
2. Will there be disadvantages to this?
- One of the main disadvantages of using time management is that you must allow part
of your time in making up a plan to follow. If those plans get sidetracked you feel
pressure to get back on the timetable that you have set out to accomplish, thus cutting
into other plans. Also being on a schedule you tend to leave the people around you are
feeling slightly tense because they do not know how much time you have allotted for
3. Why would people benefit from this?
- Time management can be very useful in a student's hectic schedule. It ensures that
students are well prepared, organized, and focused to manage their daily lives and
complete academic assignments on time. It can lead to improved success; however,
this is a skill that students must learn and practice.
4. Why would we need this?
- If you manage your time properly, then it can reduce your stress level and increase
your confidence. With proper time management, you can do all your difficult work very
easily. You can also be more productive with the time you have. And you will be able to
spend some time doing activities that you like.
5. How will this affect them in school?
- Managing time effectively enables students to become more confident, and organized,
and learn more efficiently. Effective time management skills are particularly essential for
high school students, as they must deal with more subjects, tests, assignments, and

6. Is this easy to learn? If so how come?

- We plan to create a system that is easy to learn and apply to a student’s daily life, for
us students we would want to experience better time management for us to apply our
energy to things a normal teenager would invest their time on.
7. Will this be hard for students to adapt to?
- Of course, change will be hard for those who have a close-minded mindset but really
this field we are to tackle will be easy and efficient. You will start to notice you are doing
better than you ever were.
8. What are the pros and cons of this?
 Advantage: You do activities in less time, it drives you away from distractions, it
helps you to focus on certain activities, you can spend your leisure time more
after you do some activities, and it reduces stress.
 Disadvantage: If you are having bad time management, like if your schedule is
not organized it may cause you to cram, which increases stress (because of
cramming), You are not able to finish your schedule or activities in time, you
spend to finish your activities more than your leisure time. You lose focus on
what you are doing.
9. Is this necessary in a student’s life?
- Having good time etiquette, managing skills, and a proper lifestyle are the skills a
normal achieving human would need so it would be very necessary, when we're lacking
good time management skills, we are more likely to miss project deadlines. Produce
low-quality work.
10. What is your study all about?
- The impact of time management and how it lowers stress among students at SMHS
are being studied in this study. The potential consequences of time management on
SMHS students and how it significantly affects the student’s performance is of interest
to us. Additionally, since many people think time management is pointless, we aim to
demonstrate why it is crucial for students.
11. What is your motivation for conducting this study?
- To help students manage their time properly, we want to better understand how it may
affect their level of stress. This is why we are conducting this study.
12. Why did you choose this particular title for your research?
- We chose ‘Time Management and its Effect on reducing stress among Grade 10
Students in SMHS’ as our title due to the sole reason that we want to investigate the
relationship between time management and the stress factors of a student when time
management is not used.

13. What is the scope of your study?

- Those from SMHS who make use of time management and those who don't will be
interviewed by the researchers to gather data. This study focuses only on how time
management affects students' academic achievement. Students from SMHS who are
willing to take part in this study will be gathered by the researcher. This study aims to
distinguish between the definite benefits and drawbacks associated with the absence of
time management. The association between a student's academic achievement and
time management will also be defined by this study. Participants in the study mentioned
above must be SMHS students.
14. What were you trying to understand with this research?
- Through this research, we want to comprehend the psychology of or how people
approach difficult problems to effectively solve or manage them.
15. Who will benefit the most from your research?
- Aside from students of SMHS, our research can also greatly benefit office workers,
leaders, or anyone in general as everyone needs time management.

17. Why is your study significant?

- Through our study ‘Time Management and its Effect on reducing stress among Grade
10 Students in SMHS,’ students with little to no time management will be able to
determine the effects of this. They will be advised on how to use their time wisely and
efficiently. The academic performance of the pupils will be improved, and stress levels
will decrease.
18. What are the dependent and independent variables in your research?
- In our study, the independent variable is procrastination while the independent variable
is the student’s academic performance. Procrastination is related to the student’s
academic performance. Procrastination is an act almost done by many. This comes in
the form of delaying homework or not studying early for an upcoming exam, it is
common since most of us do this. Procrastination and performance are highly
connected to each other and have many negative effects since when you procrastinate
you often forget your deadlines thus making you unpunctual resulting in you cramming a
day before the deadline, in return this makes your work not that good resulting in poor
grades and sleep.

19. What is the strongest point in your research?

- To help kids and students comprehend what they are going through and discover a
better method to cure it, as well as to reduce the tension and overwhelming feeling
students often have while trying to go through school.

23. What are the common time management strategies used by grade 10 students in
- One of the most common time management strategies used by students is scheduling
what to do first by its due date and organizing all the tasks they need to do in a week or
a day and so far, I've seen our students use the notes app, journaling their daily life or
planning it online, and even writing their schedule on pen and paper.
24. How does time management affect the stress levels of grade 10 students in SMHS?
- It affects them a great deal since stress can be far too overwhelming for our
developing minds, with our system they would find a way to relieve this so-called stress
25. What are the most stressful activities or tasks for grade 10 students in SMHS?
- As a grade 10 student in Sumulong Memorial high school it would be in long-term
activities, activities such as roleplays and musical plays, these are activities that take
time and effort and are very time-consuming considering we would have to be on
campus from 7 am to 5 pm so time-consuming activities.
26. How do grade 10 students in SMHS prioritize their tasks when managing their time?
- We have this system called urgent and important and urgent but not important, it
started as a joke, but we are slowly growing into it and prioritizing the important
27. How can effective time management help grade 10 students in SMHS reduce

- This can reduce stress because how it can relieve the thought of always worrying
about what to do next and getting overwhelmed by the tasks and activities given

28. How do grade 10 students in SMHS balance their academic workload with
extracurricular activities and other commitments?
- They learn to discipline themselves and teach themselves how to schedule their tasks.
30. How can parents and teachers support grade 10 students in SMHS to manage their
time better and reduce stress?
- They can host programs and lead by example on how to manage their time, by being a
better sport to their child, helping them in any way they can by providing them with the
knowledge or needs a growing child would need.
31. How do grade 10 students in SMHS perceive the importance of time management in
their academic and personal lives?
- Think of it as a fresh start, or starting something new, it is a great start for organizing
your time and finishing the activities given to every one of us.

33. Let's say you are a working student how will you find the time to apply your research
to yourself?
- By trying to learn and understand how discipline works and by learning how to make
small sacrifices just to get by and understanding time.
34. How will you know if even you don't know if you're overworked?
- I am sure that everyone has at least 2 minutes which is enough time to reflect and see
the bigger picture, it is also enough time to breathe and realize just how tired and
overworked one is
35. Who will your respondents be?
- The Grade 10 students of Sumulong Memorial Highschool
36. Will the students have issues with them being your case of study?
- As our title is already eye and ear-catching they will be curious to know how much we
know them and how we can help them.

FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS: Our research aims to be accessible to everyone, basically

saying we plan to have no cost to be able to have good time management skills.
BUDGET: Below 100-200 (hopefully)
SITE WE’D BE USING FOR STATISTICS: google forms (no cost)

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