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S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: Christian Dave Nuñez

Year Level/Block: 1BSA4-ABM

"Five Portraits of Christ from the Early Church" by Karen Jo Torjesen is an article that explores how
Christ was represented in the early Christian Church. The paper identifies five distinct portraits of Christ
that emerged during this time, each with its theological implications and cultural context.

The "Five Portraits of Christ from the Early Church" by Karen Jo Torjesen are:

1. The Cosmic Christ - This portrait of Christ is depicted as the embodiment of the divine Logos or
Word of God. Cosmic Christ is the force that holds the universe together.

2. The Suffering Christ - This image of Christ emphasizes his humanity and willingness to
suffer for humanity's salvation. The Suffering Christ is a central figure in the theology of
the early Church.

3. The Victorious Christ - This image of Christ is closely associated with the resurrection
and is depicted as the conqueror of death and the ruler of the universe.
4. The Teacher Christ - This image of Christ is depicted as the wise and compassionate
teacher who imparts divine wisdom to his followers. The Teacher Christ was particularly
influential in the early Christian monastic tradition.

5. The Mystical Christ - This image of Christ emphasizes the spiritual journey and the
possibility of union with the divine. The Mystical Christ is depicted as the embodiment of
the divine presence within the human soul.

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